Конкурс понимания письменного текста

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МКУ «Ресурсный центр

г.Бодайбо и района»

Сборник материалов

Всероссийской олимпиады школьников -2015

Английский язык

г. Бодайбо

2015 г

© Муниципальное казенное учреждение

«Ресурсный центр г. Бодайбо и района»


Английский язык

Конкурс понимания письменного текста – Reading 7-8

Методические рекомендации
В комплект материалов, необходимых для проведения конкурса понимания письменного текста, входят:

  1. Методические рекомендации

  2. Описание процедуры проведения конкурса понимания письменного текста

  3. Текст задания

  4. Лист ответа (для каждого участника)

5. Ключи (для членов жюри)

Задания по чтению состоят из двух частей (всего 10 заданий). На выполнение всех заданий отводится 20 минут, в которые входит и внесение ответов в ответные листы.

Первое задание – чтение текста “Electric woman”. Учащимся предлагается сделать альтернативный выбор (правильно/неправильно).

Второе задание – чтение научно-популярного текста “Life on Mars”. Учащимся необходимо выбрать один из трех вариантов – A (да, верно), B – (нет, неверно), C – (в тексте не сказано).

Сложность текстов соответствует уровню А 2, B 1 по шкале Совета Европы. Тематика текстов представляет интерес для учащихся данного возраста. Тексты подобраны по принципу тематического разнообразия: задания проверяют разные виды чтения, в конкурсе сочетаются задания разного типа.

Правильность выполнения заданий проверяется по ключам (см. Ключи).

Критерии оценивания: За каждый правильный ответ дается 1 балл.

Максимальное количество баллов, которое можно получить за конкурс Reading – 10 (десять).

Reading (7-8 кл.)

Time: 20 minutes

Task 1

Read the text and decide whether statements 1-6 are true (T) or false (F). Mark your answers on the answer sheet.

Electric Woman

Has anything strange ever happened to you? For Natalie Thomason, unusual things seem to happen almost every day. It started eight years ago when she moved into an old cottage with her husband, Paul, and their three children.
One evening, Natalie and Paul were watching TV when the screen suddenly went blank, and smoke came out of the back of the set.
Since then, strange events have become part of their life. A week after the TV incident, the vacuum cleaner blew up while Natalie was hovering the floor.
During the next few days, the stereo stopped working, the alarm clock never showed the correct time, and the new TV changed stations on its own.
Natalie soon realized that whenever she is near an electrical appliance, thing go wrong. Irons, kettles, microwave ovens, video-recorders and fridges have all stopped working for no reason. New light bulbs have lasted for only a few hours, and the family has had five TV sets in the last eight years.
Other unusual things have happened, too. Knives, forks and spoons have bend into strange shapes. One evening, a picture fell off the wall and almost hit Natalie. When she picked it up, she found that the string wasn’t broken and the nail was still in the wall.
The strangest thing of all happened one morning while Natalie was having breakfast. When she put a bowl on the kitchen table, Becky, her daughter, suddenly jumped up because she said that the bowl moved.
Why have all these thing happened to Natalie, and why did it all start when she and Paul moved into the cottage?
Scientist, Albert Budden, has studied several cases like Natalie’s. He thinks that all to do with electricity. He says that some people are like batteries. They store electricity in their bodies, and this can affect things around them, especially electrical appliances. He believes that Natalie has so much electricity in her body, because there is a large electricity pylon near the cottage.


  1. Natalie and Paul live in a cottage. True

  1. The first strange thing happened four years ago.

  2. The vacuum cleaner blew up when Natalie was using it.

  3. Natalie’s problem has only affected electrical appliances.

  4. One day a bowl moved when Natalie put it on the table.

  5. Natalie’s is the first case that Albert Budden has studied.

  6. He (Albert Budden) thinks that Natalie stores electricity in her body.

Task 2

Read the text and choose the correct answer – A (yes), B (no) or C (not stated in the text) to statements 7-10.


  1. New York was attacked by Martians in 1938. C

Life on Mars

American scientists believe that they have found signs of life on Mars. These signs weren’t found on the Red Planet itself; they were found in Antarctica in a small meteorite called ALH84001. The earth is hit by millions of meteorites every year. This particular meteorite came from Mars. It is billions of years old and contains fossils that look like bacteria.

  1. The signs of life were found on the Red Planet itself.

  2. ALH84001 was found in Antarctica.

  3. Meteorites do not hit the Earth very often.

  4. We know that there is life on the planets.

Transfer your answers to the answer sheet!






И т.д

Конкурс понимания письменного текста – Reading 10-11

Методические рекомендации

В комплект материалов, необходимых для проведения конкурса понимания письменного текста, входят:

  1. Методические рекомендации

  2. Описание процедуры проведения конкурса понимания письменного текста

  3. Текст задания

  4. Лист ответа (для каждого участника)

5. Ключи (для членов жюри)

Задания по чтению состоят из двух частей (всего 15 заданий). На выполнение всех заданий отводится 30 минут, в которые входит и внесение ответов в ответные листы.

Первое задание – чтение текста познавательного характера по теме “Powerful images”. Учащимся необходимо сопоставить и упорядочить предложенные заголовки с параграфами текста, сделать альтернативный выбор (правильно/неправильно).

Второе задание – Чтение текста по теме “Media matters” с последующим выполнением задания. Учащимся предлагается сделать множественный выбор среди четырех вариантов ответов.

Сложность текстов соответствует уровню B 2, B 2+ по шкале Совета Европы. Тематика текстов представляет интерес для учащихся данного возраста. Тексты подобраны по принципу тематического разнообразия: задания проверяют разные виды чтения, в конкурсе сочетаются задания разного типа.

