Цели освоения дисциплины: обучение устной речи на основе развития необходимых автоматизированных навыков, развития техники чтения и навыков письменной речи. Задачи

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НазваниеЦели освоения дисциплины: обучение устной речи на основе развития необходимых автоматизированных навыков, развития техники чтения и навыков письменной речи. Задачи
1   2   3   4   5

Критерии оценки: 

  • оценка «отлично» выставляется студенту, если правильно выполнено более 80% заданий; оценка «хорошо» выставляется студенту, если правильно выполнено более 60% заданий;

  • оценка «удовлетворительно» выставляется студенту, если правильно выполнено более 400% заданий;

  • оценка «неудовлетворительно» выставляется студенту, если правильно выполнено менее 40% заданий. 

Комплект заданий для контрольной работы
Контрольная работа 1

Сomplete the sentences.

1. Job application forms are available in the department of __________.

2. Does this company provide ______________________ such as tuition


3. The terms of a ______________________ are legally binding on both the seller and

the buyer.

4. Ms. Andrea Filipi is the ______________________ in charge of all new

product development.

5. The ______________________ for that good job was fierce; more than 200 people


6. Fast food outlets usually pay beginning workers no more than the


7. Companies that refuse to hire workers over 40 years old are guilty of age _____.

8. After several years as a carpenter’s apprentice, Rudy is now a ___________.

9. With each new job promotion, Harley’s _____________ increased.

10. Nan Brady, my ______________________ at the company, helped me

avoid many common mistakes.

11. Dean has always wanted to be his own boss; he plans to become an ________.

12. After many years of hard work, Grandpa will retire and receive a _____ from the


13. At Andy’s six-month __________________, the supervisor made several

suggestions for improvement.

14. The company’s summer ______________________ program offers little pay but

lots of valuable experience.

15. Reggie’s outstanding job performance will help him advance quickly on his

__________________ __________________.

Idioms. The idioms in the box all include the word work. Use one of these common

English idioms to complete each sentence. Check a dictionary or thesaurus if you need


in the works work on work out work off work up the works

1. The sales manager’s pep talk was intended to ______________________ some

interest in the new product line.

2. Bev’s plan looked good at first, but somehow it didn’t _______________.

3. You can usually get Marcus to agree if you _________ him long enough.

4. I like a hot dog with all ______________________ catsup, mustard, relish, and


5. If you stop wasting money, you can ______________________ your debt very


6. Sam says that something special is ______________________ for the company’s

annual meeting.

Complete each sentence with a word from the glossary. Use the first letter as a clue.

Other words in the sentence will help you decide which word to add. If you’re still not

sure, check the dictionary definition.

1. In Shakespeare’s day, nobles and commoners alike loved going to the

t__________________ to watch plays performed.

2. Shakespeare was the English p__________________ who wrote Romeo and Juliet

and Hamlet.

3. The o__________________ played a s__________________ written by the famous

c__________________, Ludwig von Beethoven.

4. In a p__________________ the last words of every other line often


5. The a__________________ painted a picture of the beautiful garden.

6. The painting looked nearly as real as a p__________________ taken with a camera.

7. The a__________________ rose from their seats at the end of the play.

Complete the sentences.

1. Driving the wrong way on a one-way street is __________________ by law.

2. You show consideration for other people when you follow the rules of


3. When you sign a contract, you take on a legal _________________________.

4. A customer in a store can also be called a _________________________.

5. On an essay test, you might be asked to _________________________

the causes of America’s Civil War.

6. When you arrive at a polling place, you will be given a ________________.

7. At most intersections, a crosswalk is provided for ____________________.

8. Your _________________________ history is an important part of your résumé.

9. In order to establish a _________________________, you must fill out a form and

deposit some money.

10. To _________________________ a garden plot, you will need a shovel, a trowel,

and a hoe.

11. Sugar and flour are _________________________ found in most people’s kitchen


12. Roast beef is the most popular _________________________ served at this


13. Seedlings need plenty of sunshine and water if they are to _______________.

14. The teacher asked Tim to read a _____________________ from Romeo and Juliet.

15. When roads are being repaired, drivers usually have to make a ___________.

16. Check the bus _________________________ to see where you will have to

transfer to another route.

