The ministry of public health and social development of the russian federation

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1238 Чернушевич

UDC 616.7/616.084

© N.I.Chernushevich, 2010

Chernushevich N.I. Upper extremities functional state in persons working in trades with various kinds of physical activity // Preventive and clinical medicine. – 2010. - № 1 (34). – Р.35-38.

North-West Public Health Research Center (Federal Service for Consumer’s Rights Protection and Human Well-being). 191036 St-Petersburg, 2-ya Sovetskaya, 4, tel. 8 (812) 7179469, Fax: 8(812) 7170264, e-mail:

Summary: the state of upper extremities microcirculation was studied in 168 computer users, 98 jewelry polishers and 64 metal hull assemblers. The dependence of upper extremities microcirculation disturbances on manifestation degree of manual physical load was revealed.

Key words: physical workload; hands and forearms microcirculation.


1. Иванов Л.Б. Лекции по клинической реографии / Л.Б. Иванов, В.А. Макаров. – М.: Научно-медицинская фирма МБН, 2000. - 320с

2. Профессиональная заболеваемость в Ленинграде - Санкт-Петербурге за 20 лет (1982-2001). С-Пб, 2003. - 150с.

3. Руководство по гигиенической оценке факторов рабочей среды и трудового процесса. Критерии и классификация условий труда. Руководство Р 2.2.2006-05.– СПб.: ЦОТПБСППО, 2005. – 144с.

Information about the author:

Chernushevich N.I. – physician, North-West Public Health Research Center (Federal Service for Consumer’s Rights Protection and Human Well-being). Office phone: 8 (812) 7179469, home phone: 8 (812) 3071628. e-mail:

Accepted 31.10.2009 г.
1318 Фигуровский

UDC 613.6:676.6/.7

© A.P. Figurovsky, N.A. Mozzhukhina, L.A. Alikbaeva, D.P. Khomulo,

M.A. Ermolaev-Makovskii, 2010

Figurovsky A.P., Mozzhukhina N.N., Alikbaeva L.A., Khomulo D.P., Yermolaev-Makovsky M. A. Hygienic characteristic of working conditions at manufacturing chipboard // Preventive and clinical medicine. – 2010. - № 1 (34). – Р.38-41.

State Educational establishment of Higher Professional training “Mechnikov Saint-Petersburg State Medical Academy of the Federal Agency for Public Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation”, Russia 195067, St. Petersburg, Piskarevskiy etc., etc. 47. Tel.: 8 (812) 543-96-09, fax: (812) 140-15-24. E-mail:

Summary: The workshop conditions in the production of recycled paper cardboard should be classified as harmful on the basis of inconsistency levels of hazardous occupational factors

Key words: workshop conditions, hazardous occupational factors, technological process


1. Дулькин Д.А. Мировые тенденции в развитии техники и технологии переработки макулатуры / Д.А. Дулькин, И.Н. Ковернинский, В.И. Комаров, В.А. Спиридонов. – Архангельск: Изд-во АГТУ, 2002. – 108 с.

2. Смайлова Л.Ф. Зависимость между концентрацией пыли и микрофлорой воздуха в цехе по производству гофротары / Смайлова Л.Ф.// Бюллетень Научного Совета «Медико-экологические проблемы работающих». – 2006.- №3.- С.44-48.

3. Hubbe M.A. Minimizing the environmental impact of the papermaking process./ Hubbe M.A.// Proceedings of the 2nd IPEC Conference. - Tianjin, China, 2008. - Book A. - P.47-40.

4. Hubbe M.A., Rojas O.J. The paradox of papermaking // Chem.Eng.Education. - 2008. - Vol.39. - №2. - P.146-155.

5. Pultz H.J. Recyclability of paper and board products // International Paperworld IPW. - 2007. - № 4. - P.37-43.

Information about authors:

Figurovsky Andrei Pavlovich - candidate of medical sciences, associate professor of general, military, radiation hygiene and medical ecology department of Mechnikov St.-Petersburg State Medical Academy . Office tel.8 (812) 543-17-55, E-mail:

Mozzhukhina Natalia Alexandrovna - candidate of medical sciences, associate professor of department of preventive medicine of Mechnikov St.-Petersburg State Medical Academy . Office tel. 8 (812) 543-17-47, E-mail:

