Контрольное задание №1 Для того чтобы правильно выполнить задание №1, необходимо усвоить следующие разделы курса английского языка по рекомендованному учебнику

НазваниеКонтрольное задание №1 Для того чтобы правильно выполнить задание №1, необходимо усвоить следующие разделы курса английского языка по рекомендованному учебнику
1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9
part —деталь

work — изделие

1. A machine-tool is a power-driven machine used to shape metal by cutting, drilling, pressure, electrical techniques, or a combination of these processes.

Thus, it is clear that machine-tools can be built in a wide variety of types. Basically, however, there are two main categories, the first being the cutting-type machine-tool, which shapes metal to certain size and contour.

2. For the various operations that are to be performed in the metalworking shop, there are many different kinds of machines. Each machine-tool is being designed to do work of a specific nature.

There are special machine-tools that are built to perform successive operations. The operator only watches the succession of machining steps from the beginning to the end of the operation. Such equipment is considered to be automatic machinery.

3. Precision of operation is the most important characteristic of today's machine- tools. The precision makes it possible to produce hundreds of identical parts, all so much alike that they may be freely interchanged or substituted in assembly or repair, without hand-fitting.

The function of a machine-tool is to hold both the work and a cutting-tool and move them relative to each other to obtain the proper cutting action.

  1. Machine-tools are known to serve four main purposes: 1) they hold the work or part to be cut; 2) they hold the cutting tool (or tools); 3) they impart to the cutting tool or work the motion required for cutting or forming the part; 4) they regulate the cutting speed and the movement between the tool and work.

  2. The most common machine-tools are lathes, which perform cutting operations mostly, milling machines, drilling machines and grinders.

II. Выпишите из 4-го абзаца текста предложение, содержащее субъектный инфинитивный оборот, и переведите его письменно на русский язык.
III. Прочтите 5-й абзац текста и письменно ответьте на следующий вопрос:
What machine-tool is used for cutting?

(для студентов энергетических специальностей)
I. Прочтите и устно переведите на русский язык с 1-го по 4-й абзацы текста. Перепишите и письменно переведите 1, 2 и 3-й абзацы.

  1. Studying electric circuits requires an accurate quantitative measurement of potential or voltage, and current strength or amperage. As the electricity is forced to move along a conductor, it produces various effects such as: it sets up a magnetic field around its conductors; it produces heat; and it causes chemical changes. The magnitude of any of these effects is known to be used as a quantitative measure of the amount of current.

  2. When the current to be detected and measured is very small, one should use a galvanometer. Nowadays there are some very sensitive galvanometers which are reported to detect a current as small as 10 of an ampere per 1 mm of the scale.

  3. The basic measuring instrument which indicates any value of current strength is the ammeter. In an ammeter an armature coil rotates between the poles of a permanent magnet; the coil restrained by a spring is able to turn but through a small angle. The greater the Current in the coil, the greater the force and, therefore, the greater the angle of rotation of the armature. The deflection is measured by means of a pointer attached to the armature, the scale under the pointer reading directly in amperes.

4. A voltmeter is designed in order to measure the potential difference between two points in a current. Its action is similar to that of an ammeter, both of them having armatures that move when an electric current is sent through their coils.

5. However, in spite of some similarity between a voltmeter and ammeter there are also important differences. A voltmeter must have very high resistance, an ammeter, on the other hand, must have a low resistance. In actual use the ammeter is placed in series with the rest of the circuit, while the voltmeter is placed in parallel with that part of the circuit where the voltage is to be measured.
II. Выпишите из 4-го абзаца текста предложение, содержащее независимый причастный оборот, и переведите его письменно на русский язык.
III. Прочтите 5-й абзац текста и письменно ответьте на следующие вопросы:
Which of the meters (a voltmeter or an ammeter)

  1. must have a low resistance?

  2. must be placed in series with the rest of the circuit?


