Учебник в двух частях Часть 2 2-е издание, исправленное и дополненное Допущено Министерством образования и науки РФ в качестве учебника для студентов высших учебных заведений, обучающихся по нелингвистическим специальностям Издательство «мгимо-университет»

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НазваниеУчебник в двух частях Часть 2 2-е издание, исправленное и дополненное Допущено Министерством образования и науки РФ в качестве учебника для студентов высших учебных заведений, обучающихся по нелингвистическим специальностям Издательство «мгимо-университет»
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Wimbush ['wImbuS] Georgiana [LdGO:dGI'Q:nR]

Emmeline ['emIli:n] Caroline ['kWrRlaIn]

appetite ['WpItaIt] comment ['kOmRnt]

spiritual ['spIrItjuRl] extraordinarily [Iks'trO:dn(R)rIlI]

romantic [rou'mWntIk] poetical [pou'etIkRl]

surroundings [sR'raundINz] olive ['OlIv]

jealous ['dGelRs] climb [klaIm]

bowl [boul] nervous ['nR:vRs]

* * *

Three Lovely Lapiths

(After Aldous Huxley)

It was in spring that George Wimbush first made the acquaintance of the "three lovely Lapiths", as they were always called. He was then a young man of twenty-two. He had been educated at Harrow and Christ Church, he enjoyed hunting and all other field sports. The lovely Lapiths (Georgiana, the eldest, and the twins, Emmeline and Caroline) did not fail to impress him.

At this first meeting the twins asked him what he thought of the latest French poetry. But what was worse was the question with which Georgiana opened her conversation with him. "In music," she asked, "are you a classicist or a transcendentalist?" George did not lose his presence of mind. He knew that he hated anything classical, and he replied, "I am a transcendentalist." Georgiana smiled. "I am glad," she said; "so am I. You went to hear Paganini last week, of course." She closed her eyes. "Do you know anything more transcendental than that?" "No," said George, "I don't." He decided that after all it would be wiser not to say anything else.

George followed up this first introduction by paying a call on the young ladies and their mother. After asking him several questions about his financial position, character, and family, Lady Lapith asked him to dine. At this first dinner, George's partner was Emmeline. They talked of Nature. He noticed with surprise that Miss Emmeline's appetite was poor, that it didn't, in fact, exist. Two spoonfuls of soup, no bird, no meat, and three grapes—that was her whole dinner. He looked from time to time at her two sisters; Georgiana and Caroline waved away whatever was offered them, shutting their eyes and turning their faces away from the offered dish, as though the veal and the trifle, were revolting to the sight and smell. George commented on the sisters' lack of appetite.

"Please, don't talk to me of eating," said Emmeline. "We find it so unspiritual, my sisters and I. One can't think of one's soul while one is eating."

"But one must live," George argued. "Alas!" Emmeline said. "One must. Death is very beautiful, don't you think?" George looked at her with some surprise. She was pale, but she looked extraordinarily healthy, and so did her sisters. Perhaps if you were really spiritual you needed less food. He, clearly, was not spiritual.

After this he saw them quite often. They all liked him. True, he was not very romantic or poetical; but he was such a pleasant, kind-hearted young man, that one couldn't help liking him. For his part, he thought them wonderful, especially Georgiana. For they needed protection; they were too spiritual for this world. They never ate, they were always pale, they talked much and lovingly of death. Of the three Georgiana ate least, talked most of death, and was the palest.

She managed, however, to live through the season, and that in spite of the numerous balls and other parties of pleasure which she never failed to attend. In the middle of July the whole household moved down to the country. George was invited to spend the month of August at Crome.

On the list of visitors there were the names of two young men of title. George had hoped that country air and natural surroundings would restore to the three sisters their appetites. He was mistaken. For dinner, the first evening, Georgia­na ate only an olive and half a peach. She was as pale as ever.

The days passed in a round of pleasures. George alone was unhappy. Lord Timpany was courting Georgiana. George looked on and felt jealous.

