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Ступницкая М. Диагностика уровня сформированности общеучебных умений и навыков школьников. https://psy.1september.ru/article.php?ID=200600712

  • Федорец Г. Ф. Межпредметные связи в процессе обучения. – М: Народное образование, 1985. – 212с.

  • Формирование универсальных учебных действий в основной школе: от действия к мысли. Система заданий: пособие для учителя/ Под ред. А.Г. Асмолова. – 2-е изд. – М.: Просвещений, 2011. – С. 9-10.

  • Якиманская И. С. Технология личностно ориентированного образования / И.С. Якиманская // Библиотека журнала «Директор школы». – М.: Сентябрь, 2000.- №7. – 176 с. 

    Приложение 1

    Программа интегрированного курса английского языка и обществознания

    8 КЛАСС

    Пояснительная записка

    На современном этапе развития человеческой цивилизации перед педагогами встает проблема формирования международноориентированной личности, человека, мыслящего в духе общечеловеческих ценностей, готового к сотрудничеству и общению с представителями стран Европейского сообщества, к повышению уровня своего образования, интеллектуальной культуры, профессиональной квалификации.

    Эта проблема тесно связана с проблемой обновления содержания языкового образования и современных тенденций в языковой педагогике. Новые ориентации в языковом образовании связаны, прежде всего, с культуроведческим образованием обучаемых средствами предмета «Иностранный язык», а это проявляется, в свою очередь, в социокультурном подходе к обучению иностранным языкам, который предполагает наличие междисциплинарного интегрированного языкового образования, учет социокультурного контекста обучения и изучения языка.

    Данная программа интегрированного курса разработана на основе Программы основного общего образования по обществознанию Л.Н. Боголюбова, Стандарта основного общего образования по иностранному языку и Примерной программы основного общего образования по английскому языку.

    Изучение обществознания на английском языке направлено на достижение следующих целей:

    • развитие иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции в совокупности её составляющих речевой, языковой, социокультурной, компенсаторной, учебно-познавательной;

    • развитие личности в ответственный период социального взросления человека, её познавательных интересов, критического мышления в процессе восприятия социальной информации и определения собственной позиции; развитие нравственной и правовой культуры, способности к самоопределению и самореализации средствами английского языка;

    • воспитание общероссийской идентичности, гражданской ответственности, уважения к социальным нормам родной страны и страны изучаемо языка;

    • освоение на уровне функциональной грамотности системы знаний, необходимых для социальной адаптации;

    • овладение умениями познавательной, коммуникативной практической деятельности на английском языке в основных социальных ролях, характерных для подросткового возраста;

    • формирование опыта применения полученных интегрированных знаний для решения типичных задач в области социальных отношений.

    Предметное содержание

      1. Межличностные отношения в семье, с друзьями, в школе; внешность и характеристики человека;

      2. Страна изучаемого языка и родная страна, их культурные особенности; выдающиеся люди, их вклад в науку и мировую культуру;

      3. Природа и проблемы экологии.

    Календарно-тематическое планирование


    Кол-во часов

    Тема урока

    Понятийный аппарат



    Психологический климат в семье

    Семья, психологический климат, семейный долг



    У роковой черты

    Экологический кризис, Красная книга, безотходные технологии; экологическое равновесие, деградация биосферы, экологический порядок



    Бесценный дружеский союз

    Дружба, групповая солидарность



    Политика и политическая жизнь

    Политика, политическая власть, политическая партия, многопартийность; политическая организация, оппозиция



    Итоговое занятие.

    Представление творческих работ в виде презентаций

    В результате изучения данного интегрированного курса учащиеся должны:


    • основные значения лексических единиц в пределах изученных тем;

    • основные элементы содержания изученных тем.


    • приводить примеры социальных объектов определенного типа, социальных отношений, ситуаций, деятельности людей в различных сферах средствами английского языка;

    • оценивать действия людей с точки зрения социальных норм средствами английского языка;

    • осуществлять поиск информации по заданной теме, используя разные носители на родном и изучаемом языке;

    использовать приобретенные знания и умения в практической деятельности и повседневной жизни для:

    • социальной адаптации;

    • полноценного выполнения типичных для подростка социальных ролей;

    • нравственной и правовой оценки конкретных поступков людей средствами английского языка;

    • осознания себя гражданином своей страны и мира.

