Do you know anything from the history of the fcs of Russia?

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EU Customs' role in the fight against terrorism

List of words

      1. To implement effective measures — приводить в исполнение эффективные меры.

      2. Efficiency — действенность, эффективность.

      3. To derive from — выводить.

      4. To ensure control — обеспечивать контроль, надзор.

      5. Annual — годичный.

      6. Concern — интерес, отношение, касательство.

      7. To intend — намереваться, планировать.

      8. Co-ordinate — координировать; устанавливать правильное соотношение.

      9. To detect illegal goods — обнаруживать незаконные товары.

      10. Legitimate — законный.

      11. Compliant — податливый, уступчивый.

      12. Facilitation — облегчение, помощь.

      13. Bound — направляющийся.

      14. Paramount — главный, основной, высший.

      15. Non-intrusive— ненавязчивый.

      16. Inspection — осмотр, обследование.

      17. To deploy — развертывать.

      18. Radiation detection portals — детектор излучения.

      19. Efficient scanning — внимательный, эффективный просмотр.

      20. Reciprocity — взаимодействие, взаимность.

      21. Mutual — взаимный, обоюдный, совместный.

      22. Partnership — товарищество, участие.

      23. Chemical weapons — химическое оружие.

      24. Device — устройство, приспособление, механизм.

      25. Misuse — злоупотребление, неправильное использование.

      26. To focus on — сосредоточиться, обращать (внимание).

      27. Internal market — внутренний рынок.

      28. To relate — относиться, иметь отношение.

      29. To recognise — узнавать, признавaть.

      30. To face — стоять лицом (к чему-л.); смотреть в лицо.

      31. Cargo (pl -oes) — груз (корабля или самолёта).

      32. To smuggle — провозить контрабандой.

      33. Nuclear — ядерный.

      34. Consequence — (по)следствие.

      35. Expectation — ожидание.

      36. Threat — угроза.

      37. To derive from — получать, извлекать.

      38. Reward — награда; вознаграждение.

      39. Trade facilitation — облегчение, помощь.

      40. Authority — власть.

      41. Reliable — надёжный.

      42. Targeted — направленный на.

      43. To relate to — устанавливать связь, иметь отношение.

      44. Depend on — зависеть от.

      45. Assessment — оценка имущества для обложения налогом, сумма обложения, оценка.

      46. Particular — особый, исключительный.

      47. Objective — цель; стремление.

      48. Mutual recognition — взаимное признание.

      49. Reciprocity — взаимность, сотрудничество.

Read and translate the texts: Text 1

The challenge

The terrorist attacks in New York, Madrid and London have changed the world in which we live. The fight against terrorism and protection of the citizens has become for governments more than an important issue; it has become a strategic issue. We are facing a serious, new challenge: How best to design and implement effective measures that will successfully defend our trading and transport system from terrorism — while preserving the efficiency of today's system and the benefits which consumers and, businesses derive from it? The European Council called for the protection of all forms of transport systems, in order to ensure effective border control and facilitate the adoption and implementation of the strategy for customs co-operation.

On an annual basis, 1600 million tons of cargo is transported by sea, and 8 million tons of cargo is transported by air, into and out of the European Community.

Worldwide container traffic is projected to grow to 510-610 million containers in 2015. A particular security concern is the potential misuse of a container to smuggle a nuclear or radiological device. The consequences of a terrorist attack related to the international supply chain would bring international transport to a halt, sea ports and airports would be closed, which would have vast consequences for the world economy.

The 2005 Commission work programme recognises that «security is one of the primary expectations of European citizens». In concrete terms, the Commission intends to focus on a common approach to border control. EU citizens will be better protected against security threats through a co-coordinated response at the external borders of the European Community.

The customs authorities of the 25 Member States play an important role in the fight against cross-border crime and terrorism. Customs expertise in controlling goods, backed up by the use of modern IT systems and an efficient risk assessment, is vital to detect illegal goods such as drugs, explosive materials or nuclear and chemical weapons.

Text 2

The EU Customs Security Programme

In the last decade, the role of customs has significantly changed from the collection of customs duties to the protection of citizens due to reduced duty rates and increased concerns for safety and security. The main task of customs nowadays in all administrations is the protection of citizens and their interests while facilitating legitimate trade.

The EU Customs Security Programme covers activities supporting the development and implementation of measures enhancing security through improved customs controls. The programme introduces proper security controls to ensure the protection of the internal market and, in close co-operation with major trading partners in the world, secure the international supply chain.

The programme balances controls with trade facilitation. Traders demonstrating compliant efforts to secure their part of the supply chain will be rewarded by benefits such as fewer controls.

  • Traders are required to provide customs authorities with information on goods prior to import to or export from the European Union (Pre Arrival / Pre Departure Declarations);

  • Reliable traders will benefit from trade facilitation measures through the Authorised Economic Operator (AEO) programme;

  • Introduction of a mechanism for setting uniform Community risk-selection criteria for controls, supported by computerised systems.

These three approaches are interlinked and will provide enhanced security through a combination of measures. The European Community is expecting more security and more facilitation from these rules as for example the use of advance electronic information and electronic systems for risk analysis will enable customs to identify high risk cargo bound for Europe at an early stage in the logistical process. With the new security initiative, Customs will be enabled to carry out more targeted controls on high risk shipments by means of automated systems as well as new technologies.

International customs co-operation

All these efforts have to be seen in the international context; traders request harmonised rules in order to avoid that, depending on the country of import / export, different rules have to be complied with. The European Union is therefore closely co-operating with its main trading partners such as the USA and is also closely following developments in the World Customs Organisation (WCO). Co-operation is also being launched with other third countries, in the framework of pilot projects — e.g. with China — to test secure trade lanes and / or exchange of information for security purposes. The EU's overall objective in its international relations is mutual recognition and reciprocity of security controls and standards and of business partnership programmes.

