Контрольная работа по английскому языку проводится в 9 -12 классах с целью: проведения мониторинга качества знаний и уровня обученности в параллели

НазваниеКонтрольная работа по английскому языку проводится в 9 -12 классах с целью: проведения мониторинга качества знаний и уровня обученности в параллели
ТипКонтрольная работа
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Входной тест

1.Make the sentences passive:

  1. You must write a letter to granny.

  2. I can give you the answer at once.

  3. Tomorrow I should organize the tour of the Kremlin.

  4. You have to bring this box to my place tomorrow.

2. Compete the sentences with the necessary form of the verbs in brackets (active or passive):


  1. Beautiful flowers (to plant) here next spring.

  2. Boris always (to speak) English in class.

  3. He usually never (to forget) to say thank you.

  4. My father's car (to wash) yesterday evening.

  5. English (to speak) all over the world.

  6. When I was young, such problems never (to discuss) in front of the children.

  7. People (to hear)) Mr Nelson's voice but he (to see) nowhere.

  8. The plan (to show) to the director at the end of tomorrow's meeting.

3.Choose the right preposition to complete the sentences.

about, after, at, for (2), to (2)

  1. 1) John always gives very interesting lectures. They are well listened ____________ .

2) Such jokes are usually laughed _______________ .

3) My cat is always looked ___________ when I am away.

4) Ann is not very punctual. She is always waited _________ .

5) This famous writer is much spoken ____________ .

6) The manager will be sent _________ .

7) Mrs Ascott will be spoken _________ and I am sure she will agree to your plan.

for, in, on (2), to (2), with

  1. 1) They arrived _________ Kiev at 6 p.m.

2) Have you bought tickets _________ the cinema?

3) Why don't you invite them __________ your place ___________ dinner?

4) ________ his arrival to New York Tom was met by his relatives.

5) His speech made a good impression _________ the audience.

6) Can you connect the printer _________ the computer?

4.Open the brackets to complete the sentences.

Miss Honey was Matilda's teacher. She (decide) _____________ to help Matilda with her studies. Miss Honey (think) ______________ that Matilda (learn) already a lot of things. She was sure the girl (be) ______________ able to do more difficult tasks in the future. So Miss Honey (go) _____________ to the teachers who (teach) ___________ the senior classes and (get) _____________ from them a number of text-books on algebra, geometry, French, Ehglish Literature. Then she (find) ____________ Matilda and (call) _______________ her into the classroom.

"There is no point in your sitting in class doing nothing while I (teach) ___________ the others to read and write : cat", "rat", "mouse". You already (read) ___________ so many books."

"Thank you, Miss Honey," Matilda (say) __________. "That sounds nice".
Контрольная работа №1

Контроль навыков письма.

Личное письмо.

Вариант I.

Прочитайте отрывок из полученного письма и напишите ответ объемом 70 - 80 слов. Ответьте

на 3 вопроса друга по переписке. Оформите письмо в соответствии с нормами письменного

этикета, принятого в англоязычных странах.

… I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to write back. I’m very busy this week. You suggest going to the

football match, I think it’s a great idea. I’d love to come. Are you a football fan? What do you think

about aggressive kind of fans? By the way, could you let me know how much the tickets are? Anyway,

I’m really looking forward to seeing you…

Вариант II.

Прочитайте отрывок из полученного письма и напишите ответ объемом 70-80 слов. Ответьте

на 3 вопроса друга по переписке. Оформите письмо в соответствии с нормами письменного

этикета, принятого в англоязычных странах.

… At last we are having a summer holiday. I have got a good idea how to spend our free time. I have

always dreamt to learn horse riding. I know there are few special courses in your city. Would you like to

join me? Can you recommend me the best riding school in your city? Do you think it can be dangerous

for me? …
Контроль навыков чтения.

«Резиденция премьер-министра Великобритании»

Culture Corner 2 ex.1-2 page 37. Прочитайте текст. Установите соответствие между утверждениями A-G и пронумерованными пропусками фраз в тексте. Используйте каждое утверждение только один раз.

Контроль навыков аудирования.

Прослушайте диалог дважды. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1. Why is the father a bit skeptical?

a) Because Diana’s friends have come a long way

b) Because he thinks it’s early to speak about future job

c) Because he doesn’t believe his daughter

2. What does Diana thinks about Mary’s decision?

a) She doesn’t think she is pretty enough.

b) She doesn’t think she should be an actress.

c) She doesn’t think she is talented enough.

3. What came as a surprise for father?

a) That Mary wants to be a pilot.

b) That Mary changed her mind.

c) That David wants to be a psychologist.

