Учебно-методический комплекс по дисциплине огсэ 03. Английский язык (Дисциплина общего гуманитарного и социально-экономического цикла)

НазваниеУчебно-методический комплекс по дисциплине огсэ 03. Английский язык (Дисциплина общего гуманитарного и социально-экономического цикла)
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Тема 3.4. «На почте».
План изучения темы:

  1. Работа с активным словарем по теме.

  2. Работа с текстом по теме.

  3. Выполнение предтекстовых упражнений.

  4. Выполнение грамматических упражнений.

Работа с практическим материалом по подтеме «На почте».
Exercise 1. Match the words on the left to their translation on the right:

to post


P. O. box


to deliver





срочная почта

post card



почтовая оплата

post office

писчая бумага, бумага для писем



to drop







почтовый ящик



writing paper







абонентский ящик

express mail

опустить, бросить



Exercise 2. Translate the phrases into English:
1. Наклевать марку на конверт.

2. Где ближайший почтовый ящик?

3. Получать телеграмму.

4. Писать адрес на конверте.

5. Бросать письмо в почтовый ящик.

6. Я бы хотел купить открытку.
Exercise 3. Make up sentences and read the text.
1. Postcard, stamps, and, envelopes, buy, we, post-office, the, at.

2. The, address, must, we, the, on, envelope, write.

3. Into, put, an envelope, letter or postcard.

4. Go, we, the post-office, to, and, post-box, in, a letter.

5. Like, to get, and, send, we, letters.
Exercise 4. Translate the text and answer the questions:
I like to go to the post-office because post is one of the things that link people living in different cities and countries. There are some counters at the post-office. At one of them you can buy envelopes, stamps, post cards. You can write a letter right there and post it or you can write it at home and then throw it into one of postboxes throughout the city. It is very convenient because you don't have to go to the post office again.

At another counter you can send a telegram. To do this, you need to fill in the form, give it to the clerk and pay the sum according to the number of words in your telegram.

At another counter you can send or get parcels. To send a parcel you have to bring it to the post-office, the clerk will weight it and tell you how much money you have to pay. To get a parcel, you need to show your passport, so that the post- office clerk were sure that it is really you who is to receive the parcel. At the next counter you can make a subscription to newspapers and magazines. You need to pay certain amount of money, which is stated in the catalog, and your favourite newspapers and magazines will be delivered directly to your home. At the post-office, there are also P.O. boxes. P.O. box means post office box, it is a numbered box to which someone's mail can be sent and from which they can collect it.


1. Where can envelopes and stamps be bought?

2. Do you need to go to the post-office again if you want to send a letter which you wrote at home?

3. What do you need to do to send a telegram?

4. How can you send a parcel?

5. Is it possible that your favourite newspapers and magazines were delivered directly to your home?

6. What is a P.O. box?
Exercise 5. Read and translate the dialogues:

- What’s the postage on these letters to Thailand, please.

- I’ll have to check. Do you need anything else?

- Yes. A 50p stamp, please.

- That’ll be 7.95 in all

- Could you tell me how much this parcel to France is?

- I think I’d better look that up. Was there anything else?

- Yes. A postal order for 1.25 and an air letter form.

- 7.85 please.

- How much is this registered letter to Germany, please?

- I’ll just make sure. Anything else?

- Yes. Half a dozen air mail labels and a book of stamps.

- 8.50 exactly, please.
- What’s the surcharge and postage on this express letter, please?

- I’ll have a look. Did you want anything else?

- Yes. While I’m about it, I’ll have a large registered envelope.

- That comes to 8.25.
Exercise 6. Postal services discussion. Answer the questions:
1) What do you think of the postal service in your country?

2) Do you think it’s better for postal services to be in private or government hands?

3) How has the Internet changed the postal service?

4) How often do you get real letters – those that are in envelopes and delivered to your door by the postal service?

5) Do you think sending a letter is cheap or expensive?

6) Do you send virtual birthday cards or real ones? Why?

7) Do you think post offices are friendly, efficient places?

8) What do you think of the job of a postman / mailman / postwoman / mailwoman?

9) How has the post office survived e-mail?

10) What postal services do you use most?
Exercise 7. Translate the sentences in the Perfect Tense:
1. На этой неделе я звонил ему несколько раз.

2. Сегодня я получил письмо от брата.

3. В этом году моя сестра закончила школу.

4. Мы не были там сегодня.

