Безопасность в чрезвычайных ситуациях анализ оказания догоспитальной медицинской помощи пострадавшим в дорожно-транспортных происшествиях с сочетанными травмами в арктической зоне архангельской области

НазваниеБезопасность в чрезвычайных ситуациях анализ оказания догоспитальной медицинской помощи пострадавшим в дорожно-транспортных происшествиях с сочетанными травмами в арктической зоне архангельской области
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Khatanzeyskya I.I.

Northern State Medical University, Department of psychiatry and clinical psychology, faculty of clinical psychology, social work and adaptive physical culture E-mail: na.iri2011@yandex.ru

Research supervisor: MD, associate professor of psychiatry and clinical psychology Bocharovа E.A.
Summary: The system of values of young men and girls from full and incomplete families is investigated. Distinctions in indicators of family values in the general system of values are defined. It is revealed what family values are for them more significant. Differences between elections of the studied groups are noted. Role expectations and claims are studied.

Keywords: social values, family values, full and incomplete families

1. Anketa «Semejnye cennosti» // URL: URL: http://nosovs.ru/ ?page_id=15 (data obrashhenija: 12.12.2015). [in Russian]

2. Volkova A.N. Praktikum po jeksperimental'noj i prikladnoj psihologii. L: Znanie, 1990. 88 s. [in Russian]

3. Gibadullin N.V. Problemy formirovanija semejnyh cennostej u detej-sirot i detej, ostavshihsja bez popechenija roditelej, v uslovijah zameshhajushhej sem'i // Vestnik KGU im. N.A. Nekrasova. Psihologicheskie nauki №6. 2014. S. 268-271. [in Russian]

4. Druzhinin V.N. Psihologija sem'i . SPb: Piter, 2006. 176 s. [in Russian]

5. Nabiulina N.G. Diagnostika cennostnyh orientacij studentov srednih special'nyh uchebnyh zavedenij. Ufa: 2003. 60 s. [in Russian]

6. Pojda O.V. Podgotovka studencheskoj molodezhi k osoznannomu roditel'stvu: prakticheskij aspekt // Vesnіk VDU № 3(75). 2013. S. 126-130. [in Russian]

7. Fetiskin N.P, Kozlov V.V., Manujlov G.M, Social'no-psihologicheskaja diagnostika razvitija lichnosti i malyh grupp. M: Izd-vo instituta psihoterapii, 2002. 490 s. [in Russian]

Kalpana Yadav

Arkhangelsk, Russia, Northern State Medical University, 6-year students of international faculty of general practitioner, e-mail: kalpanayadav380@gmail.com

Supervisor: CSc, MPH E.A. Krieger, DSc, prof. O.V. Samodova
Key words: healthcare-associated infections, hand hygiene.
Background: Healthcare-associated infections are an important cause of morbidity and mortality among hospitalized patients worldwide. More than 60% of healthcare-associated pathogens are transmitted by contaminated hands of health care workers [1]. Hand hygiene has long been considered one of the most important infection control measures. Although compliance by healthcare workers with recommended hand hygiene procedures was demonstrated to be generally below 50% of hand hygiene opportunities [2].

Objective: To draw students’ attention to the importance of hand hygiene and show them the proper way of hand washing to reduce the spread of infectious diseases.

Methods: Six master classes on hand hygiene were performed using light box and fluorescent liquor to educate medical students how to wash hands properly. We asked participants to pump very small squirt of the lotion onto the palms and wash their hands the way they usually do. After that, they placed their hands inside the light box. The lotion was shine blue (fluoresce) under the ultraviolet lamp and showed the areas that they missed when they washed their hands. Then we showed them the proper way of hand hygiene and described “5 moments for hand hygiene” according to World Health Organization.

Results: Altogether, 46 students took part in our survey. Only few students (less than 15%) washed their hands properly. They did such mistakes as: washing hands in less than 10 seconds, not using proper amount of hand antiseptic liquid, touching surfaces, ignoring backs of the hands, areas between the fingers and fingernail beds, using a common hand towel etc.

After demonstration of proper hand hygiene according to recommendations of World Health Organization, almost all students repeated the process and result showed good hand hygiene.

After the master-classes, students were convinced that alcohol-based hand rub requires less time, is microbiologically more effective and is less irritating to skin than traditional hand washing with soap and water.

Conclusion: Good hand hygiene practice is based on training. The master-classes on hand hygiene are essential to emphasize the importance of proper hand hygiene to improve patient safety.

1.Pittet D., et al. Evidence-based model for hand transmission during patient care and the role of improved practices. Lancet Infect Dis. 2006; 6: 641-652.

2.Gould D.J., et al.: Interventions to improve hand hygiene compliance in patient care. J Hosp Infect. 2008; 68: 193–202.


Makarov V.N.

Northern Sate Medical University, Arkhangelsk, Russia
Abstract: The largest contribution to the overall structure of mortality from the external causes in Arkhangelsk region in 2013-2014 was made by the mortality among men in the group of mechanical asphyxia (the 40.5 and 35.3 per 100000 in 2013 and 2014, respectively) and poisonings (for 23.3 and 25.6 per 100000, respectively). Men comprise more than 70 % cases in each category of the external causes of death. Age groups 20-39 years and 40-59 years contain most of the cases of deaths from external causes.

Keywords: mortality, external causes, distribution, gender, age, Arkhangelsk oblast.

