Среднего профессионального образования свердловской области «Уральский государственный колледж имени И. И. Ползунова» практическое пособие по английскому языку

НазваниеСреднего профессионального образования свердловской области «Уральский государственный колледж имени И. И. Ползунова» практическое пособие по английскому языку
1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10

managerial - управленческий

to assess - оценивать

promotional activities - действия по продвижению товара

price discounting - ценовые скидки

placement - размещение

couponing - использование купонов

enhancement - увеличение, улучшение

survey data - данные осмотра, оценки

audits - проверки

advent - появление

coincidence - совпадение

sophisticated -изощренный

prevalent - преобладающий, превалирующий

competitors - конкуренты

extent - зд. масштаб

source - источник

market share - доля рынка

temporary price reduction - временное снижение цен

effectiveness - эффективность

long-term price elasticities -долгосрочная эластичность цен

success - успех

failure - провал

to cancel - отменять

comparison - сравнение
General understanding:

1. How does Philip Kotler define marketing?

2. What is marketing research used for?

3. What is the goal of marketing research?

4. When did marketing research begin as a «formal scientific discipline»?

5. What knowledge does marketing research require?

6. What are basic steps of marketing research?

7. According to the text, how can marketing research be viewed?

8. What are the sources of information of marketing researcher?
1. What is not true about marketing research:

A. Marketing as a formal scientific discipline has its roots in Greece and Rome.

B. Philip Kotler, a prominent economist, defined marketing research as «a social and managerial process».

C. Marketing research began in the early twentieth century.

D. Marketing research requires the knowledge of economists, operation researchers, psychologists and statisticians.

E. The research must understand the location and product class of a certain market in order to understand it.

F. A person working in a marketing research department is a good forecaster.
2. Give definitions to the following:

a) marketing

b) promotional activities

c) couponing

d) tactical activity

e) strategic activity

f) statistical models

g) business economist

h) macroeconomic environment
3. Translate into Russian:

A. Marketing is a social and managerial process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging products and values with others.

B. Marketing research is used to assess the market's response to the firm's marketing inputs.

C. Coincident with this data explosion, the data delivery systems and the techniques used to analyze the data have become increasingly sophisticated.

D. Marketing research can be viewed as an operational or tactical activity and as a strategic activity.

E. Forecasting the success or failure of new product introductions is very important.
4. Find equivalents in Russian for:

a) managerial process

b) promotional

c) activities

d) placement of in-store displays

e) multimedia advertising

f) durable and nondurable goods sectors

g) product class
Questions for discussion:

1. Is it reasonable to use independent marketing research in small business?

2. What skills are of the most use for specialist in marketing?

3. How could marketing research be made less expensive?
Text 3.

Read the text and answer the questions. The text is subdivided into 9 parts, single out the key sentences and make up a summary of each part.


Activities involved in getting goods from the producer to the consumer are called Marketing. The producer is responsible for the design and manufacture of goods. Early marketing techniques followed production and were responsible only for moving goods from the manufacturer to the point of final sale. Now, however, marketing is much more pervasive. In large corporations the marketing functions precede the manufacture of a product. They involve market research and product development, design, and testing.

Marketing concentrates primarily on the buyers, or consumers, determining their needs and desires, educating them with regard to the availability of products and to important product features, developing strategies to persuade them to buy, and, finally, enhancing their satisfaction with a purchase. Marketing management includes planning, organizing, directing, and controlling decision making regarding product lines, pricing, promotion, and servicing. In most of these areas marketing has complete control; in others, as in product-line development, its function is primarily advisory. In addition, the marketing department of a business firm is responsible for the physical distribution of the products, determining the channels of distribution that will be used and supervising the profitable flow of goods from the factory or warehouse.
Give Russian equivalents for the following words and expressions from the text and use them in the sentences of your own:

decision making; pricing, promotion, and servicing, distribution; profitable flow; warehouse; producer, consumer; marketing techniques; final sale; to precede; market research; product development; design and testing; with regard to; availability; to enhance; planning, organizing, directing, controlling.
Tailoring the Product

Merchandise generally similar in appearance, that is, in style or design, but varying in such elements as size, price, and quality is collectively known as a product line. Product lines must be correlated with consumer needs and wants.