    Приложение 2

    Тематика интегрированных уроков
    Английский язык и обществознание

    7 класс

    1. Подросток в группе

    2. Подросток и его права

    3. Подростковая культура

    4. Образ жизни

    5. Досуг и отдых

    6. Развитие спорта

    8 класс

    1. Психологический климат в семье

    2. У роковой черты

    3. Бесценный дружеский союз

    4. Психологический климат в семье

    5. Политика и политическая жизнь

    9 класс

    1. Правовая ответственность

    2. Гражданин – человек свободный и ответственный

    3. Нравственные основы любви, брака и семьи.

    10 класс

    1. Власть и политика

    2. Малые группы

    3. Групповая сплоченность. Дружеские отношения.

    4. Антисоциальные группы

    11 класс

    1. Нации и национальности. Этническое разнообразие мира

    2. Межэтнические отношения и национальная политика

    3. Политические системы диктаторского типа. Политические режимы

    4. Демократия

    5. Роль религии в жизни общества

    6. Глобализация

    Английский язык и музыка

    6 класс

    1. Музыка, облегчающая человеку физическую и душевную боль, помогающая в трудную минуту

    2. Сила музыки Сергея Рахманинова

    3. Красота и современность музыки И.С. Баха

    4. Полифония и гомофония – два музыкальных склада, определяющие музыку И.С. Баха и Л. Бетховена

    5. Тема любви и природы в произведении Н.Римского-Корсакова «Снегурочка

    7 класс

    1. Драматический образ в произведении Ф.Шуберта «Лесной царь

    2. Образ веселья и праздника» в произведении М.Равеля “Болеро”

    3. Два вальса - два музыкальных образа в творчестве Ф. Шопена

    4. Образ любви и подвига в произведении М. Глинки “Руслан и Людмила”

    8 класс

    1. Ромео и Джульетта

    2. Джаз и блюз

    3. Beatles, Rolling Stones

    4. Кармен

    Приложение 3

    Методическая разработка интегрированного урока английского языка и музыки в 7 классе

    Тема: F.Chopin. Two waltzes – two musical images/ Ф. ШОПЕН. ДВА ВАЛЬСА - ДВА МУЗЫКАЛЬНЫХ ОБРАЗА»

    Цели урока:

    1. Ввести учащихся в богатство музыки Фредерика Шопена.

    2. Учить детей любить музыку и понимать ее значение в обогащении духовной культуры человека.

    3. Формировать эмоциональную сферу жизни учащихся.

    Техническое оснащение урока: мультимедийный проектор, технологическая карта, запись вальсов №6 и №7 Ф. Шопена.

    «Hats off, gentlemen! A genius!» (Robert Schumann, German composer)

    Ход урока.

    1. Организационное начало урока.

    2. Сообщение цели урока. Демонстрация основных фактов с применением мультимедийного проектора.

    T: Good morning, boys and girls. We invite you to the world of music and English language.

    Look at the screen. Here you see the quotation of the lesson “Hats off, gentlemen! A genius!” That is what Robert Schumann, a great German composer said about the person of our lesson.

    Who do you think he is?

    I will help you. He was Polish, he wrote piano music, and his name was Frédéric. So he is …-Chopin, that’s right.

    We’ll discuss the quote in the end of the lesson.

    So, the topic of the lesson is “Chopin. Two waltzes – two images”. As you see the aim of the lesson is to take a closer look at Chopin’s music, esp. two of his waltzes and to compare them.

    1. Введение в тему урока. Знакомство с биографией композитора. Демонстрация основных фактов с применением мультимедийного проектора.

    Now you see the portrait of the great musician Frédéric Chopin. Before discussing his musical works I’d like you to get acquainted with some facts of his biography. Please read the short story about his life and be ready to name his favourite musical forms.

