Юриспруденция Бузулук бгти филиал (огу) 2011

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Упражнение 4 Устно переведите интервью.

An interview with ioanna rowling, the author of books about Harry Potter

- Вас не беспокоит, что с кем-то в разговоре Вы скажете одно, в интервью - другое, и люди сложат все вместе и догадаются, о чем будет следующая книга?

- Mostly, people have put together something I've said, something they'd like to think I'd said, and something that someone else has said which was completely false, and drawn completely the wrong conclusions. That just happens. No one yet has guessed what's going to happen, or come anywhere close.

- Вам не надоело, что Вас постоянно спрашивают, откуда появился Гарри?

- Yes. I get frustrated with myself because you'd think by now I'd have an intelligent or amusing answer to that question, but no I haven't found one yet! The truth is, I do not know where he came from - he walked into my head, fully formed, a scrawny little boy, and I knew he was a wizard and I knew he didn't know he was a wizard and 1 worked backwards from there. I felt this incredible upsurge; of excitement about writing the story.

- Говорят, что Ваша первая книга просто пришла к Вам готовом виде.

- No, Harry came to me. Hogwarts came to me, not in its entire but many of the characters did come in a kind of

- Это было похоже на озарение?

- Yes, it really was. I had this four-hour train journey. It shouldn't have been four hours, but the train was delayed. And Harry was there in my mind. The inhabitants of the castle were there. Harry's scar was there... It's a very strange thing, but I know I'm not alone in this among writers. It was as though I was given a piece of information and I just had to find out the rest of the information. It wasn't really as though I was inventing it. I was working backwards and forwards to see what must have happened.

- Вы как будто отдернули занавес, а за ним...

- But no, it didn't come to me all at once. They're fairly complex plots at times, and it took a couple of years to work out the whole thing properly.

- Вы собираете идеи? Писатели постоянно что-то записывают и бормочут: прекрасная идея. Это и Ваш метод?

- Yeah. I actually had an idea this morning on the train as I got out of bed. Suddenly I thought, oh, that's how we could do it in Hook Five. So, yes, it's wonderful when that happens, when it just comes to you.

- Некоторые говорят, что хорошие герои скучны, а злые всегда интереснее. Как в «Потерянном рае» Мильтона: Бог - зануда, а Дьявол - увлекательный персонаж.

- Well, Harry is good. I personally do not find Harry boring at all. He has his faults. Ron and Hermione are very good characters... but no, I'm not bored by goodness.

scrawny - костлявый, тощий, сухопарый

revelation, epiphany - озарение

to stash ideas - собирать идеи

Упражнение 5 Переведите отрывок из книги Дж. Роулинг «Гарри Поттер и философский камень» на русский язык. Какие приемы вы использовании для передачи слов и словосочетаний, не имеющих лексических соответствий?

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

By J.K. Rowling

There was a lot more to magic, as Harry quickly found out, than waving your hand and saying a few funny words.

They had to study the night skies through their telescopes every Wednesday at midnight and learn the names of different stars and the movements of the planets. Three times a week they went out to the greenhouses behind the castle to study Herbology, with a dumpy little witch called Professor Sprout, where they learned how to take care of all the strange plants and fungi, and found out what they were used for.

Easily the most boring class was History of Magic, which was the only one taught by a ghost. Professor Binns had been very old indeed when he had fallen asleep in front of the staff room fire and got up next morning to teach, leaving his body behind him. Binns droned on and on while they scribbled down names and dates, and got Emetic the Evil and Uric the Oddball mixed up.

Professor Flitwick, the Charms teacher, was a tiny little wizard who had to stand on a pile of books to see over his desk. At the start of their first class he took the roll call, and when he reached Harry's name he gave an excited squeak and toppled out of sight.

Professor McGonagall was again different. Harry had been quite right to think she wasn't a teacher to cross. Strict and clever, she gave them a talking-to the moment they sat down in her first class.

«Transfiguration is some of the most complex and dangerous magic you will learn at Hogwarts» she said. «Anyone messing around in my class will leave and not come back. You have been warned»

Then she changed her desk into a pig and back again. They were all very impressed and couldn't wait to get started, but soon realized they weren't going to be changing the furniture into animals for a long time. After taking a lot of complicated notes, they were each given a match and started trying to turn it into a needle. By the end of the lesson, only Hermione Granger had made any difference to her match; Professor McGonagall showed the class how it had gone all silver and pointy and gave Hermione a rare smile.