In order to develop a line effectively, marketing research is conducted to study consumer behaviour. Changing attitudes and modes of living directly affect the salability of products. For example, the trend to informal dress has changed clothing styles dramatically. The availability or lack of disposable income, i.e. income over and above that spent for basic necessities such as food, shelter, and clothing, affects the buying pattern for so-called luxury products. Similarly, the purchase of durable or long-lived goods, such as refrigerators, automobiles, and houses, may be deferred when the economy is declining and may increase rapidly in periods of prosperity. Staple products, such as food and clothing, tend not to be seriously affected by the business cycle.

The life cycles of products require careful study. Virtually all product ideas lose in time the novelty that initially attracted purchasers of the merchandise. Manufacturers may also accelerate the obsolescence of a product by introducing new, more desirable features. Today consumers expect product innovations and tend to react favourably to new features. Competition between manufacturers of similar products naturally accelerates the speed of changes made in those products.
Give Russian equivalents for the following words and expressions from the text and use them in the sentences of your own:

merchandise; product line; consumer needs; income; basic salability of products, necessities; luxury products; long-lived goods; to decline; staple products; innovations; competition.
Pricing the Product

The two basic components that affect product pricing are costs of manufacture and competition in selling. It is unprofitable to sell a product below the manufacturer's production costs and unfeasible to sell it at a price higher than that at which comparable merchandise is being offered. Attempts to maintain resale prices were facilitated for many years under federal and state fair-trade laws. These have now been nullified, thereby prohibiting manufacturers from controlling the prices set by wholesalers and retailers. Such control can still be maintained if the manufacturers wish to market directly through their own outlets, but this is seldom feasible except for the largest manufacturers.

Attempts have also been made, generally at government insistence, to maintain product-price competition in order to minimize the danger of injuring small businesses. Therefore, pricing decisions are reviewed by the legal department of the marketing organization.
Give Russian equivalents for the following words and expressions from the text and use them in the sentences of your own:

federal and state fair-trade laws; wholesalers and retailers; outlets; product pricing; unprofitable; unfeasible; resale prices.
Promoting the Product

Advertising, personal (face-to-face) selling, and sales promotion are the methods for inducing people to buy.

The primary objective of advertising is to presell the product, i.e. to convince consumers to purchase an item before they actually see and inspect it. Most companies consider this function so important that they have allotted extensive budgets and engaged special advertising agencies to develop their program of advertising. By repeatedly exposing the consumer to a brand name or trademark, to the appearance or package of a product, and to special features of an item, advertisers hope to incline consumers toward a particular product. Advertising is most frequently done on television, radio, and billboards; in newspapers, magazines, and catalogues; and through direct mail to the consumers.

As the costs of personal selling have risen, the utilization of salespeople has changed. Simple transactions are completed by clerks. Salespeople are now used primarily where the products are complex and require careful explanation or customized application. For example, in the typical automobile sale, the salesperson's activities generally centre on negotiating price and arranging terms of payment; the actual product has usually already been presold through advertising.

The purpose of sales promotion is to supplement and coordinate advertising and personal selling; this has become increasingly important in marketing. Often it is necessary to work closely with the dealers who handle a manufacturer's products if the products are to move satisfactorily. Displays must be supplied and set up, and cooperative advertising programs may be worked out. Store clerks should be trained in a knowledge of the manufacturer's products. Often the manufacturer must provide services such as installation and maintenance for a specified time period. On the consumer level, sales promotion may involve special inducements such as discount coupons, contests, a premium with the purchase of a product, or a lower price on the purchase of a second item.
Give Russian equivalents for the following words and expressions from the text and use them in the sentences of your own:

utilization; transaction; customized application; to negotiate price; to arrange terms of payment; dealers; displays; to set up; to work out; store clerks; installation and maintenance; discount coupons, contests, premium; advertising; personal selling; sales promotion; to presell; item; brand name or trademark; package; to incline; direct mail.
Distributing the Product

