Тема: Визиты и встречи

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Содержание урока:

1. Теория и практика перевода: Членение высказывания

2. Тема: Переговоры и мирное урегулирование

Членение высказывания

I. Переведите следующее сообщение на русский письменно:

Amid suicide-bombs the nation prepared to vote for more than 200 parties in a general election on December 15th to usher in a four-year parliament under a new constitution.
II. Сравните ваш перевод с переводом, приведенным ниже. Есть ли между ними различия?

В условиях (продолжающихся) терактов страна готовится к проведению всеобщих выборов 15 декабря. В соответствии с новой конституцией, срок полномочий будущего парламента составит четыре года. Заявку на участие в выборах уже подали более двухсот партий.
III. Сколько независимых мыслей содержится в данном сообщении?
Чем, по вашему мнению, обусловлен прием членения высказывания?

Практика перевода

Упр.1. Проанализируйте следующие сообщения и переведите их на русский:

  1. At least 8 people were reported killed and more than 200 were injured (2) early Sunday when a tornado hit (1) Indiana and Kentucky.

  2. Chinese police fired (1) on a demonstration in a Guangdong village, killing three people (according to officials) or 20 (according to the villagers) (2).

  3. George Bush toured (1) Asia, starting (2) in Japan and moving on to Seoul in South Korea for regional summit before heading (3), at the end of the week, to China.

  4. In a rebuff (2) to the White House, the Senate passed (1) a defence bill that includes an amendment giving suspected terrorist detainees some access to the courts.

  5. Preliminary results of the election suggest (1) the radical movement, which is not officially recognized (3) but ran candidates as independents, might win (2) a fifth of parliament’s seats – a big advance (4).

  6. A military transport aircraft, carrying (3) mostly Iranian journalists, crashed (1) into a residential district of Tehran, killing (2) all 94 people on board and 34 people on the ground.

  7. China revised (1) its GDP has increased by 16.8%, making (2) it the world’s sixth-largest economy.

  8. North Korea says (1) now it possesses nuclear weapons – a claim experts say (2) may be true.

  9. A report on the 1985 bombing of an Air India flight that killed (2) 329 people off the Irish coast called for (1) a further public inquiry into the incident, which remains unsolved (3).

  10. The French president is due to address (1) Saudi Arabia’s consultative assembly later today, the first non-Arab leader to do (2) so.

Упр.2. Прочитайте предложения и догадайтесь о смысле выделенных слов по контексту:

  1. The rebel leaders seized power in an armed uprising.

  2. The insurgents are reported to have seized control of the capital of this small African state. The fighting goes on in the north of the country.

  3. Gorbachev survived a coup d’état attempt, only to be dethroned a few months later by the breakup of the USSR.

  4. Following last month’s riots, the two big gangs in Los Angeles have finally declared a truce, ending years of bloodshed.

  5. There is a slim chance that the ceasefire will hold, allowing peace talks to continue.

  6. Neither side was willing to compromise and the negotiations ended in stalemate.

  7. After a long period of fruitless talks the negotiators finally seem to have made a real breakthrough in the search for peace.

  8. There were hopes the signing of this agreement would help reduce tensions and promote a more trusting relationship between the two countries.

  9. The former ambassador, he had ideal qualifications for being a mediator between the two sides involved in the conflict.

Упр.3. Найдите определения для данных слов:


a truce an uprising a breakthrough

(a) ceasefire a coup d’état tension

stalemate a mediator an insurgent


a). an anxious, untrusting, and perhaps dangerous condition in the relationship between countries;

b). an agreement to stop fighting for a certain period, especially so that a more lasting peace agreement can be established;

c). a situation in which neither side can get an advantage;

d). an important advance after earlier failures;

e). the stopping of fighting, usually for a short time;

f). a person who acts as a peace-maker between opposing sides;

g). an act of the ordinary people suddenly and violently opposing those in power;

h). a sudden violent seizing of state power by a small group that has not been elected;

i). a person who is not an official soldier but is fighting against those in power; usually in his or her own country.
Упр.4. Найдите английские эквиваленты следующих выражений в текстах, приведенныx ниже:

Договор о нераспространении ядерного оружия (1); стремиться к мирному разрешению конфликта (2); разворачивать (войска) (2); хрупкое перемирие x2 (3); выводить войска (3); преодолеть тупик в переговорах (4); переговоры с участием шести сторон (4)
Упр.5. Переведите на русский:

TEHRAN (Reuters) - The IAEA is meeting in emergency session to discuss Iran’s resumption of work at a nuclear facility. The agency confirmed on Monday that work had begun at a plant near Isfahan, after it was suspended in 2004 to allow for negotiations with the EU.

