Литература общие положения Контрольно-оценочные средства (кос) предназначены для контроля и оценки образовательных достижений обучающихся, освоивших программу учебной дисциплины «Иностранный язык»

НазваниеЛитература общие положения Контрольно-оценочные средства (кос) предназначены для контроля и оценки образовательных достижений обучающихся, освоивших программу учебной дисциплины «Иностранный язык»
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Практическое задание №14

Вариант 1

Выберите правильный вариант ответа

  1. I want to become a teacher ___________.

A. when I will leave school

B. when I leave school

C .when I am leaving school

D. when I had left school
2. The Sahara is ___________ desert in the world.
A. the hottest

B. hottest

C. the most hot

D. the hotter
3. John is not interested ___________ politics.
A. about

B. in

C. for

D. over

4. I am sure we ___________ before.
A. have never met

B. haven't never met

C. didn't met

D. had met

5. I don't know ___________.
A. where this museum

B. where is this museum

C. where this museum is

D. this museum is this

6. They were in Spain last summer, ___________?
A. were they

B. isn't it

C. didn't they

D. weren't they

7. When I came home late in the evening, ___________?
A. had already had dinner

B. have already had dinner

C. have been having dinner

D. had dinner

8. New Year Day is ___________ popular in Britain then Christmas.
A. more less

B. more little

C. less

D. little
9. __________ Michelangelo began painting the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.
A. At the age of 33

