Методические указания для организации практических занятий по английскому языку для специальности

НазваниеМетодические указания для организации практических занятий по английскому языку для специальности
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Тема 22. Деловой английский (16 часов).

1. Употребить глагол to be в правильной форме.

  1. My father ... a teacher.

  1. Не ... a pupil twenty years ago.

  1. I ... a doctor when I grow up.

  1. My sister ... not... at home tomorrow.

  2. They ... in Moscow last year.

2. Употребите глагол to have в правильной форме.

  1. I ... an interesting book about Repin.

  1. My sister ... two little children.

  2. ... you ... some time in she evening to discuss this question?

  3. I ... a lot of work yesterday.

  4. Who ... any questions now?

3. Употребите оборот there is/are нужном времени.

  1. How many rooms ... there in your flat?

  1. There ... 30 pupils in our class last year.

  2. There ... no school near our house 5 years ago.

  3. How many people ... there ... at the party next Sunday?

  4. There .. .a new cinema near my house now.

Напишите указанные существительные во множественном числе.
Class, ox, baby, leaf, sheep, advice, shoe, hero, roof, factory
Напишите степени сравнения следующих прилагательных.
Tall, big, grey, angry, carefull, narrow, expensive, cold, clever, difficult, bad.
Вставьте some, any или no.

  1. Do you want... milk in your coffee?

  1. There is ... snow in the street because it is warm.

3) I can see ... children in the yard. They are playing.

4) There were not... flowers on the table.
4. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужном времени.

  1. My friend (to work) at the factory.

  1. This group (to go) to the theatre next month.

  2. We (to get) books from the library last week.

  3. I (to come ) home later than usual yesterday.

This student (to answer ) well at the last lesson

Употребить глагол to be в правильной форме.

1) … your father at work yesterday?

2) My sisters … ill last week.

3) They … not ill now.

4) Where … your mother now? – She … in the kitchen.

5) Where … you yesterday? – I … at the cinema.

2. Употребите глагол to have в правильной форме.

1) We … no garden now.

2) He … a new flat in the center of the town.

3) They … no lessons tomorrow.

4) What kind of car … he got?

5) When do you … your breakfast?

Употребите оборот there is/are в нужном времени.

1) There … 30 pupils in our class now.

2) There … a new school near our house next year.

3) Look, there … some flowers on the table.

4) How many students … there at the lesson yesterday?

5) There … only one room in his flat now.

5. 6.Напишите указанные существительные во множественном числе.

Dress, news, army, safe, sugar, child, exercise, man, photo, opportunity

Напишите степени сравнения следующих прилагательных.

Yellow, strange, attentive, fat, cheap, pretty, experienced, dry, fast, little, serious

Вставьте some, any или no.

1) There is … bread for dinner. Go and buy it.

2) They brought … books from the library.

3) There wasn’t … water in the glass.

4) Have you got … time to talk to me?

Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужном времени.

1) They (to translate) text two tomorrow.

2) He (to read) the book about Robinson Crusoe in his childhood.

3) We want (to live) in peace.

4) Schoolchildren (to have) the longest holidays in summer.

5) He (to help) me in my work tomorrow.
Выберите правильный вариант глагола:

1) … she in the park yesterday? (were, is was)

2) Mike and Nick … at 3 o’clock tomorrow. (are, were, will be)

3) Did you … English last week? (has, have, had)

4) They … 5 lessons tomorrow. (had, have, will have)

5) The teacher … us at the next lesson. (asked, asks, will ask)

6) Usually our lesson … at 8.30. (will begin, begins, begin)

7) He … this book when he was a child. (has, have, had)

Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя пассивный залог:

1) Нас спрашивают на каждом уроке.

2) Наш город был основан в 1838 году.

3) Завтра он будет приглашен на вечеринку.

4) Меня попросили помочь ему.

5) Деревья красят каждую весну.
7.8.Напишите приглашение по образцу. Invitation.

Memo in English

Простая записка.

Простая записка на английском языке (a note) носит полуофициальный характер и может быть написана от руки. Вместе с тем, это все-таки документ, в котором дается краткая информация о событиях, планах или действиях, например, сообщается о чьем-нибудь звонке, оперативном совещании или изменениях в планах. Простая записка отличается краткостью и отсутствием лингвистических изысков, поскольку ее назначение – поставить в известность.


Образец - Простая записка


Boss asked to bring him the report as soon as you finish with the figures.



Образец - Простая записка

Сall Emma Dell to confirm meeting time with Coca-Cola representative next Monday at 11 a.m. Phone number 533 26 17.

The President of Latham & Watkins

Requests the pleasure of your company at a Banquet to be held at the Reception Hall, Pushkin street 10-2 at 6.30 p.m on Friday,

27 November, 2006

Evening dress R.S.V.P. to the secretary


Памятная записка

Памятная записка (a memo) печатается на чистом листе бумаги или на специальных бланках внутреннего обращения  и имеет постоянные разделы:

  • кому (to),

  • от кого (from),

  • дата (date),

  • о чем записка или тема (subject).

Соблюдаются все грамматические и лексические правила.


Образец - Памятная записка


To:           Heads of Departments

From:        PR Director

Date:        14 February

Subject:    New company logo

As you know, the Public Relations Department has been looking into ways to make our company logo more attractive and easily recognizable by customers. Could you please take the following actions in your departments:

1. Encourage staff to share their personal vision of a new logo, which will be used on all our products and in ads. 

2. Ask staff to put their drawings or descriptions in the box placed in the lobby downstairs.

3. Inform staff that the best drafts will get special gifts.

Please contact the PR Department if you or anyone in your department has any further suggestions.


