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7 Liaison (связь, взаимодействие)

liaise with

поддерживать связь, взаимодействовать

He liaises with the Sales Department.

8 Some company departments and their responsibilities

The Catering Department

Отдел обеспечения продуктами


provides meals

The Customer Services Department


deals with after- sales service and


The Dispatch and Distribution Department

Экспедиционный отдел;

транспортный отдел

sends goods out to customers

The Finance Department

Финансовый отдел

deals with money coming in and

going out of the company

The Health and Safety Department

Отдел охраны труда и

техники безопасности

checks for dangers at work, monitors


The Maintenance Department

Отдел материально-технического

обеспечения; административно-хозяйственный отдел

checks equipment regularly, carries out repairs

The Marketing Department

Отдел маркетинга; отдел сбыта

makes sure that products are widely

known, finds out customers' needs

The Personnel Department = HR (Human Resources) Department

Отдел кадров

deals with training, recruitment, staff


The PR=Public Relations Department

Отдел по связи с общественностью

deals with an organization’s image; talks to journalists, presents the

company to the public

The Production Department

Производственный отдел

produces goods

The R and D = Research and Development Department

Научно- исследовательский отдел;

БРИЗ (Бюро рационализаторства и


develops new products and new ideas

The Quality Control Department

Контрольный отдел;

ОТК (отдел технического контроля)

monitors company products, tries to improve their quality

The Sales Department

Отдел сбыта, Отдел продаж

sells goods, contacts customers, deals with inquiries about products

The Security Department

Служба безопасности


protects staff and property against crime

The Switchboard Department

Коммутатор, энергоотдел

deals with telephone calls in and out

of the company

The Legal Department

deals with all aspects of the law

The IT Department

deals with computers & technical support



deals with visitors, takes messages

9. Study the table below.






office, hotel

welcomes and deals with people arriving at a hotel or office building




poses for photos or paintings



stock exchange

buys and sells stocks and shares



court or office

judges crimes




is in charge of the money




serves drinks




sells things




discovers the cause of someone's death




prepares and cooks food




serves food and drink at the tables

10. Complete the table with the expressions or words:
• the day-to-day running of the bank;

• studies the way in which money and goods are produced;

• mechanic;

• office;

• secretary;

• advises and represents people;

• court or office;

• salesman.






repairs cars



keeps and checks financial accounts



types letters, keeps records, arranges meetings



court or office


bank manager



office or shop

persuades people to buy his company's products






keeps records or accounts; looks after administrative and legal matters

11. Describe the jobs using the information from the table above. Use the following as an example:
A receptionist can work in an office or a hotel. A receptionist welcomes and deals with people arriving at a hotel or an office building.
12. Read and translate the text.

a parent company – материнская компания

a holding company - холдинговая компания

a subsidiary [sәb΄sidiәri] – ‘дочерняя’ компания (подконтрольная компания)
Companies are involved in many activities, for example buying, selling, marketing and production, in a range of different industries, such as information technology, telecommunications, finance, and car manufacture. Many well-known

companies are multinationals. These are companies which operate in a number of countries.

Multinationals often have a complicated structure. There is usually a parent or holding company. This company owns other companies or parts of other companies. These other companies are called subsidiaries.
13. Read and translate the text.
You can find information about a job in an ad (advert/advertisement). You can also search or look at websites and register with an employment agency.

You reply to a job advert. You apply for a job by writing an application letter and/or filling in a form. A CV lists your qualifications and experience. A statement from someone who knows you to support your application is a character reference (рекомендательное письмо).

A job that is available is a vacancy. If a company wants new staff, they recruit or take on people. If you are headhunted (переманили), a person/company asks you to leave your job to work for another organization. If you decide not to accept a job, you turn it down.

The people who interview you are the interview panel. People who are competing for a job are candidates. The stages of finding a person for a job make up the selection process.

Companies use psychometric tests or handwriting analysis to test candidates' ability to think and to analyse their personality.

The Human Resources department helps to choose new employees and explains the systems in a company.
Task II. Practise using the Language reference.
1. Read and translate the sentences.
a) Craig got a job working for an insurance company.

b) The company are hoping to expand their operations abroad.

c) The company was set up just after the war.

d) Quite a few companies went bankrupt in the late 1980s.

e) It's not company policy to exchange goods without a receipt.

f) Each company is headed by the President or the Chief Executive officer.

g) The Chief Executive works together with the Board of Directors.

h) The Board of Directors makes the policy decisions.

i) The Board of Directors appoints one of their members to the position of the Managing Director

j) The Managing Director is in charge of the day-to-day running of the company.

k) I'm responsible for staff training.

l) Mae's in charge of recruitment.

m) We don't deal with complaints by phone.

n) Mark's been unemployed for nearly a year. He keeps looking at the job ads in ‘The Times’ but there's nothing suitable. He should register with an employment agency or look at Monster.com.

o) They decided not to take on any new designers.

p) He turned the job down.

q) Every time I go to an interview these days I have to do a psychometric test.
Task III. Test it.
1. Find and correct three mistakes.
Does your job involve meeting lots of people?

Mo's in charge for 120 people.

I’m responsible of the computer network.

I spend most of my day writing emails.

In my job I deal in in-house training (обучение персонала).
2. Circle the correct option, A or B.
a) What don't you like about your job?
A I have to deal invoices (коммерческий [товарный] счет) all the time.

B I have to deal with invoices all the time.

b) What's your job title?
A I'm the Marketing Manager.

B I work in marketing.
с) What does your job involve?
A I'm working part-time at the moment.

B I spend most of my time meeting new clients.
d) What will you be doing in your new job?
A I'll be responsible of the Production department.

B I'll be responsible for the Production department.
3. Circle the correct option.
a. I asked if the company had any vacancies / offers in the IT department.

b. I look at the job advices / ads in the newspaper every week.

c. Why don't you look / search the job websites on the net?

d. Have you sent your qualifications / CV to that company yet?

e. I was headhunted / fired for my job so I didn't have to send in an application.

f. I've sent about 100 application / applying letters but I still haven't got a reply.
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