The ministry of public health and social development of the russian federation

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1223 Резникова

UDC 616.831-007.246-02:616.832-004.2

© T. N. Reznikova, V.I. Semivolos, A.G. Ilves, N.A. Seliverstova, 2009
Reznikova T.N., Semivolos V.I., Ilves A.G., Seliverstova N.A. Characteristics of intrinsic pattern of illness at demyelination foci localization in the brain of patients with multiple sclerosis // Preventive and clinical medicine. – 2010. - № 1 (34). – Р.57-61.

Institute of the human brain, Russian Academy of sciences. Russia, 197376, Saint-Petersburg, Pavlova str 9., tel.: 8-812-234-92-53, E-mail: or

Summary: Interrelation between localization of demyelination focus and features of the inner picture of the disease were revealed. With demyelination of the corpus callosum the disadaptation types of the attitudes to the disease were observed. The role of the corpus callosum in adaptation to the disease was consider.

Key words: multiple sclerosis, inner picture of the disease, demyelination.


  1. Алексеева Т.Г. Спектр нейропсихологических нарушений при рассеянном склерозе / Т.Г.Алексеева, А.Н.Бойко, Е.И.Гусев // Журнал невропатологии и психиатрии им. С.С. Корсакова. - 2000. - Т.100, №11. - С.15-20

  2. Вассерман Л.И. Психологическая диагностика типов отношения к болезни при психосоматических и нервно-психических расстройствах / Л.И. Вассерман // Методические рекомендации. -СПб. – 1991. - 23 с.

  3. Виноградова Т.В. Внутренняя картина болезни при локальных поражениях мозга / Т.В. Виноградова // Вестн. МГУ. Серия 14: Психология, - 1979, - №2. - С. 56-60.

  4. Коркина М.В. Психологические нарушения при рассеянном склерозе / М.В.Коркина, Ю.С.Мартынов, Г.Ф.Малков. - М.: Изд-во УДН, 1986. - 123с.

  5. Лурия А.Р. Основы нейропсихологии / А.Р. Лурия. – М.: МГУ. 1973. – 374с.

  6. Шмидт Т.Е. Рассеянный склероз / Т.Е. Шмидт, Н.Н. Яхно. - М.: Медицина, 2003. – 160 с.

  7. Kawaguchi Y. Receptor subtypes involved in callosally-induced postsynaptic potentials in rat frontal agranular cortex in vitro / Y. Kawaguchi // Experimental Brain Research. – 1992. Vol. 88. – P. 33–40.

  8. Kinsbourne M. The corpus callosum equilibrates the cerebral hemispheres / M.Kinsbourne // The Parallel Brain: The Cognitive Neuroscince of the Corpus Callosum / ed. E.Zaidel, M. Iacoboni. – Cambridge: MIT Press, 2003. –P. 271-281.

  9. Rao S.M. Cerebral disconnection in multiple sclerosis. Relationship to atrophy of the corpus callosum.Bernardin / S.M. Rao L., G.J. Leo, L.Ellington, S.B. Ryan, L.S. Burg // Archives of Neurology. – 1989. Vol. 46. - P. 918–920.

Inform ationabout the authors:

Reznikova Tatyana Nikolaevna, doctor of medicine, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, Institute of the human brain, Russian Academy of sciences, 197376, St.-Petersburg, Pavlova str 9., tel.: 8-812-234-92-53, E-mail:

Semivolos Valentina Ivanovna, ordinator, Institute of the human brain, Russian Academy of sciences 197376, St.-Petersburg, Pavlova str 9., E-mail:

Ilves Alexander Gennadievich - candidate of medical sciences Institute of the human brain, Russian Academy of sciences 197376, St.-Petersburg, Pavlova str 9., tel.: 8-812-234-92-42, E-mail:

Seliverstova Natalya Alekseevna - candidate of psychology sciences, 197376, St.-Petersburg, Pavlova str 9., tel.: 8-812-234-92-53, E-mail:

