Методические указания для организации практических занятий по английскому языку для специальности

НазваниеМетодические указания для организации практических занятий по английскому языку для специальности
ТипМетодические указания
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Тема 20. Искусство.

1.Заполните пропуски словами из рамочки, запишите и переведите текст. Complete the following definitions:
tested - engineering -knowledge – truths- technology - phenomena - creation- practice - experimentation
According to Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary, the definition of science is "……………………….. attained through study or……………………..," or "knowledge covering general……………………..of the operation of general laws, esp. as obtained and ………………….. through scientific method [and] concerned with the physical world." Science refers to a system of acquiring knowledge. This system uses observation and ……………………………. to describe and explain natural………………………... The term science also refers to the organized body of knowledge people have gained using that system. While …………………. is the branch of knowledge that deals with the…………………… and use of technical means and their interrelation with life, society, and the environment, drawing upon such subjects as industrial arts, ………………………, applied science, and pure science.
2.Напишите письмо согласно образцу.

3.Прочитайте приведенный ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 1-7. так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами.

The Rock Wall.


In the morning the colonists took food and weapons and started along the beach toward the south. It was not necessary for one of them to stay behind. Since the arrival of the big box the day before they ____________ no difficulty in lighting a fire.



Not very far from the rock house there were some forest trees, and then a high wall of rock ____________ straight up to a height of about fifty metres. On the other side of in there was a big lake. “Let’s go and see where the water goes out of the lake”, said Jack.



They went round the end of the rock wall. It was a very difficult journey, but at last they came to the side of the lake. The boys tried ____________ fish in the lake, but there seemed to be very few.



Jack ____________ the way.



They heard the noise of ____________ water.


4.Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 1-5. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям A-E, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Выберите вариант ответа.

Worthless Food.

An odd thing has happened when it comes to food. Even though having the best, freshest, most wholesome food possible is one of the most significant considerations of daily life, frequently food does not receive the attention it 1__________. Because of vested commercial interests, greed, convenience and apathy, misinformation about food has made far too many people feel 2__________ about it, believing that anything they can swallow is okay for them. It’s not. You may be 3 __________ to buy someone’s product through advertising, false claims or promises of value. But much of the food is as worthless as eating crushed bricks. Far more ill health can be traced to what people eat than you might expect. The greatest 4 __________ to your health on this planet is not the increase of nuclear weapons, it is processed foods!

There is more devitalized worthless “food” 5 __________ to people today than real, authentic food that is necessary for our sustenance; and we have the food manufacturers to thank.

1 1) draws 2) devotes 3) attracts 4) deserves

2 1) confident 2) aware 3) familiar 4) accustomed

3 1) forced 2) convinced 3) required 4) obliged

4 1) risk 2) warning 3) precaution 4) threat

5 1) suggested 2) proposed 3) offered 4) meant

5.Выберите единственный правильный ответ из четырех предложенных, запишите предложение, переведите.

1.The Library of Congress is situated in __________.

A. Boston

B. Oxford

C. Washington

D. London

2. Margaret Thatcher was __________.

A. a film star

B. the leader of the Labor party

C. the British Prime Minister

D. the Queen of Britain

6.Выберите единственный правильный ответ из четырех предложенных, запишите предложения, переведите.

1. I did it _____ he told me so.

A. but B. if C. because D. on

2. We met some interesting people _____ the party last night.

A. over B. at C. because D. on

7.Выберите единственный правильный ответ из четырех предложенных, запишите, переведите.

1. I am supposed to wear a suit to work but sometimes I come in _____ clothes.

A. sporty B. formal C. official D. casual

2. That is _____ building I’ve ever seen.

A. much modern B. the most modern C. more modern D. modern

8.Выберите единственный правильный ответ из четырех предложенных.

1. I will not _____ any more of your time.

A. take back B. take about C. take from D. take up

2. You’ll _____ tell your parents about Ann’s behavior

A. should B. must C. have to D. had to

9.Выберите единственный правильный ответ из четырех предложенных.

1. For half an hour we watched her _____.

A. dances B. to dance C. dancing D. danced

2. Don’t you know that Alex _____ next month?

A. is getting married B. have got married C. got married D. gets marry

10.Вам дается 20 минут времени на выполнение данного задания.

Представьте, что вы получили от своего англоговорящего друга Колина письмо. Прочитайте письмо, напишите ответ из 100-140 слов, ответьте на все его вопросы и задайте свои 3 вопроса.

Пишите письмо согласно требованиям.

Желаем удачи.

