Методические указания для организации практических занятий по английскому языку для специальности

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Тема 17. Межличностные отношения (13 часов).

1. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы.

Sally was nineteen years old. She had always lived with her parents, but now the time had come for her to go to university in another part of a country to study to be a doctor. Her mother was very sad about this, and she was also afraid, because she loves her daughter very much, and she thought, “My little girl will be alone for the fist time in her life. She won’t know anybody. There will be nobody to look after her, and perhaps she will have trouble, or she will be very sad because she isn’t with us.”

Sally said goodbye to her father and to her cat, and promised to telephone every week. Then her mother took her to the university by train. When they said goodbye, her mother cried, and on the way back home she cried again.

Then every week Sally kept her promise and telephoned. They talked for several minutes, Sally was very happy and never said that she missed her parents. Her mother was not glad about this. She thought, “Perhaps she’s finding the university nicer than her home.”

But then some holidays were getting near. That week, when Sally telephoned her parents, she said, “The students who live here were talking yesterday evening, and they said, ‘We’re very happy that we’re going to return home again soon for a few days.’”

Sally’s mother was very glad that the students had said this. “She must really miss us,” she thought. Then she said, “And did you say that too?”

“Oh, yes!” Sally answered. “We all said that it’s easy to speak to our parents on the telephone every week when we’re away, but we really miss our pets!”

Найдите ответы на вопросы. Запишите вопрос и ответ, укажите тип вопроса.

  1. Had Sally ever left her parents before she went to university?

  1. No, she had not.

  2. b) Yes, she had.

  1. Why did Sally go to university?

  1. Because it was in another part of a country.

  2. Because she wanted to become a doctor.

  1. Did her mother want her to go?

  1. No, she did not.

  2. Yes, she did.

  1. Why?

  1. Because she wanted her to become a doctor.

  2. Because she was afraid that university life in a strange place was not good think for her.

  1. Why did Sally’s mother cry in the train?

  1. Because she had left Sally.

  2. Because she was going home.

  1. Was she happy after Sally telephoned?

  1. No, she was not.

  2. Yes, she was.

  1. Why?

  1. Because Sally was not happy at university.

  2. Because Salle was very happy.

  1. Did the students want to go home for their holidays?

  1. No, they did not.

  2. Yes, they did.

  1. Why was Sally’s mother glad then?

  1. Because she thought that Sally missed her parents.

  2. Because she thought that Sally was not going to come home.

  1. Did the students miss their family?

  1. No, they missed their pets.

  2. Yes, they missed them very much.

2.Запишите текст, вставляя правильный вариант слов.

Sally went away from her (home/country) for the (fist/second) time when she was nineteen. Her mother (knew/thought) that Sally was going to be (happy/unhappy) because she was not going to have her (cat/parents) with her. Sally’s mother went to the (station/university) with her, and when they said goodbye, (Sally/Sally’s mother) cried. Sally (forgot/remembered) to telephone every week. She (did not like/like) the university very much, and her mother was (happy/unhappy), because she thought that Sally (did not miss/miss) her parents. Then it was time for some holidays, and the students were happy because (their parents/students) must miss their (parents/students), but really they missed their pets.

3.Переведите текст на русский язык.

Derek was a little boy. He lived with his parents in a small house in a town. They did not have a big garden.

Derek liked animals very much. One day he said to his father, “I’ve got a little money, Daddy. Can I buy a pony, please?”

But his father answered, “No, Derek, we can’t have a pony in the garden, because it’s too small and we haven’t got a field. People who keep ponies in small gardens without a field are unkind. Ponies need a lot of space.”

Derek did not want to be unkind to a pony, so he did not ask his father again.

But then his father got a job in another place, and he and his family left their small house in the town and went and lived in a bigger house in a country. It had a nice garden and a field, and Derek was very happy.

There was a farm near their new house, and there were horses, cows and a few sheep there. Derek went to see him every day. He was five years old now, and he began to think of a pony again.

“My birthday is next month”, he thought. “Perhaps Daddy will buy me a pony then.” After a little time, he began to talk about ponies to his parents again.

Then his birthday came. His parents gave him a few nice presents – but there was no pony. Derek was sad.

But then suddenly his Uncle Tom arrived. He was a farmer – and he had a big pony with him.

“Hello, Derek,” Uncle Tom said, “Happy birthday. This is you birthday present from me and Aunt Mary.”

