Учебное пособие по обучению чтению для студентов 1 курса всех специальностей Под редакцией доцента Э. Я. Иванова

НазваниеУчебное пособие по обучению чтению для студентов 1 курса всех специальностей Под редакцией доцента Э. Я. Иванова
ТипУчебное пособие
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1. An English physicist was lecturing before an audience in London about 170 years ago about some of the tricks which he could do with magnets and wires. He had a coil of wire connected to a galvanometer. Since the current was not flowing through the wire, the needle of the instrument did not move. Then the lecturer put a magnet into the coil. The needle moved to the right: there was an electric current. He took the magnet away. The needle moved to the left.

2. After the lecture a woman from the audience came up to the lecturer and asked him: “Mr. Faraday, of what use is the electricity?” Michael Faraday asked her: “Madame, of what use is a new-born baby?”

3. Faraday’s experiment was the first step towards the electric generator of today. Since that time he did experiments and spent much time at the laboratory. He discovered benzene, the laws of electrolysis, produced the first stainless steel. But his main interest was in electricity and magnetism. Faraday put forward the idea that magnetic, radiant, electric, thermal and gravitational forces filled all the space. This was the beginning of field theory.

4. Faraday’s discovery of electromagnetic induction helped to produce electricity in generators. But this idea of the field was even more important and makes him one of the great founders of modern physics. For it was the notion of the field that later became the cornerstone of Maxwell’s electromagnetic theory and Einstein’s general theory of relativity.

Faraday[΄færədeɪ], Maxwell[΄mækswəl],

Задания к тексту 2 MICHAEL FARADAY

I. Задания для общего ознакомления с текстом.

a) Прочтите текст про себя, не останавливаясь на трудных для понимания местах. Ответьте на следующие вопросы на русском языке.

  1. Что открыл Фарадей?

  2. Почему он считается одним из основателей современной физики?

II. Задания для точного понимания значения слов и групп слов.

  1. Найдите в тексте следующие интернациональные слова и попробуйте определить их значение по тексту.

Magnets, lecture, experiment, steel, electricity, idea, induction, theory, interest.
b) Переведите следующие слова на русский язык. Если не знаете слово, найдите его значение в словаре.

To connect, current, to flow, to move, to spend, force, space, field, to produce, founder, notion, relativity.
c) Из данных слов выделите глаголы, дайте вариант их использования в тексте.
d) Найдите в тексте глаголы, от которых образованы следующие существительные и переведите их.

Connection, movement, producer.
e) Найдите в тексте существительные, которые образованы от следующих глаголов и переведите их.

To generate, to begin, to induce, to found.
f) Определите пары синонимов.

To do, as, application, to begin, main, since, use, to start, chief, to make.
g) Определите пары антонимов.

Right, to come, to take, baby, first, new, modern, to give, adult, old, last, out-of-date, to go, left.
h) Определите, какой частью речи являются данные слова, и переведите их на русский язык.

Lecturer, galvanometer, generator, later, founder.
i) Найдите русские эквиваленты к следующим английским сочетаниям слов.

1) electric current a) нержавеющая сталь

2) the fist step b) теория относительности

3) field theory c) электрический ток

4) stainless steel d)теория поля

5) theory of relativity e) первый шаг
j) Найдите английские эквиваленты к следующим русским сочетаниям слов.

1) катушка проволоки a) all the space

2) с того времени b) the founder of modern physics

3) основной интерес c) a coil of wire

  1. основатель современной d) main interest


5) все пространство e) since that time
k) Найдите эквиваленты.

Основатель: to found, founder, foundation

Важный: importance, important

Открытие: discoverer, discovery, to discover

Двигаться: to move, movement, mover

Начало: to begin, beginner, beginning
III. Задания для анализа грамматического состава и способов связи слов.

a) Образуйте слова с помощью префиксов. Переведите исходные и производные слова.

re-: to construct, to make, to build, to produce;

super-: man, critical, natural, market, sound;

sub-: group, way, normal, tropical, marine;

over-: to work, to produce, to pay, active, time;

semi-: automatic, conductor, official;

inter-: national, continental, change.

  1. Переведите словосочетания, обращая внимание на значение наречий, относящихся к прилагательным.

A greatly important discovery, a highly productive method, nearly equal volumes, equally simple examples, highly developed country.
c) Проанализируйте грамматические признаки следующих личных форм глагола и дайте их русские эквиваленты.

Was lecturing, was flowing, took, puts, came up, will ask, had done, has discovered, fill, will have made.
d) Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на различные значения предлога “since”.

