Программа дисциплины Английский язык для Авторы программы

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Тематика заданий для текущего контроля
Контрольная работа 1

Цель - Проверка лексико-грамматических навыков, умений чтения и письма (1 модуль, 7 неделя)
Лексико-грамматический тест (45 минут, 50 пунктов заданий)

Open the brackets using the correct forms and word order

  1. They________(climb) Everest twice before and they______ (want) to do it again.

  2. ______you ever _______(ride) on a camel?

  3. How many books _______ Tolstoy_______(write)?

  4. He _____just (announce) ________________ another attempt to reach the North Pole.

  5. She_________(raise) money for charity last year by crossing the desert.

  6. He___(never live) _________abroad. He_________ (wonder) what it’s like.

  7. How many exams _______you _______(have) so far this month?

  8. I ____ (visit)______ so many countries in my life that I can’t remember them all.

  9. I____(try) to call you for hours! Where you________(be)?

  10. She______(study) ___________________English since she______(leave) school.

  11. We______(prepare)_______________3 boxes and they are all ready to be sent.

  12. How long ______we_____________________(drive) now?

  13. She’s out of breath. She_____(run)_____________.

  14. It’s all arranged. We________(meet) _______________at 2 p.m. by the market square.

  15. I don’t think I_________(do) anything next Monday.

  16. I haven’t made up my mind yet but I _______ probably (go)___ to the lesson tonight.

  17. They love each other, it’s evident. They __________________________(get) married.

  18. If we_______________ (advertise) more, we’d sell more.

  19. Could you do it if I__________ (ask) you?

  20. _______we (go) to the beach if the weather_________ (be) fine tomorrow?

  21. If I _____(know)____________ it before, I________________ (buy) a present for her.

  22. Most people want _______(live) in the centre.

  23. My Dad taught me _________(drive) a car.

  24. They suggested_________ (take) a taxi.

  25. I don’t fancy________ (visit) a museum.

  26. I’d rather________(go) to the Zoo.

  27. I stopped____________(see) what had happened.

  28. What ____you (do) _________from 5 to 8 p.m. yesterday?

  29. He_____________(sleep) when we came home after the party.

  30. Tell me when you__________ (behave) as an adult?

Vocabulary: Put the words in the correct order to make expressions

31. On the … cold one hand it’s

32. On the … beautiful it’s other hand

33. There are … for arguments against and

34. Another … is that expensive disadvantage it’s

35. I’m you asked that me glad
Complete the words with a prefix (out, bi, anti, over, re, under, dis, mis, mono, ex-)
36. ___social 41. ___shadowed

37. ___cycle 42. ___define

38. ___comfort 43. ___perform

39. ___understand 44. ___president

40 ___rail 45___rated
Complete the gap with a preposition
46. I do not buy______ this new trend.

47. Enthusiasm for the new sports hall died___ when they saw the price.

48. Do you think this fashion for pink will catch___?

49. Did you pick ___ ___ the anger in his voice?

50. I should buy this house before the prices go ___.
Проверка умений чтения (35 мин.)
You should spend 35 minutes on Questions 1-13 which are based on the Reading Passage below.

Questions 1-7

The Passage has seven paragraphs A-G.

Choose the correct heading for each paragraph from the list of headings below.
List of Headings