Derek was a little afraid, because the pony was very big. He looked at it for a few minutes and then he said to his uncle, “Is he for me, or am I for him?”

4.Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple.

1. What you neighbors (to do) yesterday?

2. Mr. Smith (to fix) his car yesterday morning.

3. His wife (to water) plants in the garden.

4. Their children (to clean) the yard and then they (to play) basketball.

5. In the evening their boys (to listen) to long music and (to watch) TV.

6. Their little girl (to cry) a little and then (to smile).

7. Mrs. Smith (to work) in the kitchen.

8. She (to bake) a delicious apple pie.

9. The children (to brush) their teeth, (to yawn) a little and (to go) bed.

10. Their mother (to change) her clothes and (to brush) her hair. 11. They (to wait) for the bus.

12. They (to visit) their friends.

13. They (to dance) a lot there.

14. Mr. and Mrs. Smith (to rest) very well last night.

15. They really (to have) a wonderful time at their friends.

4.Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Last summer we lived in Sochi.

2. She went to school by bus yesterday.

3. They didn't have a history lesson yesterday.

4. You didn't come home in time.

5. Did you have your breakfast at 8 o'clock? - Yes, I did. I had my breakfast at 8 o'clock.

6. Did you walk or take a bus? - I took a bus.

7. What did you see at the Zoo yesterday? -I saw a zebra.
5.Переведите следующие предложения.

1.Когда начался урок музыки? - Он начался в 10 часов.

2.Что вы делали в воскресенье? - Мы остались дома.

3.Кто пел песни вчера? - Девочки. Девочки пели песни вчера.

4.Вчера шел дождь? - Да, вчера шел дождь.

5.Она не взяла свою дочь на концерт.

6.Он говорил по-английски и не делал ошибок.

7.Кому учитель поставил хорошую оценку? - Он поставил хорошую оценку Ане.
6.Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы.


Every nation and every country has its own customs and traditions. In Britain traditions play a more important part in the life of the people than in some other countries. Englishmen are proud of their traditions and carefully keep them up. It has been the law for about three hundred years that all the theatres are closed on Sundays, no letters are delivered, only a few Sunday papers are published. To this day English families prefer cottage houses with gardens to flats in a modern house with central hearting. English people like gardens. Sometimes the garden in front of the house is a little square covered with cement painted green (in imitation of grass) and a box of flowers.

In English houses the fire-place has always been the centre of interest in a room. For many months of the year people like sitting around the fire and watching the dancing flames. Fire places are decorated with woodworks, there is a painting or a mirror over it. Above the fire there is usually a shelf with a clock and some photographs.

Holidays are especially rich in old traditions and are different in Scotland, Wales and England. Christmas is a great national English holiday but in Scotland it is not kept at all except by clerks in banks, all the shops and factories work on this day. But 6 days later on the New Year’s Eve the Scots begin to enjoy themselves. People invite there friends to their houses and sit the old year out and the New Year in. in England on New Year’s Eve a lot of people go to Trafalgar Square, at midnight, they all cross their arms, join hands and sing. People have parties too, they drink toasts to the New Year. Children are happy to have presents.

Four times a year the offices and banks in Britain are closed on Monday. These public holidays are known as Bank Holidays. The British like to spend holidays out of the town in the open air. They go to the seaside or to amusements parks. Londoners often visit the Zoo, outside London they take their families to Hamster Heath (a large natural park). There is usually a big fair with many different amusements for children: merry-go-round, swings, puppet shows, bright balloons.

What is the text about?

What kind of houses do the British prefer?

What British holidays do you know?
7.Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Future Simple/Indefinite. 1. What you neighbors (to do) tomorrow? 2. Mr. Smith (to fix) his car tomorrow morning. 3. His wife (to water) plants in the garden tomorrow. 4. Their children (to clean) the yard and then they (to play) basketball. 5. In the evening their boys (to listen) to long music and (to watch) TV. 6. Mrs. Smith (to work) in the kitchen. 7. She (to bake) a delicious apple pie. 8. The children (to brush) their teeth and (to go) bed. 9. Their mother (to change) her clothes and (to brush) her hair. 10. They (to visit) their friends. 11. They (to wait) for the bus. 12. They (to dance) a lot there. 13. They really (to have) a wonderful time tomorrow.

8.Переведите следующие предложения:

1. Some students will stay in town in summer.

2. The water in the river will be warm in July.

3. Mary and I will go to the country next Sunday.

4. They will be glad to see me.

5. Will you go to the cinema this Sunday?

6. My parents will not work this Saturday.

7. Will you go to a sports camp this summer?

9.Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Когда начнется урок? – Он начнется в 9 часов.