ИП Иванова И.С.

Гостевой дом «Зеленый дом»

Карта гостя №_______

ИП Иванова И.С.

Гостевой дом «Зеленый дом»

Отрезной талон №_______

Дата (date)_____20__г.

Время (time)_____

Дата, время:______________

Фамилия (list name):_____________

Ф И О______________________

Отчество ( middle name)_________________

Данные паспорта ( passport)


Заселен с ( stayng from)___________ по

(till) _______________

Продлен по ( prolonged to)_______________

Заселен с ______ по __________

Продлен по _________________

Настоящим подтверждаю, что мне объяснили правила проживания и техники безопасности в гостевом доме «Зеленый дом» ( Hereby confirm? That I was explained with living regulations and safety rules at the green house “Green House”)



Управляющий :

ЧП Иванова И.С.



Адрес :



10.11.Прочитайте инструкцию по составлению интервью, переведите.


Prepare. Research the company, the specific people you will be interviewing with and the top management of the company.

• Visit the company’s website where you can review Annual Reports and recent press releases – they will give you both the financial pulse of the company and recent success stories. Also look for bios of the people you will be meeting with – you never know; they could be an FSU grad as well!

• Secure some independent perspectives on your prospective employer. Hoover's Online (www.hoovers.com) for one, provides capsule descriptions, financial data and a list of competitors for thousands of large corporations.

• Search news sources to see what is being written about the potential employer and the industry. Visit websites for national publications to review news on major corporations; use hometown newspapers to learn about small businesses and how major corporations interact with their local communities. www.bizjournals.com is a great site that provides individual market information by industry.

• Anticipate your responses to the frequently asked interview questions:

a. Tell me about yourself? Be honest, be energetic, be thorough, and be brief.

b. What are your strengths and weaknesses? They want to here how your strengths match the needs of their company. Turn your weaknesses into strengths by telling the interviewer how you are working to improve these weaknesses.

c. Where do you see yourself in five years? Employers are looking for ambition; but you don’t want to come off as a threat.

d. Why should we hire you? State how you can help company growth, solve a problem or add to its strengths.

e. Why do you want to work here? Convey your interests to key components of the job; tell them you like the company’s size, creative business practices, position in the market, etc. BE ENTHUSIATIC!

Dress professionally (and conservatively). The way you dress conveys an impression of who you are. A company may have a “business casual” philosophy, but not during your interview – dress the part of a serious, intelligent business professional. Go easy on the trendy; avoid displaying anything that may take attention away from your skills and qualifications. In the words of Sigourney Weaver from the 1988 movie Working Girl, “Dress shabbily and they’ll remember the dress. Dress impeccably and they will remember the (woman) person.”

Show up on time or a few minutes early. Do not show up more than 5 minutes early. Engage the receptionist in conversation– they are often asked their point of view on potential candidates. If you are not familiar with the exact location

of your interview, conduct a dry run of your travel path and time.

Have approximate 5-10 prepared questions. Bring a leather portfolio containing a writing tablet (and extra copies of your resume) with your questions and ample space to record the answers. You may not have enough time for all your questions, so plan to ask the most important first. Be clear and concise with your questions. Some sample questions:

• What projects will I be involved with in the first few months?

• How does your company stand apart from its competition?

• How do you see the future of this industry?

12.Выберите необходимые модальные глаголы:

1. You ... take care of your parents.

a. should; b. ought to; с. are to

2. My sight is getting worse. Next year, I'm afraid, I ...read without glasses.

a. can not; b. may not; с. won't be able to

3. Don't you see I'm tired? You ... me, you know.

a. might have ... helped; b. could ... help; с. may ... help

4. Police, fire-fighters, newspaper reporters and radio broadcasters ... work on holiday in the USA.

a. could; b. might; с. must

5. The real history of the period between 1688 and the middle of the eighteenth century…summed up in three words: accumulation of capital.

a. need be; b. will be able to be; c. can be

6. The power of knowledge... placed in the hands of people.

a. should be; b. ought to be; с. need to be

7. We ... commemorate great people.

a. must; b. need to; с. may

8. Whatever else the government ... to undertake, its duty is to keep order in civil society.

a. must try; b. might try; с. may try

9. No museum ... ever... buy even one painting by this artist.

a. has ... been able to; b. might ... have; с. has...been allowed to

10. Twelve delegates representing gypsy groups from several countries ... for six days of talks at the end of February.

a. can meet; b. have to meet; с. are to meet

11.... you ... get up early yesterday to meet the delegation at the airport?

a. Did ... have to; b. Had ...to; с. Have ... had to

12. The leopard ...not change his spots.

a. need; b. can; с. ought

13. We ... learn from the past.

a. may; b. need; с. must

14. Teenagers who commit crimes  be treated as adults and sentenced to significant punishment.

a. would; b. should; c. ought to

15. The Senate and the House of Representatives ...approve a bill for it to become a law.

a. had to; b. must; c. was to

16. Excuse me, ... you tell me the way to the Houses of Parliament, please?

a. could; b. may; c. will

17... you come and sit down?

a. Could; b. Are; с. Won't

18... you like a cup of coffee?

a. Should; b. Would; с. Could

18. I ... mind a drink, if you had one.

a. shouldn’t; b. wouldn’t; с. haven't

13.Прочитайте текст и переведите на русский язык. Используйте правила делового этикета в своей профессиональной деятельности.
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