One morning he returned to the house alone. The young men were outside; their cries and laughter were making the quiet house seem lonelier and more silent. The lovely sisters and their mamma were still in their rooms; usually they did not make their appearance till luncheon. Sitting in the hall George was lost in thought. At any moment she might die; at any moment she might become Lady Timpany. It was terrible, terrible.

The clock struck twelve. On the last stroke a little maid, holding a large covered tray, went out of the door that led from the kitchen regions into the hall. From his deep armchair George watched her walk across the room and stop in front of what seemed a panel. To George's astonishment, a little door opened, showing the foot of a staircase. Turning sideways in order to get her tray through the narrow opening, the little maid went in closing the door behind her. A minute later the door opened again and the maid, without her tray, hurried back across the hall and disappeared in the direction of the kitchen. Five minutes later George found himself standing in front of the secret door. He looked inside. Where did the staircase lead? He began to climb the stairs. What he was doing, he told himself, was extremely ungentlemanly. One turn more and he stopped at a door. He turned the handle and stepped into the room. There he stopped, shocked by what he saw.

In the middle of a sunny little room stood a small table. Cold chicken, a bowl of fruit, a great ham, plum-pudding, and a bottle of wine were on the table. And round the table sat the three sisters, the three lovely Lapiths—eating! Georgiana, who sat facing the door, looked at him with dark, enormous eyes. In her right hand she was holding a drumstick of a chicken. For what seemed a very long time, George and the three sisters looked at one another in silence. Then suddenly Georgiana dropped her chicken bone. George turned and rushed out of the room and down the stairs. He came to a standstill in the hall, and there he began to laugh.

At luncheon it was noticed that the sisters ate a little more than usual. "I feel a little stronger today," Georgiana said to Lord Timpany, when he congratulated her on this increase of appetite; "a little more material," she added, with a nervous laugh. Looking up, she caught George's eye, blushed, and looked away.

In the garden that afternoon they found themselves for a moment alone. "You won't tell anyone, George? Promise you won't tell anyone," she asked. "I will," said George. "I'll tell everyone, unless..." "It's blackmail," protested Georgiana. "I don't care," said George. "I'll give you twenty-four hours to decide."

Lady Lapith was disappointed, of course; she had hoped for a title. But George, after all, wasn't so bad. They were married at the New Year.

1. to fail – 1. потерпеть неудачу; не сбываться, не удаваться: e.g. All our plans failed. 2. подводить, не оправдывать ожиданий: e.g. As usual he failed me at the last minute. / to fail an exam – проваливаться на экзамене: e.g. He failed an exam in French. / to fail to do sth – не суметь, оказаться неспособным, не быть в состоянии что-либо сделать: e.g. We failed to arrive in time. / failure ['feIljR] – 1. неудача, неуспех, провал: e.g. His plans ended in failure. 2. неудачник: e.g. As a writer, he was a complete failure.