The class everyone had really been looking forward to was Defense Against the Dark Arts, but Quirrell's lessons turned out to be a bit of a joke. His classroom smelled strongly of garlic, which everyone said was to ward off a vampire he'd met in Romania and was afraid would be coming back to get him one of these days. His turban, he told them, had been given to him by an African prince as a thank-you for getting rid of a troublesome zombie, but they weren't sure they believed this story.

4 Особенности перевода неологизмов

Упражнение 1 Переведите следующие предложения, точно определив значение выделенных слов и выражений:

1 What kind of person is it who enjoys the aesthetics of a bell shaped curve, the rhetoric of educations, or the poetry of the primer?

2 Volunteers work in nurseries and playrooms in children's hospitals, in the golden age clubs and in veteran hospitals.

3 Few doubt that CNN is fulfilling the dream of a «global village» where citizens gather around an electronic hearth.

4 Executives have to keep workers satisfied in order to reduce job hopping.

5 European head-hunters typically stalk their prey by telephone. They seldom write and never show up at a candidate's current place of employment.

6 Americans are traditionally self-conscious about excessive displays of patriotism, and will deride such excess as «Fourth of July» speeches.

7 America is increasingly becoming a nation of part-timers and temps. This «disposable» work force is the most important trend in the U.S. business today, and it is fundamentally changing the relationship between people and their jobs.

8 ...on their left stands a man in a very dark suit, with very dark tie, very dark glasses, very white shirt, and very bald head; a cop, FeeBie, CIA, something like that.

Профессиональные хитрости (Tricks of the Trade) устного переводчика.

Антонимический перевод в некоторых случаях является весьма желательным, с точки зрения сочетаемости слов, а зачастую бывает единственно возможным.

Обоснованный переспрос - возможность для переводящего уточнить устную информацию, не полученную в результате помех: постороннее вмешательство, громкий шум, отказ технических средств и т.п. В профессиональном переводе рекомендуется использовать только в исключительных случаях, когда высокий уровень перевода не может быть поставлен под вопрос.

Употребление нейтральных оборотов возможно в случае образования «информационного провала», если вы чего-то не поняли или не услышали.

Описательный перевод применяется в случаях, когда:

а) иной перевод практически невозможен ввиду отсутствия аналога или тем более эквивалента в языке (игра слов, каламбуры, реалии, фразеологизмы, сленг и т.п.)

б) аналог/эквивалент имеется, но вы его не знаете или забыли (ничего, со всеми бывает!);

в) встречаются сложные термины из малознакомых вам областей знаний.

В последнем случае можно прибегнуть к методу коррективной транслитерации, воспроизведению оригинального термина с поправкой на морфологию и фонетику языка перевода. Это приемлемо, так как большинство терминов имеют в основе латынь, греческий, французский, а сейчас все чаще английский. Например: jobber - джоббер (спекулянт на бирже, профессиональный биржевик), futures - фьючерсы (сделки по будущим контрактам).

Упражнение 2 Переведите на русский язык с листа или на слух следующие информационные сообщения.

Networking survey finds working long hour’s endemic

July 3, 2002 - Flexible working allows networking professionals to manage their work-life needs - but over half are still working more than 48 hours a week.

Software giants court Indian programmers

July 4, 2002 - Microsoft and Sun Microsystems woo Indian tec-hies who work for one tenth of a U.S. programmer's wage.

Web ties cut by hyper linking crackdown

July 4,2002 - Some Web publications are clamping down on 'deep linking', where a hyperlink goes to a page other than their home page, but others warn that this destroys the very essence of the Web.

E-tailers missing out on teen sales

July 4, 2002 - 13:15 Although teenagers are active Web users, they are not making use of e-commerce because of obstacles like the lack of credit cards.

Упражнение 3 Переведите текст на русский язык в соответствии с требованиями стиля. Прокомментируйте перевод неологизмов, которые вам встретились.

Net gain: a pollyanna-ish view of online personals

By Emily Nussbaum

When I first went to work at Nerve.com, the online sex and culture magazine, I knew very little about the «personals» side of the site. No, I was a big editorial snob, too busy soliciting personal essays on Canadian toplessness to pay much attention to the tech-heads to my left, who were beta-testing classified-ad databases. Little did I know about the real literary revolution taking place - that out of the inky duckling of the print personal ad was emerging this proud and freaky swan, the online profile.