Accepted 20.10.2009 г.
1268 Зборовский

UDC 616.5-036.22

©A.B.Zborovsky, B.V.Zavodovsky, N.V.Nikitina, Yu.V.Yashina, E.V.Budkova, I.V.Doronina, A.B.Pavlova, I.A.Zborovskaya, 2010

Zborovsky A.B.1, Zavodovsky B.V.1, Nikitina N.V.1, Yashina Yu.V.1, Budkova E.V.1, Doronina I.V.2, Pavlova A.B.1, Zborovskaya I.A.1 Clinical-pathogenetic value of metabolic syndrome markers determination in patients with osteoarthritis // Preventive and clinical medicine. – 2010. - № 1 (34). – Р.61-65.

1Research Institute for clinical and experimental rheumatology, 400138, Volgograd, Zemlyatchky str., 76, tel. (8442) 35-56-48, fax: (8442) 93-42-11, E-mail:

2Volgograd State Medical University, 400131, Volgograd, Fallen Fighters Square, 1, tel. (8442) 35-30-62

Summary. The high level of oxidized low density lipoprotein (OxLDL) and autoantibodies to OxLDL were revealed in sera of patients with ОА at 60% and 29% of cases accordingly. Thus OxLDL and autoantibodies to OxLDL may have important significance in pathogenesis of ОА.

Key words: oxidized low density lipoprotein, autoantibodies to oxidized low density lipoprotein, osteoarthritis.


1. Лабезник Л.Б. Метаболический синдром и органы пищеварения / Л.Б. Лабезник, Л.А. Звенигородская. - Москва, 2009. – с.181.

2. Насонова В.А. Остеоартроз – проблема полиморбидности // Consilium medicum. - 2009. - Том 11. - №2. - С. 5-8.

3. Носкова А.С. Абдоминальное ожирение как фактор развития остеоартроза коленного сустава. / А.С. Носкова, И.Г. Красивина, Л.Н. Долгова // Тер. Архив. - 2007. - Том 79. - № 5. - С. 29-31

4. Терешина Е.В. Роль жирных кислот в развитии возрастного окислительного стресса. Гипотеза / Е.В. Терешина // Успехи геронтологии. - 2007. - Том 20. - №1. – с. 59-64.

5. Chen X.P. Lectin-like oxidized low-density lipoprotein receptor-1: protein, ligands, expression and pathophysiological significance / X.P. Chen // Chin. Med. J. (Engl). – 2007. - Vol. 120. - № 5. - P. 421-426.

6. Conaghan P.G. Is progressive osteoarthritis an atheromatous vascular disease? / P.G. Conaghan, H. Vanharanta, P.A. Dieppe // Ann. Rheum. Dis. - 2005. - Vol. 64 - № 11. - P. 1539-1541

7. Gudimetla P. The influence of lipid-extraction method on the stiffness of articular cartilage. / P. Gudimetla, R. Crawford, A. Oloyede // Clin. Biomech. - 2007. - Vol. 22. - № 8. - P. 924-931

8. Nakagawa T. LOX-1 expressed in cultured rat chondrocytes mediates oxidized LDL-induced cell death-possible role of dephosphorylation of Akt / T. Nakagawa, T. Yasuda, H. Hoshikawa // Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. - 2002. - Vol. 299. - № 1. - P. 91-97.

Information about the authors:

Zborovsky Alexander Borisovitch – academic of Russian AMS, deputy director, work tel.: (8442) 35-56-48

Zavodovsky Boris Valerievich - doctor of medicine, head of laboratory, work tel.: (8442) 35-29-03, home tel.: (8442) 79-08-11, e-mail:

Nikitina Natalia Valerievna – candidate of medicine, senior scientific worker, work tel.: (8442) 35-29-51, home tel.: (8442) 31-65-40, e-mail:

Yashina Yulia Victorovna - postgraduate student, work tel.: (8442) 35-29-51.

Budkova Elena Victorovna – junior scientific worker, work tel.: (8442) 35-56-48.

Doronina Irina Vladimirovna – postgraduate student, work tel.: (8442) 39-43-05.

