Учебное пособие по обучению чтению для студентов 1 курса всех специальностей Под редакцией доцента Э. Я. Иванова

НазваниеУчебное пособие по обучению чтению для студентов 1 курса всех специальностей Под редакцией доцента Э. Я. Иванова
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Geometry deals with the properties, construction and measurements of lines, surfaces, and solids.

A line has only one dimension — length.

A surface has two dimensions — length and breadth.

A solid has three dimensions — length, breadth and thickness.

A point has no dimensions but is simply a position in space.

A flat surface is called a plane.

A circle is a flat surface bounded by a curved line all points of which are equidistant from a point within called the centre. The bounding line of a circle is called the circumference. A straight line drawn from the centre to the circumference is called the radius. The diameter is equal to twice the radius. An arc of a circle is any portion of a circumference. A chord is a straight line connecting any two points on the circumfer­ence. In a complete circumference there are 360 degrees (360°). Degrees are divided into minutes, marked by the sign (') and minutes are divided into seconds (the sign").

The square is a four-sided figure (or quadrilateral) all sides of which are equal and the angles are right angles.

The triangle is a polygon having but three sides.

The principal forms of solids bounded by plane surfaces are a prism, a cube, a cylinder, a pyramid and a cone.
Circle [sə:kl] – круг; circumference[sə΄kʌmfərəns] – окружность; arc[ɑ:k] – дуга; bound[baund] – ограничивать.
1.Knowledge of foreign languages is especially important today because they are the main and the most efficient means of information exchange between the people of our planet. Students should learn English as a foreign language because today English is the language of the world. Over 350 million people speak it as a mother tongue. The native speakers of English live in Great Britain, in the United States of America, Australia and New Zealand. English is one of the official languages in the Irish republic, Canada and South African Republic. As a second language it is used in the former British and US colonies.

2.It is the major international language for communication in such areas as science, technology, business and mass media. English is used as one of the official languages of the United Nations Organization and other political organizations. It is the language of computer software, literature, education, modern music and international tourism.

3.Learning a foreign language is not an easy thing. It is a long and slow process that takes a lot of time and patience. But every educated person, every good specialist has to know English because it is absolutely necessary nowadays.

4.Besides, students and postgraduates of technical higher schools must have an idea of what technical English is. Therefore a lot of time at the English lessons is devoted to the peculiarities of technical English, its vocabulary, grammar and style.

5.It is well known that reading books and magazines in the original, watching films and talking with the native speakers helps a lot. When learning a foreign language you learn the culture and history of the country where this language is spoken.

6.The ideal engineer’s bookshelf would contain a book of mathematical tables, a few modern catalogues, some well-known engineer’s handbooks, current numbers of the leading technical journals, the English-Russian dictionary. If he can find place for a favorite classic and a good detective story in English, so much the better.

7.Someone has said: “Tell me what a man reads, and I’ll tell you what he is.” For engineers this quotation might be modified to read: “Tell me an engineer’s attitude to the English language, and I’ll tell you what kind of engineer he is.”

Задания к тексту 6 FOREIGN LANGUAGES

I. Задания для общего ознакомления с текстом.

a) Прочтите текст про себя, ответьте на следующие вопросы.

  1. Почему в наше время необходимо изучать английский язык?

  2. Что помогает изучать иностранный язык?

II. Задания для точного понимания значения слов и групп слов.

a) Найдите в тексте следующие интернациональные слова и попробуйте определить их значение по тексту.

Efficient, information, planet, colonies, international, communication, technology, business, official, organizations, literature, modern, tourism, original, grammar, style, table, journal, catalogue.
b) Переведите следующие слова на русский язык. Если не знаете значения слова, найдите его по словарю.

Foreign, language, exchange, tongue, native, former, mass media, software, patience, attitude, devote, vocabulary, peculiarities, handbook, quotation, current.
c) Просмотрите текст еще раз. Выпишите и переведите те слова, которые вы не знаете.
d) Прочитайте данные однокоренные прилагательные и наречия, сравните их значения. Составьте предложения.

Прилагательные Наречия

long - длинный, долгий long (ago) - давно

very .. - самый, тот самый very - очень

the only - единственный only - только

far - далекий far - далеко, намного

hard - трудный hard - упорно

hardly - едва

sure – несомненный, верный surely - конечно

direct - прямой direct - прямой directly -сразу, непосредственно

ready – готовый readily - быстро, легко

large – большой largely - очень, в основном,

главным образом

high - высокий highly - весьма, очень, чрезвычайно

near - близкий nearly - почти

late - поздний lately - недавно, за послед нее время

like - похожий, подобный likely - вероятно
e) Переведите на русский язык слова со знакомыми корнями и сочетаниями слов.

Outstanding, outstanding period; mankind, mankind's history; begin, the beginning; courage, courageous; fight, fighter, fighting; know, knowledge; look, outlook, outlook on the world; science, scientific, scientist; base, basic, basic law; fundamental conceptions; general principles; nature, natural sciences; found, founder, foundation; cover, discover, rediscover, discovery, discoverer.
f) Обратите внимание на правописание выделенных слов и не путайте их перевод.

