Программа дисциплины Английский язык для Авторы программы

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Part 2 Long Turn

  1. Describe your native place (see p.35)

  2. describe someone you know and admire (a relative, a neighbor, a celebrity)

  3. Describe someone you know in your neighbourhood and explain why this person is popular. (Long turn WB p 40)

  4. Describe a leisure activity you enjoy. Say what the activity is, where and when you take part in it, what it involves, explain why you enjoy it so much.

  5. Describe a personal possession, which means a lot to you, and explain why it is important to you. SB p 75

  6. Describe a cultural event and explain what you remember especially about it and why

  7. Describe a family celebration you particularly remember and explain what made it memorable.

Part 3 Discussion

  1. Are large out-of-town hypermarkets and shopping malls a good thing? (P3)

  2. Do you think people are too materialistic these days? (P3)

  3. Is there too much advertising on TV? (P3)

  4. Prioritise the following, according to how important they are in your life and explain why: health, wealth, family, career growth, intellectual growth.

Units 10-12

1. Describe your country’s educational system. What is your attitude towards this system?

2. What is the purpose of secondary education?

3. What problems do secondary schools face? Are there any ways to solve them?

4. Do most people in your country go on to higher education? Why? Why not?

5. What improvements ( if any ) would you introduce in higher education?

6. What are the ways of encouraging students to higher academic achievements?

7. What are the most appropriate systems of monitoring students’ progress?

8. What is the idea of lifelong learning? What are the reasons for its popularity nowadays?
Topics for discussion:

What is the best age to begin formal education? Why?

Should schools focus on teaching practical skills, which help people to get a job? Why? Why not?

Should all children be encouraged to go on to high school? Why? Why Not?

What are the reasons for the growing popularity of the homeschooling movement? Is it a good alternative to a traditional classroom education? Why? Why not?

Do schools for exceptionally gifted children meet the needs of the knowledge economy or contribute to widening the gap between average and profoundly gifted children? Give reasons and examples.

When students move to a new school, they sometimes face problems. How can schools help these students with their problems?

Should students be given one long vacation each year or several short vacations through the year?

Some high schools require all students to wear school uniforms. Other high schools permit students to decide what to wear to school? Which approach do you find most appropriate?
Are there any objective ways to assess how important an achievement for a person is?

Could you list a range of effective strategies for absorbing and remembering new information?
Topics for discussion:
Are grades (marks) the most powerful tools that encourage students to great academic achievements?

Educational process may be very stressful for many students. What impact does it have on students’ progress? Should stress in a classroom be eliminated? In what way?

What are the most common factors that might hinder academic progress? Are there any ways of dealing with them?

Do you think that written exams are old-fashioned? Why? Why not?

What assessment methods is a good alternative to written exams?

Is peer assessment a reliable way of evaluating academic progress? Why? Why not?
Units 13-17

1. What is engineering? What is the connection between engineering and science?

2. What engineering fields are experiencing a rapid growth nowadays? What are the reasons?

3. What do engineers do? How would you assess their contribution to society?

4. Is engineering a man’s world? Why? Why not?

5. Should there be more women in engineering? Why? Why not?

6. How many of the modern world’s greatest engineering achievements do you use to-day?

7. What is the largest man-made structure you have ever seen or read about?

8. What engineering projects would you develop to solve the pressing problems, such as overpopulation, pollution, lack of green space, etc…? Think about size, location, materials, safety.

9. What dangers coming from outer space should people protect themselves from?

People constantly debate whether television has a positive or negative influence on society. What is your opinion?
The greatest human achievement is the invention of the wheel, not the computer. To what extent do you agree?
Topics for discussion:
What discovery made in the previous century has been most beneficial for people in your country?

Some people say that computers have made our life easier and more convenient. Other people say that computers have made life more complex and stressful. What is your opinion?

What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of using machines like robots?

Do you think we have anything to fear from the development of robots? Would you like to have a robot in your home? Why? Why not?
Some pessimists argue that the human race’s love of technology will eventually cause the destruction of society? Do you agree?

What has contributed to the rapid pace of change in the world in the 21st century?
What is the largest man-made structure you have ever been in or on? What were your impressions about it?

What do you think is the aim of designing such a large structure?