4. Does anybody want to follow their relatives’ example?

a) Nobody does.

b) Tom does.

c) Diana does.
Диалог для аудирования

Diana: Oh, dad, we had a talk about our future jobs at jobs at school. Everybody seems to know what

they are going to be in the future.

Father: Do they really, Diana? It’s still a long way for you and everybody can easily change their mind.

What do they say?

Diana: Well, John is only interested in sport. He knows that he is going to play football for a top team.

Father: I doubt that being fond of sport is enough for that. And the others?

Diana: Mary’s father is a doctor and a year ago she was sure she would follow his steps. Now she is

crazy of becoming a film star. Of course, she is crazy but she can’t play at all.

Father: And Tom – does he want to be a teacher as his elder brother?

Diana: Tom’s really good at drawing and painting, but he doesn’t want to be an art teacher. He wants

to be a real artist.

Father: What about your best friend Mary?

Diana: She is taking flying lessons because she wants to fly planes round the world for a big airplane.

Father: That’s a surprise! Doesn’t David want to be a pilot?

Diana: No, he wants to be psychologist.

Father: Does he really? So does anybody want to be a journalist like me?

Diana: Dad, you forget about me. Last week I wrote an article for the school newspaper. Everybody

says it was a success.









Контроль навыков говорения.

Think of your neighbors. Which of the adjectives would best describe them? Tell your partner. Give reasons.

My next-door neighbor, Mrs Smith, is very sociable. She often visits us for a chat.

Adjectives: sociable, selfish, rude, helpful, arrogant, forgetful, caring, talkative, silly, easily annoyed, nosy.

Контрольная работа №2

Контроль навыков письма.

Интернет. Эссе-рассуждение.

Мини-сочинение на тему «Интернет: друг или враг». В эссе в обязательном порядке должны присутствовать пять абзацев:

- вступление, содержащее постановку проблемы;

- собственное мнение по рассматриваемой проблеме и три аргумента в его поддержку доказательствами, фактами и примерами;

другая возможная точка зренияподкреплённая двумя обоснованиями, которые могут быть приведены её сторонниками;

- контраргументы (их тоже должно быть два, по одному на каждое обоснование);

- заключение, в котором еще раз выражается ваша точка зрения и добавляется еще один весомый аргумент.

Допускается написание темы по шаблонам:

1. It is often believed that today’s teenagers are much worse than they used to be in the past. However, are they really as bad as they are thought to be?

2. We often hear a statement that the health of modern teenagers is much worse than of their counterparts who lived fifty years ago. But is it really so?
3. The car /mobile phone/ the Internet is one of those things that make our lives easierIn one way or another, everyone…. Although a lot of people seem to be interested in…not all of them consider it beneficial.

Контроль навыков чтения.

«Самый знаменитый английский замок с привидениями»

Culture Corner 3 ex.2 page 53. Прочитайте текст и для каждой пропущенной фразы выберите правильный ответ A, B, C или D.
Контроль навыков аудирования.

Listen to the text. Are the following statements about the text true or false? Change the false statements to make them true.

  1. The plane had taken off from Johannesburg to London.

  2. It was a jet with four engines.

  3. When they were crossing the Channel, one of the engines went wrong.

  4. The stewardess said the passengers were quite safe.

  5. When the plane reached the Mediterranean Sea, the second engine broke.

  6. This time the stewardess kept her mouth shut.

  7. The third engine broke over the jungle in Central Africa.

  8. Men and women were drinking more and more heavily.

  9. The captain’s voice was heard through the loud-speaker, “I have happy news for you.”

  10. The faces of the passengers turned pale.

  11. “England has won her last football match against Scotland.”

A Tragedy
The plane had taken off from the air-field in London, and the journey to South Africa, to Johannesburg had started. It was just after the war, and it was not a jet, as it is nowadays, but it was a big plane with four engines, and four propellers, of course.

When a few minutes later we were crossing the Channel, one of the engines went wrong, but the stewardess said there were three engines left and the passengers were quite safe.

When the plane reached the Mediterranean Sea, the second engine broke, but the stewardess told us there was nothing to worry about because two engines were quite enough to keep us in the air.

As we got near to the shores of Africa, somebody said that only one propeller was working. The stewardess kept her mouth shut this time.

Presently we were flying over the jungle in Central Africa and fellow travelers were terribly upset. Women were holding their children tighter and tighter and men were drinking more and more heavily…I was terribly nervous, and as I looked down, I could not help thinking of death.

At that moment the loud-speaker was switched on, and the captain’s voice was heard, “Ladies and gentlemen, I have tragic news for you.”

The faces of the passengers turned pale. Some burst into tears. My heart sank into my boots…

The captain continued in a gloomy voice, It is my sad duty to inform you that England has lost her last football match against Scotland.”