Some products are marketed most effectively by direct sale from manufacturer to consumer. Among these are durable equipment—for example, computers, office equipment, industrial machinery and supplies, and such consumer specialties as vacuum cleaners, washing machines etc. The direct marketing of products such as cosmetics and household needs is very important. Direct marketing by mail has been expanded to virtually all types of products and services. Working people find it easy to shop in their leisure hours by catalogue, and comparison shopping is made easier because catalogues generally contain extensive product information. For retailers, the use of catalogues makes it possible to do business considerably beyond their usual trading area and with a minimum of overhead. Also important are credit cards, which have made it relatively easy to purchase by mail , telephone or internet even such high-priced items as appliances, electronic equipment, and cameras. Television is a potent tool in direct marketing because it facilitates the demonstration of products in use. Direct sale of all kinds of goods to the public via home-shopping clubs broadcasting on cable television channels is gaining in popularity. Also carving its own niche is telephone marketing, called telemarketing, a technique used in selling to businesses as well as to consumers. Most consumer products, however, move from the manufacturer through agents to wholesalers and then to retailers, ultimately reaching the consumer. Determining how products should move through wholesale and retail organizations is another major marketing decision.

Wholesalers distribute goods in large quantities, usually to retailers, for resale. Some retail businesses have grown so large, however, that they have found it more profitable to bypass the wholesaler and deal directly with the manufacturers or their agents. Wholesalers first responded to this trend by adapting their operations so that they moved faster and called for a lower margin of profit. Small retailers fought back through cooperative wholesaling, the voluntary banding together of independent retailers to market a product. The result has been a trend toward a much closer, interlocking relationship between wholesaler and independent retailer.

Transporting and warehousing merchandise are also technically within the purview of marketing. Products are often moved several times as they go from producer to consumer. Products are carried by rail,truck,ship,airplane, and pipeline. Efficient traffic management determines the best method and timetable of shipment for any particular product.
Give Russian equivalents for the following words and expressions from the text and use them in the sentences of your own:

transporting and warehousing merchandise; timetable, direct sale; durable equipment; leisure hours; to shop by catalogue; retailers; credit cards; to purchase by mail or telephone; high-priced items; gain in popularity; telemarketing; to bypass; interlocking relationship.
Services and Marketing

Services, unlike products, are intangible commodities. A service is the provision of work, accommodations, or ministrations desired by a consumer. Services familiar to most consumers are in the fields of maintenance and repair, transportation, travel, entertainment, education, and medical care. Business-oriented services include computer applications, management consulting, banking, accounting and legal services, stock brokerage, and advertising.

Services, like products, require marketing. Usually, service marketing parallels product marketing with the exception of physical handling. Services must be planned and developed carefully to meet consumer demand. For example, in the field of temporary personnel, a service that continues to increase in monetary value, studies are made to determine the types of employee skills needed in various geographical locations and fields of business. Because intangibles are more difficult to sell than physical products, promotional campaigns for services must be even more aggressive than those for physical commodities. Through extensive promotion, temporary-personnel agencies have convinced many companies that hiring on a temporary basis only in times of need is more economical than hiring permanent, full-time personnel.
Give Russian equivalents for the following words and expressions from the text and use them in the sentences of your own:

computer applications; management consulting; banking; accounting and legal services; stock brokerage; and advertising; to meet consumer demand; intangibles; promotional campaigns; temporary-personnel agencies; full-time personnel; maintenance and repair; transportation; travel; entertainment; education; a medical care; business-oriented.
Marketing Research

Marketing research involves the use of surveys, tests, and statistical studies to analyze consumer trends and to forecast the quantity and locale of a market favourable to the profitable sale of products or services. The social sciences are increasingly utilized in customer research. Psychology and sociology, for example, by providing clues to people's activities, circumstances, wants, desires, and general motivation, are keys to understanding the various behavioural patterns of consumers.

