Методические указания для организации практических занятий по английскому языку для специальности

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Тема 18. Профессии. Карьера (13 часов)

1.Найдите в предложениях инфинитив и переведите предложения с инфинитивом на русский язык.

1. I am glad to have asked you. You’ve helped me a lot.

2. It is strange of you to be asking me for advice now. I need advice badly myself.

3. I don’t call it pleasant to be asked such questions.

4. It is interesting to study English.

5. He began to read a book.
2.Переведите на английский язык предложения, используя инфинитив.

1.Невежливо слишком громко разговаривать в автобусе.

2.Хорошую музыку приятно слушать.

3.Учиться никогда не поздно.

4.Он начал задавать мне вопросы.

5.Я позвал ее, но она продолжала читать книгу.

6.Раньше он много курил. Теперь он совсем не курит.

7.Он начал петь шуточную песню.

8.Мы взяли такси, чтобы добраться до станции.

9.Она открыла окно, чтобы проветрить комнату.
3.Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы.


Britain and the USA have a rich variety of places names. Some names are derived from a feature of the local countryside. Others are named after a church or fort some in honor of famous people, while others have been brought from abroad.

Many names reflect the history of an area and of the people who once lived there. Some of the oldest places names in Wales and Scotland date back to the time when Britain was occupied by the Celts. Some towns in southern England have Latin names dating Roman times. Other names are of Anglo-Saxon or Danish origin and date from the period when these peoples invaded Britain. Later, the Normans introduced some French names.

In the USA many places names are derived from Native American words: Chicago, for example, means “place of the onion”, Seattle is named after a chief, Natchez after a tribe. Sometimes the names are translated, sometimes not: the Black Warrior River in Alabama runs through the city Tuscaloosa, which was named after a Native American whose name means “Black Warrior”. Names of Spanish origin are found mainly in the south-western of the USA. They include San Francisco, San Diego, Las Vegas and Los Angeles. A few names are of French origin: Baton Rouge and La Cross.

Many British towns take their names from a river. In Wales and Scotland many towns have such names: Aberystwyth, Aberdeen, Weymouth, Oxford.

Many British towns developed around an early fort or castle: Edinburgh, Salisbury, Doncaster, Gloucester, Newcastle.

In the USA places names that refer to buildings include House, Brick Church and High Bridge. Atlanta, Geirdia is named after a railway.

What is the text about?

What names reflect the history of an area?

What towns take their names from a river?
4.Прочитайте диалоги и разыграйте по ролям.


-What kind of transport do you prefer?

-I prefer to travel by car.

-But I prefer to travel by plane. It is interesting to fly and it is a comfortable kind of transport.

-To travel by bus is more useful.

-But to travel by cycle is more romantic.

-I agree.


-Where do you usually spend your summer holidays?

-I spend my holidays in the country. And you?

-But I prefer to spend my holidays at the seaside. And what about you?

-Yes, it’s great. But I would like to spend my holidays on the mountains.

-Yes I agree with you.

5. Составьте эмфатические предложения и прочитайте.

  1. "What! Is he not solid gold?" said the Swallow to himself, (ask in surprise)

  2. "How wonderful the stars are!" he said to the girl, "And how wonderful is the power of love!" (cry with delight)

  3. "What a remarkable thing!" said the professor. "A swallow in winter!" (exclaim in surprise)

  4. "What a lovely piece of glass!" cried the little girl, (cry delightedly)

  5. "How hungry we are!" the boys cried, (cry sorrowfully)

  6. "How shabby the Happy Prince looks!" he said, (say indignantly)

  7. The Student cried, "Oh, on what little things does happiness depend!" (cry with deep sadness)

  8. "How happy we are here!" they cried to each other, (cry happily)

  9. "What disobedient children!" he cried, (cry with indignation)

  1. "How well you talk!" said the Miller's wife, (say with admiration)

  2. "What a silly boy you are!" cried the Miller, (cry angrily)

  3. "Why, what a good heart you have!" cried his wife, (cry with admiration)

  4. "What a wonderful time I shall have in my garden!" he said to himself, (say happily)

  5. The Giant said, "How selfish I have been!" (say with regret)

  6. "It's a damned lie!" he exclaimed, (exclaim indignantly)

  7. "My dear — my dear friend! What a joy to see you again!" she cried, (cry delightedly)

6.Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы.