    Frédéric Chopin has long been recognized as one of the most significant and individual composers of the Romantic age. He composed waltzes, nocturnes, preludes, mazurkas, and polonaises (the last-named two groups reflecting his Polish nationalism). These works link poetically expressive melody and restless harmony to high technical demands. Even his etudes survive as highly appealing concert pieces by emphasizing musical as well as technical values.

    His birth date is a matter of controversy; the town registration of his birth specifies February 22, but Chopin always gave the date as March 1. His father was French, his mother Polish; he was raised in Warsaw by a family that mingled with intellectuals and members of the middle and upper classes, and as a teenager he spent two summers in the country, where he was exposed to Polish folk music. By the age of eight he was recognized as a child prodigy, performing in elegant salons and beginning to write his own pieces. Early on he studied composition with Josef Elsner, then took classes in various other music subjects as well as art and literature at the Warsaw Lyceum. In 1826 he enrolled at the University of Warsaw. He gave his first recital in Vienna in 1829, and over the next few years he performed at home and through much of German and Austria as well as in Paris. Feeling limited by Warsaw's cultural provincialism and uncomfortable with the publicity surrounding his performances there, he settled in Paris in 1832 and established himself as an exorbitantly paid piano teacher. In Paris he composed extensively, but limited his performances mainly to private salons.

    In 1838 he began an affair with French novelist George Sand. The couple, along with Sand's children, spent a harsh winter in Majorca, where Chopin's health plummeted and he was diagnosed with consumption (tuberculosis). Chopin settled in with Sand in France, composing steadily although his increasing perfectionism slowed his output. By the mid-1840s, though, his health and romantic situation both had deteriorated. The affair ended in 1847 after, among other things, Sand had portrayed their relationship unflatteringly in her 1846 novel Lucrezia Floriani. Chopin then made an extended visit to the British Isles, but returned to Paris to die in 1849.

    T: Now read the story one more time, fill in the table in your worksheets and be ready to retell the story.

    1. I am going to tell you about…

    2. He was a

    He went down in history as a

    He gained popularity as a

    He remained in history as a












    3. He lived in the …

    … century

    4. He was born in…

    5. He spent his childhood in…

    6. He studied

    7. He revealed

    He demonstrated

    a talent for



    very early

    8. He began to


    create music

    at the age of…

    9. His works

    brought him a world wide fame

    made him famous

    10. He died in…

    11. We still admire his music

    T: Now I’d like to listen to your stories about Frédéric Chopin’s life and work.

    4. Прослушивание вальсов № 6 и №7 Ф. Шопена.

    T: As you know, waltzes were one of Chopin’s favourite forms of music.

    And today we’ll listen to two of them.

    First will be Waltz #6. Enjoy yourselves. (Первичное прослушивание вальса №6 ре-бемоль мажор, обсуждение произведения)

    1. It’s very short, isn’t it? – Yes, it is.

    2. Is it major key or minor key music? – It’s major key music.

    3. It’s fast, isn’t it? –Yes, it is.

    4. What pictures in your mind while listening to it? – It pictures a dancing hall in my mind. (I imagine a ball in a palace. I see two people waltzing.)

    5. Do you think people can dance to this music? – Yes, we do.

    Now let’s listen to Waltz #7. Enjoy yourselves. (Первичное прослушивание вальса №7 до-диез минор, обсуждение произведения)

    1. It’s longer, isn’t it? – Yes, it is.

    2. Is it major key or minor key music? – It’s minor key music.

    3. Is it as fast as waltz #6? – In some pieces it is.

    4. Do you think people can dance to this music? – Yes, we do.

    T: But in fact, people never waltz to Chopin’s music. It was too fast and complicated. He composed it not for dancing but for reflecting people’s emotions, thoughts and spiritual mood.

    1. Вторичное прослушивание вальсов Шопена. Зарисовка образов.

    T: I think it’s time to listen to the waltzes one more time

    Let’s start from Waltz #6. Most of you imagine people waltzing or alike while listening. But, actually, Chopin composed this waltz watching the dog of his lover George Sand play running after its tail.

    Now enjoy the music and the image.

    T: It’s funny and joyful, isn’t it?