5. Ты был в театре на этой неделе? - Нет, не был.

6. На этой неделе мы завершили работу.

7. Ты съел весь кекс?

8. Сколько вы уже собрали яблок? – Мы собрали пять корзин.
Exercise 8. The Perfect Tenses. Open the brackets:
1. You (to repair) this car by next Sunday?

2. All the students (to pass) their exams by the end of this year.

3. I (to do) my homework by 6 tomorrow.

4. I (to do) all my work by the time you come.

5. She just (to come); she will speak to you in a minute.

6. I (to get) a long letter from father this week.

7. They (to leave) Moscow this month?

8. He (not bring) a lot of English papers.

9. By two o’clock the teacher (to examine) all the students.

10. We (know) her since she arrived to our city.

Раздел № 4 «Англоязычные страны».
Тема 4.1. «Соединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии».
План изучения темы:

  1. Работа с активным словарем по теме.

  2. Работа с текстом по теме.

  3. Выполнение предтекстовых упражнений.

  4. Выполнение грамматических упражнений.

Работа с практическим материалом по подтеме «Соединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии».
Exercise 1. Answer the following question:
1.What language do the British people speak?

2. In what countries do people speak English too?

3. What are these countries called?

4. Why are they called so? What is the official language of these countries?

5. What are the capitals of these countries?

6. What do you know about the traditions in these countries?
Exercise 2. Match the countries with the maps:


New Zealand


South Africa

Great Britain

Exercise 3. Match the monuments with the pictures:

Big Ben London

One Tree Hill


Statue of Liberty

New York

Opera House




Exercise 4. Match the countries with the flags:


New Zealand


Great Britain

South Africa

Exercise 5. Translate the text into Russian. Name the English-speaking countries. Speak about your associations with one of the countries and its people:
English is the third most spoken native language worldwide, after Chinese and Hindi, with some 380 million speakers. It is the official language in 71 sovereign states and territories with the total population of 2,135 million people. Among them are the UK, the USA, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Canada, India, Pakistan, the Philippines, South Africa and many others. In the UK and the USA there is no law about the official language, and English is the official language there de facto. There are some countries, too, where English is the major language, that is, it is the native language of the overwhelming majority of the population; these countries include the UK, the USA, Australia, New Zealand and some others. The two most important English-speaking countries are, of course, the UK and the USA.

(a)The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on the British Isles, off the northern coast of Europe. The British Isles consist of two large islands: Great Britain and Ireland, and about five thousand small islands. Their total area is about 244,000 square kilometers.

The British Isles are separated from the Continent by the North Sea, the English Channel and the Strait of Dover. The western coast of the country is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea; the eastern coast is washed by the North Sea. The population of the country is over 57 million people. The United Kingdom is made up of four countries: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Their capitals are London, Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast respectively. In everyday speech 'Great Britain' is used in the meaning of 'the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland'. The country is also referred to as Britain, England or the UK. The capital of the UK is London, with the population of about 7.5 million people (about 13 million people in Greater London, that is London with the suburbs).

The surface of the country varies very much. The north of Scotland is mountainous and is called Highlands. The south, which abounds in beautiful valleys and plains, is called Lowlands. The north of England is mountainous, while the eastern, central and south-eastern parts of England are a vast plain. The mountains, the Atlantic Ocean and the warm waters of the Gulf Stream influence the climate of the British Isles which is mild the whole year round.

The UK is a constitutional monarchy. This means that the country is governed by the Parliament and the Queen is Head of State. The legislative power in the country is exercised by the Houses of Parliament which consist of two chambers: the House of Lords and the House of Commons. The House of Lords is composed of hereditary peers and peeresses. The members of the House of Commons are elected by people from the constituencies in the four parts of the country. The House of Commons is the real governing body of the country. The executive power is exercised by Prime Minister and his Cabinet. The government is usually formed by the political party which has the majority in the House of Commons. Prime Minister is the majority party leader appointed by the Queen. Prime Minister chooses a team of ministers; 20 of them form the Cabinet. The most important parties in the UK are the Conservative and the Labour Party.

The judicial branch of the government is represented by the system of courts. There is no written Constitution in Great Britain, only precedents and traditions. The national flag of the country is Union Jack.