Answer the following questions:

    1. What have the terrorist attacks in New York, London resulted in?

    2. What effective measures are designed to defend trading and transport system from terrorism?

    3. What is considered to be of a particular concern?

    4. Why is Customs expertise vital?

    5. What is the main task of customs nowadays?

    6. What kinds of traders will be rewarded?

    7. Why is it necessary to use electronic systems?

    8. What is NII equipment used for?

    9. Why is radiation scanning technology useful? What does it enable?

    10. Why should customs of different countries cooperate?

    11. Does EU cooperate only with the 25 Member States? What is the main aim of their relations?

    12. EU citizens will be better protected against terrorism, won't they? What measures will be undertaken?

Fill in the gaps with the English equivalents of the words in brackets:

Advanced control equipment

Technology clearly has a role in increasing both the efficiency of inspecting cargo and the number of (груз, партия товара) that can be inspected. Container inspection technology is of (важный, значительный) interest because it helps customs to answer quickly and easily the security question of paramount importance «What's in the box?» Non-intrusive inspection (NII) equipment using (рентгеновские лучи) and gamma ray technologies is being deployed at border crossings and in sea- and airports. NII equipment allows customs authorities to have a (визуальное изображение) of a container's (содержимое); it is a relatively easy way to review a container's content in contrast to physically unloading a container.

Radiation scanning technology is an important tool as well. Radiation detection (ворота, портал) is already used at most of the major border crossings at the eastern land border of the European Union. Trucks bringing cargo into the European Union are passing through the portals. Currently also more and more sea ports are installing this kind of portals at the gates of (грузовой терминал). It enables efficient scanning and detection of the means of transport and the cargo with a limited (задержка, промедление) for trade.

Match the words with their Russian equivalents:

1. to call for

a) заслуживающий доверия / надежный торговец

2. to bring smth, to a halt

b) организация и технология перевозок

3. border crossing

c) пересечение границы

4. to adopt a strategy

d) выгружать, разгружать

5. IT systems

e) опытный план, проект, программа

6. explosive materials

f) внешние границы

7. external borders

g) требовать, обязывать

8. reliable traders

h) принимать/ одобрять план, стратегию

9. pilot project

i) устанавливать, устраивать

10. logistics

j) взрывчатые вещества

11. consequences

k) потребитель

12. to unload

l) остановить что-либо

13. consumer

m) комплекс информационных технологий

14. to back up

n) поддерживать

15. to install

o) последствия

Translate into English:

Откройте Ваш чемодан

На мою просьбу рассказать о делах таможни последних месяцев начальник таможни столичного аэропорта Шереметьево предложил мне встать на дежурство к досмотровому окну. Пограничники проверяют документы пассажиров и, если все в порядке, разрешают им «войти» в нашу страну.

Правда, сразу в Москву не отправишься — нужно выполнить таможенные формальности, обязательные во всех странах мира. Прибывшему к нам пассажиру нужно заполнить декларацию, ответив на несколько вопросов: не ввозятся ли золото, драгоценности, валюта, оружие. Аэропорт связан со всеми континентами мира. Сотни самолетов, тысячи пассажиров и бесчисленное множество чемоданов, портфелей, сумок. Через залы Шереметьевской таможни проходят деловые люди, артисты, спортсмены, туристы... Среди этого огромного потока людей, провозящих контрабанду, — единицы.

Старший инспектор встречает пассажиров. Мне, не посвященному в тонкости таможенного контроля, кажется, что он недостаточно внимателен.

Но вдруг я слышу в его голосе иные нотки:

  • Откройте ваш чемодан!

Старший инспектор шепнул мне: «Убежден, что провозится контрабанда» и предложил прибывшему пройти в соседнюю комнату. Через минуту меня пригласили и туда. Из подпоротой подкладки пиджака на стол с мелодичным звоном посыпались золотые монеты с изображением короля Георга V.

  • Меня... просили... передать... одному человеку, — невнятно пробормотал пассажир.

Я спросил у инспектора, почему из сотен пассажиров он обратил внимание именно на этого.

  • Опыт подсказал, выработалась определенная интуиция.

Fill the gaps in these sentences with a suitable preposition from the list:

with, through, in, for, of, in-, of, against, through, of, at-, of, from-, with, for, of, by

    1. Container inspection is great importance as it defends

our trading and transport system terrorism.

    1. The European Union closely co-operates its main trading partners, with other third countries the

framework various projects.

    1. Reliable traders will be rewarded benefits.

    2. The main task customs nowadays all administrations is the protection citizens and their interests.

    3. Citizens will be better protected security threats

co-ordinated activities the external borders

the European Community.

    1. Customs provides security improved customs controls.

    2. Electronic systems risk analysis will enable customs

to identify high risk cargo bound Europe.

Use each of these collocations in sentences of your own

To make something secure, to be under regular control, to avoid the risk, cargo in transit, to ensure, passport and visa control, customs inspection of the passenger's baggage, prohibited or restricted articles, control equipment, customs officers, belongings, customs co-operation, trade facilitation, customs inspection.

Topics for discussion

        1. Russian Customs contends that radiation detectors should not be installed along the Customs Union members borders of as the borders will be dissolved when the Union is implemented.

        2. The customs formalities through which all passengers must pass are too strict.

      1. A customs officer has no right to ask a passenger to show him personal belongings.

Terrorist attacks are likely to occur in foreign countries.

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