Методическая разработка для выполнения самостоятельных работ по дисциплине огсэ. 03: «иностранный язык» Для специальностей

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ТЕМА: «Путь и балластная призма».

Of all the various materials which are used for ballast broken ballast or broken granite is the most suitable. These materials are however costly. Recently a very effective and much cheaper substitute has been found in blast furnace slag.

In the early days the ballast to be laid on the track was first taken to the site in ordinary wagons and unloaded into heaps spaced at suitable intervals beside the track. Gangs of platelayers armed with shovels then spread the ballast over the track, tucking it under the sleepers until a firm foundation was made. In these days ballast trains are employed. They consist of wagons that can discharge the loose stone directly on to the track through the floors of the wagons. As the engine draws the ballast train slowly forward, a plough like a snow plough, which is fixed in front of the brake van, spreads the ballast thus discharged from the wagons. The platelayers then finish the operation.

  • Broken ballast- щебень

  • substitute ['sʌbstɪtjuːt]/ - 1) заместитель 2) заменяющий игрок Syn: representative 3) замена, замещение 4) заменитель; суррогат

  • blast furnace - домна; ватержакетная печь; печь с форсированной тягой

  • heap [hiːp]/ - груда, куча, масса

  • tuck I [tʌk]/ 1. 1) = tuck in подгибать, подворачивать; подбирать под себя, подсовывать Tuck in your shirt. — Заправь рубаху. 2) = tuck away а) засовывать, прятать

  • discharge [dɪs'ʧɑːʤ] – разгружать

  • brake van ['breɪkˌvæn] - тормозной вагон

Вопросы для самопроверки:

  1. What materials are used for ballast?

  2. How the ballast was laid in the early days? And now?

  3. What is the ballast train?


ТЕМА: «Реставрация зданий».

Restoration of the Annunciation Cathedral should be mentioned among the recent restoration projects, made by the Kremlin Museums. During the centuries, the Annunciation Cathedral had been the Moscow Great Princes' and Tzars' home church.

The most interesting discoveries were made in the underground part of the cathedral ("podklet" in Russian). Here the lower parts of the walls and foundations of the cathedral of 1416 were found.

More than hundred white stone blocks with carved ornamentation or fragments of the mural painting on the surface were found under the northern back steps. Carved white stones previously decorated facades and interiors of the temple. Fragments of the monumental painting of the interior of the cathedral date back to the beginning of 15th century and are attributed by experts as the painting of Rublev's circle.

The Patriarch's Palace with the Cathedral Church of the Twelve Apostles is the most interesting example of the civil architecture of the mid-17th century in the Kremlin. Built by order of Patriarch Nikon, the palace was rebuilt many times.

Restoration of the One-Pillar Chamber in the ground floor of the palace began in 2003. In the course of complex research two wall-stairs leading to the second floor of the palace were revealed. The lost metallic bonds in the interior of the chamber were restored, they strengthened the walls and vaults. After completion of the restoration, the Chamber was opened as an exhibition hall of the museum.

Ivan the Great Bell-Tower was opened to the public in 2005. Unique white stone spiral staircases, initial cornices and white stone rosettes remained in the interior of the Bell-Tower.

Today there is the exposition, dedicated to the centuries-old history of the development of the Moscow Kremlin architectural complex, in the Bell-Tower. Here our guests can see the original architectural fragments of ancient buildings that were destroyed, the ancient Kremlin schemes and images.

The Archangel's Cathedral, Russia’s first state necropolis is one of the most original monuments of  the Cathedral Square.

The white stone Renaissance portals are certainly the most interesting architectural details of the Archangel's Cathedral. Unfortunately, they were heavily destroyed due to the high salinization and bad ecology in general.

Works on the restoration of the unique portals of the cathedral began in 2005 and they are  still going on. White stone details were desalted and the lost carvings were reconstructed. Genuine parts of the central portal were replaced by copies. Later restored columns and pilasters of the portals were transferred to the fund of  the architectural details of the museum.

The restoration works in the South Annex of the Archangel's Cathedral began in 2008. Interfloor overlappings, metal stairs and walls, built in the soviet period were dismantled.  Now we can see again the vaulted roof structure, copper roofs and facades with window openings reconstructed in their previous form. At the north and east walls of the South annex brickwork of the 15th century is demonstrated with fragments of rebuilding of the 17th-18th centuries. Exhibition, dedicated to the history of the famous Ascension Convent, is created as a result of the long-term restoration and research work of the Moscow Kremlin Museums.

Assumption Cathedral, erected by Aristotele Fioravanti, is a unique monument of the ancient Russian architecture. During the last years, the facades and the roof of the cathedral were restored. At the same time, restoration was conducted on the north and south portals, with the replacement of the destroyed white stone blocks in the socle. During the restoration of the portals, new door frames executed in compliance with the existing samples, were built and installed. Old metal doors were also restored.

