Учебное пособие по английскому языку «Профессиональная медицинская лексика»

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Text H. Plastics for Health

In 1966 a very interesting operation was performed by the surgeons of Moscow Traumatology Institute.

The patient was an 18-year-old girl. She had the paralysis of the leg muscles. The patient was examined by the surgeons and then the operation was performed.

During the operation the muscles from her-back and abdomen were transplanted to the thigh- These transplanted muscles were connected together by bands of special plastic - lavsan.

It is not the first time that plastics were used to restore health. For example, lavsan bands were also used if the patient had some defects in the spinal column. Special threads (нити) were introduced into the diseased spinal column and the surgeons could examine the condition of the patient by X-rays.

XI. Задание. Прочитать и сказать о каком органе идет речь

  1. This organ is the largest gland in the human body. It is in the upper part of the abdominal cavity under the diaphragm in the right side of the abdomen. Its upper surface is convex. This organ consists .of small lobules connected together by connective tissue, different vessels and nerves.

  2. This organ is pyriform (грушевидный) in shape. It is a dilated portion of the alimentary canal. It is in the upper part of the abdomen under the diaphragm. The liver is above this organ, and the colon is below it. The pancreas is behind this organ.

XII. Перевести на русский язык

1. The peritoneum is a serous coat covering the inner surface of the abdominal wall. 2. The shape of the stomach changes when it dilates and its borders greatly extend. 3. The capillaries are connected with the endings of the arteries and veins. 4. The left atrium is smaller than the right one and its walls are thicker than those of the right one.

XIII. Прочитать и перевести текст

The Viscera

Although they are often called by a single name, the viscera, the organs that fill the body's chest and abdominal cavities compose several different systems - respiratory, digestive and urogenital, which together provide the body with food and oxygen and remove wastes (продукты распада).

The trachea and lungs are parts of the respiratory system, which delivers oxygen to the blood. The lungs consist of millions of elastic membranous sacs which together can hold about as much air as a football.

The organs of the digestive system most prominent ones are: the stomach, the large and small intestines and the liver. They modify foods which the body takes in. The soft, reddish-brown liver, the largest gland in the body, plays hundreds of roles, from producing proteins to secreting bile.

The bladder is part of the urinary system, which regulates the body's water supply. The kidneys, located behind the stomach and liver, filter out wastes and pass them along to the bladder for storage (накопление) and discharge.

XIV. Перевести слова на английский язык

Голова, туловище, мозг, череп, глаза, лоб, рот, десна, зубы, язык, небо, рука, нога, сердце, почки, пищевод, желчный пузырь, мочевой пузырь, легкие, желудок, предплечье, локоть, запястье, колено, икра, голеностопный сустав, пятка, ступня, палец руки, палец ноги, пах, кишка, брюшная полость, подмышечная ямка, поясница, спина, слюнная железа, щитовидная железа, грудь, ладонь, ягодица.


(Common Symptoms)

I. Подобрать эквиваленты

Потеря аппетита

Sore throat

Повышенный аппетит

Hearing impairment


Sneezing attacks


Nasal stuffiness






Intolerance for heat or cold





Непереносимость жары и холода


Обильное потоотделение


Сильный кожный зуд


Головная боль




Шум в ушах


Заложенность носа

Hot flush


Excessive sweating

Приступы чихания


Хриплость голоса


Ухудшение слуха



Hoarseness of the voice

Боль в горле


II. Подобрать эквиваленты

Сухой кашель

Cough productive of sputum

Кашель с мокротой










Нарушение глотания


Боль при глотании



Visual failure


Blurred vision



Кровавая рвота


Эпилептический припадок


Потемнение в глазах




Расстройство координации движений

Visual impairment

Ухудшение зрения


Потеря зрения

Epileptic fit



Затуманенное зрение


Давление в глазах


Неподвижность суставов

Shortness of breath




Dry cough

III. Подобрать эквиваленты

Расстройство пищеварения

Faecal incontinence

Растяжение живота


Вздутие живота

Urinary incontinence


Irregular menses



Кровотечение из прямой кишки

Ejaculatory failure

Кровь в кале


Недержание кала

Increased urinary frequency

Частое мочеиспускание


Болезненное мочеиспускание


Жжение при мочеиспускании


Недержание мочи

Abdominal distension

Расстройство эякуляции

Abdominal bloating

Нерегулярные менструации



Rectal bleeding

IV. Определить заболевания по следующим симптомам

  1. The patient has the loss of appetite, queasiness, tiredness, fever, intolerance for heat or cold, excessive sweating and bad headache.

