English for computing Часть 1 Учебное пособие

НазваниеEnglish for computing Часть 1 Учебное пособие
ТипУчебное пособие
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printer – принтер - an output device which converts data into printed form. The output from a printer is referred to as a print-out. There are various types of printers: laser, dot-matrix, ink-jet, thermal, etc.

procedural language – процедурный (императивный) язык - a computer programming language that enables programs to be written using sections of code known as procedures. Each procedure performs a specific task.

procedure – операции - a subsection of a high level program design ed to perform a particular function.

processor – процессор - the part of a computer that process the data.

program – программа - a set of instructions for solving a specific problem by computer.

programming – программирование - the process by which a set of instructions is produced for a computer to make it perform a specified task. The task can be anything from the solution to a mathematical problem to the production of a graphics package.

programming language – язык программирования - a computer language used for writing computer programs.


to quit – выйти из системы или приложения - to leave a program or application.

queue - очередь – 1) a list of items of data stored in a particular order; 2) to add tasks to other tasks so that they are ready to be done in order; to come together to be done in order.


RAM (Random-Access Memory) – оперативная память, ОЗУ - the part of the main memory that temporarily holds data for processing by a central processing unit (CPU). Random means the CPU can retrieve data from any address within RAM.

ROM (Read-Only Memory) – постоянное запоминающее устройство, ПЗУ - chips of memory containing information which is present and permanent.

to reboot – перезагрузить - to restart the computer.

to refresh – обновлять, восстанавливать - refreshing maintains data stored in DRAM. The process of refreshing electrical cells on a DRAM component is similar to recharging batteries. Different DRAM components require different refresh methods.

refresh rate частота обновления (регенерации) - the number of DRAM component rows that must be refreshed. Three common refresh rates are 2K, 4K and 8K. Also known as the “scan rate”.

register – регистр - the component in the processor or other chip which holds the instruction from the memory while it is being executed.

resolution - разрешение, разрешающая частота - the maximum number of pixels in the horizontal and vertical directions of the screen; also refers to the number of pixels per inch.

routine – подпрограмма - a piece of code which performs a specific function or task in the operation of a program or system.

to run – выполнять, запускать - to execute a program, i.e. to get a program to process the data.


save – сохранять – to copy information from the RAM to a disk.

SDRAM (Synchronous DRAM) - синхронное, динамическое ОЗУ - a DRAM technology that uses a clock to synchronize signal input and output on a memory chip. The clock is coordinated with the CPU clock so the timing of the memory chips and the timing of the CPU are in synch. Synchronous DRAM saves time in executing commands and transmitting data, thereby increasing the overall performance of the computer. SDRAM allows the CPU to access memory approximately 25 percent faster than EDO memory.

scanner – сканнер - an input device that scans (reads) the image as a series of dots and introduces the information into the computer's memory. Flatbed scanners have a flat surface. Slide scanners work with 35 mm slides.

screen saver – программа “хранитель экрана” - a program that darkens the screen after you have not worked for several minutes. Designed to protect an unchanging image~1fom burning into the screen, but used more often as a status symbol.

semiconductor – полупроводник - a solid substance that conducts electricity in particular conditions, better than insulators but not as well as conductors.

serial port – последовательный порт - an interface port on a modem, mouse or printer used to communicate with the computer. It transmits and receives bits of data one after the other.

SIMM (Single In-line Memory Module) – модуль памяти с однорядным расположением выводов - а small electronic circuit board containing memory chips. A SIMM plugs into a computer memory expansion socket. SIMMs offer two main advantages: ease of installation and minimal consumption of board surface. A vertically mounted SIMM requires only a fraction of the space required by a horizontally mounted DRAM.

shareware – условно-бесплатное ПО - programs that are distributed free, via an electronic bulletin board or on a disk from user groups.

silicon chip – кремниевый чип - а device made up of a non-metallic semiconducting material (silicon), which contains a set of integrated circuits, with high-speed performance.

smart card – микропроцессорная карточка - an electronic device, similar in size to a credit card, that can store data and programs while enhancing security. Applications include identification, mass transit, and banking.

software – программное обеспечение - programs or instructions executed by the computer.

sound card – звуковая карта – the electronic circuit expansion board in a computer that is used to process audio signals and connect to and control a microphone loudspeaker or headphone.

subroutine (SUB) – подпрограмма - A set of instructions which performs a specific function of the program.

supercomputer - суперкомпьютер - a powerful computer with a large amount of memory and a very fast central processing unit.


terminal – терминал - a visual display unit where data may be input to or output from a data communications system.

