Тема: Визиты и встречи

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1. After a spate of anti-Semitic attacks in France, including the burning of a Jewish school, the French president convened a summit of political leaders to discuss the issue.

а spate – a large number or amount of events of the same kind
2. Serbia failed, for a third time in just over a year, to elect a president because the turnout was below 50 %.

turnout – a number of people who actually vote at an election
3.Tensions may be rising with North Korea over a possible nuclear build-up, but they are easing with Russia. The Senate last week unanimously ratified a treaty that would cut U.S. and Russian long-range nuclear warheads by two thirds.

unanimous (of a decision, statement etc) supported or agreed by everyone
4. Twelve states filed a lawsuit against the Environmental Protection Agency claiming that the administration has weakened pollution controls.

to file a lawsuit – to bring a matter to a court of law for decision

controls – methods of limiting/managing sth.
5. The Palestinian parliament approved the new government of the incumbent prime minister. The prime minister called for a ceasefire with Israel and an international peace conference.

incumbent – current
6. The President of the U.S. visited Germany en route to Russia, where he was due to hold wide-ranging discussions with the Russian President, and sign a treaty to reduce the number of nuclear weapons. He was to go home after a visit to France and a NATO summit meeting in Rome.
7. Sri Lanka’s president and prime minister held talks in an attempt to ease the country’s constitutional crisis. The meeting comes after the president fired top ministers and dissolved parliament last week.
8. The Palestinian prime minister appointed last month, was said to have told his cabinet that he wants to quit his post. The Palestinian president, whom members of Israel’s government want to remove, had earlier set up an eight-member emergency cabinet.
9. Afghanistan introduced a law banning armed factions from politics. The law reportedly also prohibits political parties which are against Islam, or which promote racial or religious hatred and violence.

faction – a dissident minority group within a larger group
10. India announced measures designed to improve relations with Pakistan and calm the long-standing dispute over Kashmir. The proposals are part of a series of steps that India has taken since April towards normalizing relations with its nuclear rival.
11. North Korea said that unless talks with Japan to establish diplomatic relations were speeded up it would think about the resumption of its testing of ballistic missiles. In 1998, North Korea shocked Japan by launching a missile over Japan without prior warning.
12. The U.S. President maintained he would not end the Cuban trade embargo unless the Cuban leadership released political prisoners, held democratic elections and met a number of other conditions. He would allow post and more humanitarian aid into the island. Cuba protested about being kept “arbitrary” on America’s list of sponsors of terrorism, alongside Iran, Syria, Libya, Sudan and North Korea.

arbitrary – considered to be unfair
13. The president of the European Commission, unveiled proposals to speed up European integration by among other things, harmonizing direct taxes and creating a European police force and even a single foreign policy.

to unveil – to officially announce sth. that has been secret
14. Ireland’s incumbent prime minister and his conservative party won a crushing victory in a general election, almost winning an outright majority of seats in Parliament. Sinn Fein, the political arm of the IRA, tripled their vote to 6.5% and won 5 seats.

crushing victory – clear, massive, overwhelming

outright majority – absolute; overall
15. The U.S. President paid a three-day state visit to Britain amid a huge security operation to protect him from anti-war protesters and terrorists alike. In a speech, he said that the use of force was sometimes necessary, but that he believed in international institutions – provided they were “alert to dangers” facing the world.

alert ready to deal with challenges

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