Международная научно-практическая конференция «xv I международная конференция посвященная проблемам общественных и гуманитарных наук» (01. 02. 2014 г.)

НазваниеМеждународная научно-практическая конференция «xv I международная конференция посвященная проблемам общественных и гуманитарных наук» (01. 02. 2014 г.)
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Smagulova G.,

professor, Al-Farabi Kazakh national university

Rakhimova A.

PhD, Zhetysu state university of a name of I.Zhansugurov


In general the concept “intellect” is closely connected with human cognition and knowledge. That’s why it is considered as a object of several scientific aspect such as logics, philosophy, psychology and biology. In later periods of linguistics Russian and Kazakh scholars made lexical, etymological, cognitive research of language units concerning the function of human intellect (Kryukov A.B., Volobueva O.N., Sagynova B.U., Abayeva M.K. and etc.). Of course, it’s obvious that intellect has conceptual peculiarities according to the mental features of each language. That’s why nowadays it’s important to investigate the concept “intellect” on the basis of the Kazakh language sources.

Concepts concerning intellect, which belong to lexical-semantic group, can be placed one by one. Let us say, the first row: concepts of intelligence, thought, consciousness, memory (ақыл, ой, сана, ес), the second row: concepts of cognition, concept, interest, intelligence, the third row: concepts of: intuition, feeling, penetrating, ability, the forth group: concepts of reasonableness, wisdom, pride, gift, talent and other rows can also be formed. Of course, these concepts in spite of having the same seme and being synonymous can be used only in contextual meaning.

Practically speaking, we can numerate some notions which define the concept “intellect”. For instance, notions of mind and a consciousness (ақыл, сана) belong to the semantic field of intellect and even they can be used instead of the concept “intellect”. Also, notions of knowledge and a science (білім, ғылым) can be determinant of intellect. Because, events such as complementing, “strengthening” preservation and development of the human intellect are directly related to these categories (knowledge and a science).We would like to consider notions such as experience and a culture (тәжірибе, мәдениет) as determinant of intellect.

Intelligence (ақыл) is the first notion among “intellect” and language units which belong to its conceptual field. Practically speaking, the Arab word «ғақыл» (“intelligence”) is used as a «ақыл» (“intelligence”) in the Kazakh language and means “the human’s thinking ability and a consciousness” [1, 696]. In the explanatory dictionary of the Arab borrowings are given several definitions: “1.intelligence, reason, intellect, understanding, common sense; 2. wisdom” [2, 123]. Intelligence is nature of man and it’s the concept of psychology, philosophy, logics and linguistics as an abstract notion which is closely linked with its environment. This sentence (“Patience and an intelligence are signs of reasonableness. Stupid man is an animal” (Balasagun)) tells us that man has their own peculiarities than other living beings.

There are a lot of language units, proverbs, phraseological units, stable epithets concerning the notion of “intelligence” which show intellectual peculiarities of the human being in the Kazakh language. We investigate the concept of “intellect” as a result which covers total meaning of such words as intelligence, memory and a consciousness. Because, by investigating up to today’s usage of international language unit and its semantic features and etymology, we can surely say that “intellect” covers every action of the human mental thinking (thinking, speaking, writing, body movement). (1. Man can do their best to be conspicuous in terms of knowledge, science, conscience and a character. Abay, word 18. 2.).

In context words such as intelligence and a consciousness can be used together or instead of one another (intelligent, conscious). In general, consciousness appeared first in human being, and then the intelligence from the biological point of view. The level of intellectual formation of man is “a special step of the cognitive process in the complicated brain function of man («...адамның күрделі ми қызметіндегі таным үдерісінің белгілі бір сатысы» [4] =). But special level and a step of each notion which belongs to semantic field of the concept “intellect” are not clearly said, because there is no fact that thoughts, knowledge, consciousness and a memory of human have the edge.

In world of technical and cultural development complicated semantic structure of the concept of “intellect” is widespread so that the language units that belong to semantic and informative field increased. G.Yu. Aizenk, is a scholar who investigated and made the major contribution to research the concept of “intellect” all over the world, identified three intellectual peculiarities of human being. They are: biological intellect (physiology, genetics, biochemistry), psychometrical intellect (knowledge, cultural factors, upbringing, social and economical level), social intellect (social and economical level, experience, health, individual knowledge, psychiatric disorder, motivation, nutrition, cultural factors, attitude to alcohol, upbringing) [5, 113]. According to the scholar, human’s biological intellect follows the psychological intellect and the psychological intellect follows the social intellect. Indeed, if we pay attention to intellectual development of human being since the birth, first of all consciousness, thought and memory of new-born child are formulated and then they become capable to speak and preserve daily information in their mind. By reaching mature age person gains knowledge and upbringing and social environment is formed.