    Now it’s time for Waltz #7. Nobody knows what made Chopin composed it, what he imagined while composing. So you have a chance to feel yourselves great composers.

    Listen to the waltz and try to draw the answer to the problem “If I were Chopin I would imagine…” (Ученики слушают и рисуют то, что им представляется под музыку. Поскольку вальс звучит всего 3.35 мин., можно поставить его дважды)

    1. Подведение итогов. Рефлексия.

    T: Well done, pupils.

    And now let’s remember the quotation of today’s lesson “Hats off, gentlemen! A genius!

    Do you agree with R. Schumann? – Yes, we do.

    As usual, your last task is to write cinquains expressing your attitude to the quote and the topic of the lesson. (Заслушиваются несколько учеников)

    1. Домашнее задание. Оценочно-мотивационная деятельность

    Закончить рисунки и синквейны.
    Приложение 4

    Методическая разработка интегрированного урока английского языка и обществознания в 7 классе
    Тема: Подростковая культура./ Teensculture.


    1. совершенствовать лексико-грамматические навыки речевой деятельности;

    2. развивать память, внимание, способность к догадке, к репродуктивным речевым действиям;

    3. формировать критическое отношение к субкультурам.

    Оборудование: компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, раздаточный материал.

    Ход урока:

    1. Организационное начало урока.

    2. Сообщение темы и целей урока:

    T1. Today we have the third lesson of social studies on English. And as the previous ones this one is on the problem which troubles all of you. So, it calls “Teens’ culture” and the objective is to find out if teens’ culture is different from adults’ culture and if all of you should follow it.

    OK, let’s start.

    1. Активизация ранее изученного:

    T2. We all live in society. We are society as well. We are different. So, our society consists of communities. There are a lot of different communities. But now we are interested only in one: your teen’s community. You are different, aren’t you? Yes. So, your teens’ community (as well as adults’ one) can be divided into a lot of smaller ones. They can unite teens of the same age, sex, nationality, welfare, etc.

    Generally, all teens’ communities can be divided into two: formal and informal. Formal communities have aims, rules, official leaders, system of values, etc.

    Informal don’t have them.

    Now take, please, papers № 2 and looking at the blackboard do the task.

    Put the words into two columns:

    Street gang, chess club, your class, Scouts, theatre club, hippies, a group of friends, national football team, Goths

    Formal communities

    Informal communities

    Q: What community are you in?

    Well done. Thank you.

    1. Изучение нового

    T1 Every society has its culture. What is it? (на экране проектора дано определение культуры по-русски и по-английски)

    Culture: The attitudes, feelings, values, and behaviour that characterize and inform society as a whole or any social group within it.

    Культура: Совокупность материальных и духовных ценностей, созданных человеческим обществом; совокупность таких достижений в определенную эпоху у какого-либо народа.

    So, it’s a little wonder that teens’ community has its culture, too. But it’s more right to speak about teens’ subculture. What is it? (на экране проектора дано определение субкультуры по-русски и по-английски)

    Subculture: A subdivision of a national culture or an enclave within it with a distinct integrated network of behaviour, beliefs, and attitudes.

    Субкультура: Субкультура – система ценностей, моделей поведения, жизненного стиля какой-либо социальной группы, представляющая собой самостоятельное целостное образование в рамках доминирующей культуры.

    Now let’s find out and discuss what makes you different from adults and possibly shows that you are a member of some subculture (Ps: age, appearance, clothing, music we listen )

    Right you are. Let’s speak on your clothing.

    We think it plays a very important role in your life. You like wearing different clothing but

    Q: What makes you wear this or that clothing? (учащиеся отвечают во фронтальном режиме)

    As you know there are different clothing styles and people of different ages prefer different clothing. So, we can say there is clothing for adults, teens, kids, etc.

    Please, take papers № 3 and do the task.

    Put the words into two columns:

    Jeans, a tracksuit, an evening dress, trousers, a leather jacket, a sweater, a suit, a miniskirt, a T-shirt, a pullover, a shirt, a tie, shorts, a nice blouse, a coat, a fur-coat

    Mostly for teens


    Q: What clothes do you prefer?