Alikbaeva Lilia Anatolievna. – doctor of medicine, head of general, military, radiation hygiene and medical ecology department of Mechnikov St.-Petersburg State Medical Academy . Office tel. 8 (812) 543-94-10, E-mail:

Khomulo Dmitri Pavlovich – candidate of medical sciences, associate professor of military and extreme medicine of Mechnikov St.-Petersburg State Medical Academy . Office tel. 8 (812) 543-92-68, E-mail:

Ermolaev-Makovskii Mikhail Alexandrovich – post-graduate research student , military, radiation hygiene and medical ecology department of Mechnikov St.-Petersburg State Medical Academy . Office tel 8 (812) 543-17-55, E-mail:

Accepted 24.09.2009 г.
1255 Исраилова

UDC 614.31:636/638-77-07:613.281:613.1+574

© G.M. Isrаilova, S.T. Eshmuradova, I.E. Turaev, 2010

Israilova G.M, Eshmuradova S.T., Turaev I.E. Hygienic evaluation of risk factors of contamination of dairy and meat products manufactured under water shortage conditions // Preventive and clinical medicine. – 2010. - № 1 (34). – Р.41-43.

Tashkent Institute of Post Graduate Medical Education The Ministry of Health of The Republic of Uzbekistan, 700007, Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Parkentskaya St, 51, Tel.: 8(371)268-17-10, 8(371)268-23-08, Fax.: 8(371)268-17-10. E-mail:, или

Summarу: Potential areas on livestockfarmi have been divided into 3 zones depending on conditions of their manufacture for future comparative analysis of quality, food and biological value of the products from meat and milk, are producible in shallowness environment. Study of forage crops, waters for animals, as well as indicators for food and biological value of the products from meat and milk had generated a need for experts to draw attention to criteria of safety and on food and biological value of production are producible in shallowness environment.

Key words: safety; milk; meat; hygiene of nutrition; sanitary inspection; stock raising; hygienic study.


1. Иванова Т.Н. Содержание токсических элементов в некоторых видах растений / Т.Н. Иванова, Д.А. Павловская, В.М. Кузьмин // Гигиена и санитария. - 1997. - № 1. - С. 22-25.

2. Истомин А.В. Гигиенические аспекты безопасного применения агрохимикатов / А.В. Истомин, Т.В. Юдина, Н.И. Николаева, Р.С. Хамидулин // Вопросы питания. - 1999. - № 4. - С. 41-44.

3. Мудрый И.В. Гигиеническая оценка химического загрязнения почвы и качества сельскохозяйственных культур в условиях орошения сточными водами / И.В. Мудрый // Гигиена и санитария. - 1997. - № 5. - С. 9.

4. СанПиН Республики Узбекистан №0138-03. Санитарные нормы безопасности и пищевой ценности продовольственного сырья и продуктов питания. - Ташкент: Ибн Сина, 2003. - 183 с.

5. Сидоренко Г.И. Экология человека и гигиена окружающей среды на пороге XXI века / Г.И. Сидоренко, С.М. Новиков // Гигиена и санитария. - 1999. - № 5. - С. 3.

6. Тутельян В.А. Питание в борьбе за выживание / В.А. Тутельян, Б.П. Суханов, М.М. Гаппаров. – М.: ИКЦ «Академкнига», 2003. - 437 с.

7. Худайберганов А.С. Современные аспекты медико-биологических факторов и критериев здорового питания / А.С. Худайберганов, Б.А. Рискиев, М.М. Рузиева, А.К. Турсунбаев // Проблемы биологии и медицины. - 2005. -№ 3 (41). - С. 185-187.

Information about the authors:

Israilova Gulida Maratovna - The candidate of medical sciences, the senior teacher of chair "Hygiene" of the Tashkent Institute of Post Graduate Medical Education The Ministry of Health of The Republic of Uzbekistan, Tel.: 8(371)268-17-10, 8(371)268-23-08, Fax: 8(371)268-17-10.

Eshmuradova Saboat Tursunovna - The competitor of chair "Hygiene" of the Tashkent Institute of Post Graduate Medical Education The Ministry of Health of The Republic of Uzbekistan Tel.: 8(371)268-17-10, 8(371)268-23-08.

Turaev Ilhom Eshmuradovich - The competitor of chair "Hygiene" of the Tashkent Institute of Post Graduate Medical Education The Ministry of Health of The Republic of Uzbekistan, Tel.: 8(371)268-17-10, 8(371)268-23-08.

Accepted 26.11.2009 г.

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