English for computing Часть 1 Учебное пособие

НазваниеEnglish for computing Часть 1 Учебное пособие
ТипУчебное пособие
1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   ...   37

Model 5

Основа глагола + ment→ существительное

to assess - оценивать

to move - двигать

to establish - устанавливать

to replace - заменять

assessment - оценка

movement - движение

establishment - создание, установление

replacement - замена

Model 6

Прилагательное → глагол

clean - чистый

dirty - грязный

empty - пустой

free - свободный

to clean - чистить

to dirty - грязнить

to empty - опустошать

to free - освобождать

17. Make new words using the models 4-6.

to animate

to advertise

to examine


to engage

to oppose

to invest

to communicate

to astonish

to inform


to environ

to predict

to judge

to construct

to argue

to instruct


to entertain

to prepare

to manage

to create

to develop

to institute


to fulfill

to reproduce

to settle

to destine

to depart

to locate


to govern

to represent

to pay

to decide

to enforce

to limit


to improve

to simulate

to treat

18. Read the text and define the parts of speech of the words in a bold type. Name their meaning. Translate the text.

to consume - потреблять

dispenser – распределитель, раздаточное устройство

stopover – остановка в пути

Computers can help students to perform mathematical operations and solve difficult questions. They can be used to access the Internet, teach courses such as computer-aided design, language learning, programming, mathematics, etc.

PCs are also used for administrative purposes: for example, schools use databases and word processors to keep records of students, teachers and materials.

Race organizers and journalists rely on computers to provide them with the current positions of riders and teams in both the particular stages of the race and in the overall competition.

Workstations in the race buses provide the timing system and give up-to-the-minute timing information to TV stations. In the press room several PCs give real-time information on the state of race. Computer databases are also used in the drug-detecting tests for competitors.

Computers store information about the amount of money held by each client and enable staff to access large databases and carry out financial transactions at high speed. They also control the automatic cash dispensers which, by the use of a personal coded card, dispense money to clients.

Airline pilots use computers to help them control the plane. For example, monitors display data about fuel consumption and weather conditions.

In airport control towers, computers are used to manage radar systems and regulate air traffic.

On the ground, airlines are connected to travel agencies by computer. Travel agents use computers to find out about the availability of flights, prices, times, stopovers, and many other details.
Reading Practice

19. Write a list of as many uses of the compute, or computer applications, as you can think of.
20. Now read the text below and underline any applications that are not in your list.



We use computers and computerized devices every day. Today’s “personal” computers fit nicely on our desktops. Today, computers can be carried in a briefcase or even in a pocket and new, easier-to-use computer programs make them easier to use. In a few short years, the computer has changed the way we work, the way we learn, and the way we communicate.

The computer becomes more involved in our daily lives, and for many it has meant a change in how we do our jobs. As we carry out our daily tasks, we now confront computers everywhere - in our banking transactions, to detect problems with our automobiles, to program our VCRs (video cassette recorders) and our microwave ovens, even to check the prices of our groceries at the supermarket.


In education, personal computers have given teachers new ways to individualize instruction. New types of computerized learning programs can combine text, graphics, and even on-screen digitized video to give students more realistic, motivational lessons. Today, schools and universities provide a variety of courses about using computers. Many high schools and colleges are now requiring all students to take at least one course on using computers and some states now require all teachers to be knowledgeable about computers and computer programs before they can acquire teaching credentials.


Computers are now so widely used in medicine. They are changing the structure of our society's health care system. They are used extensively for basic tasks such as keeping track of patient appointments, but they are now also widely used for both diagnosis and treatment procedures. Laboratory tests on blood and tissue chemistry have become dependent on computer analysis. In addition, such computer-based technologies as computer tomography (CAT) scans and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can provide direct evidence of disease. Computers are being used in this way to enhance the physician's capability to see what is going on inside the human body.


Because science is involved in the analysis of large amounts of data, scientists were among the first computer users. Computers are used to construct simulations of real objects and environments in order to analyze and make predictions. They are used for analysis of many different types of statistical data. And now, new graphics capabilities are providing scientists, with the ability to create computer-enhanced analyses of many different types of images including the analysis of images that are transmitted from spacecraft visiting other planets.


In the last few decades, computer-based technologies led to a redesign of our telephone systems, and new technologies have created new ways to convey information. FAX machines and computers that can communicate with FAX machines now quickly send copies of documents across the country or across the world. Computers are now used to prepare memos, letters, and business information. Electronic mail (e-mail) systems provide individual computer users with an “address” to which computer messages can be sent. Once sent by the computer, the e-mail message will arrive almost instantaneously at its destination, where it will be stored until the addressee uses a computer to access it.


Almost every business, whether large or small, has “computerized”. And every aspect of business - from sales to product delivery - now involves the use of a computer. In marketing, the computer is used to maintain information about customers and accounts. In manufacturing, the computer is used to keep track of raw materials, production, and inventory. And most large businesses now have a special department to manage the computers and the flow of computerized business information.

Banking and Finance

The computerized system is rapidly eliminating the need for cash and checks in our society. Computers now give banks a way to electronically transfer funds from one account to another without the need for paperwork. The customers can use credit and debit cards at remote locations. Computers are also used extensively in the world of stocks and investments. Around the world, investment brokers, financial advisors, and the stock exchanges themselves rely on huge databases of information about world financial markets. This computerized financial network has created a global market for currencies and financial instruments.

Entertainment and Recreation

Computers can be found throughout the entertainment industry. Computers are used to create the special effects used in television advertisements, the colourful displays on the score boards at sports arenas, and the cards that are displayed on the screen. Computer games are becoming more and more lifelike as the computer’s capability to portray graphics is constantly improved. In the motion picture industry, the time required to create animation has been greatly reduced through the use of computers and special graphics software. The movie industry also uses computers routinely for a variety of special effects and specialized computer programs have even made it possible to “colourize” old black-and-white films. Musicians are also taking advantage of advances in technology by using computerized electronic synthesizers to store, modify, and access a wide variety of sounds.


Our private homes represent one of the last places in our society to be significantly changed by the computer. Today, there are already computerized security systems in many homes. Some home builders have installed systems in houses that use a computer to control the lights, the heat, and even the electric appliances. In some homes, these computerized systems can be controlled by calling the house from any phone and typing in number sequences using the phone’s numbered dialing buttons.


The computer has long been a powerful tool for libraries providing patrons access to bibliographic information on all of the materials that are available for their use. Now the greater storage capacities of CD-ROM disks are being used to give library users full-page access to such materials as journals, catalogs, and encyclopedias. Online catalogs provide constantly updated information about which books and other library resources are available and whether or not they are currently checked out.

Product Design and Manufacturing

Companies that are in the business of manufacturing products have found new ways to use computers in every aspect of product development. Many companies now use computers in the entire product development and production process, from the design stage to the manufacturing stage. Computer-aided design (CAD) software provides product designers with a way not only to develop a representation of the product, but also test the product design in a variety of simulated environments.
21. General understanding:

How were computers used in your school?

What other areas of study would benefit from the instruction of computers?
22. When you read texts like these, you don’t always need to understand every word. But there are words which you can guess from the context. Look at these words. Are they nouns (n), verbs (v) or adjectives (adj)?

1. instruction

2. data

3. perform

4. install

5. transaction

6. financial

7. store

8. connected

9. capability

10. communicate

Now find the words in the text and match them with the meanings below.






execute (do)


put a new program into a computer


connected with money


act of buying or selling


keep (save)


detailed information on how to do or use sth


exchange information or ideas


the abilities or qualities necessary to do sth

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