Контрольная работа 2

  1. Give E. equivalents for: 1. Трещать как сорока 2. Молиться 3. Фешенебельное общество 4. Товарная биржа 5. Иметь успех 6. Дополнение 7. Поджигать 8. Не по моей вине 9. Рассчитанный на эффект 10. Забастовать 11. Утварь 12. Решительно воспротивиться 13. Снять с себя ответственность за к-л., ч-л. 14. Опуститься, потерять свое положение 15. Следовать букве закона, строго придерживаться правил 16. Объезжать, обходить 17. Хлыщ 18. Быть разрушенным 19. Получить помощь 20. Литературное (музыкальное) сочинение 21. Утешение 22. Чрезвычайные полномочия 23. Предшествовать 24. Аристократический район 25. Доверить ключи соседям 26. Входить в моду 27. Футбольное поле 28. Тупица 29. Уверенные манеры 30. Затаить обиду 31. Оставить друга в беде 32. Пренебрегать обязанностями 33. Войти в дело в качестве партнера.

  2. Paraphrase the following: 1. She has a pleasant way of looking at them. 2. No matter how tired he was he tried to do his best to help her. 3. The teacher must make his children develop a critical way of thinking. 4. You have promised to take the children to the Zoo, so you must keep your word. 5. The woman talked very quickly without stopping. 6. He was not sure his arguments would influence them.19 7. He talked a lot, but never dealt seriously with the subject. 8. Your daughter is spoilt, nobody can stop her from doing what she wants.

  3. Translate into English: 1. Пожилые пациенты были шокированы грубыми манерами молодого доктора. 2. К моему великому удивлению, он не страдает от угрызений совести. 3. Болезненная операция или нет, она обязательна. 4. Американские колонисты выступали против политики увеличения налогов. 5. Он заверил меня в честности своего друга. 6. Сначала нервничая на новом месте, собака успокоилась, почувствовав доброе отношение нового хозяина. 7. Я чувствую, что он имеет зуб против меня, но не знаю, какое зло я ему причинил. 8. Не принимай эти слова на веру. 9. Комната выходила окнами на море. 10. Его лицо не выражало ничего, кроме негодования.