    Q: Do parents or teachers like your style?

    T2: Music is another important part of your life, isn’t it? There are different kinds of music.

    Q: Can you name some?

    Different music can evoke different emotions.

    Let’s listen to some pieces of music. While listening concern on your emotions and be ready to answer few questions. (подобраны фрагменты музыки классической, из мультфильма, поп-музыка, рок и техно)

    Q: How do you like it?

    Q: Can you call this music “teens”?

    Q: Do you think adults like it?

    OK. Thanks

    IV Закрепление изученного

    T1: Now tell us, please, if a teen wears particular clothing or listens to particular music

    Q: Can we consider him or her a member of a particular subculture?

    Yes, sometimes.

    Of course every subculture has its system of values and beliefs but there are subcultures which are very distinct in the way people dress or music they prefer.

    Some of you classmates have been asked to do projects on teens’ subcultures. Let’s watch them and we are sure you know them.

    But before we start take, please, papers № 4. You have a table and you should fill it in (you may use English or Russian).

    Fill in the table:




    Other features

    So, can we say that their music and clothing tell us about what they are? Yes, we agree.

    T2: But sometimes teens dress casually, they listen to no particular music but they are members of subcultures, too.

    Let’s learn about them. Take papers № 5. Everybody have a description of some subculture.

    In 3-4 minutes be ready to retell you text to your partner. Your partner should guess the name of subculture. Then change your roles. (Don’t forget about the table).

    Read the following and be ready to retell it to your partner:

    1. They are the 'wizards' (persons with extraordinary abilities) of the computer community; people with a deep understanding of how their computers work, and can do things with them that seem 'magical' to express themselves. They do not protest against their parents. The music they prefer is techno as well as industrial music.

    2. They are concerned about and want to improve or protect nature. Usually they join Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth and the like. They prefer non-violent direct actions to solve ecological problems. They do not protest against their parents. The music they like is not aggressive.

    3. These are the folks who use computer-made, synthesized music, and drugs to create massive all-night dance parties in empty ware­houses. They like to be in a collective. They want to test all things that they can choose and are thought to be violent and rebellious.

    Q: Who has listened to about hackers (ravers, environmentalists) rise up your hands.

    Now, to sum up everything you’ve learnt about teens’ subcultures discuss, please, in pairs

    Q: Which subculture do you approve or, may be, disapprove of and why?

    Thank you. Your work has been perfect.

    1. Объяснение домашнего задания и рефлексия

    Д/з: подготовить проекты о готах, хиппи и байкерах;

    дописать таблицу (можно на русском), учебник стр.139-145, § 22.

    Оценочно- мотивационная деятельность.

    Приложение 5

    Методическая разработка

    интегрированного урока английского языка и обществознания

    в 11 классе

    Тема: Глобализация/ Globalization

    Цели: 1. совершенствовать лексико-грамматические навыки речевой деятельности в трех аспектах (чтение, аудирование и говорение);

    2. развивать метаумения:

    а) теоретическое мышление (умение обобщать, систематизировать);

    б) навыки переработки информации (анализ, умение сворачивать информацию, работать с таблицами);

    в) творческое мышление (умение переносить, комбинировать известные способы деятельности с новыми);

    3. формировать критическое отношение к фактам объективной реальности.

    Оборудование: компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, раздаточный материал.

    Ход урока

    1. Организационное начало урока.

    2. Warming up Hello everybody. Today at the lesson we will speak on the theme which is very interesting and very ambiguous (…is very confusing and complex).. But today we want you to name the theme after doing a short survey.

    Take your worksheets and do task #1.

    Activity 1

    Brand names

    1. Do you know what

    kind of products

    or services the

    brand names provide?

    2. Have you ever used these products or services? If yes, how many products or services have you used? Please give a in the boxesbelow.

    3. Where did you

    use such

    products/services ?




    Coca Cola





    1. What does _______ provide us with?

    2. How often do you use __________?

    3. Do you know what country it is made in?

    4. So, what phenomenon makes it possible to live in one country and to use products and services from others? (Globalization)

    Yes. The theme of our lesson is Globalization

    And the objectives are:

    1. to acquaint to the definition for globalization;

    2. to clear up how it affects different spheres of our life;

    3. to discuss its pros and cons.

