Юриспруденция Бузулук бгти филиал (огу) 2011

НазваниеЮриспруденция Бузулук бгти филиал (огу) 2011
1   ...   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   ...   23

Упражнение 1 Проанализируйте приведенные ниже переводы. Определите использованные способы передачи модальности.

1 It is particularly requested that Miss Sharp's stay in Russell Square may not exceed ten days. - Особая просьба: пребывание мисс Шарп на Рассель-сквер недолжно превышать десяти дней.

2 Which I really thought was a sensible idea that Ham might have acted upon. - По моему мнению, это была разумная мысль, и Хэму надлежало бы так и сделать.

3 It was strange, and very different from any romantic picture which his fancy might have painted. - Положение создалось неожиданное и совсем непохожее на те романтические картины, которые некогда рисовало ему воображение.

4 But I have yet to meet a single Frenchman who did not see in this an insult to his own national dignity. - Но я не встречал еще ни одного француза, который не считал бы это оскорблением своего чувства национальной гордости.

5 Where you really in earnest when you said that you could love a man of lowly position?

- Indeed I was. But I said «might»

- Вы на самом деле не шутили, когда сказали, что могли бы погубить человека небогатого?

- Конечно, нет. Но ведь я сказала «может быть, смогла бы».

6 One has to do real violence to the term democracy to consider this white, aged Congress as democratic. - Те, кто считает этот конгресс, на котором главным образом присутствуют пожилые представители с белым цветом кожи, демократическим, издеваются над самим понятием демократии.

7 Nobody can tell that the hostages may not be used as counter. in fresh bargaining. - Никто не может сказать с уверенностью, не окажутся ли заложники разменной монетой при новых переговорах.

Упражнение 2 Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, предварительно определив функцию и значение модального глагола в каждом из них.

1 Не said that this was not a temporary problem. Lasting arrangements should be made.

2 It was not without significance that people who were connected at that level with the situation should be expressing grave disquiet.

3 Such is the speed of history today that, when this is published, so many new and perhaps more shocking developments may have taken place that the events herein detailed may seem even more remote.

4 In reality the Pope may not have been anxious to see his suggestion, advanced from the marble rostrum of the General Assembly of October 4, enacted a bare six weeks later.

5 The strain must have been particularly telling on a man like Mr. D., one of the most conscientious of the Government's back-bench MPs. He was involved in a car accident last session, but continued to attend to Commons duties on crutches.

6 Share prices soared on the London Stock Exchange yesterday in the hope that Bank rate is to be cut from the present 6.5 per cent to 6 per cent.

7 Unless the Bill passes through all its stages in the Commons and the Lords before the session ends it will have to be started all over again in the new session in November.

Упражнение 3 Определите грамматическую функцию глагола to do и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1 What the report prepared by a body of the most conservative characters does show is that newspaper economics, and particularly the enormous and growing reliance on advertizing revenue, puts the whole industry into crisis.

2 The defenders of the present United Nations system point out that the agencies do in fact work together successfully on a number of projects.

3 The Foreign Secretary did not show any willingness to discuss this question, but he did refer to the responsibility of both governments as co-chairman of the last conference.

4 Perhaps they may even engender a little shame among Cabinet Ministers at the hold-up in the road building. If they do, the conference will be voted a great success.

5 Mafia crime syndicates are gaining control of many legitimate businesses and now pose a greater threat to Russia than did the gangsters of the Al Capone era in the 1930s.

6 It is bound to be a delicate operation, trenching as it does upon sensitive areas of a nation's cultural heritage and on its spiritual inadequacies.

Упражнение 4 Определите грамматическую функцию глаголов will и would и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1 The regiment will attack at dawn.

2 Don't phone them now - they'll be having dinner.

3 «Can somebody help me?» - «I will»

4 I will stop smoking.

5 I'll break your neck!

6 Will you have some more wine?

7 Won't you come in?

8 She won't open the door.

9 The car won't start.

10 When nobody's looking, she'll go into the kitchen and steal biscuits.

11 He'll often say something and, then forget what it was he said.

12 He would never let anybody know what he was doing.

13 You will keep forgetting things.

14 You would tell Mary about the party - I didn't want to invite her.

15 If you put a match to it, real amber won't melt, but imitation will.

16 Gold won't desolve in hydrochloric acid.

17 Sulphuric acid will desolve most metals.

18 Will you come this way, please?

19 He's strange - he'll sit for hours without saying anything.
Упражнение 5 Дополните приведенную на с. 23 таблицу теми оттенками значений модальных глаголов и вариантами их перевода, которые встретились вам в упражнениях 1-4.