The UK is a highly developed industrial and agrarian country. It produces and exports machinery, electronics, railroad equipment, aircraft, textile. One of the chief industries is shipbuilding. Though the country is not rich in mineral resources, it is one of the world's leading economies. The country also must import about 40 % of its food supplies. Financial sector is the most important one in the economy of the country, 70 % of the country's population work there. Britain's most important agricultural products include wool and dairy products. The main industrial and commercial areas are cities.

When I think about British people, I normally recollect two things: British national character and British holidays and traditions.

The British are famous for being conservative, reserved, punctual, friendly to strangers and polite. They are famous for their love to compromise, too. I think some of these traits may be explained by the island location — for example, their conservatism, friendliness to strangers and politeness. Partially due to this location, the British Isles have not been invaded since the Norman Conquest in the 11th century, and the British people were not afraid of strangers. The influence of foreign lifestyles was very small, too, that is probably why they are conservative.

The British have a lot of holidays and celebrations. Many of them are celebrated throughout the world because of their Christian origin. Christmas Day and Boxing Day, Shrove Tuesday (Pancake Day), Good Friday and Easter are all Christian holidays, or are based on a combination of pagan and Christian traditions. Another group of British holidays include holidays celebrated in English-speaking countries — Mothering Sunday, April Fool's Day, May Day, Hallowe'en, the New Year.

British people are known to keep up a lot of traditions in their daily routines. For example, they prefer living in their own houses, they are fond of gardening, keeping pet animals, spending holidays on the seaside and playing cricket, darts and golf. They like going to pubs, being members of all sorts of clubs and having five o'clock tea. I believe the pub is the most peculiarly British tradition, as the pub is still the centre of social life in towns and city suburbs. Though television at home is a strong competitor in spending leisure time, many people still go to pubs to communicate with their neighbours and friends. Nevertheless, the importance of the pub as the centre of social life in a locality is decreasing.
Exercise 6. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Английский — официальный язык 71 суверенного государства и территории; это основной язык в некоторых странах, то есть язык подавляющего большинства населения.

2. Великобритания расположена на Британских островах рядом с северным побережьем Европы, отделена от континента Северным морем, проливом Ла-Манш и проливом Па-де-Кале и омывается Атлантическим океаном, Ирландским морем и Северным морем.

3. Рельеф (поверхность) страны очень разнообразен — гористый на севере и с многочисленными долинами и обширными равнинами на юге.

4. Гольфстрим влияет на климат страны, умеренный круглый год.

5. Великобритания — конституционная монархия, то есть она управляется парламентом, состоящим из двух палат, а королева является главой государства.

6. Палата лордов состоит из наследственных пэров и пэресс; члены палаты общин, которая является реальным правящим органом, избираются от избирательных округов.

7. Исполнительная власть осуществляется премьер-министром, являющимся лидером партии большинства и назначаемым королевой, и кабинетом министров.

8. Судебная власть представлена системой судов; письменной конституции не существует, только прецеденты и традиции.

9. Великобритания — это высокоразвитая промышленная и аграрная страна, производящая станки, электронику, железнодорожное оборудование, самолеты, текстиль, суда.

10. Страна не богата полезными ископаемыми, но является одной из ведущих в экономическом отношении стран мира, причем финансовый сектор является одним из самых важных секторов ее экономики.

11. Британцы сдержаны, пунктуальны, консервативны и известны своей любовью к компромиссам, что, вероятно, можно объяснить тем фактом, что Великобритания не завоевывалась со времен Нормандского завоевания.

12. У британцев много праздников и празднований, в том числе многочисленные праздники, имеющие христианское происхождение, такие как Рождество, День подарков, Масленый вторник, Страстная пятница и Пасха, другие праздники, которые справляются во всех англоговорящих странах.

13. Британцы соблюдают массу традиций в повседневной жизни, таких как игра в крикет, дротики (дартс) и гольф или посещение пабов.
Exercise 7. Open the brackets using the right verb form of The Perfect Tenses:
1. By the time you recieve this letter I (finish) my final exams.

2. He (write) 3 reports on an accident when his mother called.

3. I don’t think I (do) these exercises by 3 o’clock.

4. He was looking forward to a good meal at home, but Jill (go) out.

5. Your house looks nice. You (paint) it?

6. After we (discuss) all details on the phone I wrote a letter about it.

7. Before my 18th birthday I (not/be) out of England.

8. It is the easiest job I (ever/have).

9. I fell better after I (take) the medicine.

10. I (not/be) there for ages.

11. She (tidy up) the flat before he comes.

12. I was late. The teacher already (give) a quiz when I came into the classroom.

13. The workers (ship) the goods before the telegram arrives.

14. I am here for an hour. Where you (be)?

15. When I got to the station, the 9 o’clock train (already/leave).
Exercise 8. Write the numerical symbols for the following the dates:
1. The first of March nineteen seventy-six.

