Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов-геологов 1 курса

НазваниеУчебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов-геологов 1 курса
ТипУчебное пособие
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Выберите нужный по смыслу вариант из приведенных в скобках.

  1. The real difference between the centre of Africa and the centre of America is that in the (former/formerly) water is water and in the (later/latter) water is ice.

  2. In general, waves are of two types: swell waves and storm waves. Both are generated by the wind but the (letter/latter) more directly than the (farmer/former).

  3. The earth warmed up and cooled off several times. In comparison to some (former/formal) eras of geologic history today we live in one of the “ice age”.

  4. It was (formally/formerly) supposed that the entire interior of the Earth was liquid.

  5. Molten magma contains large quantities of both oxygen and hydrogen. In cooling they combine to form water. The (later/latter) is an extremely active agent.


Вставьте нужные предлоги.

  1. All rocks are composed ___ minerals.

  2. Minerals are ___ great importance ___ the geologists.

  3. The oceanic crust is made up ___ dark rocks.

  4. Any material which was formed ___ liquid rock is called igneous rock.

  5. This area is now covered ___ sedimentary rock.

  6. This layer of sedimentary rock lies ___ the igneous and metamorphic rocks of the earth’s crust.

  7. The word “metamorphic” comes ___ two Greek words.


Дополните следующие предложения нужными по смыслу словами из предложенных в рамке.

  1. It is believed that some of the molten material cooled ______ the crust.

  2. The wind carried away particles of eroded rock and set them down in layers ______ on dry land ______ under the water.

  3. The continental crust ______ light rocks, the oceanic crust ______ dark rocks.

  4. Minerals are ______ of the earth’s crust.

  5. Rocks are classified on the basis of their ______.

  6. The term “rock” ______ all the solid constituents of the earth’s surface.

  7. The thickness of the earth’s crust under the oceans is ______ than under the continents.

less, consists of, origin,

to form, is made up of, either…or,

constituents, is referred to.


Выберите вариант, соответствующий выделенному слову.

  1. In some places много carbon dioxide (CO2) escapes from the earth.

    1. many

    2. much

    3. more

    4. most

  2. In the world there are много amazing phenomena.

    1. many

    2. most

    3. much

    4. more

  3. There is very мало free hydrogen present in the earth now.

    1. few

    2. a few

    3. a little

    4. little

  4. In несколько places Antarctica extends north of the Antarctic Circle.

    1. few

    2. a few

    3. little

    4. a little

  5. To understand the geological history of the country we must know немного of world geology.

    1. few

    2. a few

    3. little

    4. a little

  6. There are мало rivers in desert regions.

    1. few

    2. a few

    3. little

    4. a little

  7. The Antarctica is composed of a continent and много small islands.

    1. much

    2. many

    3. most

    4. more

  8. Although there is много snow in Antarctica, there is almost no fresh water.

    1. much

    2. more

    3. most

    4. many


Подберите пары предложений, эквивалентных по смыслу.


  1. Igneous rocks are formed from molten material.

  1. Igneous rocks formed from molten material are divided into two types.

  2. It is igneous rocks that are formed from molten material.

  1. It is known that igneous rocks are divided into two types.

  2. It is known that there are two types of igneous rocks.

  1. Изверженные породы, сформированные из расплавленного материала, подразделяются на два типа.

  2. Известно, что изверженные породы подразделяются на два типа.

  3. Изверженные породы сформированы из расплавленного материала.

  4. Известно, что существует два типа изверженных пород.

  5. Именно изверженные породы сформированы из расплавленного материала.







  1. Постоянно изменяясь, Земля никогда не бывает стабильной.

  2. Существуют факторы, постоянно изменяющие Землю.

  3. Поверхность Земли постоянно изменяется.

  4. Именно геологические факторы изменяют поверхность Земли.

  5. Известно, что существуют геологические факторы, которые постоянно изменяют поверхность Земли.

  1. There are agencies constantly changing the Earth.

  2. It is known that there are geological agencies that constantly change the surface of the Earth.

  3. Constantly changing the Earth is never stable.

  4. The surface of the Earth is constantly changing.

  5. It is geological agencies that change the surface of the Earth.







Прочитайте текст и определите, какие из приведенных ниже высказываний соответствуют его содержанию. Отметьте приведенные ниже высказывания как соответствующие (+) или несоответствующие (–) содержанию текста.

The feldspars are probably more widely-distributed than any other group of rock-forming minerals. They occur in most of the igneous rocks, such as granites and lavas; in certain sandstones and conglomerates among sedimentary ones; and in gneisses of metamorphic rocks.

Feldspar is a family name, and not that of a single mineral. It constitutes one of the most, if not the most, important group of rock-forming minerals; nearly 60% of the earth’s crust is composed of feldspar. Feldspar exhibits a variety of colours. Feldspar is frequently the dominant colouring mineral in granites.

