The ministry of public health and social development of the russian federation

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1247 Хамракулова

UDC 615. 963. 95: 613

© M.A. Кhamrakulova, 2010

Khamrakulova M.A. Carbohydrate-energy metabolism disorders in the liver under the influence of decys pesticide and their correction by introduction of biologically active substances // Preventive and clinical medicine. – 2010. - № 1 (34). – Р.43-47.

Research scientific institute of sanitation, hugien and predeceases Ministry of health Republic of Uzbekistan, 700056, Tashkent, Oltin-tepa str., 325, tel: 8-371-266-69-52, fax: 8-371-266-47-36, Е-mail:

Summary: The influence of pesticide decis much times to white rats in dose 4,12 mg/kg in conditions high temperature of air discovered disorders of carbohydrate-energetic exchange, expressing in pyruvic and lactic acid, depression of activity ferments degidrogenas (GDG, SDG, MGD) and sitochromoxydas and reduse intensivity of tissue breathing and oxidative phosphorylation in liver. Introduction complex of biologically active substance promotes correction of metabolic processes for carbogydrate-energic metabolism

Key words: pesticide decis; toxicology; mechanism of carbohydrate energetic metabolism; correction; biologically active substance; high temperature.


1. Кливченко Р.С. Определение активности цитохромоксидазы // Современные методы в биохимии. – 1971. – С.45-46.

2. Определение пировиноградной кислоты в крови, модифицированным методом Умбрайта // Биохимические методы исследования в клинике. – 1969. – С.254-255.

3. Покровский А.А., Арчаков А.И., Герасимов А.М. Определение активности глутаматдегидрогеназа // Современные методы в биохимии. – 1968. – С.43-44.

4. Садиков А.У, Хамракулова М.А, Искандарова Г.Т., Элинская О.Н., Садиков У.А. определение активности сукцинатрогеназы в сыворотке крови и митохондриях. // Методические рекомендации. некоторые метаболических механизмы биоэнергетики и методы определения раннего выявления патологических процессов при интоксикации пестицидом децисом //Утв. Заместителем Министра Здравоохранение РУз, 2004 –С.6-8.

5. Садыков А.У., Хамракулова М.А., Искандарова Г.Т, Элинская О.Н., Садиков У.А. определение активности малатдегидрогеназы. // Методические рекомендации некоторые метаболические механизмы биоэнергетики и методы определения раннего выявления патологических процессов при интоксикации пестицидом децисом // Утв. Заместителем Министра Здравоохранение РУз. 2004-С.8-10.

6. Садиков А.У., Хамракулова М.А, Искандарова Г.Т. Методы определения окислительного фосфолирования в токсикологии // Методические рекомендации, 1997 Утв. Минздравом Республики Узбекистан, 1997.

7. Хамракулова М.А. Особенности воздействия пестицида мезон на обмен веществ в ткани печени // Бюллетень Ассоциации врачей Узбекистана. – 2000. - № 1. – С.102-104.

8. Meeker J., Barr D., Hauser R. Pyrethroid insecticide metabolites are associated with serum hormone levels in adult men // Reprod 2009. Apr; -P.155-160.

9. Scollon E., Starr J., Godin S., De Vito M., Hughes M. In vitro metabolism of pyrethroid pesticides by rat and human hepatic microsomes and cytochrome p450 isoforms // Drug metab dispos. North Caroline 2009 Jan.-P.221-228.

Information about the author:

Кhamrakulova Muqaddas Asqarovna – candidate of medical sciences, elder scientist of RSI of sanitation, hugien and predeceases Ministry of health Republic of Uzbekistan, work tel: (8-371) 266-69-52 home tel: (8-371) 266-49-50, mobile phone 99-897-154-45-15 E-mail:, Hamrakulova

Accepted 18.11.2009 г.


1310 Николаев

UDC 616.89:612.821.3:616.1

© V.I. Nikolaev, M.D. Denisenko, 2010

Peculiarities of the emotional tension formation and haemodynamic changes in human body as a response to psychoemotional stress

V.I. Nikolaev, M.D. Denisenko

Mechnikov Saint-Petersburg State Medical Academy, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Nikolaev V.I., Denisenko M.D. Special characteristics of emotional tension and hemodynamic change in man during psychoemotional stress // Preventive and clinical medicine. – 2010. - № 1 (34). – Р.47-50.

State Educational Establishment of Higher Professional Training “ Mechnikov Saint-Petersburg State Medical Academy of the Federal Agency for Public Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation ”, 195067, St.-Petersburg, K-67, Piskarevsky prospect, 47, tel. (812543-96-09, fax: (812140-15-24, e-mail:;;

Summary: the peculiarities of the emotional tension formation were revealed and the changes of the central haemodynamics as a response to psychoemotional stress were assessed. 186 healthy volunteers (at the age of 19-25, male and female) were examined when they were calm and when they experienced the emotional stress. The dynamics of the emotional state (by assessing the indicators of anxiety, aggression, depression) and the changes of the haemodynamics (by using the integral rheography of the body) were researched. The results of our experiment showed that the value and the focus of the haemodynamic processes depend not only on expression of the forming tension, but also on individual characteristics and peculiarities of the organism.