The advantage of an intuitive approach to personality assessment


Overall theories of personality assessment rather than valuable guidance


The consequences of poor personality assessment


Differing views on the importance of personality assessment


Success and failure in establishing an approach to personality assessment


Everyone makes personality assessments


Acknowledgement of the need for improvement in personality assessment


Little progress towards a widely applicable approach to personality assessment


The need for personality assessments to be well-judged


The need for a different kind of research into personality assessment

1. Paragraph A 4. Paragraph D

2. Paragraph B 5. Paragraph E

3. Paragraph C 6. Paragraph F

7. Paragraph G
A daily lives are largely made up of contacts with other people, during which we are constantly making judgments of their personalities and accommodating our behaviour to them in accordance with these judgments. A casual meeting of neighbours on the street, an employer giving instructions to an employee, a mother telling her children how to behave, a journey in a train where strangers eye one another without exchanging a word - all these involve mutual interpretations of personal qualities.
B Success in many vocations largely depends on skill in sizing up people. It is important not only to such professionals as the clinical psychologist, the psychiatrist or the social worker, but also to the doctor or lawyer in dealing with their clients, the businessman trying to outwit his rivals, the salesman with potential customers, the teacher with his pupils, not to speak of the pupils judging their teacher. Social life, indeed, would be impossible if we did not, to some extent, understand, and react to the motives and qualities of those we meet; and clearly, we are sufficiently accurate for most practical purposes, although we also recognize that misinterpretations easily arise particularly on the part of others who judge us!
C Errors can often be corrected as we go along. But whenever we are pinned down to a definite decision about a person, which cannot easily be revised through his 'feed-back', the inadequacies of our judgments become apparent. The hostess who wrongly thinks that the Smiths and the Joneses will get on well together can do little to retrieve the success of her party. A school or a business may be saddled for years with an undesirable member of staff, because the selection committee, which interviewed him for a quarter of an hour, misjudged his personality.
D Just because the process is so familiar and taken for granted, it has aroused little scientific curiosity until recently. Dramatists, writers and artists throughout the centuries have excelled in the portrayal of character, but have seldom stopped to ask how they, or we, get to know people, or how accurate is our knowledge. However, the popularity of such unscientific systems as Lavater's physiognomy in the eighteenth century, Gall's phrenology in the nineteenth, and of handwriting interpretations by graphologists, or palm-readings by gipsies, show that people are aware of weaknesses in their judgments and desirous of better methods of diagnosis. It is natural that they should turn to psychology for help, in the belief that psychologists are specialists in 'human nature'.

E This belief is hardly justified: for the primary aim of psychology had been to establish the general laws and principles underlying behaviour and thinking, rather than to apply these to concrete problems of the individual person. A great many professional psychologists still regard it as their main function to study the nature of learning, perception and motivation in the abstracted or average human being, or in lower organisms, and consider it premature to put so young a science to practical uses. They would disclaim the possession of any superior skill in judging their fellow men. Indeed, being more aware of the difficulties than is the non-psychologist, they may be more reluctant to commit themselves to definite predictions or decisions about other people. Nevertheless, to an increasing extent psychologists are moving into educational, occupational, clinical and other applied fields, where they are called upon to use their expertise for such purposes as fitting the education or job to the child or adult, and the person to the job. Thus, a considerable proportion of their activities consists of personality assessment.
F The success of psychologists in personality assessment has been limited, in comparison with what they have achieved in the fields of abilities and training, with the result that most people continue to rely on unscientific methods of assessment. In recent times, there has been a tremendous amount of work on personality tests, and on carefully controlled experimental studies of personality. Investigations of personality by Freudian and other 'depth' psychologists have an even longer history. Yet psychology seems to be no nearer to providing society with practicable techniques which are sufficiently reliable and accurate to win general acceptance. The soundness of the methods of psychologists in the field of personality assessment and the value of their work are under constant fire from other psychologists, and it is far from easy to prove their worth.

G The growth of psychology has probably helped responsible members of society to become more aware of the difficulties of assessment. However, it is not much use telling employers, educationists and judges how inaccurately they diagnose the personalities with which they have to deal unless psychologists are sure that they can provide something better. Even when university psychologists themselves appoint a new member of staff, they usually resort to the traditional techniques of assessing the candidates through interviews, past records, and testimonials, and probably make at least as many bad appointments as other employers do. However, a large amount of experimental development of better methods has been carried out since 1940 by groups of psychologists in the Armed Services and in the Civil Service, and by such organizations as the (British) National Institute of Industrial Psychology and the American Institute of Research.

Question 8
Choose THREE letters from A to F.
Which THREE of the following are stated about psychologists involved in personality assessment?
A 'Depth' psychologists are better at it than some other kinds of psychologists.

B Many of them accept that their conclusions are unreliable.

C They receive criticism from psychologists not involved in the field.

D They have made people realize how hard the subject is.

E They have told people what not to do, rather than what they should do.

F They keep changing their minds about what the best approaches are.