11.Выберите английские эквиваленты для слов, стоящих в скобках:

1. There are (мало) foreign students in our Institute.

a. few; b. a few; с some; d. a lot of

2. Her flat is on the ground floor, (моя) is on the second floor.

a. my; b. me; с mine; d. I

3. Whose map is this? It's (его).

a. him; b. his; с he; d. hers

4. (Кто из) of the students is painting the slogan?

a. some; b. which; с who; d. why

5. Their Institute is in N. street; (наш) is in the centre of the city.

a. our; b. we; с ours; d. us

6. Give me (какой-нибудь) magazine, please.

a. few; b. some; с a few; d. any

7. Say it (повторите), please.

a. again; b. through; с to; d. only

8. Ask (его) about his new flat.

a. him; b. his; с her; d. he

9. (Его) daughter is seven years old.

a. he; b. his; с him; d. her

10. (Ее) parents are pensioners.

a. his; b. her; с she; d. their

11. Tom is telling (нам) about his work.

a. them; b. we; с our; d. us

12. Show (им) the plan of our work.

a. they; b. their; с them; d. as

13. The room is large but (ее) windows are not large.

a. their; b. its; с her; d. our

14. Tell us (несколько) words about your studies.

a. few; b. many; с a few; d. little

15. She is helping (своему) brother with his lessons.

a. my; b. our; с his; d. her

16. There are (несколько) ties in the box.

a. few; b. no; с any; d. some

17. (Почему) are you late?

a. why; b. because; с who; d. what
12.Прочитайте газетную статью и переведите ее.

13.Выберите правильный вариант ответа. Запишите предложение. Переведите его.

1 __________ in the same hotel in New York.

I always stay

I am always staying

I stay always

I have always stayed

2. Joanna ______________ the dinner at the moment.

isn’t cooking

doesn’t cook

hasn’t cooked

isn’t cook

3. __________ my keys?

Where are

Where is

Where do

What is

4. ___________ provides a service to motorists.


Airport hotel

Guest house


5. _____________ is a room with one large bed for two people.

Double room

Single room

Family room

Twin room

6. Commercial hotel provides accommodation for_________.





7. I’ve just have a ________ with the manager.





8. Are you sure there is _____________ with a bath.





10. Do not worry sir! ______ it with me.





11. Luxury hotels ______ the highest international service.




are offering

12. This ____________ the room and breakfast.



is including

does include

13. She often ______ her mother at a hotel.


is helping


does help

14. Well? I think your room is correct, sir. Room 118, _______?

is not it

do not you

does not it

is it

15. Yes, one __________ room.




Тема 21. Социальный английский (15 часов).
1.Выберите правильный вариант ответа и запомните его, используйте при общении на английском языке.

1.What is English for «роскошный отель»

luxury hotel

cozy hotel

spacious hotel

high hotel

2.What is English for «обслуживание»





3.What is Russian for «lounge»





4.What is Russian for «accommodations»





5.Translate the sentence from Russian into English: «Гости обычно заказывают номер заранее.»

Guests usually book a room in advance.

Guests usually take a room in advance.

Guests often book a room in advance.

People usually book a room in advance.

6.Translate the sentence from Russian into English: «Это стоимость за проживание и завтрак».

This rate is for room and breakfast.

This cost is for room and breakfast.

This rate is for leaving and breakfast.

This check is for room and breakfast.

7.Translate the sentence from English into Russian: « I’d like to be a manager»

Я бы хотел стать менеджером.

Я хочу стать менеджером.

Мне нравиться быть менеджером.

Мне бы понравился менеджер.

8.Translate the sentence from English into Russian: « We’ve just met tourists».

Мы только что встретили туристов.

Мы уже встретили туристов.

Мы только что познакомились с туристами.

Мы уже поприветствовали туристов.

2.Сопоставьте две половины следующих выражений, чтобы получилась английская пословица:

A bad workman

blames his tools.

Make hay

while the sun shines.

Too many cooks

spoilt the broth.

Never put off till tomorrow

what you can do today.

The early bird

catches the worm.

East or west

home is best.

3.Сопоставьте следующие выражения с наименованиями учреждений, в которых можно услышать эти фразы:

I only bought these last week and already the heel has come off.

a shoe shop

Could I have a dozen of red roses, please?

a florist’s

Do you have anything to help with a sore throat and a runny nose?

a chemist’s

A large brown loaf and a couple of chocolate doughnuts, please.

a baker’s

I’d like to send this first class and do you have any of those special airmail letters?

a post office

I’m afraid this check-out is only for customers with fewer than ten items.

a supermarket

Could you give me a couple of those avocados and a pound of the mushrooms, please?

a greengrocer’s

4.У вас четыре коротких диалога, обозначенных А, В, С и D.Определите, где происходит каждый из этих диалогов. Используйте каждое место действия из списка 15 только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее место действия. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

1. At the post office.

2.At the booking office

3.At the airport

4.At a restaurant

5.In the hospital






Dialogue А

A: Give me 100 first-class stamps, please.
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