  4. Dwell upon the following problem: Speak on the problem of juvenile delinquency. TUESDAY’S CHILDREN (by W. Macken) The doctor heard the clock striking midnight as he finished his last entry for Monday in the diary. He felt very tired. He had had a long hard day. Suddenly the front door bell rang. He wondered if he would pretend not to hear. If he stayed quiet would the caller go away? It was a point he debated often with himself and he was always the loser. He knew he would have to go down and open the door. He opened the front door. “Well, what is it?” The man outside was unperturbed. “Good night, doctor”, he said. “Would you come? My wife is having a bad time”. The doctor looked at him. A small stocky man with a big chest and a black unshaven face, with white teeth and a few of them missing. “What’s wrong with her?” the doctor asked. “I don’t know”, said the man. “Just she’s having it hard. Never had with any of the other children”. “How many others?” asked the doctor. “Nine”, the man grinned, “six died”. “All right”, said the doctor, “I’ll be with you”. He went out. He opened his car, opened the other door. “Get in”, he said to the man. “Who delivered all the others?” he asked as he drove the car out of the avenue. “Herself and myself”, the man said. “You are an expert then”, the doctor said. “Why do you want me now?” “This is different”, the man said. “This is hard. It would be bad to lose her”. Three miles away from the house the doctor saw the tent at the side of the road. “She is in here”, the man said. The man and the doctor got on their knees and crawled in. The tent was too small for the three of them. He saw the woman’s agony in the light of a candle. Her face was soaked with sweat. She had a very strong face, big jawbones, high cheekbones well burned from the sun but pale under the tan. “This is terrible”, the doctor was thinking. The small tent was fugged. Three hours later he still thought it was impossible. The woman should have died. Nobody should have to work under conditions like that. He had done something that was impossible. At last the child was born. “What do I owe you, doctor?” the man said. The doctor laughed. “Say a prayer for me”, he said. He drove away. He was very amused and chuckled all the way home. When he got in the telephone was ringing. He was now in condition to work as he was excited by the good he had done. He raised the receiver. It was a call of a nursing home in the town, twenty miles away. He was to come quickly. Were they sure it was time for him? Was she really on the verge? She was. “All right, I’ll come”, said he tiredly. When would he catch up his sleep he wondered, as he drove to the town. Mrs. B. wasn’t ready, but she wanted him. She was white and pink. There were flowers in the room. The room was very elegant. He smiled at her. “Everything will be all right”, he said automatically. And he remembered a stoical woman in the tent, her jaw muscles tightening under the pain of the things he had to do to her, without anaesthetic. She had a brave face, that Leel. Mrs. B. was shouting for “something”. “You’ll have to give me something. I can’t bear it. I can’t bear it”. “Later, later”, he said. Her husband was in the waiting-room. Very well dressed. He would repeat: “How is she?” and “don’t leave her. She wants you every minute”. The doctor couldn’t help thinking of the thin boy that he had helped into the world earlier.20 It was late afternoon by the time when he was ready to leave. He was about to turn from the village street into his own road when he saw Leel. He got out of the car. He was very angry. He walked over to her. Leel had a multicoloured shawl around her and the baby enveloped in it. She was going to the shop. “Here”, he shouted. “What’s the idea? Do I haul you back from the grave to have you digging a new one? You should be at home in bed”. “Sure it’s nothing, doctor”, said Leel anxiously. “I have no time to be staying in bed. What would I be doing in bed?” His anger faded away. What was the use? She looked terrible but she was on her feet. Nothing he could say was any good. He went back to the car. When he got home his wife was waiting for him. She was anxious about him. The telephone rang. “Who is it?” “It’s Mr. B.” “No, I won’t go in now. I’ll see your wife in the morning or not at all. She’s as healthy as a trout. There is nothing wrong with her. I know there isn’t. I just saw a woman this minute, who had a baby in the morning. Do you know what she was doing? She was out walking! If your wife went through a tenth of what she had gone through she would be dead now. That’s all. Good-bye”. “That’s that”, he said, “another client gone”. He pulled out his diary. “To a tinker”, he wrote “– a son. To a rich man – a daughter”. And under that he wrote angrily in capitals: “THESE WERE TUESDAY’S CHILDREN”.

  5. Dwell upon the problem 1. Students should share the responsibility and enjoy equal rights with the faculty. The vital question is to what extent and in what ways? 2. Speak on the vital role of drug addiction and alcohol consumption in the growing crime rate in general and in juvenile delinquency in particular. 3. Speak on the problem of juvenile delinquency. 4. Is it good for children to read fanciful stories which are an escape from the harsh realities of life? 5. What role does music play in your life? 6. How will you bring up your children? 7. What are the possible future achievements of TV? 8. What do you think of the role the tradition plays in our life? 9. A good husband makes a good wife. 10. Love is just like the measles: we all have to go through it

Контрольная работа 3

1. Focus on synonyms. Correct the mistakes. a) He spoke in simple English, without any hints. b) The politician made a plain statement about the issue. c) We were lucky to get a plain task. d) They are not very rich, so they lead a clear life. e) At the end of the book there are some empty pages for notes. f) I don’t approve of this company. Their interests are blank. g) The room is empty, you can move in.

2. Choose the correct option a) Jack decided to take a course/lesson in hotel management. b) Sheila always got good marks/points in algebra. c) After leaving school, Ann studied/trained as a teacher. d) Peter decided not to go in/enter for the examination. e) My sister learned/taught me how to draw. f) I can't come to the cinema. I have to read/study for a test. g) In history we had to learn a lot of dates by hand/heart. h) I hope your work will improve by the end of course/term. i) Martin failed/missed his maths exam and had to sit it again. j) If you have any questions, raise/rise your hand.