  2. The patient has temperature, fever, palpitation, loss of appetite, excessive sweating and bad odynophagia.

  3. The patient has nausea, eructation, indigestion, abdominal distension, abdominal bloating, rectal bleeding and flatulence.

  4. The patient has queasiness, strangury, scalding, urinary incontinence and increased urinary frequency.

  5. The patient has headache, tinnitus, nasal stuffiness, lacrimation, sore throat, hearing impairment and even deafness.

V. Перевести на русский язык

  1. The patient has shortness of breath and cough productive of sputum.

  2. The child has pruritus because he has chicken-pox.

  3. As the patient has excessive night sweating, the nurse must change his bedclothes.

  4. At first the patient had nausea and then he had a bad vomiting.

  5. The patient has sore throat and that is why he has odynophagia.

  6. The child had diarrhea and bad faecal incontinence. He had rectal bleeding.

  7. The woman has no children as she has in fertility.

  8. The old woman has cattaracta and at first she had blurred vision and diplopia. Then she had visual impairment and then she had vision failure.

  9. The old man has stiffness and limp.

  10. The symptoms of fever are tinnitus, nasal stuffiness, sneezing attacks, lacrimation and sore throat.

  11. Mustard plasters are prescribed for cough.

  12. These powders (порошки) relieve the pains in the stomach in case of gastric ulcer.

  13. The patient’s urinalysis indicated some kidney trouble.

  14. Our doctor made the diagnosis of pneumonia and sent my mother to a hospital.

  15. After an attack of grippe, I had a complication of the heart.

VI. Выберете симптомы, наиболее характерные для указанных заболеваний

  1. In acute cholecystitis the patient suffers from,.. (a) atrial fibrillation; б) intense pains in the right hypochondrium and in the umbilical area; в) slight pain and general epigastric discomfort)

  2. In attacks of acute appendicitis the patient usually develops ... (a) pro­fuse external bleeding; б) vomiting of blood; в) sharp pains in the epigastrium, which soon become generalized in the abdomen),

  3. Perforating ulcers are characterized by... (a) pain which is usually dull in character; б) acute pain in the stomach; в) sharp pain in the substernal area radiating down the arm)

  4. The development of chronic gastritis is characterized by the appearance of ... (a) the loss of appetite, pain and epigastric discomfort after meals; б) nausea, vomiting accompanied by haemorrhage; в) cold perspiration at night and intermittent fever)

VII. Распределите следующие слова и словосочетания по группа

  1. Название заболевания

  2. Симптомы

  3. Лечебные процедуры

Gastric ulcer, serum transfusion, continuous haemorrhage, carcinoma, anemia, intermittent fever, prophylactic vaccination, profuse external bleeding, chemotherapy, chronic gastritis, dryness in the mouth, acute cholecystitis, injections, severe nausea, pneumonia, cough productive of sputum, intramuscular injections, applying cups, bronchitis, dry cough, sore throat, odynophagia.

VIII. Прочитать отрывки. Сказать, какие заболевания ЖКТ описаны в них

  1. The girl developed a permanent loss of appetite and she had not been increasing in weight for several months. Her growth was slow. She often had short periods of fever. On physical examination the physician revealed a small number of dry and fine moist rales. The percussion sound was considerably reduced.

  2. The patient complained of a general malaise, fatigue and cold profuse per­spiration at night. His temperature had been persisting at a level of 38°G for about a month. He had mucopurulent sputum sometimes containing blood. When the doctor was examining him the patient stated that he had lost much weight.

  3. When the patient Was admitted to the hospital his breathing was rapid and there was a marked cyanosis of the face. He complained of chest pain on deep breathing in. The physician determined that his arterial pressure was re­duced, his pulse rate was accelerated and there was dullness in the lungs. There were numerous foci of inflammation in the lungs revealed by the X-ray exami­nation.
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