Pavlova Alla Borisovna- junior scientific worker, work tel.: (8442) 35-56-48.

Zborovskaya Irina Alexandrovna - doctor of medicine, head of the Research Institute for clinical and experimental rheumatology, work tel.: (8442) 35-56-48.

Accepted 08.12.2009 г.
1208 Комяков

UDC 616.613-003.7-08

© B.K. Komyakov, A.N. Akimov, N.S. Tagirov, I.B. Lazarenko, N.K. Gadzhiev, 2010

Komyakov B.K.3, Akimov A.N.1, Tagirov N.S.2, Lazarenko I.B.1, Gadzhiev N.K.4 Combined coral calculi treatment // Preventive and clinical medicine. – 2010. - № 1 (34). – Р.65-69.

1Saint Elizabeth Hospital, Russia, 195257, Saint-Petersburg, Vavilov str., 14, Tel.: 8(812) 555-32-32, е-mail:

2Educational state establishment of high professional education «St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical Academy» (ESEHPE). Russia, 194100, Saint-Petersburg, Litovskaya str., 2. Tel.: 8(812) 245-06-46, е-mail

3St. Petersburg State Medical Academy named after I. I. Mechnikov (SPSMA). Russia, 195067, Saint-Petersburg, Piskarevskiy pr. 47. Tel.: 8(812) 534-24-23. E-mail:

4Military Medical Academy (MMA). Russia, 194044, Saint-Petersburg, Lebedeva str., 6. Tel.: (812) 274-9177, е-mail:

Summary: This article is devoted to modern methods of therapy in treatment of staghorn calculi. It is generally known that staghorn calculi are the most difficult form of kidney stone disease. According to data provided by the Ministry of Healthcare for the last four years illness rate has grown from 405,2 till 535,8 per 100 000 thousand people. The main objective of our research was to explore effectiveness of examination and treatment of patient wit staghorn calculi with maximal removing of calculi and minimal painfulness while applying modern visualization and treatment methods. This aim was achieved owing to advanced pre-surgical, examination, relevant antimicrobial therapy with due account for individual peculiarities of patient. Grounding on obtained information it may be concluded, that at the present time DLT is one of the most effective and safe methods of staghorn calculi treatment.

Key words: kidney stone disease; staghorn calculi; maximal removing of calculi; extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy.


1. Абоян И.А. Роль дистанционной литотрипсии в лечении коралловидного нефролитиаза / И.А. Абоян, С.В. Павлов, В.Э. Абоян, А.В. Волдохин // Материалы Пленума правления Российского общества урологов (Сочи, 28-29 апреля 2003). - М., 2003. – С. 34.

2. Александров В.П. Перкутанная нефролитолапаксия и её сочетание с последующей ДЛТ / В.П. Александров, А.Б. Мелконян, О.Л. Тиктинский, В.А. Семёнов // Материалы Пленума правления Российского общества урологов (Сочи, 28-29 апреля 2003). - М., 2003. - С. 367.

3. Аляев Ю.Г. Малоинвазивная чрескожная хирургия почек и верхних мочевых путей / Ю.Г. Аляев, Н.А. Григорьев // Врачебное сословии. – 2006. - №5-6. - С. 8-14.

4. Дзеранов Н.К. Дистанционная литотрипсия в комплексном лечении коралловидного нефролитиаза единственной почки / Н.К. Дзеранов, В.И. Борисик, Э.К. Яненко, С.А. Москаленко // Материалы Пленума правления Всероссийского общества урологов. – 1998. - С. 291-292.

5. Дзеранов Н.К. Лечение мочекаменной болезни – комплексная медицинская проблема / Н.К. Дзеранов, Д.А. Бешлиев // Урология. – 2003. – Приложение: Сonsilium–medicum. – С.18–22.

6. Лопаткин Н.А. Коралловидный нефролитиаз / Н.А. Лопаткин, Э.К. Яненко // Урология и нефрология. – 1994. - №1. - С. 5-8.

