Среднего профессионального образования свердловской области «Уральский государственный колледж имени И. И. Ползунова» практическое пособие по английскому языку

НазваниеСреднего профессионального образования свердловской области «Уральский государственный колледж имени И. И. Ползунова» практическое пособие по английскому языку
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consequences - последствия

labour-intensive production - трудоемкое производство -

rival firms - фирмы- конкуренты, соперники

working conditions - условия работы

to have confidence - иметь уверенность

safety standards -нормы техники безопасности

to lack confidence -не хватать уверенности

6. Answer the questions:

1. What is a market economy?

2. What is the mechanism of producing goods and services in a market economy?

3. In what way do changing demands affect production in a market economy?

4. What is the main difference between a market economy and a planned economy?

5. What are the advantages of a market economy?

6. What are the disadvantages of a market economy?
7. Find the Russian equivalents to the following:

1. new advanced products;

2. products which are favoured;

3. they try to make the largest profits possible;

4. provide free or subsidized supplies;

5. produce goods and then advertise heavily;

6. a firm which switches from labour-intensive production to a new one;

7. a decline in the prosperity of the nation

8. Find the synonyms for the words in italics:

businesses owned and run by the state; products and services, which are favoured; at first view; production alters swiftly.
9. Find in the text English equivalents for the following:

1. процветание нации

2. управление экономикой

3. быстро меняться

4. широкомасштабное вмешательство правительства

5. принимать законы

6. конкурирующие фирмы

7. автоматически изменяться (приспосабливаться)

8. быть конкурентоспособным

9. частные фирмы

10. фирмы, принадлежащие государству и управляемые им

11. краеугольный камень

12. иметь серьезные последствии для ...

13. трудоемкое производство

14. сокращать производство

15. быть уверенным в ...

16. не хватает уверенности в ...

17. дорого платить за что-либо
10. Translate into English:

1. В рыночной экономике невелика или очень мала необходимость в планировании, контроле и широкомасштабном вмешательстве со стороны государства (правительства) в экономический процесс.

2. В условиях рыночной экономики изменения потребительского спроса играют заметную роль в формировании политики фирм.

3. Чтобы быть конкурентоспособными и увеличивать доходы, фирмы должны постоянно изучать спрос и менять свою деятельность в ответ на его изменения.

4. Чем более модный товар, тем более высокую цену надо за него платить.

5. Некоторые виды услуг, например здравоохранение и образование, не могут быть полностью обеспечены только частными фирмами.

6. Рыночная экономика характеризуется частной собственностью на ресурсы и использованием системы рынков и цен для управления экономической деятельностью.

7. В такой системе каждый ее участник волен преследовать свои собственные интересы; каждая экономическая единица стремится получить наибольший возможный доход на основе индивидуального принятия решений.
Text 3.

Mixed economics

Command and market economies both have significant faults. Partly because of this, an intermediate system has developed, known as mixed economies.

A mixed economy contains elements of both market and planned economies. At one extreme we have a command economy, which does not allow individuals to make economic decisions, at the other extreme we have a free market, where individuals exercise considerable economic freedom of choice without any government restrictions. Between these two extremes lies a mixed economy. In mixed economies some resources are controlled by the government whilst others are used in response to the demands of consumers.

Technically, all the economies of the world are mixed. Some countries are nearer to command economies, while others are closer to free market economies.

The aim of mixed economies is to avoid the disadvantages of both systems while enjoying the benefits that they both offer. So, in a mixed economy the government and the private sector interact in solving economic problems. The state controls the share of the output through taxation and- transfer payments and intervenes to supply essential items such as health, education and defence, while private firms produce cars, furniture, electrical items and similar, less essential products.