Key words: adaptation, psychoemotional tension, emotional dynamics, central haemodynamics, type of the blood circulation, anxiety.
Significant and constantly growing loading on psychoemotional apparatus of a modern person makes extreme demands to the systems of adaptation and can lead to the overtension of the regulative mechanisms [8]. Character of the body responses depends on physiological activity of nervous, endocrine and cardiovascular systems [7]. Mechanisms of the development of general adaptive syndrome (GAS) - nonspecific response of an organism - are identical for various individuals. Despite of the generality of typical adaptive reactions to adverse influences experimental supervisions show, that there are groups of people possessing certain stability to emotional stress. Individuality of reactions depends on many factors of the external and internal environment and, first of all, from genetically caused properties of systems of adaptation, and also from psychological peculiarities of a person [1,5].

Recently the concept of so-called «negative affectation» is introduced in modern literature. “Negative affectation” means tendency to experience negative emotions and to create the negative "I-concept", including the most significant negative feelings - anxiety, depression and aggression, - emotions, very often developing under the influence of stress-factors [3]. People with high negative affectation experience distress, discomfort and dissatisfaction in the situations even when vital circumstances as a whole are favorable for a person [6]. The question about the connection between haemodynamic peculiarities of regulation and changes of an emotional state is still not solved. Emotional dynamics is the change of manifestations of personal properties in conditions of stress in comparison with an initial condition. It can be positive (when expressiveness of individual properties grows during stress) or negative (when the initial level of personal peculiarities display is higher, than during stress). It is not known which dynamics is adaptive, useful to an organism. The question about the role of emotional dynamics as a trigger mechanism of individual adaptation is not investigated in general, especially there are no information about functional changes in effector (cardiovascular system) and regulative systems of an organism. There are no full data on distribution of types of blood circulation among people with different variants of the emotional answer (bearing in mind such individual properties as anxiety, aggression, depression).

The purpose of the research: is to reveal and assess changes of central haemodynamics during emotional stress among people with different types of emotional state.

Materials and methods of the research: the emotional state was examined in our research: anxiety (personal (Ap), reactive (Ar)), aggression were assessed by the scale of Spielberg - Khanin; the level of depression was defined by the questionnaire of V.Zung; the vegetative index of Kerdo (the most simple parameter of adaptation) was calculated for the definition of sympathetic and parasympathetic influences of the vegetative nervous system [4]; the index of functional changes was calculated either [2]. In R.M.Baevskii´s and A.P.Berseneva's opinion (2008), assessment of a level of functioning (the especial characteristic of a homeostasis) by using the index of functional changes, at all simplicity, provides the system approach to the decision of the problem of quantitative measurement of the health degree. The types of blood circulation were defined with the help of integral rheography of a body (the computerized monitor complex of cardio-respiratory system and hydration of tissues, KM - АP-01 Diamant).

Researches were carried out twice: in an initial condition and in a situation of psychoemotional tension. Exam served as a situation of emotional stress.

186 healthy volunteers (at the age of from 19 till 25 years; 68,8% - female, 31,2% - male) have taken part in the research.

Statistical computing was carried out with the help of parametrical (criterion of Student) and nonparametric methods (the methods of Wilkokson-White, Shapiro-Wilkes).

Results of the research and discussion: as a result of the carried out experiment all examinees have been divided into 3 groups depending on dynamics of the emotional state. The first group included persons with equilibrium emotional dynamics (Ap = Ar) - 9 persons, the second group (51 persons) contained examinees with great individual anxiety (personal anxiety was higher than reactive anxiety - Ap › Ar). The third group submitted by persons with positive emotional dynamics (Ap ‹ Ar) had the greatest number (126 persons).

In our research statistically significant distinctions between indices in initial condition and during emotional stress-formation have been revealed at the comparative analysis of anxiety (personal and situational), depression and aggression. So, in all groups the increase of level of depression (that was the greatest in the third group - with 34,3 in a background up to 40,9) was marked during examination (р ‹ 0,01). The comparative analysis of aggression as an individual peculiarity and aggression as a reaction to stress situation has shown, that the authentic increase in parameter of aggression was observed only in the third group (р ‹ 0,05).

The investigation of the correlation of emotional state and peculiarities of the vegetative balance has revealed close correlation between them.

Assessing the activity of vegetative nervous system it has been established that activity of parasympathetic nervous system during stress predominated among 55 persons (from the general number examinees), parasympathetic nervous system prevailed among 120 persons, and 11 individuals showed the balance between the activity of sympathetic and parasympathetic departments of the vegetative nervous system. Distribution in groups is submitted on picture 1.