Текст 1

Bauestein demanded a post-mortem. He needn't have done so. Little Wilkins would have been quite content to let it go as heart disease. «Yes», I said doubtfully. «But we don't know. Perhaps he thought it safer in the long run. Someone might have talked afterwards. Then the Home Office might have ordered exhumation. The whole thing would have come out, then, and he would have been in an awkward position, for no one would have believed that a man of his reputation could have been deceived into calling it heart disease».

Текст 2

I cannot remember writing this book. I must have written it in a cramped and rather dark study I had a house on Chinnor Hill, at the Western end of the Chilterns. It was begun and ended, I suspect, in misery, which was where I really lived then, but I had either to write hard or to go round cadging. And with a promising subject, like these comic characters, writing that simply had to be done might offer me a temporary means of escape, a brief release from the grim burden.
Текст 3

The house was a sepulchre, our fear and suffering lay buried in the ruins. There would be no resurrection. When I thought of Manderley in my waking hours I would not be bitter. I should think of it as it might have been, could I have lived there without fear. I should remember the rose garden in summer, and the birds that sang at dawn. I would think of the blown lilac and the Happy Valley. These things were permanent, they could not be dissolved. They were memories that cannot hurt. We would not talk of Manderley. I would not tell my dreams. For Manderley was ours no longer. Manderley was no more.

5 Каузативные конструкции

Таблица 7. Иллюстративные контексты

1. The report makes it urgent for us to renew our expressions of solidarity to the party.

Доклад побуждает нас заново подтвердить нашу солидарность с этой партией

2.1. We must get more students to read the paper.

Мы должны добиться того, чтобы больше студентов читали эту газету.

The Japanese have themselves at least partly to blame for their troubles.

Японцы отчасти должны сами себя винить в своих бедах. Японцы отчасти сами виноваты в своих бедах

2.2. Callers wishing to see a particular official and pretending to know him, can have their image switched to the TV screen in the office of that particular official for identification.

Если посетитель хочет видеть конкретного работника, которого он, по его словам, знает лично, то в этом случае изображение посетителя можно передать для опознания на экран телевизора в кабинет данного работника.

If true caller cannot get himself satisfactory identified he is then considered to be in the same category as other unknown callers

Если не удается удовлетворительно установить личность посетителя, то его относят к категории других неизвестных посетителей.

3. They said they were talked in \ the robbery by the fourth man.

Они заявили, что их уговорил (побудил) совершить кражу четвертый человек

These men bought their way into the government.

Эти люди пробрались в правительство путем подкупа

Упражнение 1Переведите следующие предложения, объяснив способы передачи на русский язык каузативных конструкций.

1 Those guests who forget to bring their tickets should not object to being questioned and even have their «stories» checked.

2 He prodded both countries into signing the agreement on November eleventh.

3 Unionism's right wingers are using their paramilitary organizations to blackmail the Labour government into granting their return to power.

4 It seems quite possible that the minister would talk the president into attending the conference.

5 Four men claiming to be police drove up to a home in the middle of the night and forced a young man from the household into their unmarked car.

6 The two ministers would have the government set import quotas.

7 The British government must resist any effort by the US authorities to cajole in into reversing its decision.

8 It was Richard III who went over to George's camp and talked George into alliance again.

9 The opposition voted the government out of office.

10 He failed to cheat him out of his money.

11 All sides agree to have the conference convened.

Упражнение 2 Переведите предложения, обратив внимание на способы передачи четырехчленной каузативной конструкции (глагол + имя + into/out of + герундий/существительное).

1 This proposal, however, did not win favour with the workers and may have been intended primarily to prod the trade union into an early move.

2 There can be little doubt that Mrs. B. will widen the difference in coming polls, and it is possible, too, that she will fog her tired colleagues into winning in September.

3 Interviewing this writer I found a man eager to speak out on many more issues than the fearful H-bomb menace that first angered him into activity.