B. At 33 years

C. At the age of 33 years

D. At the age of 33 years

10. The cost of living in our country has ___________ again.
A. rose

B. raised

C. picked up

D. risen
11. I want ___________ at the airport.
A. you meeting me

B. that you meet me

C. you to meet me

D. you meet me
12. What ___________ we are having!
A. the rainy weather

B. a rainy weather

C. rainy weathers

D. rainy weather

13. Who ___________ to go to the cinema with us?
A. want

B. does want

C. wants

D. is wanting

14. The teacher asked me ___________ for the lesson.
A. was I ready

B. if I was ready

C. if was I ready

D. that I was ready
15. I think that John Lennon is ___________ musicians in the world.
A. greatest one of

B. the greatest

C. one of greatest

D. one of the greatest

I don't like coffee with ___________.
A. the milk

B. a milk

C. Milk

D. milks

Mrs. Johnson told us ___________.
A. to not wash up

B. to do not wash up

C. not to wash up

D. that we don't wash up

It's not very difficult ___________.
A. to learn how to drive

B. to learn how drive

C. learn how to drive

D. to learn how driving

19. I don't want to go to the country, I’d rather ___________ at home.
A. staying

В. stay

C. to stay

D. will stay

I usually go to school ___________ bus.
A. on

B. by

C. in

D. at

Вариант 2

Выберите правильный вариант ответа

1. I ___________ Michael for ages.
A. didn't see

B. don't see

C. haven't seen

D. saw not

2. I ___________ get up very early now.
A. must to

B. have to

C. should to

D. ought

3. How much ___________ to fly to New York?
A. costs it

B. it costs

C. does cost

D. does it cost

4. My brother Nick is very good ___________ maths.
A. for

B. at

C. about

D. in

5. When did you discover that your car ___________?
A. was disappeared

B. had been disappeared

C. had disappeared

D. disappearing

6. If he ___________ hard, he'll fail his final exams.
A. doesn't work

B. won't work

C. hadn't work

D. wouldn't work

7. Have you heard the ___________ news?
A. last

B. previous

C. latest

D. latter

8. Which of you ___________ to go on an excursion?
A. wants

B. want

C. does want

D. do want

9. I'd like to know ___________.
A. where is my diary

B. where it is my diary

C. where my diary is

D. my diary is where

10. I'm very busy at the moment. I ___________ for my English exam.
A. am preparing

B. prepare

C. have been preparing

D. am going prepare

11. Ann said that she ___________ a new dress.
A. had bought

B. bought

C. will buy

D. buy

12. Christmas is ___________ popular and colorful holiday in Great Britain.
A. most

B. the most

C. most of all

D. very

13. This time tomorrow ___________ in the Black See.
A. I swim

B. I'll swim

C. I'll swimming

D. I'll be swimming

14. I have known Dr Simon ___________ 1982.
A. since

B. for

C. about

D. from

15. Do you know ___________ foreign languages?
A. some

B. some of

C. any

D. the

16. This book ___________ into 14 languages.
A. translated

B. has translated

C. being translated

D. has been translated

17. If the weather ___________ fine tomorrow, we'll go to the park.
A. is

B. will

C. will be

D. were

18. My friend and I ___________ go to the tennis court every Sunday.
A. occasionally

B. ever

C. usually

D. often

19. You'd better ___________ .
stop worrying

to stop worrying

stop to worry

to stop worry

20. You have never been to Canada, ___________?
A. isn’t it

B. is it

C. haven’t you

D. have you

    1. Объект оценивания «Знание лексики и фразеологии»

      1. Практическое задание №15

Вариант 1

Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами А22—А28. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям А22—А28, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Обведитеномервыбранноговамивариантаответа.


I can’t say I really feel at home anywhere. I was born in a city,

but I hate cities. I love mountains, but I have A22

lived in a mountain country: my home is a flat agricultural area in the south of England which I find boring. I don’t have much

in A23 with the local people there, and my way of

life is very A24 from theirs, so I don’t feel that I

am really part of the community. Although I am English, in some ways I don’t feel English. I have spent time in various countries, and I can happily live abroad for a period. Not for ever, though. In the end I always begin to feel too foreign, and miss too many

things. It is then that I realize that my A25 really

are in England, even if I can’t say exactly where. I don’t have

very A26 family ties, and I am not in contact with

many of my relatives. My Canadian wife has a much stronger sense of family, which she has passed to our son. His home and his immediate family mean a great deal to him, and his extended family is very important to him as well. He is very fond of all his A27 , and likes to see them as often as he can.

So perhaps the next generation will have more ties than I have. In some ways I hope so, but being rootless has advantage too. On

balance, I am not sure that I would prefer to A28

to one place, one community and one set of ideas.


1) always

2) ever

3) never

4) usually


1) familiar

2) general

3) relation

4) common


1) different

2) various

3) contrary

4) unusually


1) home

2) routes

3) place

4) roots


1) strong

2) hardy

3) powerful

4) tough


1) relationship

2) relations

3) ancestors

4) friends


1) like


3) belong

4) choose

Вариант 2

Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами А22—А28. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям А22—А28, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Обведитеномервыбранноговамивариантаответа.

Customs and Traditions

In the United States most people celebrate their birthdays on the day of the month they were born. Birthdays are celebrat­ed with family and friends. Invitations are sent for a party and mothers usually cook birthday cake decorated with candles. The number of candles A22 the age of the birthday per­son. After the candles are lighted, the person A23

three wishes and then blows the candles out in one breath so the wishes will come true. Everybody sings “Happy Birthday” and

wishes the person health and long life. It is A24

to bring or send birthday cards and gifts to the birthday person. Many people send flowers; other gifts may be clothing, books, or perfumes. There are birthstones and flowers for each month of the year which can also be A25 presents. Par­

ties for children are usually held at home. At children’s parties,

children A26 birthday hats and get souvenirs from

the birthday child. Sometimes birthdays are celebrated at school in the classroom with classmates. Mothers bring cake, candy, and refreshments for the whole class. Some parties are catered at res­taurants. Parents reserve a special room for the birthday group and supply the refreshments and decorations. Some birthdays are special. Girls have a special celebration for the sixteenth birth­day, called “sweet sixteen”. The eighteenth birthday is important

because it is the legal A27 age. The legal age for

driving and drinking alcohol A28 with each state




2) represents

3) considers






2) does

3) makes






2) usually

3) generally






2) necessary

3) needed






2) wear

3) bear






2) voting

3) own






2) different

3) varies



    1. Объект оценивания «Умение использовать приобретенные знания и умения в практической деятельности и повседневной жизни»