3. Match each person from the list with the description classmate examiner learner principal pupil coach graduate lecturer professor tutor a) Someone who teaches at a university. ............... b) Someone who has a college degree................ c) The head of a school................ d) Someone who studies at primary or secondary school....... e) The most important teacher in a university department..... f) Someone who teaches one student or a very small class..... g) Someone in the same class as yourself................ h) Someone who trains a sports team................ i) Someone who writes the question papers of an examination. j) Someone who drives but has not yet passed a driving test.

4. Match the beginning and the ending of the sentences a) Joe was absent most or the time....... b) Sue wanted to do the experiment for herself....... c) James was a very gifted pupil....... d) Lucy couldn't find a duster to clean the board....... e) Dave could pick up languages very easily....... f) Brenda wanted to leave space for corrections....... g) Tony didn't pay attention in class....... h) Helen was educated at home by her parents....... i) Brian attended evening classes in photography....... j) Cathy wanted to get into university....... 1) .......so he didn't have any problems passing his exams. 2) .......so he started talking in French after only a few days. 3) .......so she had to study for the entrance examinations. 4) .......so his name was removed from the register. 5) .......so he didn't go out with his friends much during the week. 6) .......so she wrote her answers in the corner. 7) .......so she didn't have many friends of her own age. 8) .......so she wrote everything on alternate lines. 9) .......so she went to the science laboratory. 10) .......so he could never remember what the teacher said.

5. Use the words in capitals to form new words that would fit the gaps Margaret started English Literature this term, and I am afraid that her (1)...............to the subject has not been INTRODUCE entirety (2)................She has not shown much enthusiasm, SUCCESS and does not always pay (3).............in class. Her assignments ATTEND are often (4)..............., because she is so untidy, and because READ of her (5)...............to check her work thoroughly. She failed FAIL to do any (6)...............before the end of term test, and had REVISE poor results. She seems to have the (7)...............idea that MISTAKE she can succeed without studying. She has also had many (8)...............and has frequently arrived late for class. This ABSENT has resulted in several severe (9)................Although PUNISH Margaret is a (10)...............student in some respects, she GIFT has not had a satisfactory term.

6. Choose the correct variant a) Helen's parents were very pleased when they read her school....... A) report B) papers C) diploma D) account b) Martin has quite a good.......of physics. A) result B) pass C) understanding D) head c) In Britain, children start.......school at the age of five. A) kindergarten B) secondary C) nursery D) primary d) Edward has a........in French from Leeds University. A) certificate B) degree C) mark D) paper e) My favourite.......at school was History. A) topic B) class C) theme D) subject f) It's time for break. The bell has......... A) gone off B) struck C) rung D) sounded g) Our English teacher.......us some difficult exercises for homework. A) set B) put C) obliged D) made h) Before you begin the exam paper, always read the.......carefully. A) orders B) instructions C) rules D) answers i) If you want to pass the examination, you must study........ A) hardly B) enough C) thoroughly D) rather j) Most students have quite a good sense of their own......... A) grasp B) ability C) idea D) information

7. Some lines of the following text are correct, but some contain an extra word each. Cross the extra words out. In my town, students like to celebrating Students' Week, which begins with a party on the first day of spring. There is a whole week of activities which organised by all the schools in the area, and students like to invite them their parents and teachers to the party so that everyone can have a really good time and enjoy of the celebrations. First, I am going to tell you something about the preparations made up in advance. Students build stands, which are large tables where they can be put all the food for the party. Music is very important, so that the students who can play instruments get together with to practise the songs they are going to play. Everyone looks forward to Students' Week because it is such a fun for the young and also for the old. Even so, when it rains, the celebrations are not spoilt as it is always possible to move into the tents which students put up just in the case they are needed, If you think ever visit my town in spring, come and join us.

Listening Focus

1. Listen to the text and whether the following sentences are true or false a) Teachers in some high schools in Britain are worried that their jobs may become impossible shortly. b) In the problem schools, mostly in large cities, a small minority of teenage pupils deliberately disrupt lessons. c) Small children who are continually banned to express their individuality without restriction are naturally reluctant to accept school discipline. d) Modern teaching techniques appear to stress serious academic work at the expense of personal enjoyment. e) Perhaps the problem can be solved by improving facilities for the psychological guidance of these difficult children. f) But none of us believe that there ought to be a return to more "old-fashioned" methods. g) At present in some schools teachers may not even slap a child who misbehaves.