7. Лопаткин Н.А. Дистанционная ударноволновая литотрипсия в лечении камней при аномалиях почек и верхних мочевых путей / Н.А. Лопаткин, Н.К. Дзеранов, Д.А. Бешлиев, С.А. Москаленко // Урология и нефрология. – 1999. - №1. - С. 12-16

8. Soygur Т. Effect of potassium citrate therapy on stonerecurrence and residual fragments after Shockwave lithotripsy in lower caliceal calciumoxalate urolithiasis: a randomized controlled trial / Т. Soygur, A. Akbay, S. Kupeli // J. Endourol. – 2002. – Vol. 16(3). – Р. 149-152.

9. Tiselius H.-G. Guidelines on urolithiasis / H.-G. Tiselius, D. Ackermann, P. Alken // Eur. Assoc. Urol. – 2002. – Vol. 1. – P. 45-58.

10. Trinchieri A. Increase in the Prevalence of Symptomatic Upper Urinary tract Stones during the Last Ten Years / A. Trinchieri, F. Coppi, E. Montanari, A. Del Nero // Eur. Urol. – 2000. – Vol. 37. – P. 23-25.

Information about the authors:

Komyakov Boris Kirillovich - doctor of medicine, professor, head of Saint-Petersburg urologic associacion, chief of department of urology of State Medical Academy named after I.I. Mechnikov. Work tel.: 8(812) 510-35-24.

Akimov Alecsandr Nicolayevich - candidate of medical sciences, assistant of department of urology of State Medical Academy named after I.I. Mechnikov, chief of urology department of Saint Elizabeth Hospital. Work tel.: 8(812) 555-05-89, е-mail:

Tagirov Nair Sabirovich - candidate of medical sciences, urologist, associate professor of the department of Pediatric Medical Academy. Work tel.: 8(812) 555-32-32, е-mail:

Lazarenko Igor Borisovich - urologist of urology department of Saint Elizabeth Hospital. Work tel.: 8(812) 555-32-32, е-mail:

Gadjiev Nariman Kazihanovich - resident in urology of Military Medical Academy. Work tel.: 8(812) 326-35-47

Accepted 29.09.2009 г.
1316 Суслина

UDC 616.12-089:615.27:616.831

© Z.A. Suslina, L.A. Bokeriya, M.A. Piradov, A.I. Malashenkov, N.A. Akhmadzhonuva, P.A. Fedin, Yu.V. Rodionova, O.Yu. Rebrova, M.V. Krotenkova, A.V. Lagutin, A.S. Klochkov, 2010

Suslina Z.A., Bokeriya L.A., Piradov M.A., Malashenkov A.I., Akhmadzhonuva N.A., Fedin P.A., Rodionova Yu.V., Rebrova O.Yu., Krotenkova M.V., Lagutin A.V., Klochkov A.S. Cytoflavin as a preventive means for brain lesions in cardiac surgery// Preventive and clinical medicine. – 2010. - № 1 (34). – Р.69-74.

1Scientific Center of Neurology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, 125367, Moscow, Volokolamsk highway, 80.

2A.N. Bakulev Scientific Center for Cardiovascular Surgery of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, 121552, Moscow, Rublevsky highway, 135, tel.:8 (495) 414-75-90

