Учебно-методическое пособие для выполнения самостоятельной работы по английскому языку, часть II : учебно-методическое пособие для студентов второго-четвёртого курсов Промышленно-экономического факультета программ спо специальностей 23.

НазваниеУчебно-методическое пособие для выполнения самостоятельной работы по английскому языку, часть II : учебно-методическое пособие для студентов второго-четвёртого курсов Промышленно-экономического факультета программ спо специальностей 23.
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§ 1. Самостоятельная работа обучающихся: работа с текстом

и словарями. Составление словаря и монолога по теме

«Молодёжные организации» (1 час)
Пользуясь словарём, прочтите и переведите текст «Traditional Youth Organizations in Great Britain». В процессе работы составьте собственный словарь к данному тексту, (не забудьте о транскрипции).

Используйте вопросы после текста для самопроверки – готовы ли вы к монологу по теме «Молодёжные организации»?

Аналогичную работу можно провести и с другим материалом по теме «Молодёжные организации», найденным самостоятельно.
Traditional Youth Organizations in Great Britain
During the last 30 years there were a lot of different trends in youth movements. There are such subcultures as the «hippies», the «punks», the «rockers», the «rappers», the «hackers», the «goth» and others.

But certainly there are different traditional youth organizations in Great Britain. Young people from all walks of life are united according to their interests.

Let’s speak about them here!

Outdoor pursuits involve from pony trekking to rock-climbing or canoeing and help young people go out from the confines of their homes or their environment. Such pursuits nourish a spirit of self-reliance and help to realize the importance of teamwork. All the major youth organizations hold outdoor pursuits: they organize special residential courses or send their members to take part in established courses or seminars in other cities and countries.

Local authorities and multipurpose youth organizations provide the place for such activities as canoeing, sailing, rock-climbing, map reading, orienteering and cooking for survival; all of them encourage initiative and self-discipline.

Among them are the Sports Council, the Outward-Bound Trust, the Ocean Youth Club, the Sail Training Association, 'and the Nautical Training Corps

The Outward-Bound Trust is the longest established and most experienced organization in Britain. It based on outdoor pursuits, personal development, and training. This organization has five centers in the English Lake District, Wales, and Scotland. It operates in 38 other countries of the world.

The Outward-Bound Trust is based on two simple principles: firstly, that everyone is capable of achieving more, and, secondly, that too few people have a real appreciation of what can be achieved by team-work and mutual support.

Young people participate in «expedition courses» lasting for 8, 12, or 20 days and involving adventurous journeys by land or sea. There are also «specialist courses»: the young people aged 17 and over are involved in work with the homeless, the elderly and the disabled.
Ответьте на вопросы:
1) What country are these organizations situated in? 2) Are they international unites too? 3) What are the main aims of such youth organizations the Sports Council, the Outward-Bound Trust, the Ocean Youth Club, the Sail Training Association, 'and the Nautical Training Corps? 4) Is it sometimes difficult for young people to go out from the confines of their homes or their environment? 5) Why do these organizations pay much attention to establish the outdoor pursuits? 6) Would you like to take part in such expedition courses? 7) Are the «specialist courses» for volunteers? 8) Can everybody work with such groups as the homeless, the elderly and the disabled? 9) What subcultures do you know? 10) What do you think, who has more variety activity: the subcultures or the traditional youth organizations? 11) Would you like to be a member of any youth organization?
§ 2. Самостоятельная работа обучающихся:

работа с учебными текстами. Написать письмо зарубежному другу «Мой выходной» (1 час)
Перед вами пример письма парня из Великобритании, которое он отправил своему другу в Россию. По аналогии напишите письмо, (от своего лица, или от лица вымышленного персонажа), на тему «Мой выходной».
Vadim Mogilewskiy

5 Pushkin Street, ap. 58

Moscow, Russia

November 23-rd

Hello Vadim!
Have you ever watched TV-programs about Greenwich? My club-friends and me have just finished our weekend travelling in Greenwich. It is a not far from London. What have we done there? My friends have rested in its park. Our boys and girls have skated. At Greenwich we have seen some old English ships. With many people we have visited the beautiful ship Cutty Sark. You can see it on the photo.

Vadim, how have you spent your last weekend?

See you soon! Good-buy,

Your pen-friend Thomas.
§ 3. Самостоятельная работа обучающихся: работа с текстом

и словарями. Подготовка электронной презентации

«Моё поколение». (1 час)
Используя различные источники информации, например, представленные ниже тематические тексты «British Youth» или «The Young Generation Knows Better» создайте электронную презентацию «Моё поколение», применяя программу Power Point. Подготовьтесь к защите вашей презентации в классе.
British Youth
Most 18 and 19 year-olds in Britain are quite independent people. Relationships in the British family are different than 100 years earlier. Children have more freedom to make their own decisions. For example, children aged 13 may be employed part time in Great Britain. Aged 16 they may leave home, marry with «parents' consent». Every England citizen, at least 18 years of age, may vote, marry, drink in pubs.