Reading Focus

1. Arrange the paragraphs in the proper order. The first one is a a) Independent schools have increased the number of pupils they send to Oxbridge over the last five years despite the Government's campaign to broaden access. b) Figures for the number of pupils from independent schools gaining places at Oxbridge show an overall increase although some of the less academically selective and prestigious have had less success in recent years. c) Cambridge is expected to release figures this month showing only a small increase in state school entrants. Independent schools, which educate around a quarter of sixth formers, accounted for 48.6 per cent of the places at Oxford in 2005/06 and 43.2 per cent of those at Cambridge. d) Despite a large increase in the number of places available, most have been created in former polytechnics and for two-year foundation degrees. e) Eton has almost doubled its success rate at Oxford, with 70 pupils offered places last September compared with 38 in 2001. Places at Cambridge have also gone up, to 25, against 23 five years ago. f) The Oxbridge success rate at Westminster rose from 68 in 2001 to 80. Harrow's rose from 14 to 21, Winchester's from 47 to 56 and St Paul's boys' school from 42 to 55. g) The Government has put increasing pressure on the 20 leading universities in the Russell Group to admit more state school pupils since Gordon Brown condemned Oxford for rejecting Laura Spence, a comprehensive pupil from Tyneside. h)The universities have been given "benchmarks" for increasing their social mix and must show that they make efforts to do so in return for permission to charge the £3,000-a-year top-up fees. i) But Tony Little, the head master of Eton, said his pupils knew they had to earn their places. "There is no golden road. The clever dilettante doesn't wash for Oxford now, if it ever did." j)The universities, however, are unwilling to use positive discrimination by lowering grades they demand from state school applicants, saying it is up to the Government to improve standards. k) Places for UK students at Oxford have gone up by 11 per cent to 14,050 since Labour came to power and those at Cambridge by 20 per cent to 14,650, against increases of 51 per cent at Bournemouth, 54 per cent at Anglia and 38 per cent at Plymouth. l) Barry Sheerman, the chairman of the Commons education select committee, said universities had failed to do enough to broaden their intake. "Oxford and Cambridge shouldn't be seen as finishing schools for Eton and Westminster," he said.

Критерии оценки: 

  • оценка «отлично» выставляется студенту, если правильно выполнено более 80% заданий; оценка «хорошо» выставляется студенту, если правильно выполнено более 60% заданий;

  • оценка «удовлетворительно» выставляется студенту, если правильно выполнено более 400% заданий;

  • оценка «неудовлетворительно» выставляется студенту, если правильно выполнено менее 40% заданий. 

Методические указания по освоению дисциплины Б1.В.ДВ.6.1 Практика устной и письменной речи языка (первый иностранный язык) (английский) адресованы студентам всех форм обучения.

Учебным планом по направлению подготовки «45.03.02 Лингвистика» предусмотрены следующие виды занятий:

- практические занятия.

В ходе лекционных занятий рассматриваются основные теоретические вопросы курса: исторические процессы в системе английского языка, исторические изменений строя английского языка (историческая фонетика, историческая грамматика, историческая лексикология), даются рекомендации для самостоятельной работы и подготовке к практическим занятиям.

В ходе практических занятий углубляются и закрепляются знания студентов по ряду рассмотренных на лекциях вопросов, развиваются навыки творческого теоретического мышления, умение самостоятельно изучать литературу, анализировать практику.

При подготовке к практическим занятиям каждый студент должен:

– изучить рекомендованную учебную литературу;

– изучить конспекты лекций;

– подготовить ответы на все вопросы по изучаемой теме;

–письменно решить домашнее задание, рекомендованные преподавателем при изучении каждой темы.

По согласованию с преподавателем студент может подготовить реферат, доклад или сообщение по теме занятия. В процессе подготовки к практическим занятиям студенты могут воспользоваться консультациями преподавателя.