    Activity 2

    Now let’s look at the screen and read the definitions for globalization in English and Russian as usual

    globalization (also globalisation) [mass noun] the process by which businesses or other organizations develop international influence or start operating on an international scale (oxford dictionary)

    глобализации, ж., мн. нет [от латин. globus – сфера, шар]. 1. Глубоко противоречивый процесс, коснувшийся всех сфер жизни современных обществ: политики, экономики, культуры и искусства, социальной жизни, СМИ, науки. 2. Полит. термин, вошедший в обиход с начала 1985 г., означающий, что США имеют право вмешиваться в войны, идущие в странах третьего мира и в “зонах жизненных интересов” США.

    Большой словарь иностранных слов.- Издательство «ИДДК», 2007.

    To sum up and say it briefly globalization is a close interaction of the world countries in different parts of our life. To know more about globalization and the driving forces behind this process let’s read the text and do the task .

    Activity 3: Reading


    Globalization is an ongoing process driven by a combination of political, economic, technological, and sociocultural forces. The process of globalization since World War II has been driven by the planning of politicians to break down borders hampering trade so as to increase prosperity and interdependence and to decrease the chance of future war. The process of globalization has been further accelerated by the global expansion of multinational corporations and the worldwide exchange of new developments in science, technology and in product manufacturing and design. Hence, the term “globalization” is often used to refer to economic globalization, that is, the integration of national economies into the international economy through trade, direct foreign investment, capital flows, migration, and the spread of technology. However, sometimes the term “globalization” is also used to refer to cultural globalization because many people believe that globalization is driven by the worldwide export of western culture through the new mass media: film, radio, television and recorded music. The development of international transport and telecommunication is another driving force which speeds up the process of globalization.

    What are the driving forces behind the process of globalization? (Fill in the missing words)

    mass media international economic technological sociocultural political politicians distances

    The driving forces behind the process of globalization:

    1. _______________ forces: planning by ________ to break down borders hampering trade so as to increase prosperity and interdependence among nations;

    2. _______________ forces: the integration of national economies into the _____________ economy through trade, foreign direct investment and capital flows;

    3. _______________ forces: the worldwide export of western culture through the __________ such as film, radio, television and recorded music;

    4. ______________ forces: the development and growth of international transport and telecommunication shorten the ________ in the world .

    Well done.

    The next objective of our lesson is to clear up how globalization affects different spheres of our life. Read the second part of the text and find out some major effects of globalization.

    Activity 4

    Globalization has various aspects which affect the world in several different ways. These aspects include:

    1. Industrial globalization – development of worldwide production markets and broader access to a range of foreign products for consumers and companies involving particularly movement of material and goods between and within national boundaries.

    2. Financial globalization – development of worldwide financial markets and better access to external financing for borrowers.

    3. Economic globalization – establishment of a global common market, based on the freedom of exchange of goods and capital.

    4. Political globalization - creation of international organizations to regulate the relationships among governments and to guarantee the rights arising from social and economic globalization.

    5. Informational globalization – increase in information flows between geographically remote locations. (This can also be seen as a technological change related to the advent of fibre optic communications, satellites, and increased availability of telephone and Internet.)

    6. Cultural globalization - sharing of ideas, attitudes and values across national borders. This sharing generally leads to an interconnectedness and interaction between peoples of diverse cultures and ways of life. Mass media and communication technologies are the primary instruments for cultural globalization.

    What are some major effects of globalization?

    Fill in the blanks with words from the box:

    national values global political capital

    financial information cultural governments consumers

    Some major effects of globalization:


    sharing of ideas, attitudes and___________ across ___________ borders


    broader access to a range of foreign industrial products for ___________and companies


    development of worldwide ___________ markets and better access to external financing for borrowers


    establishment of a ___________ common market, based on the freedom of exchange of goods and ___________ .


    creation of international organizations to regulate the relationships among ___________


    increase in ___________ flows between geographically remote locations.

    Activity 5
  • 1   2   3


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