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Литература общие положения Контрольно-оценочные средства (кос) предназначены для контроля и оценки образовательных достижений обучающихся, освоивших программу учебной дисциплины «Иностранный язык» iconКомплект контрольно-оценочных средств учебной дисциплины
Контрольно-оценочные средства (кос) предназначены для контроля и оценки образовательных достижений обучающихся, освоивших программу...

Литература общие положения Контрольно-оценочные средства (кос) предназначены для контроля и оценки образовательных достижений обучающихся, освоивших программу учебной дисциплины «Иностранный язык» iconО согласовано
Контрольно-оценочные средства (кос) предназначены для контроля и оценки образовательных достижений обучающихся/студентов, освоивших...

Литература общие положения Контрольно-оценочные средства (кос) предназначены для контроля и оценки образовательных достижений обучающихся, освоивших программу учебной дисциплины «Иностранный язык» iconМетодист Структура Общие положения Результаты освоения учебной дисциплины, подлежащие проверке
Контрольно-оценочные средства (кос) предназначены для контроля и оценки образовательных достижений обучающихся, освоивших программу...

Литература общие положения Контрольно-оценочные средства (кос) предназначены для контроля и оценки образовательных достижений обучающихся, освоивших программу учебной дисциплины «Иностранный язык» iconОгбпоу фтк
Контрольно-оценочные средства (кос) предназначены для контроля и оценки образовательных достижений обучающихся, освоивших программу...

Литература общие положения Контрольно-оценочные средства (кос) предназначены для контроля и оценки образовательных достижений обучающихся, освоивших программу учебной дисциплины «Иностранный язык» iconЗаседание пцк
Контрольно-оценочные средства (кос) предназначены для контроля и оценки образовательных достижений обучающихся, освоивших программу...

Литература общие положения Контрольно-оценочные средства (кос) предназначены для контроля и оценки образовательных достижений обучающихся, освоивших программу учебной дисциплины «Иностранный язык» icon2. Результаты освоения дисциплины, подлежащие проверке
Контрольно-оценочные средства (кос) предназначены для контроля и оценки образовательных достижений обучающихся, освоивших программу...

Литература общие положения Контрольно-оценочные средства (кос) предназначены для контроля и оценки образовательных достижений обучающихся, освоивших программу учебной дисциплины «Иностранный язык» icon2. Результаты освоения дисциплины, подлежащие проверке
Контрольно-оценочные средства (кос) предназначены для контроля и оценки образовательных достижений обучающихся, освоивших программу...

Литература общие положения Контрольно-оценочные средства (кос) предназначены для контроля и оценки образовательных достижений обучающихся, освоивших программу учебной дисциплины «Иностранный язык» iconКомплект контрольно оценочных средств для проведения текущего контроля...
Контрольно-оценочные средства (кос) предназначены для контроля и оценки образовательных достижений обучающихся, освоивших программу...

Литература общие положения Контрольно-оценочные средства (кос) предназначены для контроля и оценки образовательных достижений обучающихся, освоивших программу учебной дисциплины «Иностранный язык» iconКомплект контрольно оценочных средств для проведения текущего контроля...
Контрольно-оценочные средства (кос) предназначены для контроля и оценки образовательных достижений обучающихся, освоивших программу...

Литература общие положения Контрольно-оценочные средства (кос) предназначены для контроля и оценки образовательных достижений обучающихся, освоивших программу учебной дисциплины «Иностранный язык» iconКомплект контрольно оценочных средств для проведения текущего контроля...
Контрольно-оценочные средства (кос) предназначены для контроля и оценки образовательных достижений обучающихся, освоивших программу...

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