4 The average congressman sees only a relatively few of these bills so do not let him fool you into thinking that he considers them all, as some imply in order to make you think they are overworked.

5 The Government have conditioned the public into believing that it has changed its collective mind.

6 They are aiming to get the Bill amendment into uselessness.

7 This puts the other members in a stronger position: they cannot be bluffed and bullied into making serious concessions..

8 The Prime Minister refused to be drawn yesterday into saying what he would do if his attempt to renegotiate this agreement were to fail.

9 US companies are trapped by their own drive for quick and highly publicized profits, forcing them into a bonus system that has made management itself too expensive.

10 It is trying to scare and bully Europe and the Japanese into letting down their guard, apd yet appealing for peace and compromise.

11 Their trade-union bosses with their policy of compromise lulled the workers into inactivity.

Текст 1 There is a danger in the very act that we are becoming accustomed to the idea of the A-bomb. We have lived with it for so long that we may be lulled into a feeling that there is no harm in living with it tor ever.

Текст 2 The Tory defence secretary has taken the first step in his speech to the Royal United Services Institute in the government's compaign to arm itself with nerve gas weapons. What he was out to do was to brainwash the British public into accepting the inevitability of such a step.

Текст 3 Back in 1964 the US President desperate to con the US Congress into giving him unlimited powers to wage war again Indo-China's people, sent US naval boats into provocations against North Vietnam. There followed a decade of war and aggression the like of which human history had never witnessed before.And now the British Prime-Minister is egging the President into a remark of that epic.

6 Слова-заместители

Таблица 8. Иллюстративные контексты

1.1. The phonology of Korean is similar to that of both Japanese and Chinese

Фонология корейского языка сходна с фонологией как японского, так и китайскою языков

1.2. This system of writing is quite different from the one described in the book

Эта система письма совершенно отличается от той, которая описана в книге

1.3. His handwriting resembles that of his father

Его почерк похож на отцовский

2. The first chapter was very difficult, the second less so

Первая глава была очень трудная, вторая — менее (трудная)

3.1.1. He stayed there much longer than he usually did

Он оставался там значительно дольше, чем обычно

3.1.2. Не stayed there much longer than he usually does

Он оставался там значительно дольше, чем остается обычно

Упражнение 1 Найдите слова-заместители имен существительного и прилагательного. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1 In reading Shakespeare's works one finds many common everyday words that are used with meanings quite different from those they have today.

2 The style of this novel is not more ornate than that, let us say, of Robinson Crusoe, and incomparably less so than that of many Japanese books of later date.

3 I have pointed out that the language used by the child is determined far more by that of its playfellows than by that of his parents.

4 Of course, the hieroglyphic writing had a stock of thousands of characters, and might well have included the ones we are looking for in texts which have disappeared or not yet been discovered.

5 This list was criticized on various grounds, some quite legitimate, others less so.

6 Of the criticism which appeared in the eighteen major reviews in England, nine were favourable, some very much so, three were lukewarm, but more favourable than hostile.

7 Hebrew has apparently successfully revived in Israel though Israeli Hebrew, too, is something quite different from that spoken in ancient times.

Упражнение 2 Переведите предложения на русский язык и проанализируйте способы замещения глагола.

1 There is a super-refined Oxford accent which produces as artificial an effect, in its own way, as does the pronunciation of some of the American stage stars.

2 We know much more about Giovanni Pisano than we do about his anonymous contemporaries who were at work on the Gothic cathedrals in France.

3 Jones' surmise that the Germanic languages were related to Latin, Greek and Sanscrit, at once proved true, as did later his surmise about Celtic.

4 The Roman baths (Bath) are the only hot springs in England. The Rump Room was ruined by the blitz during the war as were the Assembly Rooms.

5 The typological classification of languages is not necessarily preferable to the genetic classification nor does it supplant the genetic (as the latter does geographic).

6 The Chinese cannot properly be said to have an alphabet, since the characters, used in writing do not represent sounds as do the letters of the alphabets that have been described.

7 It is bound to be a delicate operation, trenching as it does upon sensitive areas of a nation's cultural heritage and on its spiritual inadequacies.
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Программа предназначена для преподавателей, ведущих данную дисциплину, учебных ассистентов и студентов направления 030900. 62 «Юриспруденция»,...

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