Информационные системы Практикум

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A set of instructions is known as a program. A computer program is a set of coded instructions that a computer can understand to solve a problem or produce a desired result.

Operating system helps all the programs to work together. Operating system provides an interface for the user. Some operating systems have graphical (user) interfaces that allow a computer user to select items from menus (lists of choices) and to start programs using input devices. It allows applications programs to communicate with the hardware.

An application program is a computer program that is written and designed for a specific need or purpose. Common application programs include word processors, spreadsheets and databases. Word processors are for creating and editing texts. Spreadsheets are for calculating mathematical formulae. Databases are for storing data in a way that allows the data to be sorted and searched.

Anti-virus programs are used to detect and remove viruses. Viruses are harmful programs that can reproduce themselves and attach themselves to other programs.

2. Complete the sentences using the information from the text.
a. A set of instructions is known …

b. An operating system provides …

c. An application program is …

d. A common application program includes …

e. Anti-virus programs are used to …

3. Match each word or phrase in column A with a meaning in column B.


1. program

a) a harmful program that that can reproduce itself and attach itself to other programs

2. operating system

b) a list of choices

3. graphical interface

c) is for creating and editing texts

4. menu

d) allows a computer user to select items from menu

5. an application program

e) a system that provides an interface for the user

6. virus

f) is for calculating mathematical formulae

7. word processor

g) a computer program that is written and designed for a specific need or purpose

8. spreadsheet

h) a set of instructions

4. Answer the questions.
a. What is a computer program?

b. In what way does an operating system help other programs?

c. What is an application program?

d. What is word processor used for?

e. What is a spreadsheet used for?

f. What is an anti-virus program?

g. What is a virus?
5. Retell the text ‘Computer Programs’.
Task V

1. Read and translate the text.

  • purpose [΄pә:pәs] - назначение, намерение, цель; замысел, стремление

  • tools - инструментарий, инструментальные программные средства

  • variety [vә΄raiiti] - многообразие, разнообразие; ряд, множество

  • security system - система безопасности; система защиты; система ограничения доступа (напр. к банку данных)

  • advanced system система, построенная на основе последних технических достижений

  • expert system - экспертная система, ЭС система, использующая базу знаний (правил) для решения задач (выдачу рекомендаций) в некоторой предметной области, например в медицине, диагностике неисправностей, выборе конфигурации сложной компьютерной системы, планировании последовательности действий и др.

  • decide - делать выбор

  • tiny - крошечный

  • home appliances - бытовые приборы

  • to generate forms – создавать формы

  • control inventory – вести учет товарно-материальных запасов (или материально-производственных запасов)

  • result in – зд. вести к

Purposes of Computer
Unlike most machines, computers do not have a fixed purpose. They are multi-purpose tools. They can be used in a very wide variety of situations. Computers are found in a wide range of systems including security systems, cars and phones. Advanced systems, known as expert systems, enable computers to 'think' like experts. Medical expert systems, for example, can help doctors diagnose an illness and decide on the best treatment. As computer systems are developed, they are becoming more common and are gradually being used for more and more purposes.

The ability of tiny computing devices to control complex operations has transformed the way many tasks are performed, ranging from scientific research to producing consumer products. Tiny 'computers on a chip' are used in medical equipment, home appliances, cars and toys. Workers use handheld computing devices to collect data at a customer site, to generate forms, to control inventory, and to serve as desktop organisers.

Today computers in security systems result in safer environments, computers in cars improve energy efficiency, and computers in phones provide features such as call forwarding, call monitoring, and call answering.
2. Complete the sentences using the information from the text.
a. Computers are multi-purpose …

b. Computers are found …

c. Advanced systems enable …

d. Medical expert systems can …

e. Computer systems are becoming …

f. Tiny computing devices control complex …

g. 'Computers on a chip' are used in …

h. Workers use handheld computing devices …

i. Today computers in …
3. Answer the questions.
a. Do computers have a fixed purpose?

b. What systems enable computers to be great people’s helpers?

c. Where can 'computers on a chip’ be used?

d. What do workers use handheld computing devices for?

e. What other fields are computers used?
4. Retell the text ‘Purposes of Computer’.
Task VI
1. Read and translate the text.

  • network – компьютерная сеть

  • local-area network (LAN) - локальная (вычислительная) сеть, ЛВС

  • wide-area network (WAN) = wide network - глобальная (вычислительная) сеть

  • campus-area network (CAN) – вычислительный центр кампуса

  • metropolitan-area network (MAN) - общегородская сеть (связи или ЭВМ)

  • home-area network (HAN) - домашняя сеть

  • radio waves – радиоволны

  • data network - сеть передачи данных (цифровая сеть, предназначенная для пересылки данных, в отличие от сети, предназначенной для пересылки речевых аналоговых сигналов)

A network is a set of computers or computer systems connected to each other and can be used to send information or messages.

There are many types of computer networks. They are a local-area network (when computers are geographically close together, in the same building), a wide-area network (when computers are far from each other and they are connected with telephone lines or radio waves), a campus-area network (when computers are within a limited geographic area, such as a campus or military base), a metropolitan-area network (a data network designed for a town or city), and a home-area network (a network that connects a person’s digital devices).

A network enables computers and software to communicate and to share resources. Networks connected together form an internet. The connection of networks throughout the world is known as the Internet (note that a capital letter I is used) or, more simply, the Net.
2. Complete the sentences using the information from the text.
a. A network is a set of …

b. The types of computer networks are …

c. A network enables computers …

d. The Internet is …
3. Match each word or phrase in column A with a meaning in column B.


