Учебное пособие по английскому языку часть I для I курса

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Trouble Spot
The verbs lie/lay, rise/raise cause problems even for native English speakers. The solution to the problem is to remember which verbs are transitive (verbs that take a complement) and which are intransitive (verbs that do not take a complement).



lie – lay – lain – lying

lay – laid – laid - laying

rise – rose – risen – rising

raise – raised – raised – raising

Lie means to rest, repose ,to be situated in a place. (Note: lie-lied-lied means to say something that is not true)

The university lies in the western section of town.

The old dog just lay on the grass watching the children at play.
Lay means to put somebody or something on a surface.

The boy lays his books on the table everyday.

The children laid their toys on the floor when they had finished using them.
Rise means to get up, move up under one’s own power (without the help of someone else), increase.

The sun rises early in summer.

When oil and water mix, oil rises to the top.

House prices are rising with every year.
Raise means to lift, elevate an object; to increase something.

The students raise their hands in class.

Russia has raised the price of oil.

XIV. Fill in the blanks with lie/lay. Use the correct form of the verb.
1. Where is the dog? It ______ in the shade of the tree. 2. She fell asleep the moment she ______ her head on the pillow. 3. Don’t ______in bed all day. 4. I threw myself flat and ______motionless for 10 minutes. 5. I ______the papers out on the table. 6. ______the tent down on the grass. 7. Sharon ______her hand on my arm. 8. Don’t ______in the sun for too long. 9. The town ______in a small valley. 10. The man’s coming to ______ the carpets on Saturday. 11. The responsibility for this problem ______ within the government. 12. Then both sides start trying to ______the blame on each other. 13. Please ______still, the doctor will examine you. 14. A proverb says: “Let sleeping dogs ______.” 15. Have you ever ______in the hot sand? 16. Why ______children ______on the floor? 17. As you have made your bed so you must ______ on it.

XV. Translate the sentences using lie/lay in the correct form.
1. Что лежит на столе? 2. Почему ты положил деньги на стол? 3. К шести часам стол был уже накрыт и мы сидели и ждали гостей. 4. Когда мы приехали к бабушке, она плохо себя чувствовала и лежала в .постели. 5. Мама постирала и погладила мои носовые платки и заботливо положила их в мой ящик. 6. Я ушиб левую ногу, теперь я могу лежать только на правом боку. 7. Моя сестра отрицает, что вчера весь день пролежала на диване. 8. Чьи дискеты лежали вчера на моем столе? 9. Она расстелила скатерть и разложила тарелки, ножи и вилки.

XVI. Fill in the blanks with rise/raise. Use the correct form of the verb.
1. The student ______ his hand. 2. He ______ the child over his head. 3. John ______ his grades substantially. 4. In what part of the world does the sun ______? 5. He never ______ his voice. 6. Jim ______early so that he could play golf before the others. 7. Mr. Daniels has ______ his tenants' rent another fifteen dollars. 8. It must be late; the moon has ______9. The crane ______out of the lake. 10. Prices have ______more than ten percent in a very short time. 11. The OPEC countries have ______the price of oil. 12. After the heavy rain, the water in the lake ______another two feet. 13. The manager decided to ______the picture a few more inches. 14. The soldier ______the flag when he heard the blow. 15. In chemistry class, we learned that hot air ______. 16. They are trying to ______ money to build a new club.

XVII. Fill in the articles where necessary.
1. The old man was seriously ill. He was running ______ high temperature. 2. ______clinical thermometer is ______small thermometer for find­ing ______temperature of ______body. 3. I've ______bad cold in ______head. 4. She overworked and had ______ bad headache. People who do not get enough ______ sleep often have ______ headaches. 5. ______boiling point of ______Fahren­heit thermometer is 212°, of ______Centigrade thermometer — 100°. 6. His high temperature worried ______boy because he didn't know ______difference between ______Fahrenheit and Centigrade thermometers. 7. I have ______ splitting headache and______bad cold in______head. 8. “I’ll put you on______sick-list for three days," the doctor said. "Keep to bed. You'll be in______good health by______end of______week, I hope." 9. He was treated for______chicken-pox but it turned out to be______scarlet fever. 10. I just can't stop sneezing, and I've got______splitting headache, and on top of that I have______sore throat. 11 ______kilometer is ______measure of length as well as ______mile and______foot; ______kilogram and ______pound are ______measures of weight.
Hob sat in ______doctor's waiting-room. On ______chairs at ______wall other patients were sitting. They all looked sad except Hob who was reading ______exciting story in ______magazine. Just then ______doctor came in to say that he was ready to see ______next person. Hob got up and went into ______consulting room.

Before Hob could say ______word the doctor said, "Now what's ______trouble? Sit down there and we'll have ______look at you. Unfasten your jacket and your shirt, please. I'll listen to your heart." Hob tried to speak, but ______doctor interrupted him and ordered him to say "ninety-nine". Hob said it. "Now let me see your throat, open your mouth wide." ______doctor had ______good look and then he said, "Well, there's nothing ______wrong with you." "I know there isn't," said Hob, "I just came to get ______bottle of medicine for my uncle."

List of Reference

    1. A Grammar of Present-day English. Practical Course. I.P. Krylova, E.M. Gordon. «Высшая школа». Москва, 2002.

    2. A Grammar of Present-day English. Practice Book. I.P. Krylova. «Высшая школа». Москва, 2002.

    3. Англо-русский учебный словарь Е.А.М. Уилсон, «Русский язык». Москва, 1988.

    4. A Practical English Grammar. A.J. Thomson, A.V. Martinet. Oxford University Press, 1998.

    5. A Practical English Grammar. Exercises 1, 2. A.J. Thomson, A.V. Martinet. Oxford University Press, 1986.

    6. Dictionary of Idioms. Chambers Harrap Publishers Ltd., 1999.

    7. Exercises in Modern English Grammar A.S. Saakyan. Москва, 2001.

    8. How Articles Work in English. A.A. Ionina, A.S. Saakyan. Москва, 2002.

    9. How English Works. A Grammar Practice Book. M. Swan, C. Walter. Oxford University Press, 2000.

    10. Longman Grammar of Spoken and Written English. Douglas Biber. Pearson Education Limited, 1999.

    11. Longman Dictionary of English Language and Culture. Pearson Education Limited, 2000.

    12. Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners. Bloomsbury Publishing Plc., 2002.

    13. Новый Большой Англо-Русский Словарь. В 3т. Под редакцией Ю.Д. Апресяна. Москва, Русский язык, 1999.

    14. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. Oxford University Press, 1996.

    15. Oxford Collocations Dictionary (for students of English). Oxford University Press, 2002.

    16. Oxford Dictionary of English Idioms. A.P. Cowie, R. Mackin, I.R. McCaig. Oxford University Press, 1993.

    17. Round-up 5 English Grammar Practice. V. Evans. Longman, 1998.

    18. Round-up 6 English Grammar Practice. V. Evans. Longman, 1999.

    19. Understanding and Using English Grammar. B.Sh. Azar. Third Edition. Longman, 1999.

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