2. poor [puR] 1. бедный, неимущий: e.g. He was too poor to buy a bicycle for his children. 2. недостаточный, скудный, плохой: e.g. The farmers had a poor crop of beans last year. 3. плохой, слабый, низкого качества: e.g. He is still in poor health after his illness.
3. lack (of sth) – недостаток, нехватка; отсутствие; нужда: e.g. She showed a complete lack of interest in her studies. / for lack of sth – из-за недостатка чего-то: e.g. He felt tired for lack of sleep. / to lack sth – испытывать недостаток, нуждаться, не иметь чего-то: e.g. Tom lacked the courage ['kArIdG] to tell the truth.
4. restore [rIs'tO:] - 1. возвращать (на прежнее место): e.g. The statue was restored to its old place. 2. реставрировать, восстанавливать: e.g. He has a job restoring paintings for a museum. 3. возрождать: e.g. Old customs and traditions are being carefully restored in Wales. / restoration – реставрация, восстановление: e.g. She specializes in the cleaning and restoration of old paintings. Activists are demanding the restoration of democracy.
5. round (noun)– 1. ряд, цикл, серия: e.g. His stay in London was one continual round of parties. / 2. очередная порция спиртного: e.g. They bought another round of drinks.
6. to appear [R'pIR] – 1. появляться, показываться: e.g. A car appeared over the hill. (ant. to disappear – исчезать) 2. выступать (об актере, лекторе, музыканте); исполнять роль: e.g. He is currently appearing in Hamlet at the National Theatre. 3. появляться в печати, издаваться: e.g. The young writer’s new book appeared last month. / appearance [R'pIRrRns]– 1. внешний вид, внешность, наружность: e.g. She has a charming appearance. 2. появление (в поле зрения): e.g. Julie’s sudden appearance in the doorway startled me. (ant. disappearance – исчезновение)
7. to direct [d(a)I'rekt] – 1. руководить, управлять: e.g. He directed the building of the new bridge. 2. направлять, показывать дорогу: e.g. Can you direct me to the railway station? 3. режиссировать, ставить спектакль, снимать фильм: e.g. Who directed that new Italian film? / director – 1. директор: e.g. She is on the board of directors. [NOTE that the English for ‘директор школы’ is headmaster / headmistress (in a private school), head teacher (in a state school) or principal (Amer.)] 2. режиссер(-постановщик): e.g. Alfred Hitchhock, the famous film director, made the first British talking picture in 1929. / direction – 1. направление: e.g. Are you sure we are going in the right direction? / in the direction of – по направлению к: e.g. We drove off in the direction of the mountains. 2. руководство, управление: e.g. Peter was responsible for the general direction of the project.
8. to lead (led, led) – 1. вести, показывать путь: e.g. She led the blind man down the stairs. 2. вести, приводить: e.g. Where does this road lead? 3. возглавлять, управлять, руководить: e.g. She has been chosen to lead the cricket team. 4. вести (какой-то образ жизни): e.g. It turned out that Mr. Blunt had been leading a double life. / leader – 1. руководитель, вождь, глава, командир, лидер, вожатый: e.g. He has always been a born leader. / leading – ведущий, выдающийся: e.g. He was one of the leading composers of his time. 2. главный, основной: e.g. She played a leading role in the country’s independence movement. / to play the leading part – играть, исполнять главную роль: e.g. Who played the leading part in the new stage version of Mary Stuart?

9. to congratulate [kRn'grWtjuleIt] sb on/upon sth – 1. поздравлять кого-то с чем-то (каким-то событием, успехом, достижением, к которому данное лицо имеет непосредственное отношение): e.g. We congratulated her on the birth of her daughter. [Note that the English for “Поздравляю с днем рождения” is “Many happy returns of the day!” and “Happy birthday to you”; the English for “Поздравляю с Рождеством и Новым годом!” is “Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!” / congratulation(s) – 1. поздравление (-ия): e.g. Please give her my congratulations when you see her. / a letter (a message) of congratulation_ or a letter (a message) of greetings – поздравительное послание: e.g. We had thousands of letters of congratulation. 2. (иронич.) “Поздравляю!”: e.g. Well, you’ve failed your exam again. Congratulations! / to greet sb – приветствовать кого-то: e.g. The Prime Minister greeted the US President at the airport. / to wish sb sth – желать кому-то чего-то: e.g. I wish you luck! I wish you all a very merry Christmas!


cannot / could not help doing sth – не может / не мог (удержаться, чтобы) не сделать что-то: e.g. the story was so funny that the children couldn’t help laughing.
to find oneself – оказаться: e.g. he found himself in a difficult situation – он оказался в трудном положении


49. Answer the questions.

1. What kind of man was John Wimbush when he first met the three lovely Lapiths? What was his origin? 2. Why did the questions asked by the Lapith ladies bewilder George? How did he get out of trouble? 3. Why did the young ladies ask such questions at their first meeting? 4. What inquiries did Lady Lapith make before inviting George to dinner? Why did she do it? 5. What strange thing did George notice at the first dinner at Lady Lapith’s? How did the young ladies explained their lack of appetite? 6. How was George received in the family? What did everybody think about him? 7. Which of the sisters did George like most of all? What attracted him in Georgiana? 8. How did Georgiana spend the season? Did it affect her health in any way? 9. Where did the family move down in August? 10. Did the country air and the natural surroundings improve the ladies’ appetite? 11. What was the usual daily routine at Crome? Why did George start feeling worried and even jealous? 12. What did George notice one day sitting in the hall? 13. Why did he go up the secret staircase? It was most ungentlemanly, wasn’t it? 14. What did he see when he entered the secret room? Why did George begin to laugh when he reached the hall? 15. Why did the sisters eat more than usual at dinner? How did Georgiana explain it to Lord Timpany? 16. How did George manage to make Georgiana marry him? Was he ashamed of blackmailing the young lady? Why not? 17. Why did the Lapith sisters pretend to be very delicate and why did they never eat anything in public? What other means do young people resort to in order to attract the attention of the opposite sex?
50. Find the Russian for


