Экологический туризм на пути в россию принципы, рекомендации, российский и зарубежный опыт

НазваниеЭкологический туризм на пути в россию принципы, рекомендации, российский и зарубежный опыт
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Объем спроса 107


Principles, Recommendations, International and Russian Experience

Editors: E,Yu.Ledovskikh, N.V.Moraleva, A.V.Drozdov


At present, the term “ecological tourism” is becoming more and more popular in Russia, but for the majority of nature protected areas and travel agencies it is not yet the firm principle of organization of practical tourism activities. Just five or six years ago the very idea of introducing ecological tourism into especially protected nature areas (zapovedniks) seemed like an intrusion into a sacred place. At present, despite the successes of individual zapovedniks, overall the issue of developing ecotourism in zapovedniks, as before, creates many arguments and has opponents. Though, the political and economic conditions in Russia are being changed considerably, and nature reserves are forced to adopt themselves to the new reality. Development of ecological tourism can become one of the opti­mal ways of this integration.

According to the information of the Nature Reserves Department of the Russian Federation Minis­try for Natural Resources, in 1999 76 strict nature reserves (zapovedniks) have developed ecological trails and ecotourism routes in specially designated areas (mostly buffer zones). Tourist groups have visited 64 nature reserves; 47 of them (49%) have organized tours for foreign quests. Total number of visitors in nature reserves was more than 140 thousand, including 5 thousand foreigners. This could provide an impression that the tourist flow to Russian nature reserves is high enough, and demand for this kind of travel is constantly growing. Though, in comparison with nature reserves in other countries (for example, Latin America, where specialized tours as bidwatching and wildlife viewing are of greater demand), in Russia the most popular are “traditional” types of tourism as camping, hiking, rafting, automobile tourism. Only few of these tours can be considered really “ecological”. There is still a lot to be done to minimize the possible negative repercussions and maximize advantage for the nature protected areas and the regional economy.

The development of ecotourism is a complex and potentially destructive process that requires pro­fessional knowledge, experience and careful management. From this point of view, one of the key problems is that in Russia there is still no precise understanding of the concept of ecological tourism, its international principles and practical approach. From the other side, many stakeholders have al­ready accumulated some experience of ecotourism development, both negative and positive. It is ex­tremely important to make this information available for everybody who seriously plans to develop eco­tourism. This book strives to solve these problems, to present to the Russian readers the modern con­cept of ecotourism, provide practical recommendations and examples from international practice, generalize ecotourism development experience in Russia. For the first time, a number of the most im­portant international publications and guidelines on ecotourism had been translated and made avail­able for Russian readers.

Part 1. Ecological Tourism as a Modern Ideology of Nature Travel

This section of the book analyzes international concept of ecotourism, its major principles and vari­ous definitions, describes in detail the history of ecotourism origination, types of ecotourism, profile and various categories of ecotourists from different countries, geography of international nature travel, potential negative environmental and social effects of nature tourism and the ways to minimize it, eco­tourism’s role in conservation and social-economic development.

Part 2. Practical Recommendations on Ecotourism Planning, Organization and Monitoring

in Russian Nature Protected Areas

This section of the book describes problems and perspectives of ecotourism development in Rus­sian nature reserves, provides practical recommendations: assessment of the area’s ecotourism po­tential and recreation capacities of tourism routes, planning and working out the ecotourism develop­ment strategy, development of ecotourism routes and programs, identifying key categories of visitors, ecotourism product pricing and promotion, development of guidelines for ecotourists and nature tour operators, design and equipment of ecotourism routes and ecological trails, organization of ecological excursions, involvement of local population, ecotourism monitoring and management, legal aspects of ecotourism organization in Russian nature reserves and national parks. Examples from international and Russian experience are given.

Part 3. Ecotourism Development Experience in Russia

This section presents the experience of major ecotourism development projects in Russia:

  • Development of ecotourism foundations in nature reserves of the Russian Far East, 1996-1997, the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and the US Agency for International Development (USAID)

  • Development of the ecotourism management plan for the Vodlozersky National Park, Karelia, Russian North, 1995-1999, TACIS

  • Investigation of the ecotourism development potential in Baikal Region, project of the World Bank, 1995-1996

  • Ecotourism development in the nature reserves of the Altai-Sayans Ecoregion, 1999-2000, Eco­tourism Develoment Fund “Dersu Uzala”, ROLL Program of the Institute of Sustainable Commu­nities (ISC) and USAID