Coupled with applications from the social sciences has been the introduction of modern measuring methods when surveys are made to determine the extent of markets for a particular product. These methods include the use of statistics and the utilization of computers to determine trends in consumers' desires for various products.
Give Russian equivalents for the following words and expressions from the text and use them in the sentences of your own:

consumer trends; forecast; behavioural patterns; measuring methods; surveys, tests, and statistical studies.
Forces Affecting Modern Marketing

An important influence in marketing theory is the continuous and rapid change in consumer interests and desires. Consumers today are more sophisticated than those of past generations. They attend school for much longer; they are exposed to newspapers, magazines, movies, radio, television, and travel; and they have much greater interaction with other people. Their demands are more exacting, and their taste changes more volatile. Markets tend to be segmented as each group calls for products suited to its particular tastes. «Positioning» the product—that is, determining the exact segment of the population that is likely to buy a product, and then developing a marketing campaign to enhance the product's image to fit that particular segment—requires great care and planning.

Competition also has sharply intensified, as the number of firms engaged in producing similar products has increased. Each firm tries to differentiate its products from those of its competitors. Profit margins, meaning the profit percentages made by a business per dollar of sales, are constantly being lessened. While costs continue to rise, competition tends to keep prices down. The result is a narrowing spread between costs and selling prices, and an increase in a business' sales volume is necessary to maintain or increase profit.

The consumer movement, that is, the insistence on reputable products and services by consumer groups, gives every indication of becoming a permanent influence on marketing techniques. Both consumer groups and government agencies have intensified their scrutiny of products, challenging such diverse elements as produ'ct design, length and legitimacy of warranty, and promotional tactics. New legislation has generally defined and extended the manufacturer's responsibility for product performance.

Ecological concerns have also affected product design and marketing, especially as the expense of product modification has increased the retail cost. Such forces, which have added to the friction between producer and consumer, must be understood by the marketer and integrated into a sound marketing program.

Even the way a firm handles itself in public life, that is, how it reacts to social and political issues, has become significant. The public's dissatisfaction with the actions and attitudes of a firm has sometimes led to a reduction in sales; conversely, consumer enthusiasm, generated by a firm's intentional establishment of a good public image or public relations, has led to increased sales.
Give Russian equivalents for the following words and expressions from the text and use them in the sentences of your own.

scrutiny; product design, length and legitimacy of warranty, and promotional tactics; product modification; retail cost; reacts to social and political issues; to be exposed to smth; to suit; to fit; profit margins; to keep prices down; permanent influence.
The Marketing Profession

Perhaps nothing is more conducive to the success of a firm than the image that it conveys of itself to the public. The marketing activities of a company, because they act directly on the consumer, do most to shape this image and thus must be developed with great care. As marketing has become increasingly more complex, a need has arisen for executives trained in the social sciences who also possess statistical, mathematical, and computer backgrounds. Many colleges and universities now have programs designed to train marketing executives. Courses are offered at the undergraduate and the graduate level in such specialized fields as advertising, administrative practices, financial management, production, human relations, retailing, and personnel administration.
Give Russian equivalents for the following words and expressions from the text and use them in the sentences of your own:

background; undergraduate and the graduate' level; administrative practices; personnel administration.
Answer the guestions:

1. Give the definition of marketing.

2. What are the main marketing constituents?

3. Are there factors influencing the salability of products? What are they?

4. What affects product pricing?

5. Where can pricing decisions be reviewed?

6. How can people be induced to buy products?

7. What is known as the primary objective of advertising?

8. Which sources of advertising do you know?

9. What is the purpose of sales promotion?

10. Are there any special inducements, which sales promotion uses on the consumer level?

11. There is a number of ways to distribute products. What are they?

12. Has there been any disagreement between wholesalers and retailers?

13. What is a service? What do business-oriented services include?

14. Why must promotional campaigns for services be more aggressive than those for physical goods?

15. What does marketing research involve?

16. How do social sciences help in marketing research?

17. What do measuring methods include?

18. Are consumers today more sophisticated than those of past generations?

19. What does «positioning» of the product mean?

20. Why are marketing programs so necessary today?
Text 4.

Marketing Plan For Small Manufacturers

Successful marketing starts with you, the owner-manager. You have to know your product, your market, your customers, and your competition.