The name “Television” comes from a Greek word meaning “far” and a Latin word meaning “to see” so it means “to see far”.

There are commercial stations, they sell advertising time to pay for their operating costs and to make profit. The public stations are non profit organizations.

Commercial TV stations broadcast mostly entertainment programs to attract larger number of viewers.

These programs include light dramas called situation comedies, action-packed dramas about life of detectives, police officers, lawyers and doctors, show dancers and singers, movies, quiz shows, soap operas, cartoons, talk shows. On talk shows a host interviews politicians, TV movie stars, athletes. There are also sport programs, brief summaries of local, national and international news.

Advertising is an important part of commercial TV. Commercials appear between and during most programs. They urge viewers to buy different kinds of products – from dog food to hair spray, from cars to insurance policies.

Public TV focuses mainly on education and culture. Public TV also broadcasts plays, ballets, symphonies as well as programs about art and history. It attracts less viewers then commercial TV.

In just half a century, television has covered the planet. TV affects our daily life in a way that no other media can. It was simply an idea of a machine able to broadcast both sound and vision. First TV sets were in black and white.

Since 1980 there have four major developments of TV. The first is video, which has given viewers the power to control what they watch and when they watch it. These days, fifty percent of homes have a video-cassette-recorder (VCR) and millions more are being sold every year.

The second is satellite TV. Thanks to direct broadcast satellites (DBS) dozens of new channels are now available to everyone who buys a receiving “dish”. Many of these new channels specialize in one kind of program – only news, sport, cartoons, music, movies

The third development is cable TV – a system of hi-tech wires which provides even more channels.

So, TV has come a very long way in a very short time.

What is the text about?

What does the word “Television” mean?

How many major developments of TV have we now?

7.Прочитайте диалоги и разыграйте по ролям.


-Do you like the Berdsk’s sights? Do they splendid?

-Yes, of course. I like to take a walk.

-Would you like to see an athletic competition?

-Oh, with great pleasure. I am no athlete, but I like sports.

-Are you taking your holiday on the Ob seashore?



-How do I get to the stadium?

-Take the first turning on the left and go straight.

-Do you go in for sports?

-I am no athlete, but I like sports.

-Do you think that sports are useful for health?

-Certainly. Life is sport.

8.Раскрыть скобки, соблюдая правила согласования времен глагола.

1. She (hear) the band playing and she (know) that in a few moments the curtain (go) up. 2. Myra (think) he (prefer) to be by himself. 3. I (hear) from your mother that you (be) late and so I (order) coffee and sandwiches. 4. Mrs. Strep (ask) him if he (have) dinner there. 5. The old man (ask) me if I (have) parents. 6. He (be) very sorry for Jennie, and he (tell) his wife that he (have) to go out and see her. 7. And the other day I (have) a letter from him saying he (be) in Moscow soon. 8. I (say) I (be) back by nine o'clock. 9. You (promise) you (try) to persuade him to stay on for a bit. 10. In a few words I (tell) him what (happen). 11. She (ask) me if I (live) long in that town. 12. When I (ring) her that evening she (say) she (not like) to discuss those
problems on the phone. 13. That evening she (tell) me (be) at the hotel number, and about half past eight I (dial) that number, but there (be) no answer. 14. I (put) the papers back where they (belong), (tell) the manager I (do) no clipping or tearing, (return) to the hotel, (treat) myself to a glass of milk in the coffee shop, and (go) to bed. 15. He (write) that he (come) to lunch the following day.