  • Development of ecologically sustainable tourism in the Teberdinsky Nature Reserve, North Cau­casus, 2000-2001, ROLL , with participation of the Ecotourism Development Fund “Dersu Uzala”

  • Development of the system of private b&b facilities in Baikal and other regions, ROLL projects

  • Ecotourism development in the Russian Far East, 1998-2001, USAID - WWF

  • TACIS projects for ecotourism development in Karelia

  • Sustainable Life Support for the Russian National Parks’ Population, Biodiversity Conservation Center

  • Ecotourism development in the North-West of the European Russia, WWF Russia and Denmark with the financial support of the Danish Environmental Agency, with the participation of the Eco­logical Travels Center

The book also covers the experience of ecotourism development of the Nizhne-Svirsky Nature Re­serve, organization of scientific and student tourism in nature reserves and national parks by the Eco­logical Travels Center, technologies and experience of organizing ecological and cultural tourism in the European North of Russia by the Urbex Development NGO.

As a result of these projects, the Russian Ecotourism Association was established in 2002, its mis­sion and activity are described.

More detailed information is available at:


E-mail: dersu@orc.ru; elenik@deol.ru


Принципы, рекомендации, российский и зарубежный опыт Сборник материалов

Формат 60x84/8. Печать офсетная. Объем: уч.-изд. л. 39,0, печ. л. 35,5.

Тираж 700 экз. Заказ № 570.

ИПП «Гриф и К», г. Тула, ул. Октябрьская, 81а. ПЛР № 060231 от 20.10.97 г.

1Под рынком товаров (продуктов и услуг) принято понимать систему отношений купли-продажи между экономически сво­бодными продавцами и покупателями.

1Данная работа написана на основе многолетних исследований, проводившихся автором на охраняемых природных тер­риториях России и сопредельных стран совместно со студентами-географами Московского государственного университета. Фактический материал по Дальнему Востоку был собран автором во время 4-х экспедиций: в 1989 г.— совместно с Группой ох­раны природы МГУ, в 1996, 1997 и 1998 годах— при помощи и участии Всемирного фонда дикой природы (WWF) и Фонда раз­вития экотуризма «Дерсу Узала».

1Конкретные практические рекомендации по благоустройству экотроп на примере ряда охраняемых территорий Алтае-Са- янского региона приводятся в Главе 2.10.

1В качестве примера см., например, стр. 24.

2В качестве примера можно привести исследование американских экотуристов в странах Латинской Америки, проведен­ное специалистами американского отделения ВВФ (Воо, 1990) (стр. 29).

1При оценке потенциала развития различных видов туризма учитывались: привлекательность данной ООПТ для той или иной категории туристов, возможный уровень спроса и экономическая отдача от их путешествий, а также их «совместимость» с природоохранными задачами. Так, например, экскурсионная работа с местными жителями (особенно школьниками), невзирая на ее невысокую экономическую отдачу, отнесена в разряд приоритетных, поскольку задача формирования благоприятного со­циального окружения крайне значима для ООПТ.

1Подробнее в п. 3.6.2.

11. «Подготовка местных менеджеров для развития эколого-культурного туризма в Пинежском районе Архангельской об­ласти» (проект МОО «Экологии развития»).—В издании «Экология культуры», 2000, № 1, с. 37 (межрегиональное издание)

  1. «Светлое Пинежье. Путешествие по краю». Первый выпуск — Москва-Архангельск-Карпогоры, 2000,— 152 с.

  2. «Путеводитель». Газета «Пинежье», 2000, 15 апреля

  3. «Готовят менеджеров». Газета «Пинежье», 2000, 22 апреля

  4. «Проект «Экопомочи». Газета «Пинежье», 2000, 12 августа

  5. «Мы все родились в России». Газета «Пинежье», 2000, 19 августа

  6. «Путеводитель по Пинежью». Газета «Пинежье», 2000, 2 сентября

  7. «Жаркое заповедное лето». Газета «Пинежье», 2000, 2 сентября

  8. «Это была лучшая экспедиция». Газета «Пинежье», 2000, 2 сентября

  9. «Пинежье их покорило». Газета «Пинежье», 2000, 2 сентября

  10. «Будет центр туризма?». Газета «Двинская правда», 2001, 16 февраля

  11. «Чтобы не попрошайничать, а зарабатывать самим». Газета «Призыв» (Лахденпохский район Карелии), 2001, 23 марта


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