2.Что вы будете делать в воскресенье?- Мы останемся дома.

3. Кто будет петь песни завтра?- Девочки. Они будут петь песни завтра.

4. Она не возьмет свою дочь на концерт.

5. Он будет говорить по-английски очень хорошо.

10. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы.


When people think about of Hollywood, they probably think of the film stars like Marilyn Monroe, Gary Grant and James Dean. Hollywood is the centre of the international movie industry and American movies are distributed all over the world. They are made in English but often dubbed into other languages. In some countries 90 percent of the movies that people see the USA production. Sometimes, a film is not very popular with Americans, but people in other countries like it. The first films were made in Hollywood in 1911.

Between 1930-1945, the five largest Hollywood studios produced most of the movies and owned most of the movie theatres in the USA. Making films is expensive. On the overage, it costs 36million dollars to produce a movie. Some of this goes to pay the salary of well-known movie stars and large sums can be spent on special effects like computer-generated imagery (CGI). Marketing the movie to the public may cost another 17 million dollars or more. To cover these costs film companies receive money for movie theatre tickets and the sale or rental of videos. They also sell CDs of the soundtrack and toys, books or clothes associated with the movie. Indeed, there was a time when Hollywood was the most famous place in the USA, if not the world.

The Hollywood history begins at the end of the l9th century.

1887. A man called Harvey Wilcox bought a large ranch in a district north-west of Los Angeles in California. His wife called the land “Hollywood”.

1902-1904. The first cinemas opened in the USA.

1911. Two brothers from New Jersey build Hollywood’s first film studio.

1912. Film makers from the east coast of the USA came to California, first in small number and then in thousands.

1912. The Hollywood industry was born.

There were several reasons why film makers went to Hollywood. Firstly, there was a lot of space, secondly, California’s warm sunny weather was ideal for making films outside. Thirdly, there was a variety of locations for filming: ocean, mountains, deserts, villages, woodland and rivers.

What is the text about?

When was the first film made in the Hollywood?

What are the main periods of Hollywood’s history?

11.Прочтите и переведите следующие предложения:
1. Many new houses are built in our town every year.

2. I am always given presents on my birthday.

3. Such exercises are usually done by us in class.

4. Are new films shown every week? --Yes, they are.

5. Football is played all over the world.

6. This film is much spoken about.

7.The theatre was built in 1970.

8. The letter was written by him yesterday.

9. Were the exercises done at home? - No, they were not.
12.Прочтите и переведите следующие предложения.

1. Кем было написано письмо?

2. Оно было написано моим другом.

3. Этот интересный фильм будут смотреть во многих странах.

4. Билеты для вас будут оставлены в кассе.

5. Вам скажут об этом.

6. Исследования были \ будут выполнены при помощи ультразвуковых приборов.

13. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы.


It has been well said that every Englishman is an average Englishman: it’s an essential national characteristic.

What is more, no true Englishman would wish it to be otherwise. He prefers his neighbor to be an average Englishman- he prefers to be one himself. He likes what he knows.

To think is not part of the English character. Instead of thoughts, the English have traditions.

The tradition of “the Home” for instance.

Even the French have preferred not to translate this word, but to recognize it as English in origin and spirit by referring to it as “le home”.

Yet how do the English treat “le home” – which is theoretically and traditionally regarded as the backbone of their country?

Their first care is to remove their children from it by second them to a boarding-school almost as soon as they can walk and keeping them there until they are old enough to be sent still farther away.

They speak write and sing of “Home, Sweet Home”, and by this means have built up the tradition that it is a thoroughly English institution. Once tradition is firmly established the thing is done.

Another tradition that is firmly established not only in Britain but in the minds of the rest of the world, is the devotion of the English to animals. Certainly, they will speak with love to and of their dogs and horses, which is more than they will do concerning their friends and family. However the fox, the deer, the pheasant and many others would have but little to say in praise of the animal- loving English if they were consulted.

But by never thinking about it the English firmly believe themselves to be the only nation in the world that is really kind to its animals.

Indeed, the power of believing the English have is almost phenomenal. A very short list of such beliefs comes to one’s mind almost automatically.

Most Englishman is convinced that God is in Englishman.

That England is a finest country in the world.

What is the text about?

Who is true Englishman?

Who is really kind to its animals?
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