TFT display – жидкокристаллический дисплей с активной матрицей - abbreviation for thin film transistor display. A type of LCD screen display commonly used in portable computers. It uses a separate transistor to control each pixel on the display.

track – дорожка - an area marked on the surface of a disk. When a disk is initialized, the operating system divides the surface of the disk into circular tracks, each one containing several sectors. A floppy disk usually contains 80 tracks. Tracks and sectors are used to organize the information stored on disk.

trackball – шаровой манипулятор, трэкбол - a stationary device that works like a mouse turned upside down. The ball spins freely to control the movement of the cursor on the screen.

transistor – транзистор - a small electronic device used in computers, radios, televisions, etc. for controlling an electric current as it passes along a circuit.


to update – обновлять, исправлять - to correct, add or delete information in a file and thus ensure that the file reflects the latest situation.

to upgrade – модернизировать - to add or replace hardware or software in order to expand the computer's power.

USB – универсальная последовательная шина – abbreviation for Universal Serial Bus. A standard way of connecting peripherals to a computer system.

user-friendly – дружественный (к пользователю) - an expression used to describe computers which are designed to be easy to use, by means of self-explanatory interaction between users and computer.

user interface – пользовательский интерфейс - the standard procedures for interaction with specific computers.

utility – утилита, сервисная программа - a small program designed to improve the performance of the system. The term “system utility” refers to a diverse field covering anything from software designed to help you back up your hard disk or locate files, to anti-virus programs or routines used by the system.

ULSI – ультра большая интегральная схема – abbreviation for Ultra Large Scale Integration.


VCR - abbreviation for video cassette recorder, a device for recording video signals onto magnetic tape cassettes.

VDI – интерфейс видеоустройств - abbreviation for video (visual) Display Unit.

VDU – монитор, терминал - abbreviation for visual display unit. Another name for a computer monitor,

VGA – адаптер, графика - abbreviation for Video Graphics Array.

VLSI – сверхбольшая интегральная микросхема - abbreviation for Very-Large Scale Integration.


workstation – рабочая станция - a computer system which usually includes a defined collection of input and output devices. The desk and computer at which a person works; one computer that is part of a computer network

WORM – с однократной записью и многократным считываем - abbreviation for Write Once/Read Many.


XGA –расширенная графическая матрица стандарт, видеоадаптер - abbreviation for Extended Graphics Array.


  1. Англо-русский политехнический словарь /Cоставитель Ю.Г. Сиднеев Изд. 2-. Ростов н/Д:- Феникс, 2005. – 831 с.

  2. Большой толковый словарь компьютерных терминов /Collins. –- М.: Вече, АСТ, 1999. – 649 c.

  3. Интернет. Энциклопедия./Под ред. Л. Мелиховой. – СПб: Питер, 2001. – 528 с.

  4. Пройдаков Э.М, Теплицкий Л.А. Англо-русский толковый словарь по вычислительной технике, Интернету и программированию. – 4-е изд. – М.: Издательско-торговый дом «Русская редакция», 2004. – 864 с.

  5. Системное программное обеспечении /Ф.В. Гордеев. А.Ю. Молчанов – СПб: Питер. 2003. – 436 с.

  6. Oxford advanced learner’s dictionary. Seventh edition, 2005 – 1,900 p.

  7. Santiago Remacha Esteras. Infotech. English for computer users. Third edition. – Cambridge University Press, 2004. – 160 p.

  8. Eric H. Glendinning, John McEwan. Oxford English for Information Technology. - Oxford University Press, 2002. – 224 p.

  9. Eric H. Glendinning, John McEwan. Basic English for Computing. Revised and Updated. - Oxford University Press, 2003. – 136 p.

  10. Paul A Davies. Information Technology. – Oxford Bookworms Factfiles. Oxford University Press, 2004. -32 p.

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English for computing

Учебное пособие

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