Before you plan production, you have to decide who your market is, where it is, why they will buy your product, whether it is a growth or static market, if there are any seasonal aspects of the market, and what percentage of the market you will shoot for in the first, second, and third year of operation. Your production goals and plans must be based on and be responsive to this kind of fact finding (market feasibility and research).

In some directories, marketing information is listed according to the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) of the product and industry. The SIC classifies firms by the type of activity they're engaged in, and it is used to promote the uniformity and comparability of statistical data relating to market research. When you begin your market research, you may find it useful to have already classified your products according to this code.

1. Market area

Where and to whom are you going to sell your product?

Describe the market area you will serve in terms of geography and customer profile.

2. Who are your competitors?

List your principal competitors selling in your market area, estimate their percentage of market penetration and dollar sales in that market, and estimate their potential loss of sales as a result of your entry into the market.

3. How do you rate your competition?

Try to find out the strengths and weaknesses of each competitor. Then write your opinion of each of your principal competitors, their principal products, facilities, marketing characteristics, and new product development or adaptability to changing market conditions. Have any of your competitors recently closed operations or have they withdrawn from your market area?

4. Advantages over competitors

On what basis will you be able to capture your projected share of the market. What advantages do your products enjoy over those offered by competitors. Analyze each characteristic. For example, a higher price may not be a disadvantage if the product is of higher quality than your competitor's. Also, the unique characteristics of your product can be the basis for advertising and sales promotion. You should address:

1) Price 6) Ease of operation or use

2) Performance 7) Ease of maintenance or repair

3) Durability 8) Ease or cost of installation

4) Versatility 9) Size or weight

5) Speed or accuracy 10) Styling or appearance
5. Distribution

How will you get your product to the ultimate consumer? Will you sell it directly through your own sales organization or indirectly through manufacturer's agents, brokers, wholesalers, and so on? What will your method of distribution cost you?

6. Market trends

What has been the sails trend in your market area for your principal products over the last 5 years? What dо you expect it to be 5 years from now?

7. Share of the market

What percentage of total sales in your market area do you expect to obtain for your products after your facility is in full operation?

8. Sales volume

What sales volume do you expect to reach with your products?
1. Find the English equivalents to the following Russian expressions:
1. заниматься какой-либо деятельностью 8. простота в обслуживании

2. обеспечить однородность и 9. разнообразие

сравнимость данных 10. конечный потребитель

3. оборудование 11. оптовики

(приспособления, аппаратура) 12. объем продаж

4. осуществимость 13. справочник

5. длительность эксплуатации 14. стоимость установки

6. с точки зрения географии 15. фактические данные-

7. основа для рекламы
2. Find sentences equivalent to these:

1. What is prospective size of the market sector you are going to occupy?

2. Evaluate what share of the market is taken by your competitors.

3. Hindrances (помехи) are provided to the rivals due to the fact that a new competitor appeared at the market.

4. What is so good about your product as compared with the competitors?
3. Find words appropriate to these definitions from those given below:

1. When some product can last for years without breaking down, we can say that it possesses

2. End user can otherwise be called_____.

3. In order to be sold in changing market conditions, one of your product's characteristics must be_____.

4. When a number of things is perfected in a similar manner, we call it_____.

5. A person selling the same products as you do, is called your_____.

6. The people selling products in consignments are called ______ .
versatility, wholesalers, durability, rival, ultimate consumer, uniformity
4. Translate the dialogue.

- Я собираюсь начать свое дело. Мне неинтересен посреднический (mediator) бизнес. Я не хочу продавать то, что уже изготовлено другими. Я хочу быть производителем товаров для здоровья.

- Надо изучить рынок. Боюсь, что вы столкнетесь с большой конкуренцией. Столько фирм занимаются этим. Почему вы считаете, что ваш товар будет лучше чем у других?

- Я смогу обеспечить лучшее качество. Много специалистов в области здравоохранения будут сотрудничать со мной. Помимо этого, у меня есть доступ (access) к более дешевому сырью (raw materials).