9.Прочитайте диалоги и разыграйте их по ролям.


-Do you speak English?

-Yes, of course. I like British English.

-Why do we learn English? I don’t understand this thing.

-Oh, it’s interesting question. First of all, we use English in Hi-Tech-computers, phones and others.

-It is really the fact, but it’s difficult to learn English.



-Do you smoke at all?

-No, I think that ladies mustn’t smoke at all. It ruined your life, your health.

-I agree, that everybody must be health. Health is our wealth.

-And I know that everyone has the experience of smoking and drinking. And it is sad.

-Sport is a great thing for our health, isn’t it?


10.Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы.


Frankly speaking, I have a lot of friends. Most of them are my classmates. They say that I am a good mixer and always have a way with people. But my bosom friend is Olga. We are of the same age, we are both 15. She is a good-looking girl not very tall but pleasantly plump. They say, she is a very image of her father, but, to my mind, she takes a lot after her mother in looks – fair curly hair and dark blue eyes. When she smiles, two pretty dimples appear on her cheeks. To my mind, she is really a beauty. But her inner beauty is more important than physical one. Olga is well bred, jolly and kind, life and soul of every company. She is tactful, witty, generous and kind-hearted, careful and sensitive. She is always ready to help other people. She is well-read and fond of reading very much. She always has 2 or 3 books at hand. Her second hobby is knitting and sewing. She is always elegant and always wears what suits her. She is good at cooking, I think she is cut out for a housewife.

Olga likes all teenagers like- different types of music which helps her to relax. In this point we have much in common. We both go in for sports – aerobics I think, she is very gifted and capable.

She always manages to be cheerful, energetic, full of life and energy. She is a sunny soul by nature, she never feels sour. As I have told, she is a helpful person and every time she tries to do her best to help somebody when they have problems. Olga is very attentive to her parents and is simply mad about her dog. She can not imagine her life without it. Of course, Olga has some drawbacks – sometimes she is a hurly-burly girl, a bit stubborn. But I still like her as she has a good sense of humor and pleasant to deal with.

We spend much time together – watch video or listen to music, walk or go to the café discussing all sorts of things. If there is some misunderstanding between us we try to make peace soon. I respect Olga for intellect and modesty. You know, I miss her very often. Our friendship helps me feel strong and sure of myself.

What is the text about?

Who is Olga’s bosom friend?

How do they spend time together?
11.Сделать литературный перевод текста.

Read and Translate the International Travel Tips:

Copies of Documentation

Create a travel plan and then register with the U.S. State Department. Registration allows the Department of State to assist you and contact family or friends in case of an emergency. To find out more

Don't Be A Target of Crime
Avoid wearing conspicuous clothing or jewelry and do not carry excessive amounts of cash or credit cards. Also, do not leave unattended luggage in public areas and do not accept packages from strangers.

Don't Get Stuck In Customs
Investigate United States Customs Service regulations.

Don't Leave Home Without Help
Be sure you have 24/7 access to emergency assistance services. The majority of Travel Guard's travel insurance plans include 24-hour, worldwide emergency assistance services. Keep the assistance hotline number with you at all times to reach trained travel counselors that can help you in almost any emergency situation. Rebooking hotels and flights, coordinating emergency medical evacuations are just a few of the services available with most Travel Guard plans.

Don't Miss Your Flight
Arrive at the airport two hours prior to departure. International travelers must check in at the ticket counter with photo identification and, depending on the destination, a passport.

Don’t be a foreign tourist target:
Deter thieves from breaking into a rental car by leaving a local newspaper on the dashboard.

Educate Yourself
Educate yourself regarding immigration practices, health conditions, political disturbances, currency and entry regulations as well as crime and security information for the countries to which you’ll be traveling. For a list of countries and access to this type of information

Ensure Safe Travels Abroad
Create a travel plan and then register with the U.S. State Department. Registration allows the Department of State to assist you and contact family or friends in case of an emergency. To find out more

Know Your Embassy
Know the location and contact information for the U.S. embassy or consulate in the country to which you are traveling.