The facades of the Church of the Deposition of the Robe of the Holy Virgin were also restored in 2014.

The Moscow Kremlin and Red Square form a unique artistic ensemble, a masterpiece of the creative genius of many generations of outstanding artists. Now the world-famous museum, which is visited annually by more than two million guests from all over the world, is situated here.

- cobblestone ['kɔblstəun] булыжный камень, булыжник; крупная галька

- embankment [ɪm'bæŋkmənt ], 1) сооружение насыпи, дамбы, вала 2) насыпь, дамба, плотина, перемычка earth embankment — земляная насыпь road embankment — дорожная насыпь railroad / railway embankment — железнодорожная насыпь Syn: bank , dam , levee 3) набережная Syn: quay , wharf

- carpenter ['kɑːp(ə)ntə]/ 1. плотник, столяр - carpenter's bench

- plasterer ['plɑːst(ə)rə] 1) штукатур 2) скульптор, использующий гипс; лепщик из гипса

- fitter ['fɪtə]/ 1) сборщик, монтёр, слесарь-монтажник engine fitter — сборщик - gas fitter - pipe fitter Syn: assembler 2) закройщик 3) портной, занимающийся подгонкой, переделкой готового платья по запросам клиентов

- smith [smɪθ]/ 1. 1) кузнец smith's hammer — кузнечный молот smith's tongs — кузнечные клещи Syn: farrier , forger , hammerer 2) рабочий по металлу 3) (-smith) как компонент сложных слов goldsmith — ювелир

- gilder ['gɪldə] позолотчик

- overhaul 1. [ˌəuvə'hɔːl]/ 1) тщательно исследовать, изучать; проверять to overhaul tax accounts — произвести проверку налоговых счетов 2) капитально ремонтировать; перестраивать, реконструировать to overhaul completely / thoroughly — полностью реконструировать 3) совершенствовать the government's plans to overhaul the health service — планы правительства по усовершенствованию системы здравоохранения Syn: repair I 2., restore 4) догонять; навёрстывать, нагонять Syn: overtake , catch up

- crumble ['krʌmbl] 1) = crumble up раскрошить, растолочь, растереть (в порошок) Crumble up these pieces of bread and give them to the ducks. — Раскроши эти кусочки хлеба и скорми их уткам. Syn: disintegrate 2) = crumble away сыпаться, осыпаться; обваливаться

- worn [wɔːn] 1. от wear 2. потёртый, изношенный, старый, обветшалый, подержанный, сносившийся Syn: shabby , down-at-heel , napless , second-hand , used , threadbare

- spruce [spruːs]/ I 1) а) ель (Picea) б) древесина ели или хвойного дерева 2) хвойное дерево

- even I ['iːv(ə)n]/ 1. 1) а) плоский, ровный (о местности) even ground — плоская земля Syn: flat , plain б) гладкий, ровный (о поверхности) Syn: smooth в) расположенный на одном уровне, вровень 2) а) ровный, однородный, равномерный (о действиях, процессах, состояниях)

- cover stone - облицовочный камень

- utmost ['ʌtməust]/ 1. ; = uttermost 1) самый отдалённый utmost North — крайний север 2) крайний, предельный; величайший a night of utmost length — самая длинная ночь in a state of the utmost confusion — в состоянии величайшего смятения utmost secrecy — глубокая тайна with the utmost pleasure — с превеликим удовольствием Syn: farthest 3) последний, заключительный

- quarry I ['kwɔrɪ]/ 1. 1) каменоломня, открытая разработка, карьер abandoned quarry — заброшенный карьер marble quarry — мраморный карьер stone quarry — каменоломня to work a quarry — разработать карьер 2) источник сведений

- slab [slæb]/ 1. 1) а) плита; лист, пластина concrete slab — бетонная плита marble slab — мраморная плита mortuary slab — стол в морге stone slab — каменная плита Syn: plate 1., plank 1.
Вопросы для самопроверки:

  1. When Red Square was closed for repairs?

  2. Who was hard at work during restoration of Moscow Kremlin?

  3. What were the phases of restoration of Moscow Kremlin?

  4. What was done to the Lenin Mausoleum?

  5. How many covering stones were restored and replaced?

  6. Where were the new stones brought from?


ТЕМА: «Архитектурное планирование».

Architectural Planning”.

The architect usually begins to work when the site type and cost of a building

have been determined.

Planning the environment. The natural environment is at once a hindrance and a

help, and the architect seeks both to invite its aid and to repel its attack. To make

buildings habitable and comfortable, he must control the effects of heat, cold, light, air,moisture, and dryness and foresee destructive potentialities such as fire, earthquake, flood.

The placement and form of buildings in relation to their sites, the distribution of

spaces within buildings, and other planning devices discussed below are fundamental elements in the aesthetics of architecture.