1) Since diamond is the hardest substance, one must polish it with diamond dust. 2) Many years have passed since Mendeleyev made his great discovery.

3) Chemists have used this method of mixing since the days of World War II.

4) Scientists developed this process twenty years ago, since then many countries have applied it. 5) People have used glass widely since the ancient times.

6) Since matter is the basic working material in our world, we know much about it.
e) Переведите на русский язык следующие предложения.

1) It was A. S. Popov, who invented the radio in 1895. 2) It was in the second half of the 19th century that many scientists made their great discoveries. 3) It was Michael Faraday who gathered together and set in order all the work of the scientists who had worked on electric problems before him. 4) It was in 1869 that Mendeleyev arranged the elements in the form of a table. 5) It was Jablochkov who was the pioneer of electronic engineering in Russia.
f) Ответьте на вопросы по образцу.

Model: A Usually Peter reads badly.

В.: And now? (well)

C: Now he is reading well.

1. A.: Usually Tom speaks English with mistakes. В.: And now? (well) 2. A.: On Sundays we always read books. В.: And now? (do lessons) 3. A.: Usually they read Russian books. В.: And now? (English) 4. A.: After classes they sometimes go to the cinema. В.: And today? (play chess) 5. A.: Usually they go there by bus. В.: And now? (on foot).
g) Измените предложения по образцу.

Model: A.: I am reading а book now.

В.: I was reading a book when you came in.

C: I shall be reading a book when you come.

1. They are standing here. 2. We are sitting at the table. 3. You are playing chess. 4. I am reading a newspaper. 5. Peter is speaking English.
h) Ответьте на следующие вопросы по образцу.

Model: Т.: Do you read French books?

St.: No, I do not read French books. I read English ones.

1. Are you a worker? 2. Do you live in Moscow? 3. Is Alexander a manager? 4. Are you going home? 5. Did you work at the plant last year? 6. Will you come home at 2 o'clock? 7. Have you read this book?
i) Задайте вопросы по образцу:

Mоdel: Т.: My friend will leave Moscow for Kiev.

St.: Who will leave Moscow for Kiev?

1. Victor lives in Moscow. 2. My sister is in her second year at the Institute. 3. Our people have built many power plants on the Volga. 4. They worked at the firm last year. 5. He is doing his home task now.

  1. Задайте вопросы по образцу:

Mоdel: Т.: George is writing a letter.

St.: What is George writing?

1. Ann is reading a book. 2. She has solved a very difficult problem. 3. They achieved great successes in many branches of science and technology.
k) Задайте вопросы по образцу:

Mоdel: Т.: Many foreign tourists come to our country.

St.: Where do many foreign tourists come to?

1. Now Peter is going to Moscow by train. 2. A friend of mine is still in London. 3. Many students of our group will live in the hostel. 4. Yesterday a British delegation came to our city. 5. Our delegation has found new oil deposits in Siberia.
l) Используйте в следующих предложениях данные обстоятельства: in two days, in 2004, now, when I came in, twice a week, today, before you came in, every year, at this moment, last August, next Sunday.

1) We have English lessons…. 2) Victor is speaking English…. 3)They were playing chess…. 4) My brother graduated from the Institute…. 5) The students of our group will go to the theatre…. 6) Nick is watching the film….7) They had done their work…. 8)We have seen him…. 9) My friend will come to me…. 10) A French delegation visited our city…. 11) Hundreds of young people enter our Institute…
m) Вставьте to write в нужной форме.

l. We often ... letters to our parents. 2. What ... you ... now? 3. Yesterday they … … tests from 10 till 12 o'clock. 4. Who ... ... this letter? 5. I … some letters last week. 6. What ... you ... tomorrow at 10? 7. When I came to her, she… … a letter. 8. ... you ... letters tomorrow? 9. I ... not ... this letter now. I … … it in some days. 10. ... he ... his home task now? 11. What ... she ... in the evening yesterday? 12. As a rule, he ... tests well.
n) Используйте глаголы в скобках в соответствующем времени.

1) Now I ... at the first desk (to sit), but usually I ... at the second desk. (to sit) 2) The conference ... at 6 o'clock p.m. (to end) 3) The workers ... … the first line of the Moscow Metro by May 1935. (to construct) 4) Victor … … an interesting book when we came in. (to read) 5) We … … to Moscow next week. (to go) 6) Every day Oleg… to bed at eleven o’clock. (to go) 7) Nobody … … him today. (to see).
o) Вставьте вместо многоточия подходящий предлог.

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