Topics for discussion:

What are the challenges that huge engineering projects bring about? Are there any solutions?

Do you think countries will work together on engineering projects aimed at solving social problems? Why?
9.2.4 Устные задания для итогового контроля. Говорение

Part I

What public events do you enjoy attending?

Is there anything you dislike about public events?

What kind of artwork do you like?

When did you last visit an art exhibition?

Who should pay for public works of art?
Part II

Describe a neighbourhood in your home town that you like.

Read the topic below carefully. You will have to talk about the topic for 1 to 2 minutes. You have 1 minute to think about what you’re going to say.

You can make notes to help you if you wish.
You should say:

where the neighbourhood is

when you first visited the neghibourhoood

what the neighbourhood is like

and explain what is so special about the place that causes warm feelings.
Part III

What criteria might be used in measuring a country’s wealth and” comfort”?

What do you think is the point of assessing the quality of life in different countries?

What can be done to help people who are living in poverty?

Do you think that wealthy countries should have a responsibility to help the poorer ones? If so, how?

What are the implications for a country whose citizens have a high life expectancy?
9.3 3-й курс

По плану 2014/15 г. - 1 КР, 2 ДЗ
9.3.1 Тематика заданий для текущего контроля
Контрольная работа.

Проводится в 1-м модуле, 7 неделя (80 мин.)
Цель – проверка усвоения материала 1 модуля. Контроль коммуникативных умений говорения и лексико-грамматических навыков письма.

Сначала одни студенты отвечают устно, а потом пишут тест, другие наоборот.

Учебник по ESP: Amy Krois-Lindner Introduction to International Legal English.
Монологическая речь.

  1. Answer these questions

What does your university offer potential graduates?

What opportunities does the law clinic give the law students of the HSE?
2. Prepare a short talk (1 min)

What is important when…

Choosing a legal profession?

  • aspirations

  • demand

  • ?

What is important when…

Considering an offer for a job?

  • premises

  • benefits

  • ?

What is important when…

Choosing a firm to work for?

  • specialisation

  • duties

  • ?

Диалогическая речь
3. Discuss with your partner

You are Law students discussing the kind of work available to the graduates.

Speak about what you are especially interested in doing after you complete your law studies.

Discussion points:

  • barrister’s duties

  • the difference between a barrister and an attorney

  • solicitor’s duties

  • in-house counsel duties

  • challenges and benefits of each legal profession

Лексико-грамматический тест по пройденным темам 1-го модуля
1. Adjective collocations. Match the adjectives with the nouns

1. limited a) party

2. publicly listed b) proprietor

3. corporate c) company

4. constitutional d) funding

5. third e) liability

6. sole f) documents

7. real g) agreement

8.prior h) consent

9. mutual i) possession

10. exclusive j) estate
2. Complete each sentence with the correct option (vocabulary)

1. All our products come with a standard one-year__________.

a) warranty b) shelf life c) contract

2. The company went bankrupt and called in the ___________.

a) auditors b) accountants c) receivers

3. There are plenty of reasonably priced properties available. Don’t miss the_______.

a) profit b) bonus c) bargain

4. I’m buying property in Prague. Could you handle the__________?

a) conveyance b) suit c) stamp duty

5. We’ll pay a deposit of 25% and finance the rest with a__________.

a) lease b) credit c) mortgage

6. In the agreement I suggest we_________ that the work has to be completed within a year.

a) stipulate b) complain c) retain

7. The claimant sued the defendant for______ negligence.

a) big b) bad c) gross

8 __________ the corporate veil is not in the interest of the company.

a)To lift b) To lower c) To wash

9.The parole board ____ the prisoner on parole.

a) took b) brought c) put

10. A director has two types of duties: duty of care and ___________.

a) substitute duty b) fiduciary duty c) mandatory duty
3. Complete the sentences with the correct option (grammar)