Правильность выполнения заданий проверяется по ключам (см. Ключи).

Критерии оценивания: За каждый правильный ответ дается 1 балл.

Максимальное количество баллов, которое можно получить за конкурс Reading – 15 (пятнадцать).

Reading (9-11кл.)

Time: 30 minutes
Task 1

Skim read the text and match headings A-E to paragraphs 1-5. Write the correct letter (A, B, C, D or E) in your answer sheet.

A. Inspiration

B. Safety

C. Variety

D. Appeal

E. Invisibility

1. ________________________________________________________

Wherever we look nowadays we are surrounded by images. They are a constant feature of today’s world. We see them on TV, at the cinema, in magazines. However, not all of them have been created by human beings. Nature itself has created some of the most beautiful images, and the variety of images in nature is enormous. Over millions of years, each species has developed its own look. There are three main reasons for this diversity of natural images.

2. _______________________________________________________

Let’s begin by looking at two very different species – the stick insect and the tiger. Stick insects have evolved to look exactly like the branches and leaves they live amongst. For them, the ability to hide from their enemies is essential because they are small and camouflage offers them the only way to protect themselves. Yet it’s not only small creatures that use camouflage. Large mammals do too, but in a totally different way. Tigers, for example, have stripes to hide themselves in the long grass, where they can launch their attacks on their prey. Camouflage made it possible for tigers to become successful hunters.

3. _______________________________________________________

But hiding from their predators isn’t the only way animals can ensure their survival. The armadillo from Central and South America, for example, is protected by thick pieces of hard bone which form a shell around its body. The armadillo looks more like an armoured machine from a science fiction film than an animal. Or let’s take a more common example. The hedgehog is a much smaller animal, but nature has provided it with a coat of long, sharp spines to protect itself from its enemies.

4. _______________________________________________________

There is yet another reason for nature’s variety of images. For the species to survive it’s not enough to escape from predators. Sometimes it’s important to stand out in the crowd. Peacocks, for instance, developed their extraordinary blue and green tail to attract females (peahens) during the mating season. Many other animals use their image to appeal to potential mates and to get ahead of their rivals.

5. _______________________________________________________

An animal’s appearance sends out a very important message. Their image helps them to hide, to defend themselves or to find partners. We humans have stolen many of our own images from wildlife over the centuries. Just think of military armour, for example, or the feathers in expensive hats, leopard skin fabrics, punk hairstyles, camouflage trousers, fake fur… the list is endless. In fact, when it comes to fashion, it seems as if the human race has learned everything it knows from just one source – nature.

Task 2

Read the text again and decide whether statements 6-10 are true (T) or false (F). Mark your answers on the answer sheet.

6. Speaking about fashion, it seems that the human race has learned everything it knows from the only source – nature - True / False.

7. Image plays an important role in the life of peacocks as it protects them from predators - True / False.

8. For stick insects camouflage is one of the ways to be protected - True / False.

9. There are three main reasons for the diversity of images: to hide, to defend themselves and to find partners - True / False.

10. Tigers have evolved their look to appeal to potential mates and to protect themselves - True / False.

Task 3

Read the text and choose the best answer - A, B, C, or D, to questions 11-15.


0. What does ‘it’ refer to in paragraph 1?

A. TV programme

  1. not watching TV

  2. the TV news

  3. being a volunteer

No TV, no problem?

I can prove that the common factor to trouble-makers and criminals is this: they didn’t watch enough TV. Many problems would have been avoided if people had spent their time watching TV. I know this because, after a rather heated argument with my parents about my TV habits, I volunteered to spend a whole month without TV. The bottom line is that it turned me into a far worse person.

There are two things you quickly notice about not watching TV. The first is that everyone watches it far more than they admit. The second is that it gives hours of good quality entertainment for little cost. Critics have long maintained that TV destroys the mind, but I’ve now got admit that people who haven’t got a TV become restless, edgy and obsessed with trivia.

I tried keeping a diary of the experiment: “Day 1. Life is so much better without TV. I’m doing so much more, and I feel a better person…” and so on…. The second week was just dull. I felt slightly numb and dimly aware that everyone else was having fun while I couldn’t allow myself to do so. Going out with friends also got problematic. I now realize that at least two-third of conversations begin: “Hey! Did you see…the other night?” Of course, I hadn’t! People started regarding me as some sort of sad case.

The lowest points of the months were two England-Scotland football matches, for which I joined Britain’s long-distance lorry drivers and shop staff in listening to the radio. Life in Britain came to a complete halt that day. I know because I stared out of the window watching the rest of the population hurrying home to watch the matches.

Then total disaster struck. I got flu and had to spend a day at home. Despite the thrill of comfort food and reading the newspaper in bed with the central heating on, there seemed no point in having a day off sick if you can’t watch TV. I was back at work the next day.

The last few days were like being a small child before Christmas: each minute took twice as long as the preceding one. Eventually, midnight crept around, and, like a drowning man finding dry land, I leapt in front of the set and grabbed the remote control as if it was pure gold! I had reached an oasis of televisual delights. And, of course, you’ve guessed it! There was nothing interesting on!

Toby Scott

The Guardian

11. What is the writer suggesting about troublemakers and criminals in paragraph 1?

A. They get most of their ideas from watching TV.

B. Watching TV turn them into even worse people.

C. Watching TV could have a beneficial effect on them.

D. Without TV they would have nothing to do.

12. Which two comments does the writer make about TV in paragraph 2?

A. Most TV programmes appeal to very few people.
  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9


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