English for computing Часть 1 Учебное пособие

НазваниеEnglish for computing Часть 1 Учебное пособие
ТипУчебное пособие
1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   ...   37

23. Choose the statements which correspond to the contents of the text.

1. Nothing epitomised modern life better than computer. For better or worse, computers have infiltrated every aspect of our society.

2. Although there are many new developments in computers that are blurring the lines between these types, we can still place computers generally into four categories.

3. Computerized telephone switching centres play traffic cop to millions of calls and keep lines of communication untangled; and automatic teller machines let us conduct banking transactions from virtually anywhere in the world.

4. The basic job of the computer is the processing of information. Computers accept information in the form of instruction called a program and characters called data to perform mathematical and logical operations, and then give the results. The data is raw material while information is organized, processed, refined and useful for decision making. Computer is used to convert data into information. Computer is also used to store information in the digital form.

5. Today computers do much more than simply compute: supermarket scanners calculate our grocery bill while keeping store inventory.

6. The powerful capabilities of today’s high-resolution colour graphics hardware and new types of graphics programs are changing the way many artists do their work.
24. Find in the text passages about the computer usage in science and translate them into Russian.
25. Find in the text and put down 10-12 words or word combinations which can be used to speak about the computer usage in education.
26. Read the translation of the first two paragraphs given below. Compare it with the original and say if everything is right.

Наши дома представляют собой одно из последних мест в нашем обществе, которые значительно изменены компьютерами. Сегодня же во многих домах установлена компьютеризованная система охраны.

Если технологии телевидения, компьютеров и электронных игр объединить, то они обеспечат новую форму интерактивных видеоразвлечений. Они могут принять форму продолжительного телевизионного вещания, которое может сохраниться внутри компьютерного развлекательного центра, позволяя вам определять, что и когда вы хотите посмотреть.

В некоторых домах установлены системы, которые контролируют свет, тепло, и даже электрические приборы. В некоторых домах эти компьютерные системы могут контролироваться звонком с любого телефона и ввода последовательности чисел, используемых на телефонном диске.

Некоторые работники боятся, что могут быть заменены компьютерами. Но внедрение компьютеров в работу не влияет на безработицу. Многие из нас боятся изменений до тех пор, пока мы не научимся с ними работать.
27. Give the main idea of the extract “Computers in our lives” in 25 sentences.
Listening Practice

28. Listen to these people talking about how they use computers at work and write each speaker’s job in the table.

electrical engineer






What they use computers for





29. Now listen again and write what each speaker uses their computer for. Note different meanings for word “to communicate”.
30. Mike Hartley is a director of the Adaptive Technology Project for the Blind in Washington, DC. Listen to this interview with him in which he discusses the needs of blind computer users and make notes.

  • Work he's involved in:

  • Minimum configuration required to meet the needs of these workers:



  • Expansion slots:

  • Specific technologies (input/output devices):

  • Companies that are developing adaptive equipment:

31. Compare your notes in pairs.

32. Listen again and complete your notes.
33. Read and translate the text.



to be responsible - быть ответственным за ч.-л.

on the other hand - с другой стороны

phobia - страх, боязнь

previously - предыдущий

skill - умение

wrist pain - боль в пояснице

Almost everyone recognizes the presence of computers in today’s work places. What computers have often caused is a need for people to be retrained so they can fill the jobs that have been created by computers and new related technologies.

Most users find that many of the skills that were previously learned as part of their jobs can be applied to learning about the new tools made available by the computer. In most cases job-related skills rather than computer skills are found to be most important to worker productivity.

Fear of technology is known as technophobia. Many people feel that as new generations grow up with computers and learn to use them in a variety of environments they will feel more comfortable with the technology and will not suffer from the discomfort of this transitional period.


Some people are working in their homes. These workers can communicate with the office and access information from the company’s computer system. If employees have to work overtime, at least they can do so in the comfort of their own home. Parents can be available for their children at home and still get some work done. By telecommuting, employees can do the work when they are most productive. As a result, because the computer never sleeps, night owls can work all night.

Worker Health

Many people are concerned about the effect of radiation from the cathode-ray tube (CRT) technology used in many computer displays. Computer display technology is being improved to reduce the amount of radiation that is emitted. There is also some evidence that spending too much time looking at a computer screen may cause headaches and vision problems. Filters have now been developed to reduce the amount of glare coming off of computer screens.

On the other hand, too much time is engaged in repetitive motion while using a computer can cause problems. For example, computer users who spend too much time sitting in one position while using a computer can develop back problems. And many people who spend long hours typing on a computer keyboard can develop wrist pain.
34. Choose a passage and read it aloud (The approximate time of reading is 1-2 minutes).
35. Look through the text again to find two facts which were quite new to you and two facts which were already known to you.
36. Give the main idea of the extract “Computers in the workplace” in 20 sentences.
Writing Practice

37. Write a letter to Mike Hartley asking for information about computers for the disabled. Make sure you include the following points.