- Неужели вы думаете, что ваше вхождение на рынок - потенциальное снижение сбыта у конкурентов? Ваших товаров никто еще не знает. Сможете ли вы захватить намеченную вами долю рынка? Вам придется продавать вашу продукцию слишком дешево.

- Не думаю. Высокая цена может не быть недостатком, если товар более высокого качества, чем у конкурентов.
5. Finish the following relative clauses and translate them. The first one is done for you as an example:

1. Activities they are engaged in are very versatile.

Виды деятельности, которыми они занимаются, очень разнообразны.

2. The share of business you want to capture is ...

3. The products they are going to promote are ...

4. Facilities the firm distributes are...

5. The market research we want to begin is ...

6. The data we have classified are ...

1. You are a small manufacturer. Discuss your advantages over competitors with your partners.

2. Discuss product distribution problems of your firm.

3. Write your opinion of one of your prospective competitors. Discuss it with your friend.

Read the text and give the characteristic of management functions.

Management functions

Management plays a vital role in any business or organized activity. Management is composed of a team of managers who have charge of the organization at all levels. Their duties include making sure company objectives are met and seeing that the business operates efficiently. Regardless of the specific job, most managers perform four basic functions. These management functions are planning, organizing, directing, and controlling.

Planning involves determining overall company objectives and deciding how these goals can best be achieved. Managers evaluate alternative plans before choosing a specific course of action and then check to see that the chosen plan fits into the objectives established at higher organizational levels. Planning is listed as the first management function because the others depend on it. However, even as managers move on to perform other managerial functions, planning continues as goals and alternatives are further evaluated and revised.

Organizing, the second management function, is the process of putting the plan into action. This involves allocating resources, especially human resources, so that the overall objectives can be attained. In this phase managers decide on the positions to be created and determine the associated duties and responsibilities. Staffing, choosing the right person for the right job, may also be included as part of the organizing function.

Third is the day-to-day direction and supervision of employees. In directing, managers guide, teach and motivate workers so that they reach their potential abilities and at the same time achieve the company goals that were established in the planning process. Effective direction, or supervision, by managers requires ongoing communication with employees.

In the last management function, controlling, managers evaluate how well company objectives are being met. In order to complete this evaluation, managers must look at the objectives established in the planning phase and at how well the tasks assigned in the directing phase are being completed. If major problems exist and goals are not being achieved, then changes need to be made in the company's organizational or managerial structure. In making changes, managers might have to go back and replan, reorganize, and redirect.

In order to adequately and efficiently perform these management functions, managers need interpersonal, organizational, and technical skills. Although all four functions are managerial duties, the importance of each may vary depending on the situation. Effective managers meet the objectives of the company through a successful combination of planning, organizing, directing, and controlling.

1. Give the Russian equivalents to these words and word combinations from the text and use them in your own sentences.

To have charge of, basic functions, planning, organizing, directing, controlling, to involve in smth, to achieve company objectives/goals; to evaluate alternative plans, to fit into, to depend on smth, to move on, allocating resources, human resources, duties and responsibilities, staffing, a day-to-day direction, potential abilities, ongoing communication, an employee, to assign, to replan, interpersonal, organizational, and technical skills.
2. Refer to the text from task 10 to help you complete the outline.

A. Planning (= determining overall company objectives and how to achieve them).

1. Managers:

a. evaluate alternative plans before____________________

b. check_________________________________________

Planning is first because____________________________

It continues______________________________________
B. Organizing (=__________________________________)

1. Involves_______________________________________

2. Managers:

a. decide on ______________________________________

b. choose the right person for the right job (=__________)
С. _______________(=____________________________)

1. Managers:


b. __________________=> workers

с __________________=>

2. Effective direction requires_______________________

1. Managers look at:



3. Read the interview and retell it.

Manager: Well, I usually work in my office, of course. I spend a lot of time on the telephone and dealing with the post. I have to report to the General Manager every day to tell him what I am doing and why. I also have to meet the Finance Manager- twice a week- to discuss figures. The sales figures from each of our branches come in monthly, so every month, I have to check them very carefully to see if we have reached our targets. If we are below target, as happens sometimes, then I visit the branch and talk to the Branch Manager about it. I occasionally travel abroad too, when we have international Trade Fairs or important meetings with our parent company.