Questions 9-13
Do the following statements agree with the views of the writer in Reading Passage?
YES if the statement agrees with the views of the writer

NO if the statement contradicts the views of the writer

NOT GIVEN if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this

9. People often feel that they have been wrongly assessed.

10. Unscientific systems of personality assessment have been of some use.

11. People make false assumptions about the expertise of psychologists.

12. It is likely that some psychologists are no better than anyone else at assessing personality.

13. Research since 1940 has been based on acceptance of previous theories.

Дисциплина «Английский язык»

Образовательная программа «Юриспруденция»

Уровень образования: бакалавр

Тип контроля: текущий - письменная контрольная работа на проверку лексико-грамматических навыков и умений чтения


Компетенция (-ции),

которые планируется проверять

Состав компетенции
РБ – ресурсная база, СД – основные способы деятельности, опыт, МЦ – мотивационно-ценностная составляющая)

Уровень овладения
1. «низкий» уровень

2. «базовый» уровень

3. «продвинутый» уровень

УК-8: Способен грамотно строить коммуникацию, исходя из целей и ситуации общения [Умеет создавать ясные, логичные высказывания монологического и диалогического характера в различных ситуациях бытового и профессионального общения, пользуясь необходимым набором средств коммуникации].


1. Для выполнения задания студент запрашивает полную или частичную информацию у преподавателя; работает по заданному преподавателем алгоритму или спрашивает, как следует выполнить лексико-грамматическое задание; приходит к результату, пользуясь ограниченными знаниями и умениями.

2. При выполнении задания студент пользуется грамматическими справочниками и словарями; достигает хорошего результата благодаря использованию самостоятельно выбранных алгоритмов.

3. При выполнении задания студент свободно оперирует большим объемом информации о лексико-грамматических явлениях, может теоретически обосновать свой выбор, опирается на общую эрудицию.


1. Студент умеет применять знания только в знакомой учебной ситуации и часто обращается за разъяснениями к преподавателю.

2. Студент умеет применять знания в незнакомой учебной ситуации; способен самостоятельно находить нужную информацию и использовать межпредметные связи.

3. Студент обладает существенным запасом знаний / опыта и умеет распознавать практическую / реальную ситуацию и адаптировать к ней свои действия. Он способен успешно определять нужный алгоритм решения даже незнакомой задачи.


  • Понимает значимость задания в рамках изучаемого предмета

  • Не дает оценку полезности содержания задания

  • Задание выполняется только для получения оценки / утверждения в группе

  • Понимает значимость задания в межпредметных рамках

  • Дает оценку полезности содержания задания для освоения курса

  • Студент видит возможности использования задания в других видах учебной деятельности

  • Понимает значимость задания в контексте своей профессиональной подготовки

  • Дает оценку полезности содержания задания для своего профессионального развития

  • Студент видит возможности использования результатов выполнения задания в своей будущей профессиональной деятельности

УК 5: Способен работать с информацией: находить, оценивать и использовать информацию из различных источников, необходимую для решения научных и профессиональных задач (в том числе на основе системного подхода) [Владеет различными видами чтения (поисковое, ознакомительное, аналитическое) с целью извлечения информации. Осуществляет поиск и анализ информации из различных источников в профессиональной области, имеет навыки аннотирования и реферирования оригинальной научной литературы]


1.Студент имеет представление о разных видах чтения (просмотровое чтение, чтение с поиском детальной информации), однако для выбора того или иного алгоритма обращается за помощью к преподавателю. Лексический запас достаточен лишь для понимания крайне общего смысла текста.

2. Студент достаточно хорошо владеет различными видами чтения, однако выбор того или иного алгоритма зачастую интуитивен. Лексический запас не позволяет добиться полного понимания текста.

3. Студент хорошо владеет различными видами чтения, может обосновать выбор того или иного алгоритма; обладает достаточным словарным запасом для полного понимания неадаптированного текста.


1. Студент понимает тексты только по пройденной тематике и имеет весьма ограниченную способность по переносу навыков на тексты незнакомой тематики.

2. Студент понимает тексты по смежной тематике; умеет менять вид чтения и скорость в зависимости от целей, однако его словарный запас может быть недостаточным для полного понимания.

3. Студент понимает точку зрения автора, выводы, ход рассуждения, главную идею. Имеет широкий запас необходимой лексики, в т.ч. идиоматических выражений.


  • Понимает значимость задания в рамках изучаемого предмета

  • Не дает оценку полезности содержания задания

  • Задание выполняется только для получения оценки / утверждения в группе

  • Понимает значимость задания в межпредметных рамках

  • Дает оценку полезности содержания задания для освоения курса

  • Студент видит возможности использования задания в других видах учебной деятельности

  • Понимает значимость задания в контексте своей профессиональной подготовки

  • Дает оценку полезности содержания задания для своего профессионального развития

  • Студент видит возможности использования результатов выполнения задания в своей будущей профессиональной деятельности
1   ...   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   ...   16


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