(для студентов радиотехнических вузов)
I. Прочтите и устно переведите на русский язык с 1-го по 4-й абзацы текста. Перепишите и письменно переведите 1, 2 и 3-й абзацы.
Пояснения к тексту
cryogenics — криогеника, физика низких температур

tantalum — тантал

in. = inch - дюйм

K = Kelvin - по шкале Кельвина

ma = milliampere — миллиампер

printed circuits — печатные схемы

thimble — наперсток

  1. The invention of electronic devices whose activity is based upon the flow of free electrons in a vacuum has considerably enlarged the application of electrical energy for various industrial purposes. Use is made of radio electronics at every step. Without radio electronics we would not have cybernetics, cosmonautics and nuclear physics.

  2. We know the cryotron to be developed in 1953. In this devise the superconductor is a piece of tantalum wire 1 in long and 0.009 in. in diameter. It is kept at a temperature of 4.2°K, which is the boiling point of liquid helium at atmospheric pressure.

  3. Around this wire is a coil. This coil functions as a control winding. A change in the flow of current through the winding changes the strength of magnetic field. This controls the resistance of the tantalum wire, causing the wire to shift back and forth between its superconducting and normally conducting states.

Thus, the current through the coil exceeding 100 ma, the magnetic field changes the resistance of the tantalum wire from zero ohms to 0.008 ohms. This behaviour enables the cryotron to function either as an amplifier or as a switch. Newer types of cryotron are known to employ printed circuits in place of wires.

  1. The cryotron is so small that a hundred of them will fit into an ordinary thimble. It is planned at present to employ this device in computer circuits in place of transistors and tubes. Among the advantages associated with the use of the cryotron are simplicity, reliability, economy of electrical power, and compactness.

  2. Cryogenics is the science of producing low temperatures. The operation of the cryotron is based upon the phenomenon of superconductivity. At extremely low temperatures the resistance of certain metals decreases practically to zero.

II. Выпишите из 4-го абзаца текста предложение, содержащее Participle II в функции определения, и переведите' его письменно на русский язык.
III. Прочтите 5-й абзац текста и вопрос к нему. Из приведенных вариантов ответа укажите номер предложения, содержащего правильный ответ на поставленный вопрос.
What phenomenon is the operation of the cryotron based upon?

  1. ... upon conductivity.

  2. ... upon non-conductivity.

  3. ... upon superconductivity.


(для студентов сельскохозяйственных вузов)
I. Прочтите и устно переведите на русский язык с 1-го по 4-й абзацы текста. Перепишите и письменно переведите 1, 2 и 3-й абзацы.

1. Agriculture is known to be the industry supplying people with food, raw materials for shelter and clothing.

  1. To achieve the quick and steady growth of agricultural production it is important to develop and modernize the material and technical basis of agriculture. Mechanization and electrification are the most significant factors for the intensification of agriculture. We know mechanization in agriculture to be developing with every coming year. Many agricultural processes are being mechanized now. Modern farm machines are used to make the farmers work easier and more productive.

  2. The application of new machines in agricultural production has been one of the greatest developments in agriculture during the past few years. The results car? Be seen in many spheres of life. Further simplification and standardization of the agricultural equipment was of great importance, labour saving and comfort for the farmers being increased considerably.

  3. Due to comprehensive mechanization and consistent intensification of agriculture our country is able to satisfy the growing needs of the people in farm production. Today our agriculture has achieved high efficiency of crop farming and stock-breeding.

5. All this made it possible to accomplish two basic, closely related tasks: to build up an abundance of high quality food products for the population and of raw materials for industry and to eliminate the distinction between town and country.
II. Выпишите из 3-го абзаца текста предложение, содержащее пассивный инфинитив после модального глагола.
III. Прочтите 5-й абзац текста и письменно ответьте на следующий вопрос:
What tasks were accomplished due to comprehensive mechanization of agriculture?

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Контрольное задание №1 Для того чтобы правильно выполнить задание №1, необходимо усвоить следующие разделы курса английского языка по рекомендованному учебнику iconКонтрольная работа №3 по английскому языку для студентов II курса заочного отделения
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Контрольное задание №1 Для того чтобы правильно выполнить задание №1, необходимо усвоить следующие разделы курса английского языка по рекомендованному учебнику iconТребования, предъявляемые к жалобе и её содержанию
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Контрольное задание №1 Для того чтобы правильно выполнить задание №1, необходимо усвоить следующие разделы курса английского языка по рекомендованному учебнику iconУчебное пособие Иванов Р. В. 1 Методология внедрения

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