1. False. The plane had taken off from London to Johannesburg.

2. False. It was not a jet.

3. True

4. True

5. True

6. False. The stewardess said there was nothing to worry.

7. True

8. False. Men were drinking more and more heavily.

9. False. “I have tragic news for you.”

10. True

11. False. “England has lost her last football match against Scotland.”

Контроль навыков говорения.

What is your favorite TV program shown in our country? Present it to the class. Include: when it airs, who present it, what regular features it has, why you like it.

Контрольная работа №3

Контроль навыков письма.

Полуформальное письмо.

Прочитайте образец полуформального письма и напишите ответ объемом 120-150 слов. Используйте план письма:

Introduction. Para1 – greeting, opening remarks, general details about place.

Main body. Para 2 – description of the place you visited (what was there). Para 3 – what you did/saw there.

Conclusion. Para 4 – feelings, closing remarks.

Оформите письмо в соответствии с нормами письменного этикета, принятого в англоязычных странах.
Контроль навыков чтения.

«Добро пожаловать в Сидней, Австралию!»

Culture Corner 6 ex.1 page 101. Прочитайте текст и вставьте пропущенные слова, производные от слов в скобках.
Контроль навыков аудирования.

Listen to the text and choose the correct item to complete the sentence.
The Vrededorp School was for

a) local children

b) gifted children

c) coloured children

d) children from the rich families

The principal said, “Education is compulsory for

a) whites only

b) all the children

c) rich people

d) boys only

The teacher was to have a new pupil.

a) glad

b) happy

c) angry

d) not very happy

The pupil didn’t come at the beginning of the year because he.

a) had no money

b) had no clothes

c) didn’t want to study

d) worked

The class was.

a) small

b) very small

c) very big

d) big

The teacher had no for her pupils.

a) books

b) slates and pencils

c) pens


Peter was not afraid of.

a) hard work

b) big pupils

c) his teacher

d) the principal

The principal promised Peter would by the end of the year.

a) do sums

b) read and write

c) become the best pupil

d) leave school

The punishment at school was.

a) reading a lot


c) cleaning the classroom

d) beating

The pupils for Peter.

a) made room

b) prepared books

c) didn’t make room

d) cooked dinner
1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8


Контрольная работа по английскому языку проводится в 9 -12 классах с целью: проведения мониторинга качества знаний и уровня обученности в параллели iconПояснительная записка Контрольная работа, как одна из форм оценки...
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Контрольная работа по английскому языку проводится в 9 -12 классах с целью: проведения мониторинга качества знаний и уровня обученности в параллели iconСпецификация диагностической работы по английскому языку для учащихся 5 классов
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Контрольная работа по английскому языку проводится в 9 -12 классах с целью: проведения мониторинга качества знаний и уровня обученности в параллели iconКонтрольная работа по английскому языку I

Контрольная работа по английскому языку проводится в 9 -12 классах с целью: проведения мониторинга качества знаний и уровня обученности в параллели iconИнструкция по проведению Мониторинга уровня и качества жизни граждан...
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Контрольная работа по английскому языку проводится в 9 -12 классах с целью: проведения мониторинга качества знаний и уровня обученности в параллели iconМетодика использования мультимедийных и цифровых технологий в обучении...
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Контрольная работа по английскому языку проводится в 9 -12 классах с целью: проведения мониторинга качества знаний и уровня обученности в параллели iconКонтрольная работа состоит из двух разделов «Чтение»
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Контрольная работа по английскому языку проводится в 9 -12 классах с целью: проведения мониторинга качества знаний и уровня обученности в параллели iconРабочая программа по иностранному языку для 7 группы Общеобразовательный уровень
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Контрольная работа по английскому языку проводится в 9 -12 классах с целью: проведения мониторинга качества знаний и уровня обученности в параллели iconЧто входит в состав егэ по английскому языку?
Экзаменационная работа по английскому языку состоит из четырёх разделов, включающих 46 заданий

Контрольная работа по английскому языку проводится в 9 -12 классах с целью: проведения мониторинга качества знаний и уровня обученности в параллели iconО проведении диагностического тестирования по татарскому языку для обучающихся 9 классов
С целью выявления уровня предметной обученности по предмету «Татарский язык» обучающихся 9 классов, изучающих татарский язык как...

Контрольная работа по английскому языку проводится в 9 -12 классах с целью: проведения мониторинга качества знаний и уровня обученности в параллели iconПорядок ведения и оформления тетрадей по русскому языку и литературе
Например: Проверочная работа. Самостоятельная работа. Контрольная работа. Работа над ошибками. Изложение. Сочинение

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