1. a network

a) a network when computers are far from each other

2. a local-area network

b) a network when computers are within a limited geographic area

3. a wide-area network

c) a data network designed for a town or city

4. a campus-area network

d) a set of computers or computer systems connected to each other

5. a metropolitan-area network

e) a network when computers are geographically close together

6. a home-area network

f) the connection of networks throughout the world

7. the Internet

g) a network that connects a person’s digital devices

4. Answer the questions.
a. What is a network?

b. What types of computer networks are there?

c. What is the function of a network?

d. What is the Internet?
5. Retell the text ‘Network’.
Task VII
1. Read and translate the text.

  • World Wide Web (WWW) - "Всемирная паутина", мировая паутина, широко распространенный информационный сервис глобальной электронной сети "Интернет", которую называют также "информационная суперавтострада" [Information Superhighway], " киберпространство" [Cyberspace ['saibəspeis] - киберпространство]. Предоставляет доступ к базам данных, возможность пользования электронной почтой, проведения видеоконференций и многие другие информационные услуги.

  • interlinked documents – документы с внутренними каналами связи

  • search engine - поисковая система, поисковая служба, поисковый механизм (программа, позволяющая осуществлять поиск в интернете по ключевым словам)

The World Wide Web (WWW)
One of the most popular services available on the Internet is the World Wide Web (abbreviation WWW). The World Wide Web is often simply referred to as the Web (note the use of the capital letter W). It is also called Information Superhighway or Cyberspace. The World Wide Web is a vast network of linked hypertext files stored on computers throughout the world. It can provide a computer user with information on a huge variety of subjects. The Web contains interlinked documents called WebPages. A set of related WebPages stored together on a server computer is called a website. Websites give the user access to special programs called search engines. Search engines are designed to allow the user to find relevant WebPages on the Web. An Internet system provides free, interactive access to vast resources for people all over the world.
2. Complete the sentences using the information from the text.
a. The World Wide Web (abbreviation WWW) is …

b. The Web contains …

c. Websites give the user …

d. The Web contains …

e. Search engines are designed …

f. An Internet system provides …
3. Answer the questions.
a. What is the name of one of the most popular services available on the Internet?

b. What is the World Wide Web used for?

c. What are WebPages?

d. What is a website?

e. What are search engines?

f. What computer programs are there?
4. Retell the text ‘The World Wide Web (WWW)’.
1. Read and translate the text.

  • ranging - выбор диапазона; диапазон; в диапазоне; варьирующий (в диапазоне)

  • scientific research научные исследования, научно-исследовательская работа

  • producing consumer products – производство потребительских товаров

  • meet the needs - удовлетворять требования

  • Smart house - "умный" дом. Дом с центральным компьютерным управлением всеми системами жизнеобеспечения и подсобными службами: освещением, водоснабжением, отоплением, кондиционированием воздуха и т.п.

  • appealing – трогательный, привлекательный

  • pinpoint - выявлять; устанавливать

  • appropriate - соответствующий, подходящий, адекватный

  • drug – лекарство; средство; наркотик

  • be in touch with - находиться в контакте с

  • the disabled = disabled people - страдающие от увечья, болезни; неполноценные; нетрудоспособные; инвалиды

Computers Make the World Smaller and Smarter
Tiny computing devices have ability to control complex operations. They perform many tasks ranging from scientific research to producing consumer products.

Computing equipment is getting smaller and more sophisticated. Computers are part of many machines and devices. Smart phones, cars, and appliances with built in computers can be programmed to better meet individual needs.

A smart house has a built-in monitoring system that can turn lights on and off, open and close windows, and operate the oven. Small computing devices can perform smart tasks like cooking dinner, and controlling the flow of information in an organization.

Multimedia systems combine text with sound, video, animation, and graphics. Multimedia can make information more interesting and appealing to people.

Medical diagnosis expert systems can help doctors pinpoint a patient's illness, suggest further tests, and prescribe appropriate drugs. With the proper tools, hospital staff can get a diagnosis from a medical expert hundreds or thousands of miles away.

Today many people use their computers to be in touch with the office while they are working at home. Even the disabled can communicate more effectively with others using computers.

Distance learning and videoconferencing are nowadays.

You can see what great impact computers have on our lives. Moreover, these smart machines make our life easier and more pleasant.
2. Retell the text ‘Computers Make the World Smaller and Smarter’.
Task IX
1. Read and translate the text.

  • a webmaster - вебмастер специалист, отвечающий за создание Web-узла и управление им. Часто - синоним термина "администратор Web-узла"

  • a help-desk troubleshooter - слесарь-ремонтник; наладчик; специалист, выявляющий и ликвидирующий неисправности

  • an application programmer - прикладной программист, разработчик прикладного программного обеспечения

  • a security specialist – специалист по проблемах защищённости и безопасности компьютерных сетей

  • a systems programmer - системный программист; программист, разрабатывающий или обслуживающий системные и/или сетевые программы

  • an IT support engineer – специалист по компьютерным системам

  • a help-desk - компьютерная служба помощи, справочный стол корпоративное ПО, позволяющее службе поддержки отвечать на вопросы пользователей по возникшим компьютерным проблемам.

  • an IT manager - заведующий отделом информационных технологий

  • a systems analyst - системный аналитик, специалист в области системного анализа

  • a software engineer/designer - специалист по программному обеспечению; разработчик программного обеспечения; разработчик программных средств

  • a computer services engineering technician - специалист по обслуживанию компьютеров

  • a network support person = computer engineer – специалист по средствам поддержки сетевого режима = специалист по обслуживанию компьютеров

  • a systems support person = an analyst programmer – специалист по системной поддержке, специалист по системному обеспечению = программист-аналитик; системный программист

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