  1. The feldspars are the most widely-distributed rock-forming minerals (……….).

  2. The feldspars occur in all groups of rocks (……….).

  3. Feldspar is the name of a single mineral (……….).

  4. The feldspar constitutes more than half of the Earth’s crust (……….).

  5. The feldspar is a colourless mineral (……….).


Переведите следующий диалог на английский язык.

A: Полевой шпат – это название одного отдельного минерала?

B: Нет, это название группы минералов. Это одна из самых важных групп породообразующих минералов.

A: Это распространенная группа минералов?

B: Да, полевые шпаты распространены более широко, чем любая другая группа минералов.

A: Где они встречаются?

B: Они встречаются в большинстве изверженных пород и в лавах.

A: А встречаются ли полевые шпаты в песчаниках?

B: Да, они встречаются в некоторых песчаниках среди осадочных пород. Кроме того, они встречаются также в некоторых метаморфических породах.

A: Входят ли полевые шпаты в состав земной коры?

B: Да, полевой шпат является основным компонентом земной коры. Он составляет 60% ее состава.

A: Какой цвет у полевого шпата?

B: Он проявляет разнообразие красок. Часто он является преобладающим по цвету минерала в гранитах.

Дайте два определения кварца, на основе информации, приведенной ниже.

  • Quartz is a mineral.

  • It is very common.

  • It is present in many rocks.

  • It has a wide variety of forms.

  • It consists of silica.

  • It forms the major proportions of most sands.

  • It occurs in different types of rocks.

  1. Quartz is __________

  2. __________ is referred to as quartz.


Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст без словаря.

Sedimentary rocks are grouped into free major categories: a) fragmental (or clastic), by far the largest of the groups with many variations in grain size and composition; b) chemically precipitated, subdivided according to their chemical composition; and c) organic, made from the fossil remains of animals and plants.

Mineralogically, the sedimentary rocks are in general more simple than most of the igneous ones. Fewer minerals, of less complex composition chemically, and as a rule of more stable character, enter as the principal components of the sedimentary rocks. The most common minerals entering into the composition of sedimentary rocks are quartz, feldspar, mica, and iron oxide, both hydrous and anhydrous, together with carbonates sulphates, and, to a less extent, anhydrite, as well as a few less commonly – occurring ones.

Переведите следующий диалог на английский язык:

A: Где образуются осадочные породы?

B: Они образуются на поверхности земли.

A: Осадочные породы подразделяются на несколько групп, не так ли?

B: Да, это так. Существуют три основные группы осадочных пород.

A: Какой тип пород образует наибольшую группу?

B: Это обломочные горные породы. Они имеют различные размеры и состав.

A: Какие еще группы можно выделить?

B: Еще есть химические и органогенные породы.

A: Какие породы более простые по минералогическому составу: осадочные или магматические?

B: Осадочные. В их состав в качестве основного компонента входит меньшее количество минералов, химический состав которых менее сложен и, как правило, они более стабильны по характеру.

A: Какие минералы чаще всего встречаются в составе осадочных пород?

B: Это кварц, полевой шпат, слюда, а также другие минералы.

A: Много ли есть минералов, которые реже встречаются?

B: Немного. Несколько.

Просмотрите текст и найдите в нем ответы на следующие вопросы:

  1. How abundant is oxygen in the Universe?

  2. What is “oxidation”?

  3. What is “combustion”?

  4. What is the difference between combustion and oxidation?

  5. What is similar between oxidation and combustion?

Every now and then you read about something that man “couldn’t live without”. Well, one thing that is absolutely necessary to life is oxygen. Without oxygen, a man cannot live more than a few minutes.

Oxygen is an element, the most plentiful element in the universe. It makes up nearly half of the earth’s crust and more than one-fifth of the air.

Oxygen combines very easily with most elements. When this takes place, we call the process “oxidation”. When this oxidation takes place very quickly, we have “combustion”. In almost all oxidations, heat is given off. In combustion, the heat is given off so fast that it has no time to be carried away, the temperature rises extremely high, and a flame appears.

So at one end we have combustion, the fast oxidation that produces fire and at the other end we have slow oxidations that are found everywhere.


Stage I: Отметьте, какие из следующих высказываний, на ваш взгляд, верные, а какие нет. Stage II: Проверьте правильность своих ответов, прочитав текст.

Stage I

Stage II

+ / –

+ / –

  1. Salt is the most common mineral in the Earth’s crust.

  1. The commercial salt is the salt we use at home.

  1. Rock salt may be deposited in layers.

  1. Rock salt strata are usually very thin.

  1. Salt springs are formed by the filtering of water through the beds of rock salt.

  1. Most commercial salt is produced from sea water.

Salt is one of the most common minerals. Chemically, salt is a compound of sodium and chlorine. The common salt we use at hone is produced in many ways: from sea water, or the water of salt lakes, from salt springs, and from deposits of rock salt.