Reporter: Do you ever meet the customers themselves?

Manager: Oh yes. Quite often. The important customers, such as the Government, always deal directly with me.

Reporter: What else do you do?

Manager: Well, there are the quarterly financial reports to prepare, and once a year we have our Annual General Meeting where we discuss the past year vied fix the targets for the next year.

Reporter: How often do the company’s annual sales figures fall below the target?

Manager: Oh, never!

4. Read and act out the dialogue. Discuss the problem raised in the dialogue. Make a story on the basis of the dialogue.

Mr. Klimov: One hears over and over again that what a modern enterprise needs is a good manager. What do you think of the problem?
Mr. Sage: The importance of a good manager can't be overestimated.
Mr. Klimov: What do you think makes a good manager?
Mr. Sage: First of all high standards of professional knowledge and personal conduct.
Mr. Klimov: What personal traits must a good manager have?
Mr. Sage: A good manager must be flexible, must have confidence in himself and others, and keep a sense of proportion. Besides, he must have a leading ability.
Mr. Klimov: I see, and what professional skills should managers have?
Mr. Sage: Managers must know how to set goals and how to achieve them, how to divide work and how to coordinate the activities of individuals. They must know how to take corrective action if the organization is not, progressing towards its goals.
Mr. Klimov: Management is often called the art of getting things done through people. What's your point of view on the essence of management?
Mr. Sage: The essence of management is to create an environment where individuals, working together, can perform effectively and efficiently. Nowadays managers must be more skilled in handling people.
Mr. Klimov: Yes, managers must understand that human resources are a very important part of any business. The manager's job is very interesting, isn't it?
Mr. Sage: Yes, and given the opportunity I would choose the same career again.


Деловую жизнь невозможно представить без документов. Это может быть письмо(letter), факсимильное сообщение (fax message), докладная (internal memorandum), памятная записка (memo), контракт (contract), рекламация (complaint), пресс-релиз (press-releases), резюме (resume or CV), описание вакансии (vacancy note), повестка дня (agenda), протокол (minutes), счет фактура (invoice) и другие документы.

Business Letters

Деловые письма можно разделить на следующие группы:

1.Information letter

информационное письмо

2. Inquiry/enquiry


3. Offer


4. Request


5. Order


6. Confirmation of order

подтверждение заказа

7. Accepting an order

принятие заказа

8. Reminder (first/seconr/final)

напоминание (первое, второе последнее)

9. Refusal


10. Apology


11. Complaint

жалоба, рекламация

12. Letter of intent

письмо о намерении

13. Advertising


14. Letter of agreement

письмо о соглашении

14. Cover letter/covering letter

сопроводительное письмо

15. Job application

заявление об устройстве на работу

16. Invitation to an interview

приглашение на собеседование

17. Testimonial/ letter of recommendation

рекомендация; характеристика, рекомендательное письмо

Useful Information for Business Correspondence

Три главных правила написания деловых писем – ясность, краткость, вежливость.
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Среднего профессионального образования свердловской области «Уральский государственный колледж имени И. И. Ползунова» практическое пособие по английскому языку iconПояснительная записка 3 Раздел Общая характеристика гбоу спо со «Уральский...
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Среднего профессионального образования свердловской области «Уральский государственный колледж имени И. И. Ползунова» практическое пособие по английскому языку iconГбоу спо со «Екатеринбургский автомобильно-дорожный колледж» журнал...
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Среднего профессионального образования свердловской области «Уральский государственный колледж имени И. И. Ползунова» практическое пособие по английскому языку iconАстраханской области среднего профессионального образования «астраханский...
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Среднего профессионального образования свердловской области «Уральский государственный колледж имени И. И. Ползунова» практическое пособие по английскому языку iconО зачетной книжке для студентов, осваивающих образовательные программы...
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Среднего профессионального образования свердловской области «Уральский государственный колледж имени И. И. Ползунова» практическое пособие по английскому языку iconМетодические рекомендации по производственной практике составлены...
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