Of course, education is a very important part in the life of British youth. One can't become an independent person without it.

Certainly there are different traditional youth organizations in Great Britain. Among them are the Scout Association, the National Union of Students. They promote the educational and social interests of students. These organizations’ programs of training are planned to develop intelligence and practical skills. Scout training is complementary to the ordinary education.

During the last 30 years there were a lot of different trends in youth movements. Those trends are known as the «hippies», the «punks», the «rockers».
Everybody in Great Britain can find the activity he likes most!

The Young Generation Knows Better
Old people are always saying that the young are not what they were. The same comment is made from generation to generation and it is always true. It has never been truer than it is today. The young are better educated. They grow up more quickly and are not so dependent on their parents. They think more for themselves and do not blindly accept the ideals of their elders. Events which the older generation remembers vividly are nothing more than past history. This is as it should be. Every new generation is different from the one that preceded it.

Adults always assume that they know because they live longer. They don't like to feel that their values are being questioned or threatened. And this is precisely what the young people are doing. They are questioning, they take leave to doubt that the older generation has created the best of all possible worlds.

Office hours, for instance, are nothing more than enforced slavery. Wouldn't people work best if they were given complete freedom and responsibility? And what about clothing? Who said that all men in the world should wear grey suits and convict haircuts? Why has the older generation so often used violence to solve the problems? Why are they so unhappy and guilt-ridden in their personal lives, so obsessed with mean ambitions and the desire to amass more and more material possessions? Haven't the adults lost the connection with all that is important in life?

Traditionally, the youth asked the old generation about the advice. Today, the situation might be not so. Our parents may learn something by us. One of the biggest lessons they could learn is that enjoyment is not «sinful». Enjoyment as a principle could apply to all aspects of life. It is not wrong to enjoy your work and enjoy your leisure.

It is better for us to live in the present rather than in the past or in the future. But the youth can assess the glorious heritage of the preceding generations!
§ 4. Самостоятельная работа обучающихся: работа с аутентичными текстами. Составление словаря и диалогов

«Культура общественного питания» (1 час)
Обратите внимание, как сведения представленного ниже учебного текста «British Cuisine» интерпретированы в диалог по теме «Культура общественного питания»

British Cuisine
Some people criticize English food. They say it's unimaginable, boring, tasteless. These people complain that the British cuisine consists of chips with everything and totally overcooked vegetables. They object that the fresh basic ingredients are full of flavour. These people ask why the Britons invented sauces to disguise the natural taste. What can compare with fresh pees or new potatoes just boiled and served with butter?

You will find many Indian, Chinese, French, Indonesian, Mexican, Greek and Italian restaurants in British cities. It is disappointing, but there is not typical for England of eat in restaurants. English cooking is found at home. It is difficult to find a good English restaurant with reasonable prices. Cynics will say that this is because English have no «cuisine» themselves, but this is not quite the true.
Разыграйте данный диалог в лицах:
The Dialogue About British Cuisine
- If you ask foreigners to name some typically English dishes, they will probably say «Fish and chips» then stop. Why do any people criticize English food?

- They say that our cuisine is unimaginable, boring, tasteless. But the English men invented many sauces and puddings.

- Is it true that English cooking is found at home?

- Yes, there is not typical for England of eat in restaurants. That is why it is difficult to find a good English restaurant with reasonable prices.

- Many foreigners say that the basic ingredients of English Cuisine are chips and totally overcooked vegetables…

- This is not quite the true. And what about spring lamb in wine or cream and spices? Every nation has its own cooking traditions too…

- What can compare with fresh pees or new potatoes just boiled and served with butter?

- Many men, many minds… You will find many Indian, Chinese, French, Indonesian, Mexican, Greek and Italian restaurants in British cities.
Пользуясь словарём, прочтите и переведите тематические тексты «Pubs in Great Britain» и «Restaurants in London». На основе данного, или самостоятельно найденного материала, составьте диалоги, снабжённые словарём, по теме «Культура общественного питания».
Pubs in Great Britain
Pubs can be found in every town or village. Social life for many people has centered on the pub for many years. Opening and closing times are decided by law. Pubs in England and Wales close at 11 p. m. And ten minutes before closing time, the barman shouts, «Last orders!» When you go into a pub you have to go to the bar, pay for your drink and carry it to your seat.