Beds of rock salt are found in various parts of the world and are sometimes very thick. Salt springs may be formed by the filtering of water through these beds of rock salt.

Most commercial salt is produced from sea water.

Составьте текст из следующих предложений, расположив их в логической последовательности.

  • Pure water is pumped down to the rock salt through a pipe.

  • There are salt beds.

  • The water dissolves the salt.

  • Wells are drilled down to salt beds.

  • The brine is evaporated.

  • The brine, or salt water, is forced up to the surface through another pipe.

  • The grains are dried and graded.

  • The grains are formed.

  • Table salt has a very fine grain.

Unit V. Test Section

  1. Выберите правильный вариант из приведенных в скобках. Объясните свой выбор.(or.)

  2. Запишите предложение, подчеркнув выбранный Вами вариант.(wr.)

  3. Переведите предложение на русский язык.(or./wr.)

  1. Sedimentary rocks (originate/are originated) from other types of rocks by the processes of erosion.

  2. Sedimentary rocks (are referred/referred) to as stratified rocks.

  3. The three main divisions of the earth(are/there are): the crust, the mantle, and the core.

  4. Molten magma (contains/is contained) large (quantities/qualities) of both oxygen and hydrogen.

  5. Hydrogen is the lightest element (known/is known).

  6. The (phenomena/phenomenon) is rather complicated and the process (involves/involved) is not yet clear.

  7. Rocks deep in the crust (brought/are brought) to the surface by volcanic action.

  8. The component grains of sandstone (there are/are) chiefly quartz.

  9. Some sandstones (forms/are formed) from particles of sand by wind.

  10. Metamorphism (changes/is changed) the (original/origin) characteristics of the rocks and minerals.

  11. (They are/There are) some other (hypothesis/hypotheses) dealing with the (origin/original) of the Earth.

  12. Soils usually (contain/constitute) a great variety of minerals.

  13. (There are/There is) a great variety of minerals which (comprise/constitute) rocks.

  14. The variation of temperature (varies/various) with (high/height).

  15. The (mean/means) temperature of surface water on the Earth (vary/varies) from region to region.

  16. The earth is (comprised/composed) of three major zones.

  17. Earthquakes are geological (phenomena/phenomenon).

  18. Due (to/of) its high degree of activity oxygen (occurs/contains) in the magma only in (combination/composition) with other elements.

  19. Limestone (consists/includes) of calcium carbonate.

  20. Geology is a (science/since) which deals (with/within) the history of the earth.

  21. Three quarters of the earth’s surface (contain/consist) of water.

  22. Oxygen and hydrogen combine to form water; the (later/latter) is an extremely active agent in the interior lithosphere.

  23. (Some/Same) magma crystallizes to rocks (composing/composed) of one mineral only.

  24. In (composition/combination) with hydrogen an carbon oxygen forms very widely spread (compounds/constituents) – water and carbonic acid gas.

  25. Chemical substances may be (divided/described) into 3 classes: mixtures, compounds and elements.

  26. The process is (called/referred) to as oxidation.

  27. The winds carry (much/many) sands and dust.

  28. Seismic (analyze/analysis) is based on different techniques.

  29. Rock is one of the (hard/difficult) materials of which the earth’s crust is mainly (consists/composed).

  30. The chief (compounds/components) of the air are nitrogen, oxygen, water vapour and carbon dioxide.

  31. (Most/Much) minerals (consist/contain) of the elements (combined/combining) as chemical (composition/compounds).

  32. (Mineralogically/Mineralogical) emerald is beryl.

  33. Three large groups of rocks are commonly recognized on the basis of their (original/origin).

  34. Only about 20 minerals are abundant (constitution/constituents) of the earth’s crust.

  35. Rock may come into existence (through/though) the deposition.

  36. Specific gravity (varies/various) with chemical composition.

  37. In the crust of the earth (there/this) is a great (vary/variety) of minerals and rocks.

  38. (They/These) conclusions are (base/based) on X-ray analysis (datum/data).

  39. The exact (composition/compound) of this gas is not known.

  40. Rock is one of the (solid/solidify) materials of which the earth’s crust is mainly (composed/compose).

  41. Green transparent beryl is (calls/called) emerald.

  42. The pearl (consisted/consisting) of calcium carbonate is formed within an oyster.

  43. (There is/It is) some water vapour in the air.

  44. Oxygen (knows/is known) as a stable element.

  45. Rocks are solid (natural/naturally) (formed/forming) substances (made/making) up of minerals.

  46. The earth’s solid part (is known/known) as the lithosphere is mainly (consists/built) up of rocks.

  47. Usually magma (forms/is formed) minerals.

  48. The rocks of the crust (are classified/classify) into three groups according to their (originate/origin).

  49. Scientific data (is/are) analyzed by (scientists/sciences).

  50. (Due to/because) (its/it’s) (high/height) (activity/action) oxygen (occurs/occurrence) in magma only in (combination/composition) with (another/other) elements.

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