Тема: Визиты и встречи

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Содержание урока:

1. Теория и практика перевода: Атрибутивное сочетание

2. Тема: Распространение ядерного оружия и переговоры по ядерному вопросу

Атрибутивное сочетание

I. Перефразируйте следующие словосочетания так, чтобы они образовывали атрибутивные сочетания

Пример: the Secretary General of the UN – the UN Secretary General
an attack by terrorists; a treaty of peace; a programme for peace; resolution of a conflict; talks on disarmament; the current administration of the U.S.; the rule of the majority; a dispute over the border; inspections authorized by the UN
II. Переведите следующие атрибутивные сочетания на русские и выделите модели перевода таких сочетаний на русский:

  1. a three-day state visit; a trade embargo; a one-day strike; a trade union; peace talks; a tax policy; an opposition party; a top-level official; a coalition government; a trade bloc; emergency powers

Модель 1: __________________________________________

  1. budget deficit; opinion polls; a guerrilla attack; a UN resolution; security forces; security assurances; a long-range missile; a Home Office Spokesman; the committee chairman

Модель 2: _______________________________________

  1. a ceasefire agreement; a non-proliferation treaty; an alliance treaty; a peace fighter; a peace movement; a disarmament conference

Модель 3: _______________________________________

  1. a mass-circulation newspaper; a consensus agreement; a breakthrough decision; a pro-independence party; an eight-member cabinet; a majority decision

Модель 4: _______________________________________

Практика перевода

Упр.1. Переведите двух- и более компонентные атрибутивные сочетания на русский:

А. population figures; opposition benches; a Whitehall job; an opposition bill; a framework agreement; civilian casualties; to secure a Middle East ceasefire; a Downing street press conference; security officials; a suicide attack; shuttle diplomacy; a relief operation; disarmament efforts; an 11-hour compromise
В. a US-brokered peace accord; a 10-day stalemate; a decades long war; British-led international security force; a new economic stimulus plan approved earlier this month; the biggest defence budget increase in more than 20 years; the Senate’s Democratic majority leader; an all-night cabinet session; the US-reengagement in the conflict; four Israeli human rights groups
Упр.2. Переведите следующие выражения на английский с помощью атрибутивных сочетаний:

Воздушные удары; увеличение бюджета; чрезвычайная сессия; число безработных; мирная инициатива; правительственные расходы; переговоры о разоружении; резолюция конференции; соглашение, достигнутое на основе консенсуса; антивоенное движение; план мирного урегулирования, предложенный Саудовской Аравией; требования безопасности; гражданское население; международная организация; компромисс, достигнутый в последнюю минуту

Упр.3. Переведите следующие предложения на русский, обращая внимание на атрибутивные сочетания:

  1. Differences are likely to emerge after international weapons inspectors make their next report to the Security Council.

  2. The Prime Minister won cabinet approval for the White House-backed peace plan to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

  3. In their meeting, the prime minister and his guest singled out the areas where their countries could cooperate on important global security issues.

  4. A cabinet minister called the unemployment figures inaccurate.

  5. The bomb is a serious blow to US-led attempts to establish a ceasefire.

  6. Leaders of divided Cyprus agreed in a breakthrough decision to hold face-to-face negotiations.

  7. After a few weeks we heard of backbench revolts and even leadership changes.

  8. Hungary is the first of the Warsaw Pact nations to vote on the EU membership.

  9. They accept the idea of a UN- mandated peace-keeping force.

Упр.4. Переведите следующие предложения на английский, используя атрибутивные сочетания:

  1. Республиканская партия начала (to launch) предвыборную кампанию.

  2. Наконец в конфликте, продолжающемся уже 15 лет было достигнуто перемирие.

  3. На саммите обсуждались вопросы безопасности.

  4. В страну были направлены международные войска по поддержанию мира, действующие по мандату ООН.

  5. Правительство не раз подвергалось критике за свою налоговую политику.

  6. Экономический спад и дефицит бюджета – вот неизбежные результаты неграмотной политики.

  7. Представитель министерства обороны провел встречу с журналистами.

  8. Страна вышла (to pull out of; withdraw) из договора о нераспространении ядерного оружия. Этот факт вызвал беспокойство других государств, подписавших договор (signatories).

  9. Члены парламента одобрили новый кабинет, состоящий из 8 человек.

  10. Сегодня на заседании Парламента обсуждался законопроект от оппозиции.

Упр.5. Текст для перевода с листа

1). Найдите синонимы следующих слов и выражений в тексте:
urgent needs

deadlock, stalemate

to increase rapidly

to stick to, to abide by (an agreement, treaty)

initiative, step, act

obtain, win (concessions)

to make preparations for

a wish to fight a war

to throw out, expel

to limit, restrict

to insist on, declare

to take a chance/a risk

to bribe

to tackle, address, face
2). Найдите в тексте прилагательные, сочетающиеся с существительными и переведите сочетания на русский:

_____________ needs ____________ intentions

_____________ threat ____________ tensions _____________ activities ____________ economy

_____________ contacts ____________ purposes

3). Переведите атрибутивные группы на русский:

energy needs; missile tests; an assistant secretary of state; New York-based North Koreans; a uranium-enrichment programme; oil shipments; a rogue state
4). Переведите следующие выражения на русский:

provided it gives up its nuclear programme, to end the stand-off which escalated at the weekend, tensions remain high after mass demonstrations; America has paved the way for a diplomatic conclusion to the crisis; the North’s belligerence hides a willingness to negotiate; Mr. Kim’s regime has played this hand before; nuclear activities will be confined only to peaceful purposes; Mr. Kim may well be gambling that he is in a strong position to be bought off by a world busy with the crisis in Iraq; to wring concessions