Picture 1. Assessment of homeostasis of examinees during emotional stress
In our research persons with domination of parasympathetic regulation constituted practically half of examinees in the second group (41,2%), and only a quarter (25,4%) in the third group. According to data presented by L.E.Panin and V.P. Sokolov (1981), prevalence of tone of parasympathetic nervous system is typical for “low-anxious” people. Among individuals with high anxiety the index of sympathetic nervous system dominates. It is known, that the most successful adaptation is provided with prevalence of sympathetic influences above parasympathetic.

It has been revealed that in the first group tension of the regulative mechanisms took place among 4 persons (44,4%) during emotional stress, and 1 person (11,1%) showed unsatisfactory adaptation.

In the second group 36 persons had satisfactory adaptation, 1 person (1,9%) had unsatisfactory adaptation, 14 persons (27,5%) experienced tension of the adaptive mechanisms.

In the third group 81 examinees (64,3%) had satisfactory adaptation, 10 persons (7,9%) had unsatisfactory adaptation, tension of the adaptive mechanisms was observed among 33 persons (26,2%). It is necessary to note, that in this group the failure of adaptation was revealed among 2 individuals.

Results of the research have shown, that psychoemotional tension revealed itself by different focus and intensity of changes of the base parameters of the system of blood circulation.

The peculiarities of haemodynamic changes have been investigated in the second and in the third groups (the first group was not taken into account because of small sample for the analysis). In the third group, described by increase of level of anxiety, the increase of heart rate (on 25%), blood pressure (on 12,5%) were observed. Thus 54% of examinees were characterized by hyperdynamic type of blood circulation: cardiac output increased in 25,6%, minute blood volume increased in 60,3%. 46% of examinees showed hypodynamic type o blood circulation: minute blood volume decreased up to 3,83 l/minute (picture 2А).


Picture 2. Changes of haemodynamics among examinees of the third group (А) and the second group (B) during emotional stress (in % in relation to initial state)
The decrease of anxiety (Ap › Ar, however reactive anxiety is regarded as high in the specific limits), tension of the regulative mechanisms (71,4%), changes in the functioning of cardiovascular system were observed among individuals with “negative” emotional balance (the second group) (fig. 2B). During exam all persons developed tachycardia (in 1,4 times from initial). 57% of all examinees showed the decrease of arterial pressure or blood pressure without changes. The type of blood circulation was hypodynamic (with sharp decrease of cardiac output and minute blood volume) in 43%, normodynamic in 28%, hyperdynamic in 29%.

It is necessary to mention, that quality of the "useful" result (mark for the exam) was approximately identical in all groups: about 20% of excellent, 60% of good and 20% of satisfactory marks.

The conclusion: apparently, all types of emotional dynamics have adaptive value. However obtaining the useful result is caused by various types of psychoemotional reactions with different degree of tension of adaptive processes which, probably, is determined by different intensity of stress - limiting systems. Thus it is defined, that the value and the focus of the haemodynamic answer depend not only on expression of the forming tension, but also on individual - typological characteristics and peculiarities of an organism.


1. Атаман А.В. Патологическая физиология / А.В. Атаман. – Киев: Вища школа, 2000. – 608 с.

2. Баевский Р.М. Теоретические основы донозологической диагностики / Р.М. Баевский, А.П. Берсенева // Донозология и здоровый образ жизни. – 2008. – № 2 (3) – С. 2-13.

3. Брайт Д. Стресс: теория, исследования, мифы / Д. Брайт, Ф. Джонс. – СПб: Олма-пресс, 2003. – 353 с.

4. Панин Л.Е. Психосоматические взаимоотношения при хроническом эмоциональном напряжении / Л.Е. Панин, В.П. Соколов. – Новосибирск: Наука, 1981. – 176 с.

5. Пшенникова М.Г. Феномен стресса. Эмоциональный стресс и его роль в патологии / М.Г. Пшенникова // Патологическая физиология и экспериментальная терапия. – 2000. – № 4. – С. 21-31.

6. Соловьева С.Л. Эмоциональный баланс как критерий стрессоустойчивости / С.Л. Соловьева, В.И. Николаев // Исследования и разработки по приоритетным направлениям в медицине: материалы конф. СПбГМА им. И.И. Мечникова. – СПб, 2008. – С. 237-239.

7. Судаков К.В. Мотивация – основа психической деятельности / Судаков К.В. // Журнал неврологии и психиатрии им. С.С. Корсакова. – 2006 – № 7. – С. 5-17.

8. Черешнев В.А. Система крови и адаптация организма к экстремальным факторам / В.А. Черешнев, Б.Г. Юшков, М.Н. Сулин // Российский физиологический журнал им. И.М. Сеченова. – 2004. Т. 90 – № 10 – С. 1193-1202.

Information about the authors:

Nikolaev Valentine Ivanovich - doctor of medicine, chief of the department of pathological physiology of Saint-Petersburg State Medical Academy named after I.I.Mechnikov, professor, work tel.: (812)543-16-30.

Denisenko Maria Dmitrievna - post-graduate student of the department of pathological physiology of Saint-Petersburg State Medical Academy named after I.I.Mechnikov, work tel.: (812)543-16-30

Accepted 12.10.2009 г.

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