Вопросы, не рассмотренные на лекциях и практических занятиях, должны быть изучены студентами в ходе самостоятельной работы. Контроль самостоятельной работы студентов над учебной программой курса осуществляется в ходе занятий методом устного опроса или посредством тестирования. В ходе самостоятельной работы каждый студент обязан прочитать основную и по возможности дополнительную литературу по изучаемой теме, дополнить конспекты лекций недостающим материалом, выписками из рекомендованных первоисточников. Выделить непонятные термины, найти их значение в энциклопедических словарях.

При реализации различных видов учебной работы используются разнообразные (в т.ч. интерактивные) методы обучения, в частности:

- интерактивная доска для подготовки и проведения лекционных и семинарских занятий.

Для подготовки к занятиям, текущему контролю и промежуточной аттестации студенты могут воспользоваться электронной библиотекой ВУЗа http://library.rsue.ru/ . Также обучающиеся могут взять на дом необходимую литературу на абонементе вузовской библиотеки или воспользоваться читальными залами вуза.

1   2   3   4   5


Цели освоения дисциплины: обучение устной речи на основе развития необходимых автоматизированных навыков, развития техники чтения и навыков письменной речи. Задачи iconЕ. В. Себина english in grammar
Целью пособия является активизация навыков устной речи на основе текстов и совершенствование лексико-грамматических навыков

Цели освоения дисциплины: обучение устной речи на основе развития необходимых автоматизированных навыков, развития техники чтения и навыков письменной речи. Задачи iconУчебно-тематическое планирование умк «Open Mind Beginner» №
Развитие и совершенствование грамматических навыков. Развитие и совершенствование навыков чтения. Развитие и совершенствование умений...

Цели освоения дисциплины: обучение устной речи на основе развития необходимых автоматизированных навыков, развития техники чтения и навыков письменной речи. Задачи iconМетодические указания по аудиторному и внеаудиторному чтению и переводу,...
Методические указания по аудиторному и внеаудиторному чтению и переводу, развитию навыков устной и письменной речи для студентов...

Цели освоения дисциплины: обучение устной речи на основе развития необходимых автоматизированных навыков, развития техники чтения и навыков письменной речи. Задачи iconЛекция 10. Теория и методика обучения связной речи
Предмет развития речи иногда неправомерно расширяют, включая в эту область методики формирование навыков правописания. Развитие речи...

Цели освоения дисциплины: обучение устной речи на основе развития необходимых автоматизированных навыков, развития техники чтения и навыков письменной речи. Задачи iconВзгляд на экологию
Учебно-методическое пособие предназначено для работы в группах бакалавров и специалистов 2 курса экологического факультета и состоит...

Цели освоения дисциплины: обучение устной речи на основе развития необходимых автоматизированных навыков, развития техники чтения и навыков письменной речи. Задачи iconКонспект открытого урока письмо и развитие речи и сбо тема урока....
Развивать коммуникативные ууд на основе формирования учебной деятельности средствами устной и письменной речи

Цели освоения дисциплины: обучение устной речи на основе развития необходимых автоматизированных навыков, развития техники чтения и навыков письменной речи. Задачи iconПрограмма дисциплины дпп. Ф. 07 Семейное воспитание детей с нарушением...
Курс «Семейное воспитание детей с нарушениями речи» призван помочь будущим логопедам осознать социальную роль семьи, значимость ее...

Цели освоения дисциплины: обучение устной речи на основе развития необходимых автоматизированных навыков, развития техники чтения и навыков письменной речи. Задачи iconУрок 34. Возвратные местоимения Дата проведения: Цели: введение и...
Цели: введение и первичное закрепление грамматического материала по теме «Возвратные местоимения»; активизация лексических навыков...

Цели освоения дисциплины: обучение устной речи на основе развития необходимых автоматизированных навыков, развития техники чтения и навыков письменной речи. Задачи iconТема урока Кол-во ча-сов
Развитие навыков аудирования и устной речи по теме «Каникулы – время путешествий»

Цели освоения дисциплины: обучение устной речи на основе развития необходимых автоматизированных навыков, развития техники чтения и навыков письменной речи. Задачи iconУчебно-методический комплекс дисциплины сд. Ф. 13. 4 () Методика...
СД. Ф. 13. 4 () Методика преподавания: методика развития речи дошкольников (специальная)

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