One of the main attractions of the pub for all regular pub goes is that it offers good company in friendly surroundings. Where else can you appear as a complete stranger and at once be able to join a conversation with a group of people? People often meet at a pub before going on to another place. Some people do a tour of all the pubs in one area and have a drink in each one. It's usual for each person in a group to take it in turns to buy drinks for everyone and this is called a «round».

Pub meals have become very popular over the past ten years and are generally cheap and often good. Pubs with gardens or chairs and tables outside are often crowded in the summer. Pubs also provide entertainment: live music, singing, video and karaoke machines.

Pubs are still a central part of British culture. Good conversation and good beer are two essential items provided by them. The drinking beer in a public house is not compulsory. But it's said that beer is the perfect drink for the pub - it comes in large measures so that just one drink provides plenty of conversation time.

Restaurants in London
The British have taken good ideas from all over the world. You can eat Chinese, Indian, Italian and Greek food in any big city. There is a fantastic variety of restaurants.

The restaurants' best customers are business people, who meet in them to talk business in a relaxed atmosphere away from the telephone. They can eat what they like because the company pays the bill.

When a man and woman want to get to know each other better, they often go out to a restaurant together. After all it's easier to talk in a quiet atmosphere with soft music, wine and good food. Most British families only go to restaurants on special occasions, like birthdays or wedding anniversaries.

For visitors to London, eating out can be fun. But if you want that special feeling of London, go to the Ritz in Picadilly for tea any afternoon at about half past four. And you'll see that the prices are very high.

Then you can try England's favourite food-fish and chips. Take it away and eat where you like — in the park, in the bus or while you walk down the street. British restaurants have not always been famous for their good food. Too often, they offered only fried food and chips with everything. But now healthy food is in fashion.

§ 5. Самостоятельная работа обучающихся:

работа с аутентичными текстами и словарями;

написание заметки-рекомендации «Как бороться со стрессом» (1 час)
Пользуясь словарём, прочтите и переведите аутентичные тексты «Stress» или «16 ways to de-stress or Take it easy!». На основе данного, или самостоятельно найденного материала, напишите заметку-рекомендацию «Как бороться со стрессом».

Эту работу можно выполнить творчески: вы можете написать, как вы справляетесь со стрессом или плохим настроением и озаглавить свою заметку «What do I do to keep my cool?» Можно представить, что вы сотрудник психологической службы и вам нужно дать рекомендации человеку, находящемуся под воздействием стресса. Можно составить текст аутотренинга под девизом: «I can fuifill my future plans!»- отразить в нём, что вы сможете сделать, что вам следует / не следует делать, чтобы быть успешным и сохранять душевное равновесие. Используйте фразы типа: - I can …; - I should …; - I should not …

Пункты вашей заметки - рекомендации могут выглядеть примерно так, (см. рис. 1):

Don't eat your breakfast on your feet –

sit down and enjoy it!
Рис. 1. Образец пункта заметки-рекомендации «Как бороться со стрессом»
We are all under stress, and from a fairly early age. Children are afraid of the dark, of unfriendly dogs, of losing the parent’s love; and many adults have similar fears. Another kind of stress is anxiety. Students are anxious about their grades and future plans; parents feel anxiety about their children’s health and success in life. All people may feel another kind of anxiety, a feeling of inadequacy, perhaps about their intelligence or their ability to handle life situations.

Many everyday situations may be causes of stress: driving in bad traffic, a quarrel, a frown from the boss, a feeling of anger or guilt. More serious matters, such as a death in the family, a divorce, a serious health problem may be the causes of the deep stress. Other events, such as marriage, getting a new job, sudden wealth can be stressful too. What should we do to keep our cool?
Ответьте на вопросы к тексту «Stress». Возможно, это придаст вашей заметке индивидуальность.
1) What were you afraid when you were a child? 2) Are you still afraid of these things? 3) Are you anxious about your grades? 4) Do you believe you will fulfill your future plans? 5) What events in your daily life worry you?
16 ways to de-stress or Take it easy!
1) Take off your watch. 2) Switch off your mobile phone. 3) Don't eat your breakfast on your feet - sit down and enjoy it. 4) Put on your most comfortable clothes. 5) Don't run after the bus - let it go. 6) Smell the roses. 7) Give up the gym. 8) Fall in love. 9) Only switch on your television if there's something you really want to watch. 10) Throw away any clothes you haven't worn for the past two years. 11) Have a laugh. 12) Hang up your clothes when you take them off. 13) Spend ten minutes doing absolutely nothing. 14) Walk. 15) Only do the ironing if you love it. 16) Put on your favourite music and turn up the volume.
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Учебно-методическое пособие для выполнения самостоятельной работы по английскому языку, часть II : учебно-методическое пособие для студентов второго-четвёртого курсов Промышленно-экономического факультета программ спо специальностей 23. iconУчебно-методическое пособие для самостоятельной работы студентов...
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