hunting; field sports; did not fail to impress him; presence of mind; to wave away sth; revolting to the sight and smell; spiritual; extraordinarily healthy; one couldn’t help liking him; for his part; two young men of title; natural surroundings; a round of pleasures; to make one’s appearance; kitchen regions; a bowl of fruit; to come to a standstill; to catch sb’s eye; to look away; I don’t care.
51. Give the English for:
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Учебник в двух частях Часть 2 2-е издание, исправленное и дополненное Допущено Министерством образования и науки РФ в качестве учебника для студентов высших учебных заведений, обучающихся по нелингвистическим специальностям Издательство «мгимо-университет» iconУчебник допущено Министерством образования Российской Федерации в...
Учебник предназначен для студентов, магистрантов, аспирантов, изучающих политические и психологические науки

Учебник в двух частях Часть 2 2-е издание, исправленное и дополненное Допущено Министерством образования и науки РФ в качестве учебника для студентов высших учебных заведений, обучающихся по нелингвистическим специальностям Издательство «мгимо-университет» iconКривцун О. А. К 82 Эстетика: Учебник
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Учебник в двух частях Часть 2 2-е издание, исправленное и дополненное Допущено Министерством образования и науки РФ в качестве учебника для студентов высших учебных заведений, обучающихся по нелингвистическим специальностям Издательство «мгимо-университет» iconОсновы маркетинга
Рекомендовано Министерством общего и профессионального образования Российской Федерации в качестве учебника для студентов высших...

Учебник в двух частях Часть 2 2-е издание, исправленное и дополненное Допущено Министерством образования и науки РФ в качестве учебника для студентов высших учебных заведений, обучающихся по нелингвистическим специальностям Издательство «мгимо-университет» iconУчебник для вузов
Министерством общего и профессионального образования Российской Федерации в качестве учебника для студентов высших учебных заведений,...

Учебник в двух частях Часть 2 2-е издание, исправленное и дополненное Допущено Министерством образования и науки РФ в качестве учебника для студентов высших учебных заведений, обучающихся по нелингвистическим специальностям Издательство «мгимо-университет» iconТ. В. Кузнецовой Допущено Министерством образования Российской Федерации в качестве
Допущено Министерством образования Российской Федерации в качестве учебника для студентов высших учебных заведений

Учебник в двух частях Часть 2 2-е издание, исправленное и дополненное Допущено Министерством образования и науки РФ в качестве учебника для студентов высших учебных заведений, обучающихся по нелингвистическим специальностям Издательство «мгимо-университет» iconМетодические основы управления ит-проектами Учебник Допущено Учебно-методическим...
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Учебник в двух частях Часть 2 2-е издание, исправленное и дополненное Допущено Министерством образования и науки РФ в качестве учебника для студентов высших учебных заведений, обучающихся по нелингвистическим специальностям Издательство «мгимо-университет» iconУчебник психология и этика делового общения
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Учебник в двух частях Часть 2 2-е издание, исправленное и дополненное Допущено Министерством образования и науки РФ в качестве учебника для студентов высших учебных заведений, обучающихся по нелингвистическим специальностям Издательство «мгимо-университет» iconРадиожурналистика под редакцией профессора A. A. Шереля
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Учебник в двух частях Часть 2 2-е издание, исправленное и дополненное Допущено Министерством образования и науки РФ в качестве учебника для студентов высших учебных заведений, обучающихся по нелингвистическим специальностям Издательство «мгимо-университет» iconОбщая теория права и государства
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