  1. They made some experiments to prove their theory.

  2. They repeated the same experiment several times.

  3. Thermocouples are used to measure very high temperatures.

  4. Every day he went to the laboratory.

  5. The results of the experiment vary greatly.

  6. The tube is filled with coloured water.

  7. These instruments operate upon the principle that the resistance which a wire offers to a flow of electric current changes with temperature

  8. The principal parts of the device can be removed and changed if necessary.

  9. Though the results are good the experiment should be repeated.

  10. To carry out this task you have to look through some articles.

  11. Because of the danger of radiation one must take safety precautions (меры предосторожности).

  12. You may use the slide rule (логарифмическая линейка) for these calculations because it is the simplest mechanical device for multiplication and division.

III Задания для определения грамматических способов связи.

а) Переведите на русский язык.

Make a cut in the tree; cut the bread, please; a cut made in the tree; a cut was made; metal cut into pieces; the Peruvians made a discovery; the discovery made by the Peruvians; they made coats; coats made of cloth; they covered cloth with rubber; cloth covered with rubber; they named raincoats after Mackintosh.; raincoats named after Mackintosh; mix rubber with sulphur; rubber was mixed with sulphur; rubber mixed with sulphur; mixing rubber with sulphur; mixing devices were used in this process; the experiment ended with the mixing of liquids.
в) Сравните функции ing – форм.

  1. Testing will begin in a few minutes.

  2. Testing these devices we sometimes find defects in them.

  3. Reading stories about adventures and travelling is his hobby.

  4. Reading stories about adventures he remembered his youth.

  5. Ice melting begins at 0°C.

  6. When melting the ice keeps the same temperature.

  7. One must use special instruments while carrying out this experiment.

  8. Carrying out this investigation is of great importance.

  9. Scientists’ working together has great advantage for research.

10.Working together scientists can solve almost any problem.
c) Замените в предложениях инфинитив на герундий. Предложения переведите.

  1. She will begin to work as a typist.

  2. Our task is to master English.

  3. To swim in such weather is very pleasant.

  4. When will you finish to read this book?

  5. Let's go on to repeat the rules.

  6. Do you like to play chess?

  7. He stopped to attend lectures at the institute.

  8. To read is my favourite occupation.

  9. People began to study higher mathematics in the 17th century.

d) Переведите предложения, объясняя функции Participle II.

  1. The task set was not an easy one.

  2. Some very complicated models are investigated in this paper.

  3. If well done the device will function properly.

  4. The students spoken about at the meeting completed their work successfully.

  5. Unless checked the results cannot be applied in the research.

  6. When cooled below 0°C water becomes ice.

  7. We found the first series of experiments completed.

  8. When extracted coal is transported to the surface.

e) Переведите следующие предложения. Объясните различные функции причастий:

  1. Having left the secondary school he entered the Technological Institute.

  2. Mechanized methods of coal extraction are widely used in our country.

  3. Reading an article in an English journal he used an English-Russian dictionary.

  4. Using a dictionary we can translate any technical article dealing with our profession.

  5. Having graduated from the institute they work as engineers all over the country.

  6. The method of measurements developed lately differs greatly from the old ones.

  7. He went into the office leaving the door opened.

  8. Having learned grammar rules she could write her test-work.

  9. The book translated from English is very interesting.

  10. People working with electrical devices must be careful.

f) Переведите предложения, назовите те, в которых Infinitive используется в функциях обстоятельства и определения.

  1. To explain this problem the lecturer demonstrated some diagrams.

  2. It takes us half an hour to get home on foot.

  3. The article to be read in English is of great interest to us.

  4. To answer this question we studied a lot of publications.

  5. We are to solve this problem as soon as possible.

  6. For these problems to be carried out successfully we are to work hard.

  7. He tried to translate the text without a dictionary.

  8. To prevent corrosion metals are to be covered with paint.

  9. The researches to be made are interesting for our plant.

  10. This is a picture of the man to come here to sign documents.

IV. Задания для точного понимания содержания прочитанного материала.

a) Прочитайте последний абзац текста.

b) Определите по признакам все члены предложений.

c) Найдите в предложениях признаки личной формы глагола. Определите время, залог.

d) Найдите и проанализируйте все неличные формы.
V. Задания для подготовки к передаче содержания текста.

a) Прочтите следующие вопросы.

  1. Why is knowledge of foreign languages especially important today?

  2. How many people in the world speak English?

  3. What English-speaking countries do you know?

  4. What areas is English mostly used in?

  5. Do the students study technical English?

  6. What are the main difficulties in learning foreign languages?

b) Прочтите текст про себя и выпишите предложения, которые могут быть использованы для ответа на вопросы.

c) Перескажите текст, используя выписанные предложения. Если необходимо, предложения сократите.

VI. Прочитайте текст без словаря и передайте краткое содержание на русском языке.

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