Юриспруденция Бузулук бгти филиал (огу) 2011

НазваниеЮриспруденция Бузулук бгти филиал (огу) 2011
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Упражнение 3 Проанализируйте и переведите следующие предложения.
1 But if one has any sense of US history, one has to believe that both the corporations and the president whose program they are so enthusiastically promoting are on somewhat shaky ground.

2 Stressing that the salaries were not as high as those paid «in certain sections of industry», Deputy Leader of the House said that the Power Minister had referred to the possibility of a review salaries in other nationalized industries.

3 Perhaps they may even engender a little shame among Cabinet Ministers at the hold-up in road building. If they do, the conference will be voted a great success.

4 The most striking thing about the French election campaign is the public lastitude, like that shown by Americans last fall.

5 The new Cabinet shows significant changes, both personal and constitutional, from the old one.

6 The law demands quinquennial parliaments not quadrennial ones.

7 The democratic and peace forces today have no task more pressing than that of safeguarding humanity against a global nuclear disaster.

Текст 1

The union wants exploratory faces to be opened but the board has already refused one appeal. If it does again it could lead to the implementation of the 66,000 Yorkshire miners' massive vote to strike any pit closures.

Текст 2

The complaint that the French judiciary is under the thumb of whatever government may be in power is scarcely new. According to legal historians, it is a complaint that goes back for centuries — at least to the time of Louis XIV, whose ministers centralized the legal system, subordinating local and church law to that emanating from the royal court.

Текст 3

A Department of Trade report describes how some of the directors helped create non-existent companies, or business names, operated Swiss bank accounts and deceived auditors.

Former chairman was «a party to many transactions», inspectors say. His standards fell substantially below those which may reasonably be expected of a person who held this high office.

7 Эллиптические конструкции
Таблица 9. Иллюстративные контексты

1.1. Objections to this plan, if any, should be reported to the committee at once.

Если и имеются возражения против этого плана, то они должны быть немедленно представлены комитету (Возражения, если они имеются)

1.2. Very little, if anything, could be advanced in the defence of his policy.

Почти ничего нельзя было сказать в поддержку его политики

If anything, it will be in their interests to follow this course.

Во всяком случае, в их интересах следовать этому курсу. (Если уж на то пошло, следовать этому курсу - в их интересах)

Продолжение таблицы 9

2. The British people have to submit to new taxation, however high.

Британцам приходится примириться с новыми налогами, какими бы высокими они ни были.

3. In this the committee enjoys the powerful, if unspoken, support of the vast bulk of the population.

В этом вопросе комитет пользуется мощной, хотя и не выраженной словами, поддержкой основной части населения.

But the decision, if logical, requires a measure of courage.

Но это решение, хотя оно и логично, требует известного мужества.

The president have a warning, if obliquely, that the events in that part of the world could have a detrimental effect upon the progress of the talks.

Президент сделал предупреждение, хотя и в косвенной форме, что события в этом регионе планеты могут отрицательно сказаться на ходе переговоров.

Ho: If considered from this point of view, the problem takes on a new aspect.

Если рассматривать проблему с этой точки зрения, то она принимает другой характер.

Упражнение 1 Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание ни способы передачи оборота if any, if anything.

1 Few mistakes, if any, might be said to have arisen from tin-application of this theory.

2 If anything, it came as a sad reminder that this problem must be addressed in its totality without delay.

3 Only a steady adherence to the principle of the Charter, if anything, can prevent the outbreak of war.

4 When a hearing is finished, the committee decides what report, if any, it will make to the House on the measure.

5 He said that after the excitement was over, Congress, if any thing, would be more likely to pass a bill sponsored by the National Rifle Association to weaken the government's enforcement power.

6 The Prime Minister has on several occasions refused to tell the House the purport of his conversation on this matter, if any, with the President.

7 If anything, it would be to the advantage of this country to pursue an independent policy.

Упражнение 2 Предложите адекватные контекстам варианты перевода эллиптических конструкций if any, if anything, if at all, if that long, if only.

1 Congress passed an Act permitting the president to determine when, if at all, the National Government should take over and operate the railroads.

2 I've always thought that if we'd had television back in 1868, the trail would not have lasted three months, but three weeks, if that long.

3 Scientists wonder at the tenacity of lingering superstitions, if only, among a minority of the population.

4 More and more people in Chechnya face the dilemma of how, if at all, an individual can safely exercise honest individual judgement.

5 If anything, this move of NATO countries indicates hardening of the previous attitude.

6 America can count on few, if any, short term gains.

Упражнение 3 Дайте возможные варианты перевода на русский язык уступительных конструкций с союзами however и whatever.

1 But all governments have to prepare for unpleasant eventualities, however unlikely.

2 In any country, the retirement of a judge, however eminent, is modest news, of interest only, to the legal profession.

3 However dubious the outcome, this will be one-sided balance sheet.

4 Whatever their efforts, the advocates of the war against Irak can never be successful in misleading public opinion.

5 But whatever his long term aims, the President's immediate intentions and motives were made relentlessly clear at his last Press Conference less than three weeks ago.

6 Whatever the length of the discourse, a good interpreter never asks the orator to stop in order to enable him to render it bit by bit.

7 Whatever his reasons, the President has now brought the other members of NATO face to face with some very big and difficult questions about the military and political structure of Europe and its relations with the United States.

8 The paper is desperately hunting for any pretext, however slender, for stirring up nationalism.

Упражнение 4 Проанализируйте способы передачи на русский язык конструкции if + причастие + имя прилагательное/наречие.

