Юриспруденция Бузулук бгти филиал (огу) 2011

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Упражнение 3 Устно переведите интервью. Не забудьте про профессиональные хитрости устного переводчика (см. Unit IV)!

An interview with bill gates, president of Microsoft

- Считаете ли Вы, что наступит время, когда будет желательно и даже необходимо иметь единый всемирный язык, и произойдет ли это, в частности, благодаря дальнейшему развитию сети Интернет?

- Because the Internet makes the world a smaller place, the value of having a common language is greatly increased. This enhances the importance of English as a second language. I don't, however, expect English to replace or even diminish any of today primary languages. From a technical standpoint, there is no reason that English works better than other languages on the Internet. A technology called «Unicode», which can represent every character in every written language, is now used in the leading Web browsers.

- Возможен ли адекватный компьютерный перевод и если да, то когда? И как Вы оцениваете качество перевода, сделанного на основе существующих программ? Можно ли полагаться на него для работы с важными документами?

- Someday software will translate both written and spoken language so well that the need for any common, second language could decline. That day is decades away, though, because flawless machine translation is a very tough problem. Software that does inelegant but often useful translations already exists. Web pages translated with software of this sort can be understood surprisingly well if all you're trying to do is figure out what product is being offered or get a sense of what is being discussed. But if you're trying to negotiate a contract or discuss a scientific discovery where subtleties matter, today's translation software is all but useless. Count on English to remain valuable for a long time as a common language for international communication.

- Многие выражают опасения, что использование в Интернете в основном английского отрицательно сказывается на других языках и культурах. Не отражается ли, по Вашему мнению, это на национальной самобытности? Не вызовет ли это неприятие, даже ненависть?

- I understand the concern some people have that the Internet's heavy reliance on content from English-speaking countries may undermine other cultures. Fortunately, the Internet also allows ethnic values to be reinforced. It will enable French, Greek, Italian, Chinese and other ethnic communities, dispersed around the globe to celebrate and reinforce their heritage, for example. The Internet will allow even small ethnic groups to collect and pass on their cultural traditions, as students at a Muckleshoot Indian tribal school are beginning to do in my home state of Washington.

А. Чужакин. Мир перевода-3

national spirit - национальная самобытность

Muckleshoot - племя американских индейцев

Упражнение 4 Переведите текст на русский язык, обращая особое внимание на передачу имен собственных.

Web translator is quite not perfect yet

By Walter S.Mossberg (Wall Street Journal Europe)

In matters of diplomacy, the U.S. is the world's sole superpower, wielding more influence than any other nation. But that's nothing compared with the American influence in cyberspace.

On the Internet's World Wide Web, America rules - and so does the English language. While figures are hard to come by, it seems clear that most of the content of the Web today is from the U.S. When you add in the Web content provided by other English-speaking nations, the dominance of English is overwhelming. Even many of the Web sites published in non-English-speaking lands are produced in English.

Ironically, the Web itself was invented in Switzerland (though the Internet was a U.S. innovation). But there are many more people with computers in America, and many more of those machines are linked to the Internet than are computers anywhere else. As of today, if you don't read English, you miss nearly everything on the Web.

Words for the Wise

Technology is attempting to the rescue of many non-English-speaking people. A new software product for Windows called Web Translator, from Globalink Inc. of Fairfax, Virginia, promises to rapidly translate English-language Web pages into French, Spanish or German. You just click on a button labeled «translate» and Web Translator grabs the page from the Netscape Navigator Web browser, renders it in one of the three languages in less than a minute and displays the translation in Navigator, with all graphics and links intact.

Web Translator also works in reverse. Following the same process, it will take a Web page that's in French, Spanish or German, and turn it into English. That will help English speakers catch up with the fast-growing number of Web sites in those tongues.

Globalink's product is fundamentally different from similar-sounding Web software, such as Accent Software's highly regarded Internet With an Accent program. These programs merely let your PC view Web sites written in foreign alphabets. They don't attempt translation. And, after trying out Web Translator for a few days, I can understand why.

Literal and Laughable

Web Translator does such a crude job of translation that it can't really be relied upon for anything requiring any degree of accuracy or nuance. Like most computer-based translation, it is so literal as to be laughable, and fails to grasp many common idioms.

You can get the basic idea of what a Web page says, but not much more. To be fair, Globalink doesn't claim perfection. On the box, the company promises only a«draft translation)) and concedes «your translations may contain some «rough spots»

I'll say! For instance, I tried translating into English some articles from French-language press. A reference to the Canadian foreign minister came out as «the alien Business minister of Canada» and Prime Minister Chretien was referred to as «the Christian prime minister."

Elsewhere on the Web, a headline in Germany's Die Welt came out: «Cabbage: Future of the grandsons do not lose» This may be an article about the passing down of cabbage farms through the generations, but who can tell?