2. The fifth of December two thousand.

3. The sixteenth of May nineteen hundred.

4. In (the year) nineteen ninety-seven.

5. In (the year) nineteen hundred eighty-one.

6. In (the year) two thousand five.
Exercise 9. Translate into English:
1) 7 марта 1999 года; 2) 1 сентября 1974 года; 3) 22 апреля 1911 года; 4) 11 марта 1951 года; 5) 12 декабря 2014 года.
Exercise 10. Write the numerical symbols for the following fractional numbers:
I . 1) A (one) half; 2) two thirds; 3) a (one) quarter; 4) three fourths; 5) two and a (one) half; 6) five and one sixth; 7) a (one) fifth.
II. 1) Zero point two; 2) two point four five; 3) four point five; 4) three four (thirty four) point one zero two; 5) nought point nought one; 6) six point three five; 7) fifty eight point nought five.

Exercise 11. Translate the text into English and do the exercises:

When higher education of Great Britain is being spoken about the University education is generally meant. But in fact there is a considerable amount of past-school education, including part-time as well as full-time studies carried on in technical colleges teacher training colleges, art colleges, institutes of adult education and so on.

Higher education, consisting of degree and equivalent courses, has experienced a dramatic expansion. The number of higher education students in Britain almost doubled between 1979 and 1993 to 1.5 million, so that today around 30 percent of young people enter full-time higher education.

There are some 90 universities, which enjoy academic freedom. Every University is autonomous and responsible to its governing body. The regulations differ from University to University. While there are similarities between them, they all differ from Oxford and Cambridge, where are a number of separate colleges, each with their own regulations and courses of studies. The new, so-called ”red-brick” Universities are divided into various faculties: Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Social and Economic Studies, etc.

University degree courses are generally being taken for three, four or even five years. University teaching combines lectures practical classes and small group teaching in either seminars or tutorials. The last is a traditional feature of the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge.

First degree courses are mainly full time and usually last three years, with longer courses in subjects such as medicine. Universities offer courses in a broad range of academic and vocational subjects, including traditional arts subjects, the humanities, and science and technology. The government encourages young people to choose degree courses in subjects, or combinations of subjects, that provide the knowledge and skills required by a technologically advanced economy .

Over 95 percent of students on first degree and comparable higher education courses receive government grants covering tuition and accommodation and other maintenance expenses. Parents also contribute, the amount depending on their income. In addition, students can take out loans to help pay their maintenance costs.
I. Complete the following sentences:
1. The post-school education is carried on in ... . 2. Higher education, consisting of degree and equivalent courses, has experienced ... . 3. Every University is autonomous and responsible to ... . 4. University teaching combines ... . 5. Universities offer courses in a ... . 6. The government encourages young people to ... . 7. Parents also contribute the amount ... .
II. Say if it is right:
1. Part-time and full-time studies are carried on only at Universities . 2. British higher education consists of degree and equivalent courses. 3. The number of higher education students has increased recently. 4. Every University is autonomous and responsible to its government body. 5. There are great difference between various Universities. 6. University degree are generally being taken for four years. 7. Lectures and practical classes are traditional for teaching at Oxford and Cambridge. 8. First degree courses are both full-time and part-time. 9. Universities offer courses in a broad range of academic and vocational subjects. 10. All students on first degree receive government grant. 11. Students can take out loans to help pay their maintenance costs.

III. Fill in the blanks with prepositions or adverbs if necessary:
1. There is a demand ... a better and more democratic system ... education ... Great Britain. 2. The students of all the groups are responsible ... their dean. 3. The regulations differ ... university ... university ... Great Britain. 4. Our institute is divided ... various departments. 5. Our university degree courses are taken ... four or five years ... Ukraine. 6. The students were speaking ... their forthcoming exams. 7. Women as well as men have equal rights ... education ... our country.
IV. Answer the following questions:
1. What is the system of higher education in Great Britain? 2. Wha t does higher education consist of? 3. What can you say about the increase of higher education students’ number? 4. How many Universities are there in Great Britain at present? 5. Who is every university responsible to? 6. For how many years are university degree courses taken? 7. What does university teaching combine? 8. Where is a traditional feature of Cambridge and Oxford? 9. How many years do first degree courses last? 10. What courses does University offer? 11. Who does the government encourage? 12. Why does the government encourage young people? 13. What do students on first degree receive? 14. What do parents contribute? 15. What can students take out to help pay their maintenance costs?
Exercise 12. Translate the text into Russian and then make up the scheme of The UK Political System:

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a constitutional monarchy. This means that Great Britain is governed by the Parliament and the Queen is Head of State.