  1. This course______ to familiarize the student with the study of law.

  1. aim b) aims c) aiming

  1. This course__________ to acquaint students with the nature of legal research.

  1. is designed b) designed c) is designing

  1. She suggested _________ correct legal citation.

  1. him to learn b) him learning c) he should learn

  1. If I were you, I________ sell my pre-emption right.

  1. will b) would c) would have

  1. I am ___ student of the Law Department.

  1. the three course b) a third-course c) a third-year

  1. I wonder if you wouldn’t mind________ me through the essentials.

  1. to talk to b) talking c) to talk

  1. I will tell you how to avoid legal action if you_____ my questions in detail.

  1. answered b) answer c) will answer

  1. When a court changes the judgment of a lower court to the opposite, it__________ it.

  1. reverses b) reverse c) reversed

  1. We look forward __________ payment of $ 899 within 14 days.

  1. to receiving b) to receive c) receiving

  1. The shareholders might not want……………….their pre-emption right.

a) to take in b) to take up c) to take out
4. Prepositions. Insert prepositions

Last month, three top managers were arrested 1)_____ fraud. They were accused 2) _____ having developed a scheme involving investors’ money. An action was brought 3) _____ them 4) ____ the civil court. All three were convicted 5) _____ fraud and obstruction 6) ____ justice, and sentenced 7) ___ two years’ imprisonment. The judge stated that the actions of the three men not only had an adverse effect 8)____ their company, but also had a negative impact 9) ___ investors’ confidence in the financial system. After the defendants’ lawyers requested that the judge suspend the sentences, the men were put 10) ____ probation.
Translate into English the following:

  1. Мой клиент просил меня составить исковое заявление против вас по поводу нарушения условий контракта.

  2. Вы приняли предложение, сделанное вам моим клиентом.

  3. Подписание контракта повлекло за собой возникновение юридических прав и обязанностей с обеих сторон.

  4. Поскольку вы не выполнили ваши обязательства, предусмотренные контрактом, вы явно нарушили условия этого контракта.

  5. Мой клиент намерен требовать компенсацию за все убытки, понесенные им в результате нарушения контракта.

9.3.2 Домашнее задание (проект)

Выполняется на 7-й неделе 2-го модуля
Проект по выбранной теме

Цель – формирование ПК 10; ПК-13 – представлять результаты своей профессиональной деятельности устно, в том числе в рамках публичных выступлений и дискуссий; способен проводить аналитические исследования в области права.
Студенты выбирают тему по международному праву и готовят проект сначала в письменной форме, а потом в устной форме защищают его. Задание:

  • - выбрать тему

  • - провести исследование и сделать презентацию

  • - использовать рекомендованные ресурсы библиотеки НИУ ВШЭ и Интернет

  • - написать эссе 1500-1800 слов

  • - приготовить устную презентацию и визуальное сопровождение

Project work on International Law

Choose a topic

  1. Amnesty International

  2. Violation of Human Rights

  3. Rights of Citizens

  4. Child care under the British Legislation

  5. The Challenge of Globalizing Crime

  6. Civil Rights Movement

  7. Use of Force and Espionage

  8. Family Law in different countries

  9. Economic integration (European Law)

Type of task: research and Power Point presentation

Form: individual

Resources: library, newspapers and journals, the Internet

  1. Leedy, P.D. Practical Research. Planning and Design / P.D. Leedy, J.E. Ormrod. – Pearson, 2010. – 384 p. – ISBN 0132693240.

  2. Cançado Trindade, A.A. The Access of Individuals to International Justice [Электронный ресурс] / A. A. Cançado Trindade; БД Oxford Scholarship Online. - Oxford University Press, 2012. – 511 p. – Print ISBN-13: 9780199580958. – Режим доступа: http://www.oxfordscholarship.com/view/10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199580958.001.0001/acprof-9780199580958?rskey=aSXZbc&result=4. – Загл. с экрана.

  3. Cretney, S. Family Law in the Twentieth Century: A History [Электронный ресурс] / S. Cretney; БД Oxford Scholarship Online. – Oxford University Press, 2010. – 284 p. – ISBN-13: 9780199280919. – Режим доступа:

  4. Dawson, M. One for All and All for One? The Collective Enforcement of EU Law [Электронный ресурс] / M. Dawson, E. Muir // Legal Issues of Economic Integration. 2014. – Issue 3 (41); БД EBSCO. – Pp. 215-224. – Режим доступа: https://www.kluwerlawonline.com/abstract.php?area=Journals&id=LEIE2014012.– Загл. с экрана.

End product: Power Point presentation + essay
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