The UK is a country with mixed economy. Some services are provided by the state (for example, health care and defence) whilst a range of privately owned businesses offer other goods and services.

significant faults - значительные недостатки

at one extreme... at the other extreme - на одном полюсе... на другом

to exercise considerable economic freedom of choice — иметь значительную экономическую свободу выбора

restriction — ограничение

whilst [wailst] = while в то время как, пока

state-controlled industry — промышленность, контролируемая государством to avoid disadvantages — избегать недостатков

to enjoy the benefits — иметь преимущества, пользоваться преимуществами to interact — взаимодействовать

to solve economic problems— решать экономические проблемы

a share of the output - доля объеме производства

essential items — товары и услуги первой необходимости

a range of businesses - зд. ряд компаний, фирм

11. Answer the questions:

1. Do really pure examples of planned and market economies exist in the world?

2. What is a mixed economy? What is its aim?

3. What type of economy has the UK?

4. What type of economy is in Russia now?
12. Find Russian equivalents to the following:
an intermediate system has developed;

to supply essential items;

the government controls a share of the output
13. Find synonyms to the words in italics:
significant faults,

a range of products;

whilst others are used

in response to the demands of consumers
14. Find in the text English equivalents for the following:

1) избегать недостатков

2) частный сектор

3) налогообложение

4) централизованно принимать экономические решения

5) на одном полюсе — на другом ...

6) без ограничений

7) взаимодействовать в решении проблем

8) пользоваться благами

9) правительство, возглавляемое ...
15. Translate into English:

1. В реальной действительности экономические системы находятся где-то между чисто рыночной и плановой экономикой. Смешанная экономика — это система, при которой частная собственность и рынок, а также правительство и общественные институты, энергично участвующие в обеспечении экономической стабильности и перераспределении доходов, взаимодействуют в решении экономических проблем.


Text 1.

It is impossible to speak about marketing without understanding what “needs and wants” mean. So let’s begin with the definition of needs and wants. A need occurs when a person feels physiologically deprived of basic necessities like food, clothing, and shelter. A want is a felt need that is shaped by a person’s knowledge, culture, and personality. Effective marketing, in the form of creating an awareness of good product at convenient locations, can clearly shape a person’s wants.

Marketing is the performance of business activities connected with the flow of goods and services from producers to consumers. Marketing includes the following operations: transporting, storing, pricing, and selling goods. The most important thing in marketing is finding out who the customers are and what they want. Marketing is the process of having the right product at the right time in true right place, the process that brings mutual benefit to customers and vendors.

Transporting means carrying goods from the place of their production to the place of their selling.

Storing is necessary because the consumer desires to buy goods without waiting.

Pricing involves the art of determining what price is the best.

Selling involves helping consumers to discover their needs. Marketers should inform potential buyers of where goods can be bought and how much they cost.

Marketing research is also very important. The following steps are in marketing research: defining the problem, collecting data, compiling data and analyzing the results, advertising.

Marketing operations are very expensive and one should consider the value added through marketing. Marketing becomes too costly only when cost exceeds the value it adds.
1. Ответьте на вопросы.

  1. What process is marketing?

  2. What operations does marketing include?

  3. What is the most important thing in marketing?

  4. What are the main steps in making research?

  5. When does marketing become too costly?

2. Найдите соответствия.

1. business activity

a. выяснить потребности

2. the flow of goods

b. нужный товар

3. to sell goods

c. продавать товары

4. mutual benefits

d. от производителя к покупателю

5. marketing research

e. обоюдная выгода

6. to compile data

f. потребители товаров

7. to define the problem

g. определить проблему

8. from producer to consumer

h. изучение рынка сбыта

9. the fight product

i. собирать данные

10. to discover one’s needs.

j. деловая активность

3. Закончите предложения и переведите их на русский язык.

1. Marketing is the performance of business activities connected with …

2. Marketing includes …

3. Marketing is the process of...

4. Marketing research steps are as follows: …

5. Marketing operators are very …
4. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

  1. Маркетинг - это деятельность, связанная с прохождением товаров и услуг от производителя к потребителю.

  2. Маркетинг включает в себя такие операции, как транспортировка, складирование, ценообразование и продажа товаров.

  3. Наличие нужного товара в нужном месте в нужное время приносит обоюдную выгоду покупателям и продавцам.

  4. Важную роль в маркетинге играют таки факторы, как определение проблемы, сбор данных, анализ результатов, а также реклама.

  5. Иногда маркетинговые исследования слишком дорогие.

5. Прочтите, переведите и выучите следующие определения.

To buy – to get something by paying money for it.

Consumer – someone who buys and uses products and services.