The legislative power in the country is exercised by the Houses of Parliament. The British Parliament consists of two chambers: the House of Lords and the House of Commons. The House of Lords is composed of hereditary and life peers and peeresses. The members of the House of Commons are elected by the people. They are elected from the constituencies in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The House of Commons is the real governing body of the United Kingdom.

The executive power is exercised by the Prime Minister and his Cabinet. The government is usually formed by the political party which is supported by the majority in the House of Commons. The Prime Minister is the majority party leader and is appointed by the Queen. The Prime Minister chooses a team of ministers; twenty of the ministers are in the Cabinet.

The second largest party becomes the official opposition with its own leader and the Shadow Cabinet. The two leading parties in Great Britain are the Conservative Party (the Tories) and the Labour Party.

The judiciary branch of the government determines common law and is independent of both the legislative and the executive branches.

There is no written constitution in Great Britain, only precedents and traditions.

Раздел № 4 «Англоязычные страны».
1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   ...   15


Учебно-методический комплекс по дисциплине огсэ 03. Английский язык (Дисциплина общего гуманитарного и социально-экономического цикла) iconУчебно-методический комплекс по дисциплине огсэ 03. Английский язык...
Составитель: Леуцкая Н. А., преподаватели гбоу спо со «еэтк» под руководством заместителя директора по учебной работе

Учебно-методический комплекс по дисциплине огсэ 03. Английский язык (Дисциплина общего гуманитарного и социально-экономического цикла) iconУчебно-методический комплекс по дисциплине огсэ 03. Немецкий язык...
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Учебно-методический комплекс по дисциплине огсэ 03. Английский язык (Дисциплина общего гуманитарного и социально-экономического цикла) iconСпециальность: 38. 02. 01 Экономика и бухгалтерский учет (по отраслям)
Дисциплина входит в состав общего гуманитарного и социально-экономического цикла профессиональной подготовки

Учебно-методический комплекс по дисциплине огсэ 03. Английский язык (Дисциплина общего гуманитарного и социально-экономического цикла) iconРабочая программа по дисциплине гсэ. В. 01. Деловой иностранный язык по специальности
Дисциплина «Деловой иностранный язык» в неязыковом (технологическом) вузе является общеобразовательной дисциплиной в составе вариативной...

Учебно-методический комплекс по дисциплине огсэ 03. Английский язык (Дисциплина общего гуманитарного и социально-экономического цикла) iconУчебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык (английский язык)»
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Учебно-методический комплекс по дисциплине огсэ 03. Английский язык (Дисциплина общего гуманитарного и социально-экономического цикла) iconУчебно-методический комплекс по дисциплине английский язык
При разработке учебно-методического комплекса учебной дисциплины в основу положены

Учебно-методический комплекс по дисциплине огсэ 03. Английский язык (Дисциплина общего гуманитарного и социально-экономического цикла) iconУчебно-методический комплекс по дисциплине английский язык
При разработке учебно-методического комплекса учебной дисциплины в основу положены

Учебно-методический комплекс по дисциплине огсэ 03. Английский язык (Дисциплина общего гуманитарного и социально-экономического цикла) iconУчебно-методический комплекс Иностранный язык Направление подготовки...
Учебно-методический комплекс «Иностранный язык» предназначен для студентов 2-го и 3-его курсов биологического отделения факультета...

Учебно-методический комплекс по дисциплине огсэ 03. Английский язык (Дисциплина общего гуманитарного и социально-экономического цикла) iconУчебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Деловой английский язык»
Учебно-методический комплекс составлен в соответствии с требованиями государственного образовательного стандарта высшего профессионального...

Учебно-методический комплекс по дисциплине огсэ 03. Английский язык (Дисциплина общего гуманитарного и социально-экономического цикла) iconУчебно-методический комплекс по дисциплине английский язык для специальности 030. 001
Умкд рассмотрен и переутвержден на заседании кафедры от «20» мая 2010 г протокол №4

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