Summary: Acute stroke is one of the most important complications of coronary artery bypass grafting surgery (CABG) and valve replacement in the selling of assisted circulation. Therefore ihe cerebral proteclion becomes llic crucial pan of preoperative care. VJe performed prospective randomized conirolled trial to estimate the efficacy of cytoflavin in 103 patients with ischemic heart disease (ICD) and acquired valve disease who undergone CABG and valve replacement surgery. The patients were divided into 4 groups. Group 1 (main) consisted of 32 patients with ICD (mean age 55.717.9 years) who underwent CABG and received 20 ml of cytoflavin i.v. in 3 consecutive days before and 3 days after surgery. Group 2 (control) included 40 patients with ICD (mean age 48.2± 12.6 years) and CABG without cytoflavin. Thirteen patients with valve disease (mean age 53.1±8.4 years) were randomized in Group 3 (main); they underwent valve replacemeni and were treated with cytoflavin using the same regimen (20 ml i.v. in 3 days before and 3 days after surgery). Group 4 (control) was comprised of 18 patients with valve disease (mean age 48.2± 12.0 years) and surgery without cerebral protection with cytoflavin. One month after the intervention sig nificant improvement (p<0.05) was observed in Group I vs. Group 2 in the dynamic modality of cognitive performance, recent memory and long-term memory, and clear trend to improvement in the same variables in Group 3 vs. Group 4. Moreover, in Group 2 (CABG without treatment) significant deterioration was observed in long-term memory (p=0.028), along with the distinct trend towards worsening in Group 4 in recent and long-term memory. As an effective antioxidanl. cytoflavin renders reliable ncuroproiectivc effect in patients who underwent CABG in the selling of assisted circulation and improves cognitive functioning and emolional well-being, Cytoflavin ameliorates absolute characteristics of long-term and recent memory in patients after valve replacement surgery. Cytoflavin improves absolute parameters of cognitive evoked potentials (P300) decreasing the latency and increasing the amplitude in patients after CABG and valve replacemeni. Cylollavin is recommended for use in patients with ICD and acquired valve disease who underweni CABG and valve replacemeni in he setting of assisted circulation.

Key words: neuroprotection; aorta-coronary bypass surgery; Cytoflavin.


1. Бузиашвили Ю.И. Влияние искусственного кровообращения на состояние когнитивных функций у больных ишемической болезнью сердца / Ю.И. Бузиашвили, С.Г. Амбатьелло // Журнал неврологии и психиатрии. – 2005. - № 1. - . 30-35.

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Information about the authors:

Suslina Zinaida Aleksandrovna – Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Science, Professor, M.D., director of RAS establishment Scientific Center for Neurology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. 125367, Moscow, Volokolamsk highway, 80. Tel.: 8(495) 490-20-02, fax: 8(495) 490-25-06. E-mail:

Bokeriya Leo Antonovich – Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor, chief cardiologist of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, director of A.N.Bakulev Scientific Centre for Cardiovascular Surgery of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, President of the Association of Cardiovascular Surgeons of Russia.

Piradov Michael Aleksandrovich – M.D., Professor, deputy director on scientific work of RAMS Scientific Center for Neurology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, head of the department of Resuscitation. 125367, Moscow, Volokolamsk highway, 80.

Malashenkov Anatoly Ivanovich – Corresponding Member of RAN, Professor of Medical Sciences, deputy director on research work of A.N.Bakulev Scientific Centre for Cardiovascular Surgery of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, director of the institute of Coronary and Vascular Surgery.

Accepted 19.10.2009 г.

1230 Косинец

UDC 616.381-002.3-092.9:615.27

©V.A. Kosinets, 2010

Kosinets V.A. Efficacy of metabolic drug "Cytoflavin" use in experimental widespread purulent peritonitis // Preventive and clinical medicine. – 2010. - № 1 (34). – Р.74-78.

«Vitebsk state awards of Friendship of the people medical university». Byelorussia, Vitebsk, Frunze str., 27. Тel.: 8(0212) 37-09-37. E-mail:

Summary: One of key factors of endogenous intoxication development at a widespread purulent peritonitis is a misbalanced free-radical oxidation. Hyperactivation of peroxide lipid’s oxidation and decrease of antioxidant activity underlie infringement cell’s mitochondria function. The carried out researches have shown that metabolic remedy «Cytoflavin» possesses expressed antioxidant properties, provides effective and fast restoration of peroxide lipid’s oxidation and antioxidant activity balance, increases speed of free radicals elimination.

Key words: widespread purulent peritonitis; cytoflavin; amber acid; intestine; peroxide lipid’s oxidation; antioxidant activity; mitochondria.


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Information about the author:

Kosinets Vladimir Alexandrovich – candidate of medical sciences, The assistant of the Department of hospital surgery of Vitebsk state medical university. Work tel.: 8(0212) 22-60-72, mob.: +375-296-24-20-76. E-mail:

Accepted 26.10.2009 г.

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