Goods – things that are produced in order to be sold.

To sell – to give something to someone in exchange for money.

Vendor – someone who sells things, especially on the street.
6. Заполните пропуски данными словами: goods, consumer, vendor, buy, sell. Предложения переведите.

  1. There will be tax increases on a range of … and services.

  2. It will offer a wider choice of goods for the … .

  3. He bought a copy from a newspaper … .

  4. It’s much cheaper … in bulk.

  5. I won’t sell my shares.

7. Составьте предложения на английском языке, используя слова и словосочетания из упражнения 6.

Text 2

Defining marketing

A prominent economist Philip Kotler defines marketing as «a social and managerial process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging products and values with others.» Marketing research is used to assess the market's response to the firm's marketing inputs which include promotional activities such as price discounting, placement of in-store displays, multimedia advertising, and couponing; expanding distribution; and product development and enhancement. The goal of marketing research is to assist the firm in determining the most effective, i.e. most profitable, mix of marketing inputs given knowledge of the marketplace.

As a formal scientific discipline marketing research began in the early twentieth century with most analyses being based on survey data. In the 1930s, the A. C. Nielsen Company began collecting in-store data using manual audits. Today, with the advent of scanning technology, the amount of timely data available from stores and household panels has grown exponentially. Coincident with this data explosion, the data delivery systems and the techniques used to analyze the data have become increasingly sophisticated. Marketing research is an integral part of organizations in both the consumer durable and nondurable goods sectors, and.in recent years the use of marketing principles has become increasing prevalent among nonprofit and government sectors.

Marketing research is interdisciplinary requiring the knowledge of economists, operations researchers, psychologists, and statisticians. For the economist, the economic theory of consumer behavior and the theory of the firm provide basic building blocks. Marketing research can be viewed as an operational or tactical activity and as a strategic activity. Although both activities require knowledge of the workings of the marketplace at both the macroeconomic and microeconomic levels, tactical -analyses focus on monitoring a product's performance and testing the effectiveness of marketing programs relative to competitors. Strategic research involves selecting and optimizing marketing opportunities.

In order to understand the marketplace, the researcher must define the market in terms of both the geographic unit and the product class and collect data. Data on consumer purchases permit an analyst to determine what was sold and how particular brands performed relative to each other. In addition to sales and price information. causal data assist the analyst in understanding the reason that sales took place. Examples of causal data are -newspaper advertising, which indicates the extent of retailer advertising support, display activity, and coupon ads. Another important source of information for understanding the source of sales is television advertising. Measuring the effects of television advertising is relatively difficult owing to the dynamic effects such advertising has on consumer behavior, however.

Once the data are collected, the analyst may choose to evaluate the information by simply looking at the raw series together over time or compute straightforward measures such as market share in order to arrive at a qualitative assessment of market activity. Statistical models might be estimated in order to address issues such as temporary price reduction, effectiveness, the extent of cannibalization due to promotional activity, i.e. the extent to which sales of one specific product decline as a result of promoting another similar product produced by the same manufacturer, the competitive effects of promotions, differences between markets, competitive pricing points, and long-term price elasticities.

Forecasting is an activity likely to be undertaken by a business economist working in a marketing research department. Conventionally, business economists have been responsible for producing forecasts for the macroeconomic environment or for activity within industry groups. More recently, forecasting movements in mature product categories, in segments within categories, and in brands has increased in importance.

Forecasting the success or failure of new product introductions is also important. New product introductions require a considerable amount of a firms resources, and failure to read the marketplace correctly and early in the development process can lead to costly errors. The development of a new brand begins with the identification of new market opportunities. Consumer survey research directed at identifying the market response to the brand concept and elements of the marketing mix, e.g., pricing, is typically conducted. On the basis of the survey a firm may decide to continue with the development plans for the brand, revise current plans in response to the survey results and retest, or cancel development plans completely. Comparisons may also be made between attitudes toward the new concepts and existing products.

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Среднего профессионального образования свердловской области «Уральский государственный колледж имени И. И. Ползунова» практическое пособие по английскому языку iconПояснительная записка 3 Раздел Общая характеристика гбоу спо со «Уральский...
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