Orientation. The arrangement of the axes of buildings and their parts is a device

for controlling the effects of sun, wind, and rainfall.

Within buildings, the axis and placement of each space determine the amount of

sun it receives. Orientation may control air for circulation and reduce the disadvantages of wind, rain, and snow.

The characteristics of the immediate environment also influence orientation:

trees, land formation, and other buildings create shade and reduce or intensify wind, while bodies of water produce moisture and reflect the sun.

Architectural forms. Planning may control the environment by the design of

architectural forms that may modify the effects of natural forces.

Color. Color has a practical planning function as well as an expressive quality

because of the range of its reflection and its absorption of solar rays. Since light colors reflect heat and dark colors absorb it, the choice of materials and pigments is an effective tool of environmental control.

Materials and techniques. The choice of materials is conditioned by their own

ability to withstand the environment as well as by properties that make them useful to human beings. One of the architect’s jobs is to find a successful solution to both

conditions; to balance the physical and economic advantages of wood against the

possibility of fire, termites, and mold, the weather resistance of glass and light metals against their high thermal conductivity, and many similar conflicts.

Interior control. The control of the environment through the design of the plan

and the outer shell of a building can’t be complete, since extremes of heat and cold,

light, and sounds penetrate into the interior, where they can be further modified by the planning of spaces and by special conditioning devices.

Temperature, light and sound are all subject to control by the size and shape of

interior spaces, the way in which the spaces are connected, and the materials employed for floors, walls, ceilings, and furnishings.

Today, heating, insulation, air conditioning, lighting, and acoustical methods

have become basic parts of the architectural program.

Differentiation. The number of functions requiring distinct kinds of space within

a building depends not only upon the type of building but also upon the requirements of the culture and the habits and activities of the individual patrons. A primitive house has a single room with a hearth area, and modern one has a separate areas for cooking, eating, sleeping, washing, storage, recreation.

Economic planning. Major expenses in building are land, materials, and labor. In

each case they are high when the commodity is scarce and low when it is abundant, and they influence planning more directly when they become restrictive.

When land coverage is limited, it is usually necessary to design in height the

space that otherwise would be planned in breadth and depth, as in the ancient Roman insula (apartment houses) or the modern skyscraper. When the choice of materials is influenced by cost, all phases of architectural design are affected, since the planning procedure, the technique, and the form of buildings are dependent on materials. High labor cost influence the choice of techniques and, consequently, of materials.
1. hindrance, n –помеха, препятствие;

2. to repel, v – [rI'pel] отражать;

3. moisture, n –влажность;

4. to foresee, v –предвидеть;

5. earthquake, n –землетрясение;

6. flood, n –наводнение;

7. arrangement, n –распределение;

8. axis, n –] ось;

9. device, n –средство;

10. disadvantage, n –недостаток;

11. to influence, v –влиять;

12. to modify, v –видоизменять;

13. to withstand, v –противостоять;

14. mold, n – (зд.).плесень;

15. resistance, n –сопротивление;

16. extreme, n –крайняя степень;

17. to penetrate, v –проникать;

18. patron, n –клиент, заказчик;

19. sacristy, n –ризница;

20. ambulatory, n –крытая внутренняя галерея;

21. commodity, n –предметы потребления;

22. scarce, a –скудный;

23. abundant, a –обильный;

24. otherwise, adv –в противном случае.

Вопросы для самопроверки:

1. When does the architect begin to work on the project?

2. What are the main aspects of architectural planning?

3. What are the fundamental elements in the aesthetics of architecture?

4. What must the architect control to make buildings habitable and comfortable?

5. What is the planning for use concerned with?

6. What are the major expenses in building?

ТЕМА: «Понятие менеджмента. Необходимость менеджмента».

Д.11 с. 196-198 (Мясоедова С.В. 200 английских тем.- Харьков: 1999).

- provide services- предоставлять услуги

- patronize-быть постоянным клиентом

- to make a profit-приносить прибыль

- to maintain the balance- поддерживать равновесие

- stake-доля, вклад

- consider-учитывать

- supplier-поставщик

- efficiency-производительность, продуктивность, прибыльность

- efficient manager-умелый руководитель

- output-производительность

- inputs-затраты

- goals- цели, задачи

- proper steps-надлежащие действия

- effectiveness- эффективность
Вопросы для самопроверки:

  1. When is management needed?

  2. Why is management needed?

  3. What is the objective of most companies?

  4. What can happen, if the firm stops giving service?

  5. What can happen, if there’s no profits?

  6. What should managers do to achieve objectives?

  7. Who are stakeholders?

  8. How do you understand the word “efficiency”?

  9. What manager is efficient?

  10. How do you understand the word “effectiveness”?

  11. What manager is effective?


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