May Day

Going the other way, from English into French, I discovered that Web Translator garbled the simplest things. In The Wall Street Journal's Web site, even Wednesday's date - May 1, 1996 - was mistranslated as «Peut 1, 1996» because the program couldn't distinguish the month of May («Mai» in French) from other forms of «may».

The software also had trouble with the English legal term «suit» In different journal headlines it rendered it differently in French, but never properly. A reference to a lawsuit filed by a Texas grocer came out as «Costume depicter» an allusion to a grocer's garb.

Web Translator was easy to use, though it takes up 70 megabytes of hard-disk space. But I was disappointed, even though I didn't expect perfection. This computer translation effort has a long, long way to go.

6 Интернациональные и псевдоинтернациональные слова

Упражнение 1 Проанализируйте приведенные ниже примеры. Объясните выбор вариантов перевода интернациональных и псевдоинтернациональных слов.

1 The basic contradiction between the rapidly expanding producing and the restricted purchasing power of the masses caught up with the war-produced boom and there was a dramatic end to the prosperity.

Основное противоречие между быстро растущими производственными возможностями и ограниченной покупательской способностью широких масс подорвало основу порожденного войной «бума» и эпоха «процветания» внезапно оборвалась.

2 The Chinese workers protected their factories, at the risk of their lives, from last-minute Kuomintang sabotage and handed then over, mostly in perfect order, to the People's Army.

Китайские рабочие с риском для жизни до последней минуты защищали свои предприятия от попыток гоминдановцев разрушит!» их и передали большинство этих предприятий частям Народно-освободительной армии в полной сохранности.

3 Cynics point out that U.S. slumps have often happened when people surfeited with predictions that did not come off ceased to believe in them.

Люди, трезво оценивающие обстановку, напоминают, что в прошлом кризисы в США начинались именно в такие моменты, когда всем уже надоедали несбывавшиеся предсказания о скором наступлении кризиса, и никто им больше не верил.

4 An administration that reaches out for a political club like this is an administration that is afraid of the people.

Правительство, которое обрушивается на такие политические организации, может быть лишь правительством, которое боится своего народа.

Упражнение 2 Переведите письменно, обращая особое внимание на выделенные курсивом слова.

1 The heaviest blow that the atom bomb fanatics got, however, came with the dramatic announcement that the Russians also have got the bomb.

2 As they participate in the fight for dramatic reforms, large sections of the population come to realize the necessity of unity of action with the working class and become more active politically.

3 The Administration, of course, is loath to contemplate such a fundamental change in its foreign policy. The stakes are too high and American bonds with Europe too numerous to permit such a dramatic situation.

4 The Prime-Minister will reply to the speeches on Monday, after informal talks last night, this evening and tomorrow with the Commonwealth Prime Ministers, who have been invited in three groups.

5 This policy will ensure that successive currency crises do not affect the level of economic activity and overall welfare of the nation.

6 A general strike is one which affects an entire industry, an entire locality or a whole country.

7 Such developments would emphasise the region's economic importance and growth potential which would be reflected in its population growth, housing and overspill problems.

Упражнение 3 Переведите на русский язык средства правильного оформления высказывания.

The report (survey) says, according to extracts of a secret document, alternatively, on the one hand/on the other hand, finally, NATO said, the Defense Department said, a government report says, said an economist with the Ministry of Finance, a group of experts, Interfax said, Reuters reports, analysts believe that, the Chairman of the Board was quoted as saying, the Company spokesman told reporters, experts believe that, Deputy Prime Minister announced, he was quoted by Reuters as saying, analysts predict, a space official told journalists, a relief worker added, said a border guard spokesman, the Secretary told at a regular news briefing, U.S. Embassy press attaché said, a news agency reported, German police announced, the Pentagon concluded of the incident, the Presidential spokesman stressed.

7 Перевод фразеологических единиц.

Упражнение 1 Переведите следующие фразеологизмы, укажите и обоснуйте способ перевода.

1 То assume an air of injured innocence.

2 A little bird told me.

3 In Rome, do as the Romans do.

4 Peeping Tom.

5 To throw sands in the wheels.

6 To kill two birds with one stone.

7 A drowning man will catch at a straw.

8 Whom the gods love die young.

9 A stitch in time saves nine.

10 Run with the hare and hunt with the hounds.

11 A clever tongue will take you anywhere.

12 To gild the pill.

13 Caesar's wife is above suspicion.

14 To be afraid of one's own shadow.

15 To fish in troubled waters.

16 To make the best of a bad bargain.

17 Least said soonest mended.

18 To bite the hand that feeds you.

19 To dance to somebody's pipe.

20 To add fuel to the fire.

Фразеология в работе устного переводчика.

Перевод фразеологизмов представляет собой немалую трудность при переводе, когда фактор времени «играет» против переводящего.

Квалифицированный переводчик имеет свой «золотой» запас самых распространенных эквивалентов, аналогов, фразеологических выражений на разных языках.

Ряд фразеологизмов, пришедших из мифологии, римской истории, Библии, из латыни и греческого, имеют ставшие каноническими и не подлежащие изменениям устойчивые соответствия в различных языках.