Renew Your Passport
Renew your passport six to nine months before it expires. Some countries will not grant you entry if your passport is due to expire in the coming months. To find out more about passport requirements. Well, I think we’re ready to go abroad.

12.Выучить и запомнить слова и выражения.


overseas — заграница
majority — большинство
to seem — казаться
to book — заказывать
resorts— курорт
straight — прямо
a tropical beach — тропический пляж
to breathe — дышать
to hitch hike — путешествовать автостопом
advantage — преимущество
to explore — исследовать
to climb — взбираться, карабкаться
restriction — ограничение
indeed — действительно
curious — любопытный
inquisitive — любознательный
leisure — досуг
jet-air liner — реактивный самолет
security — безопасность
variety — разнообразие
city-dweller — городской житель
to take pictures — фотографировать
castle — крепость, замок
waterfall — водопад
to remind — напоминать
picturesque — живописный
to broaden one's mind — расширить кругозор
take part in negotiations — принимать участие в переговорах
exhibition — выставка
in order to — для того чтобы
to push the goods — рекламировать товары
achievement — достижение
successful — успешный
advantages and disadvantages — преимущества и недостатки
according to — согласно

13.Прочитать, перевести и ответить на вопросы.


Twenty years ago not many people travelled overseas for their holidays. The majority of people stayed to have holidays in their country. Today the situation is different and the world seems much smaller.

It is possible to book a holiday to a seaside resort on the other side of the world. Staying at home, you can book it through the Internet or by phone. The plane takes you straight there and within some hours of leaving your country, you can be on a tropical beach, breathing a super clean air and swimming in crystal warm water of tropical sea.

We can travel by car, by train or plane, if we have got a long distance tour. Some young people prefer walking or hitch-hike travelling, when you travel, paying nearly nothing. You get new friends, lots of fun and have no idea where you will be tomorrow. It has great advantages for the tourists, who want to get the most out of exploring the world and give more back to the people and places visited. If you like mountains, you could climb any mountains around the globe and there is only one restriction. It is money. If you like travelling, you have got to have some money, because it is not a cheap hobby indeed. The economy of some countries is mainly based on tourism industry. Modern tourism has become a highly developed industry, because any human being is curious and inquisitive, we like leisure, visit other places. That is why tourism prospers.

People travel from the very beginning of their civilization. Thousands years ago all people were nomads and collectors. They roamed all their lives looking for food and better life. This way human beings populated the whole planet Earth. So, travelling and visiting other places are the part of our consciousness. That is why tourism and travelling are so popular.

Nowadays tourism has become a highly developed business. There are trains, cars and air jet liners, buses, ships that provide us with comfortable and secure travelling.

If we travel for pleasure, by all means one would like to enjoy picturesque places they are passing through, one would like seeing the places of interest, enjoying the sightseeing of the cities, towns and countries.

Nowadays people travel not only for pleasure but also on business. People have to go to other countries for taking part in different negotiations, for signing some very important documents, for participating in different exhibitions, in order to exhibit the goods of own firm or company. Travelling on business helps people to get more information about achievements of other companies, which will help making own business more successful.

There are a lot of means of travelling: travelling by ship, by plane, by car, walking. It depends on a person to decide which means of travelling one would prefer.


1. Did the majority of people leave their country to spend holidays twenty years ago?
2. Can we book a holiday to a seaside resort on the other side of the world today?
3. Is it possible to book a holiday to a seaside resort on the other side of the world from home?
4. What means of travelling do you know?
5. What countries depend mainly on tourism?
6. Why does tourism prosper?
7. Where do people like going on vacation?
8. What is the most interesting means of travelling for you? Why?
9. Why do most travelers carry a camera with them?
10. What does travelling give us?
11. How does travelling on business help you?
12. What are the means of travelling?
1   ...   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15


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