According to scholar, when people reach the period of formation of social intellect, people can be divided into different groups due to the intellectual level. But these are psychological aspects of intellect. We’re interested in factor that we introduced today’s various uses of language units concerning social intellect so that the field of concept “intellect” is expanding. For example, one of the signs of social intellect is experience (according to the theory of G.Yu.Aizenk). That’s why notions such as “experience and experienced” can be included to the field of concept “intellect”. We call “experienced” a person who has gained knowledge or skill in a particular field over time. If we make conceptual analysis of the language unit “experienced”, we can numerate the following groups: master, speaker, teaching, scholar and skilled.

Next sign of social intellect is knowledge. Man can have rare natural highly-intellectual ability: talent and a gift. Mostly, people master their thinking ability and intellect through gaining knowledge. If we consider that knowledge are total information and skills acquired through parent’s and kindergarten upbringing, education gained at university and of course own experience so that man masters the intellect all their life and in this way it’s impossible to face illiteracy. Thus, it (education) is also difficult conceptual term. The following language units belong to the concept “knowledge”: educated, expert, competent, field of education, gaining knowledge, master, proficient, knowledge path, educated, scientist and an educated person.

As we mentioned above, the concept “intellect” involves the complicated notional event. In order to survey notions concerning the intellect attention should be directed to the following things: all acts, living process and function in the society which are formulated in the human nature. We call “intelligent” a person who has or shows intelligence, especially of a high level. This term is defined in the Russian-Kazakh dictionary in this way: “Intelligent - intellectual, intelligence, educated, cultured” [6, 252]. Noticeably, the cultural man is the intelligent man.

Indeed, the cultural level of every person can be a sign of the intellectual ability. In general, the term of “culture” is defined in number of ways. According to A. Kalmyrzayev: “Culture is a comprehensive notion. There are a lot of works concerning it. About 300 definitions are given. The most significant is that culture consists of material and spiritual cultures. It’s a new value which is made by the human mind and hands. Culture (from the the Latin word cultura which means made by hand, upbringing, education, development, respect) is total of material and spiritual values, which are made by the human hands and mind…In one word, it is the main meaning of the human society. Because, it has general feature. The human intellect, knowledge, their investigation, computers, Internet, books, films everything are fruits of culture [7, 7].” Summing up, we investigate culture in close relation with culture and intellect. Also, the encyclopedic dictionary gives its own definition: "Culture (from the Latin word Cultura – cultivation, education, training, development, honoring) ... – describes the peculiarities of behavior, consciousness and human activity in specific areas of public life (work culture, culture of life, art culture, political culture). Originally, the concept of culture meant purposeful human impact on nature (land cultivation and etc.), as well as education and training of the person. Though the word "culture" itself came into use among European social thought only with the 2nd half of 18th century. More or less similar views can be found in the early stages of Europe History and behind its limits "(http://ru.wikipedia). That’s why we say that notion of “culture” belong to the concept “intellect”.

Next notion which belong to the concept “intellect” is science. According to human intellectual function, notions such as “knowledge”, “culture”, and science” are not studied in scientific researches concerning the language units. As our research is directed to study the human intellect from the conceptual point, we are focused to explore concepts which haven’t investigated yet.

Concept “intellect” can’t be investigated without notion “science”. It’s impossible to separate intellect from branch of science which develops owing to the brain’ function of human being. That’s why we add it to the semantic field of concept “intellect’. The following notions belong to the concept “science”: scientist, scientific, scientific branch, branch of science, scholar, connoisseur, investigator, and a contemplator.

According to the first table, defining notions of the concept “intellect” are knowledge, consciousness, intelligence, experience, culture and science. In general, notions that belong to semantic and informative group are numerous. As the Kazakh language is considered as rich language due to its vocabulary stock, “signal-notions” can be added. Analyzed notions are given by language units, phraseological units, proverbs and stable epithets.

  1. Explanatory dictionary of the Kazakh language. T-1. Almaty: Science, 1974.

2. Rustemov L. Z. Kazakh-Russian explanatory dictionary of the Arab-Iranian loan words. - Alma-Ata: Mektep, 1989.-320 pages.

3. Balasagun Zh. Kutty bilik (translation from drevnetyursky language Egeubayev A. ) Almaty, "Zhazushy", 1986. 615 pages.

4. Kondakov N. I. Logical dictionary reference. – М: Science, 1975. -720 pages.

5. Ayzenk G. Yu. Intelligence: new view. Concept and definition psychology intelligence / Questions. No. 1, 1995.

6. Russian-Kazakh dictionary. General editor N. T. Sauranbayev. M, 1954.

7. Kalmyrzayev A. Culture and civilization/newspaper / Sovereign Kazakhstan. 25.11.2009.

8. 9. Dictionary of the Kazakh literary language. / T.Zhanuzakov, S. Omarbekov, A.Zhunisbek, etc. – Almaty: "Arys", 2006.

10. Musirepov G. Feeling moments. / Sotavil: S. Dauitov. - Almaty: "Zhalyn", 1996. -144 pages.

11. Abay. Words edification / Kunanbayev Abay. – Almaty: "Nomads", 2009. -160 pages.

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