Другие, чисто английские пословицы можно перевести приблизительно, поменяв образность, а иногда - только описательно. Если вы не знаете аналог фразеологизма, но понимаете его смысл, следует передать его значение, пусть даже с потерей образности. Хуже, если смысл вам не ясен, но тут должен помочь контекст.

Особую сложность представляют деформация и контаминация фразеологии.

Самый простой вариант деформации — неполнота состава. «С кем поведешься...» («... от того и наберешься»). В таком случае, после того как эквивалент найден, переводчик может воспроизвести эту неполноту, т. е. оборвать пословицу в тексте перевода, но так, чтобы сохранилась семантика подлинника. Однако это не всегда возможно, и тогда следует прибегнуть к описательному переводу.

Контаминация, т. е. переплетение двух фразеологизмов, вроде: «Не плюй в колодец, вылетит - не поймаешь», - требует попытки воспроизведения приема: когда эквиваленты найдены, их придется переплести. Задача - вовремя заметить изменение и постараться отразить его в переводе, хотя это крайне сложно и не всегда оправдано.

Упражнение 2 Прочитайте текст и кратко передайте его содержание на русском языке.

Interpreting: perils of palaver

By Barry James

Paris - When a Japanese sucks in his breath and tells a Westerner that «your proposal is very interesting and we will consider it carefully» - meaning, in a word, «nо!» - what is the honest interpreter to say?

The answer is that the professional interpreter is duty bound to report the words of the Japanese as faithfully as possible. But according to Gisela Siebourg, who regularly interpreted for Chancellor Kohl of Germany, it would also be legitimate for the interpreter to draw his or her client aside after the conversation and explain the complexities of Japanese double-speak.

It would depend on the degree of trust between client and inter preter, she said.

This illustrates the need for the interpreter to be taken into the client's confidence, Siebourg said. It also indicates the qualities required of an interpreter - the discretion of a priest in the confessional and the mental subtlety of a professional diplomat. Rule number one for the interpreter, she said, is never to repeat outside a meeting what was learned in it.

Siebourg is president of the International Association of Conference Interpreters - set up in Paris in 1953 with 60 members, and now including 2,200 members - which is holding its triannual assembly here this week.

The association, which has worked since its inception to raise the standing of the interpreters' calling, thinks a lot about such ethical issues, as well as seeking better working conditions for its members.

The profession is at least as old as the Book of Genesis in which Joseph outwitted his brothers by, as the book says, speaking «into them by an interpreters But the modern practice of simultaneous interpretation through headphones dates only from the post-war Nuremberg trials and the formation of the United Nations.

Before that, even in the League of Nations, speakers had to pause at intervals to allow the interpretation - a process known as consecutive interpretation. This is still the method most often used in tete-a-tete conversations.

The method is not suitable for large modern conferences at which several languages are used simultaneously.

Interpreting often is, but ought not to be, confused with translating. The translator has time and a battery of dictionaries at his or her command in order to find the precise word. The interpreter, by contrast, has to get across the right meaning rather than the exact wording without a second's hesitation. This often requires a deep knowledge of culture as well as language, an ability to understand expression as well as content.

Diplomats such as Foreign Minister Tariq Aziz of Iraq, who speaks excellent English, often work through interpreters either to conceal precise meaning or to give themselves time to think. In such cases, the interpreter must be careful not to go beyond the speakers words, even if they make apparently little sense. As Confucius put it, «If language is not in accordance with the truth of things, affairs cannot be carried on to success».

Being used as part of a negotiating ploy again points to the need for the interpreter to be taken into the diplomat's confidence. The interpreters association always tells clients that «if you are not prepared to trust an interpreter with confidential information, don't use one» The failure to provide in advance background information and specialized terminology involved in complex negotiations makes the interpreters' job all the more difficult, Siebourg said.

Several years ago the association - speaking either in English or French, its two working languages - started discussing improved contacts with colleagues in the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe when the East was opening up. One difficulty is that the East European languages often contain no terminology to describe many of the private market terms used in the West.

Russian interpreters also have practice of working from their language into a foreign language, while most Western interpreters, Siebourg said, prefer to work from a foreign language into their mother tongue.

This avoids the kind of gaffes that can occur with less than intimate knowledge of a language. When Jimmy Carter visited Warsaw in December 1977, for example, he made the mistake of using a Polish-speaking American as interpreter rather than an English-speaking Pole, Siebourg said.

The result is that the interpreter, a State Department contract employee, spoke about sexual lust rather than desire and rephrased Carter's «when I abandoned the United States» The embarrassment was long remembered.

А.Чужакин. Мир перевода-2

palaver - переговоры; праздная болтовня; лесть; лживые слова

doublespeak - уклончивые речи (особ, когда человек думает одно, а говорит другое, противоположное)

consecutive interpretation - последовательный перевод

ploy - уловка, хитрость, тактический ход

gaffe - ошибка, ложный шаг, промах, оплошность
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