  • Begin by saying why you're writing:

I am writing to ...

  • Ask for information about specific input/output equipment for deaf, blind and motor-disabled workers:

I would like to know ...

  • Ask for a free handbook about how to add adaptive technology to personal computers:

I would be very grateful if...

  • End the letter appropriately:

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely ...
Oral Practice

38. In small groups, choose one of the areas in the diagram below and discuss what computers can do in this area.

Formula 1 cars



Factories and industrial processes

Hospitals and medical research

Useful words

Formula 1: racing car, car body, design, mechanical parts, electronic components, engine speed.

Entertainment: game, music, animated image, multimedia, encyclopedia.

Factories: machinery, robot, production line, computer-aided manufacturing software.

Hospitals: patients, medical personnel, database program, records, scanner diagnose, disease, robot, surgery.

Useful constructions

Computers are used to ...

A PC can also be used for ...

Computers can

help ...

manage ...

measure ...

make ...

give …

test ...

control ...

perform ...

provide ...

store ...

keep ...

provide access to ...

39. Now write a short paragraph summarizing your discussion. Then ask one person from your group to give a summary of the group’s ideas to the rest of the class.


In the business, computers are used for financial planning, accounting and specific calculations.

In the office, computers are used to write letters and e-mails, and keep records of clients, suppliers and employees.
40. Discussion.

More and more people begin using computers in their work. Some of them cannot imagine their life without this invention of the 20th century. Children find computer games very interesting. Are computers one of the greatest or the most dangerous inventions?

Say whether you use a computer in your work or for playing computer games. Do you use your computer in any other way or for any other purposes?

a) Read the following arguments. Think of some more.

Computers are one of the greatest inventions

Computers are one of the most dangerous inventions

1. They save a lot of time.

2. They can do calculations and other things which are not interesting for people to do.

3. They help you to process information.

4. You can learn many things using a computer as a tutor.

5. You can relax playing computer games.

1. They are dangerous for your health.

2. People waste a lot of time playing computer games.

3. You can lose the results of your work if something goes wrong with the computer.

4. Some people live in a virtual reality not in the real world.

5. Children cannot do the simplest arithmetic sums because they rely on computers.

b) Discuss the problem in groups of 3-5 students in order to make decision.

This unit takes you back in time and introduces you to the technological developments that have evolved over time into the complex computer systems we use today. By understanding the connections between these early developments in the history of computers, you can see insight into the processes of technological evolution that continue today. In this chapter you will learn about the following topics:

- the evolution of computers;

- next-generation computers.
Terms Concepts

Despite the fact that today’s computers are much smaller and much cheaper than their predecessors, they are far more flexible and powerful. Integrator and Calculator (ENIAC) is in now seen as the first electronic computer. The first really successful computer was produced by Mauchley and Eckert and was named the UNIVAG 1.

New methods of programming the firm generation of computers evolved with the hardware development. Fortran is generally seen as the first high-level programming language. Special-purpose microprocessors were produced in the early 1970s and in 1974 Intel produced their new 8-bit processor with 64,000 operations per second.
Language Material

1. Consult a dictionary and practise the pronunciation of the following words:

progress, importance, project, to succeed, efficiency, minuscule, artificial, versatility, feature, cumbersome, enormous, demand, sensitive, quartz, scientist, ultra-large, icon.
2. Learn by heart the following vocabulary:















sophisticated to shrink



эффективность, действенность

черта, особенность

начало, натиск


шаг, успех

тенденция, направление



отчетливый, различный

отличительный, различный



сложный сужать(ся),


to consume

to contain

to diminish

to describe

to eliminate

to expand

to exploit

to hasten

to handle

to include

to increase

to link

to resume

to share

to succeed

to squeeze

потреблять, съедать


уменьшать, ослаблять


исключать, устранять




управлять, обращаться с






достигать цели, удаваться

вмещать, сжимать

3. Read the words; translate them in writing and learn by heart:








to damage

to fit

to consist

to allow

to limit

to move

to replace

to remain

4. Match the English word combinations in the left-hand column with the Russian equivalents in the right-hand column:

1. machine language

2. computer function

3. computer engineering

4. the key element

5. vacuum tube

6. a general-purpose computer

7. tape storage

8. disk storage

9. stored program

10. to run program

11. to meet any number demands

12. an electronic relay computer

a) функция компьютера

b) компьютер с электрическим реле

c) электровакуумная лампа

d) ЭВМ

e) компьютерное проектирование / техника

f) машинный язык

g) запустить программу

h) отвечать любым требованиям

i) ленточный накопитель

j) ключевой элемент

k) дисковый накопитель

l) с хранимой программой

5. Consider the grammar:
1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   ...   37


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