5). Переведите на русский:

Warming up diplomacy

America has sent a message to North Korea that it is willing to help out with the country’s dire energy needs provided it gives up its nuclear programme. The offer was made by James Kelly, America’s assistant secretary of state, on a visit to South Korea on Monday January 13th. Previously America had insisted that it was not prepared to negotiate new terms to end the stand-off, which escalated at the weekend after the regime of Kim Jong-il announced its immediate withdrawal from the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NTP), the global pact that is supposed to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons.

The decision to pull out of the NTP, which North Korea was anyway not adhering to, worried many world leaders. The South Korean government described the act as a “serious threat to peace”. Tensions remained high after mass demonstrations against America were organized in the North’s capital, Pyongyang.

Many diplomats, however, saw the move as a classic piece of North Korean brinkmanship – and one designed to wring concessions not only from western nations but also from the country’s neighbours. North Korea has also given warning that it may restart missile tests. This has alarmed Japan, over which the North once test-fired a missile.

America has paved the way for a diplomatic conclusion to the crisis. President George Bush, who included North Korea along with Iraq and Iran in his “axis of evil”, said several times that America, which keeps 37 000 troops in South Korea, has no intention of invading the North. Informal contacts were also established through a series of meetings with a delegation of New York-based North Koreans held by Bill Richardson, a former American Ambassador to the UN. Mr Richardson has urged the US administration to hold talks. The North’s belligerence hides a willingness to negotiate, he said at the weekend.

But Mr Kim’s regime has played this hand before. In the early 1990s, it threatened to pull out of the NTP during a small crisis over North Korea’s nuclear intentions. The latest action follows North Korea being given one last chance by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to allow its inspectors to return to the country. When the North admitted in 2002 that it had a secret uranium-enrichment programme, America and its allies stopped oil shipments which were being delivered as part of a “framework agreement” reached in 1994 by the Clinton Administration. The oil was being provided until new nuclear reactors could be built for North Korea, but of a type that would make it more difficult to produce weapons. In 2002, however, the North restarted its old reactors. The IAEA’s inspectors were then kicked out of the country.

“Though we pull out of the NTP, we have no intention to produce nuclear weapons and our nuclear activities at this stage will be confined only to peaceful purposes, such as the production of electricity,” North Korea has maintained in an official statement. Yet North Korea has lied before, and few would be surprised if it did so again. Mr Kim may well be gambling that he is in a strong position to be bought off by a world already busy with the crisis in Iraq. Perhaps Mr Kim will, once again, win fuel, food and other aid for the wretched economy. In the process, though, he is convincing more of the world’s leaders that he leads a rogue state of alarming proportions that they will one day have to confront.
Упр.6. Перефразируйте следующие предложения, используя фразовые глаголы и переведите предложения на русский:

to give up, to call for, to break down, to go ahead, to call off, to pull back, to step up, to break off, to turn down, to give in
1. The spokesman reiterated the position of the US on Cuba which has not changed much since the US suspended diplomatic relations with it.

2. The government have increased their efforts to enforce a ceasefire and end the bloodshed.

3. In his address to the meeting the new leader demanded a cessation of hostilities.

4. The town finally succumbed last week after being pounded with heavy artillery for more than two months.

5. Iran has rejected the latest European proposals for resolving concerns over the country’s nuclear program.

6. A cabinet crisis brought him to the point where he finally stopped the struggle and stepped down.

7. Bilateral talks were cancelled following the resumption of fighting which put an end to a week-long fragile truce.

8. Negotiations between the two governments collapsed last year, when they were unable to reach an agreement.
Упр.7. Вставьте пропущенные фразовые глаголы и переведите предложения на русский:

a). to be sworn in b). to pull out c). to lay down

d). to break off e). to step up f). to push for

g). to buy off h). to go ahead

i). to carry out j). to call off

  1. Tehran’s rejection of the EU proposals came as the new hardline president was _______ __ .

  2. Authorities _____ __ talks with the gunmen after they killed two hostages on Tuesday.

  3. The US presidents has been ______ __ the use of nuclear energy as a way to meet the growing global demand for oil.

  4. The visit of the US Secretary of State to Israel shows America’s commitment to ensure Israel’s withdrawal ____ ______ as planned.

  5. A protest march to Gaza was _____ __ on Thursday because 20 000 police and soldiers were deployed to block its entry.

  6. The Israeli Finance Minister resigned from the cabinet just minutes before it approved the plan ______ ___ all troops and settlements.

  7. Chamberlain and Daladier believed they could ___ Hitler ____ by letting him have Austria and Czechoslovakia.

  8. The government is _____ ___ its effort to encourage people to travel in the face of the growing terrorist threat.

  9. During the 1970s, the group ____­­__ ___ a series of attacks around the world, including the massacre in 1972 at Lod Airport in Israel.

  10. The insurgents have so far refused to ______ ___ any of their weapons, and continue their fight.

1 При переводе имен собственных используется прием транскрибирования: Jonathan Marcus – Джонатан Маркус.

1 читается December the twentieth to (the) twenty-first

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