The old-style personal ad was a solitary two-line cry for help, delivered with haiku-length concision. The language was as coy as that of a real-estate ad: Rubenesque meant fat, generous meant rich patsy, artistic meant broke. Two types of daters were assumed to use these ads: the extremely lonely and those with narrowly specific sexual kinks. Before a meeting, one likely knew very little about one's date, other than the fact that he or she would be sporting a glittery beret as a signal.

Online ads, in contrast, are more informative, more frank, and judging from anecdotal evidence, much more popular.

If there's still any stigma attached to online dating, it's on its way out. Part of this is generational: Young People of Today don't view the Web as dorky (or dangerous) by nature. While everyone has heard scary stories about online romance (beware the pedophiles and married creeps!), the chiding articles, like anti-drug ads, may trigger more curiosity than caution.

Still, the greatest strength of the online dating sites is their playfulness - they're more like video games than premarital business spreadsheets. In a culture that seems to regard singleness as a problem to be solved, they turn the process of dating into something that can be turned on and off as easily as your computer. Some might call that trivializing. I call it progress.

5 Передача имён собственных в переводе

Упражнение 1 Переведите следующие предложения, указывая способы передачи имеющихся в них имен собственных.

1 The prejudice against the Whigs had not subsided, when James ascended the throne.

2 The attempt to indict Dr Dubois was one of the most shameful acts committed by the Government of the United States against the Negro people.

3 The letters of British soldiers from Korea complained, first of all, of lack of news. Japan News and a Yankee propaganda rag Stars and Stripes were the only news sheets they got.

4 About 10 tons of uranium fuel would provide sufficient heat for producing all the electrical power produced throughout the world in 1939. The Queen Elizabeth could keep going for about a year on one hundredweight.

5 Lao-tzu was born in the province of Henan and was a court librarian.

Виды информации в устном переводе.

Прецизионная информация (ПИ) может быть числовой (цифры, даты, имена числительные) и буквенной (имена собственные, названия и т.д.). Прецизионная информация является основой и сутью устного перевода, без точной передачи которой коммуникация крайне осложняется, особенно при обсуждении технико-экономических вопросов, при диалогах, переговорах и т.д.

В то время как ПИ в письменном переводе и переводе с листа не вызывает затруднений, в процессе устного перевода она является наиболее сложной для запоминания и воспроизведения. Для повышения адекватности перевода, точной передачи ПИ необходимо сосредоточить внимание именно на прецизионных словах и создать опору для памяти, используя символы/знаки переводческой скорописи (см. Unit VI).

Базисная информация (БИ) - это понятия, сведения и данные, хорошо знакомые и легко узнаваемые, воспринимаемые и запоминаемые в ходе устного перевода. БИ вызывает конкретные ассоциации и составляет важнейшую часть эрудиции (background knowledge) переводчика.

В отличие от ПИ, базисная информация не является чем-то новым, незнакомым, и служит помощником и опорой при устном переводе.

БИ также делится на буквенную и числовую, но в отличие от ПИ является более субъективной и специфической (кто-то знает больше в одной области, кто-то в другой, у некоторых эрудиция более обширна и глубока и пр.).

Необходимо всячески расширять и диверсифицировать объем и качество БИ, стремясь к тому, чтобы новая прецизионная информация становилась базисной, знакомой. Этот процесс должен идти постоянно.

Упражнение 2 Переведите текст на русский язык с листа или на слух, по возможности сохраняя всю ПИ.

U.S. Report: multilingual world wide web

08:01 Thursday 23rd July 1998

This year, the number of new non-English Web sites is expected to outpace the growth of new sites in English, as the cyber world truly becomes a «World Wide Web».

The fastest growing groups of Web newbie are non-English-speaking: Spanish, 22.4 percent; Japanese, 12.3 percent; German, 14 percent; and French, 10 percent.

An estimated 55.7 million people access the Web whose native language is not English. But the translation market is seemingly endless. Only 6 percent of the world population speaks English as a native language (16 percent speak Spanish), while about 80 percent of all -Web pages are in English.

The leading translation firms are mobilising to seize the opportunities. Such as: Systran has partnered with Alta Vista and reports between 500,000 and 600,000 visitors a day on babelfish.altavista.digital.com, and about 1 million translations per day - ranging from recipes to complete Web pages.

newlrie - новичок (новый пользователь сети), «чайник»

Systran - компания, производящая программное обеспечение для компьютерного перевода

Alta Vista - поисковая система в Интернете

babelfish.altavista.digital.com - программа перевода с различных языков «онлайн», предлагаемая поисковой системой «Alta Vista».
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