The EU and Washington condemned Iran’s latest move. The British government – the current holder of the EU rotating presidency – said it was deeply concerned. However, US state department officials said Washington would help to try to re-open talks between the EU and Iran.

Iran’s secret activities breached the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NTP) which it has signed and which aims to thwart the spread of nuclear arms.

resumption – restarting, return to

to suspend – break off

to condemn – to criticize, denounce

to breach – to violate

to thwart – to prevent, block, stand in the way


ISLAMABAD (AP) - The UK Foreign Secretary has urged Pakistan to take part in talks with India to avoid an all-out conflict. A Foreign Office spokesman said that speaking to his Pakistani counterpart on Monday night the Foreign Secretary welcomed the steps Pakistan had taken to clamp down on militant groups. He encouraged them to do more and enter into a dialogue with India.

On Monday night, the Foreign Secretary also discussed with the US Secretary of State international efforts to persuade India and Pakistan to seek a peaceful resolution.

Both nations have deployed thousands of troops along their border. But there are signs that the leaders of India and Pakistan are attempting to find a peaceful solution.

all-out – total, complete

to deploy – to arrange (troops, forces) for military action


GAZA (Reuters) - A tentative truce between Israelis and Palestinians continued to hold this morning, a day after the Palestinian leader called a ceasefire and Israel pulled back forces from the Palestinian area.

Yesterday’s ceasefire emerged after pressure from the United States which is eager for calm in the region in order to bolster its efforts to bring the Jewish and Muslim states to peace.

But sporadic violence in parts of the region last night illustrated the severe difficulties in maintaining the truce. Fears that the ceasefire would quickly fail were fuelled by the failure of the Palestinian leadership to obtain the cooperation of all militant Islamist Palestinian groups. Yesterday Islamic Jihad vowed to ignore the call to lay down arms and said it would continue to attack Israeli targets inside Israel.

to bolster – increase, step up

sporadic – happening irregularly; intermittent

to fuel – cause
BEIJING (Rueters) North Korea called on the United States on Tuesday to resolve the stalemate over its atomic ambitions, saying Washington should allow it to retain nuclear programs for peaceful purposes.

The vice Foreign Minister of North Korea, speaking on his return from Beijing, reiterated remarks he made on Sunday after two Koreas, the United States, Japan, Russia and China adjourned talks aimed at ending the crisis over the North’s nuclear programs.

Speaking to a Chinese news agency, however, Pyongyang’s chief delegate to the six-way talks had unusually positive things to say about the process so far.

to retain – to continue to have

to reiterate – repeat, say again

to adjourn – to suspend, break off, interrupt
Упр.6. Переведите на английский:

а). Осудить ч-л. шаг/действие; быть глубоко обеспокоенным; представители государственного департамента США; вновь открывать переговоры; нарушать договор; предотвращать распространение ядерного оружия; приветствовать шаги; вступить в диалог c Индией; хрупкое перемирие; объявить о прекращении огня; вывести войска; сложить оружие; преодолеть тупик в переговорах; повторить замечания; прервать переговоры;
b). Передавать ядерное досье в Совет Безопасности; страна, возглавляющая ЕС в соответствии с принципом ротации; нарушить договор о прекращении огня; приветствовать шаги, направленные на мирное разрешение конфликта; перемирие, продолжающееся семь дней; объявить о прекращении огня и вывести войска с соседних территорий; обратиться к повстанцам с призывом сложить оружие; попытка преодолеть кризис вокруг ядерной программы Пхеньяна.
Упр. 7. Переведите на английский:

  1. Представители ООН выразили глубокую обеспокоенность ситуацией с правами человека в странах Южной Африки.

  2. Представитель Кипра подтвердил намерение государства вступить в диалог с Турцией.

  3. Основной вопрос, который интересует сейчас стороны конфликта, представителей международных организаций и средств массовой информации, - как долго продлится хрупкое перемирие.

  4. На встрече представителей конфликтующих сторон была назначена дата возобновления переговоров.

  5. На шестисторонней встрече было принято решение поддержать шаги, направленные на предотвращение распространения ядерного оружия.

  6. После нескольких лет напряженных переговоров, то и дело прерывавшихся (intermittent talks) и начинавшихся вновь, повстанцы заявили о своей готовности сложить оружие.

  7. Кровавый конфликт на время прекратился, когда лидер палестинской автономии объявил о прекращении огня.

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