1 His response to Watergate was original, if ignored

2 Of course, interpreting, if more spectacular, is not the only aspect of linguistic activity in the international sphere.

3 Though this thesis sounds admirably democratic in principle, most students of Indian affairs believe that as applied to the Indian situation it would make it extremely difficult, if not impossible, for India to attain unity and real democracy.

4 Brouillet claimed de Gaulle was fluent, if imperfect, in English and once knew German quite well.

5 Decisions have been taken in Chechnya which, if carried out, would lead to a further aggravation of tension.

6 Officials said there also had been some internal dispute within the Navy, with the aviator faction not too happy about giving up a traditional, if deadly, role to cruise missiles.

7 Extremely damaging was the tangle of price regulations created by controls, providing billions in unearned, if legal, profits for refiners and retailers, who know their way around Washington.

8 The Labour candidate said, if elected, he would support the workers' wage demand.

Упражнение 5 Найдите адекватные варианты перевода эллипса, выраженного наречием.

1 Regrettably, even with inflationary problems waning slightly there is no shortage of other economic factors that could depress the currency over the next quarter.

2 Ironically, the court issued its degree just two days after the Watergate conspirators were caught.

3 The speaker, allegedly, lost consciousness.

4 Ironically, the senator was run over by his own car.

5 Admittedly, the Government's economic policy has completely failed.

Текст 1 A host of books have been written on the history of the various nations that go to compromise the peoples of the western hemisphere. But these works have dealt almost exclusively with the life and progress of single peoples or of limited groups of peoples. Very rarely, if at all, has anything even remotely approaching a co-ordinated history of the hemisphere as such been attempted.

Текст 2 The University of Cambridge, the centre for Ogden and Richards (English literary critics of the beginning of the XX c), also harboured if at times, a little grudgingly, F.R.Leavis (b. 1895), who treated literature seriously and with a puritanical fervour. If literature was to be the centre of culture, he was determined that only the best would suffice. He proceeded to select the best, if perhaps in too arbitrary a way. In compensation there was distinctions of mind and critical acumen.

Текст 3 This essay is based upon broadcasts I made on three Sundays early this year. Those who heard the talks will notice that there has been considerable expansion and some revision of the original material. I am more diffident about appearing in print, dealing with particular subject, than I was about talking on the air, is only because among millions of listeners there must inevitably be a large proportion of people who know far less about British, American and Russian political and social ideas and aspirations than I do, whereas among the selective audience that print finds there will probably be a formidable proportion of persons, who will know as much I do, if not more. 1 am no expert but I hope the expert will read this essay, if only to sharpen their wits on its rough generalizations

8 Обороты со сравнительными формам

Таблица 10. Иллюстративные контексты

1. John plays best.

Джон играет лучше всех.

2. The list tries to highlight the more important factors.

Делается попытка осветить в перечне наиболее важные факторы.

3. He is quite the best dancer I know.

Он самый лучший танцор, которого я знаю.

She had thick straight hair of the very darkest hue.

У нее были густые прямые волосы наитемнейшего оттенка, прямо-таки иссиня-черные.

4. How very interesting. He was startled to see how much of a child she was and how very beautiful.

Как интересно! Его поразило, сколько в ней еще детского и как она красива.

You'd better not eat quite so much.

Вы бы лучше не ели так много.

Dr. Saunders did not know why the stranger so very much attracted him.

Доктор Сондерс не понимал, почему незнакомец так сильно привлекал его.

5. Gray was apt to drink a little too much.

Грей пил, пожалуй, многовато.

6. The more we read, the better we know the language.

Чем больше мы читаем, тем лучше знаем язык.

The nearer the winter, the shorter the days.

Чем ближе зима, тем короче дни.

7. And this is the more remarkable because it has happened so quickly.

И тем более примечательно, что произошло очень быстро.

8. I could no more have done this in their presence than I could have danced on a grave.

Я не мог сделать это в их присутствии, так же, как я не мог бы плясать на могиле.

She did not expect me to believe her, any more than she believed it herself.

Она не думала, что я поверю ей, она ведь и сама не верила этому.

His statement was not mentioned, much less discussed in these circles.

В этих кругах его заявление не обсуждали, более того, о нем даже не упоминали.

Упражнение 1Переведите следующие предложения. Обратите внимание на различие в употреблении степеней сравнения в русском и английском языках.

1 That was the room that Nancy liked best in all the house.

2 The holiday proved to be one of the happiest times that Keith and Natalie had ever known.

3 In general they went to dine at one of the better restaurants in Montparnasse.

4 She congratulated me, somewhat ironically perhaps, on my acquaintance with the more disreputable parts of Paris.

5 The findings of the mission include: the desirability of the countries concerned to meet and discuss early how best to initiate further actions.

6 Peter crossed to the telephone beside the nearer bed.

7 Fortunately, just when things were blackest, the war broke out.

8 «That's it,» he said, «you young people, you all stick together; you all think you know best»!

Упражнение 2 В следующих предложениях укажите наречия степени, которые представляются избыточными или несовместимыми по смыслу с определяемым словом с точки зрения русского языка.

1 Christine realised suddenly how very tired she was.

2 Think of something not quite so expensive.

3 «Are you staying here?» he asked. «Only for a very few days».

4 Hans and Peter are quite the noisiest boys that I know.

5 You've spoken a little too much tonight.

6 I sn't it rich to hear her? How very original she is!

7 I want you to give his reports your very best attention.

8 It's a bit too much.

9 She was interested to see how very disagreeable and ill-dressed many of the women visitors seemed.

10 But he had been a little too quick at this point.

11 In the end she found herself Obliged to quite a little lecture.
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