Malygina.A.A.1, Aivazova E.A.,2 Chagina N.B.,3 Ivanchenco N.L.4

1 - Northern State medicl University, 3 year, faculty of Medical and preventive cases and medical biochemistry, medical biochemistry departmentи, tujcz@yandex.ru, 2 - Northern State medicl University, department of General and Biomedical Chemistry, Cand. Sc. {Biology}, Associate Professor, ayvazowa@yandex.ru, 3 - Northern Arctic Federal University M.V. Lomonosov, Cand. Sc. {Technical}, Associate Professor, chaginan26@mail.ru, 4 - Joint Use Center "Arktika" of Northern Arctic Federal University M.V. Lomonosov, Cand. Sc. {Chemistry}, Associate Professor, ivanchenkonl@mail.ru.
Abstract: One of the main indicators of the environmental assessment of urban areas is the study of the atmospheric air. In winter, the snow accumulates atmospheric pollutants, the study of the contents of which will help to draw a conclusion on the environmental state of the city. The physico-chemical characteristics are calculated and hygienic characteristics were determined during the studies.

Key words: atmosphere, snow, pollutants, heavy metals.

1. Vasilenko V.N. Monitoring zagrjaznenija snezhnogo pokrova /V.N. Vasilenko, I.M. Nazarov, Sh.D. Fridman. – L.: Gidrometeoizdat, 1985. – 181 s.

2. Rukovodstvo po ocenke riska dlja zdorov'ja naselenija pri vozdejstvijah himicheskih veshhestv, zagrjaznjajushhih okruzhajushhuju sredu. R. glavnym gos. san. Vrachom 5 marta 2004 g.[Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL:http// www.docs.cntd.ru/document/1200037399. (data obrashhenija: 19.02.2016).

3. Chagina N.B., Ajvazova E.A., Kolosova S.P. Vlijanie avtotransporta na sanitarno-gigienicheskie harakteristiki snegovyh vypadenij g. Arhangel'ska //Uspehi sovr. Estestvoznanija. 2012. № 10. S. 109–110.

Mikulina E.Y. Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov. Master of the Department of Social Work and Social Security. Institute of integrated security NArFU. E-mail: Enuwka@mail.ru Supervisor: prof., Doctor of biology Danilova R.I.

Abstract: This article describes the results of a study aimed at analyzing the representations of students of the medical school for the elderly.

Keywords: subjective perceptions of the student, the image of an elderly man.

Novikov DA, Novikova OV

Northern State Medical University. Department of Prosthetic Dentistry. Clinical interns.

Supervisor: d.m.s., prof., Yushmanova TN, c.m.s., assistant Katishev AV.
Annotation: We analyzed the tomograms and sagittal radiographs of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) of young patients undergoing treatment for various TMJ diseases. The characteristic radiographic signs of certain diseases of the TMJ were revealed. In addition, we detected a number of functional disorders of the temporomandibular joint elements.

Keywords: the temporomandibular joint, radiography, diagnostics.

Novikov DA, Novikova OV

Northern State Medical University. Department of Prosthetic Dentistry. Clinical interns.

Supervisor: d.m.s., prof., Yushmanova TN, c.m.s., assistant Katishev AV;
Annotation: The analysis of the medical records of young patients undergoing treatment for temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction syndrome revealed the most frequent etiological factors leading to the disease.

Keywords: the temporomandibular joint, dysfunction, etiology.

Pampukha A.G.

The Northen State medical university. Microbiogical, virology and immunology department. 4th course student of Dentistry faculty. E-mail: Pampukha.a@yandex.ru

Supervisors of studies : Prof., Doc.Med.Sci. Gorbatova L.N.

Assoc. Prof., PhD in Biology Lisishnikova L.P.
Abstract: the purpose of the study was to compare the antimicrobial effect of extracts containing sum of chlorophylls from two types of medicinal plants raw material: air-dry thalli of Saccharina latissima and Nettle herb. Significant antimicrobial activity of chlorophylls sum from Saccharina latissima was established. While chlorophylls sum from Nettle herb didn’t have it in the same conditions.

Key words: Saccharina latissima, Nettle, chlorophyll, microorganism, inhibition of growth
As part of solving the issues connecting with the import substitution problems, the range of domestic medicines, including medicinal plants has to be expanded. The popularity of the use of herbal medicines is due to their relative safety and high efficiency, affordability and the possibility of long-term use, multitudinous pharmacological action of biologically active plants compounds [2]. The expansion of the nomenclature causes the necessity of medicines quality improving. One of these process indicators is the pharmacological effectiveness amelioration.

The aim of this study was to compare the antimicrobial activity of extracts from two species of medicinal plants raw material: air-dry thalli of Saccharina latissima (Laminaria saccharina L., (Laminariaceae)) and Nettle herb (Urtica dioica L., (Urticaceae)), containing pigments, one of which is chlorophyll. It is known that chlorophyll has antimicrobial properties, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anti-tumor activity [2, 4]. In contrast to terrestrial plants, which contain chlorophylls a and b, brown algae (kelp), including Laminaria saccharina, contain chlorophylls a, c1 and c2 [3]. The extracts from studied species of air-dry raw material, containing chlorophylls, were obtained using maceration method, at a ratio of raw material–eluent 1:10. Ethanol 95% was used as the eluent. Maceration was carried out for 24 hours in a dark place. The extracts obtained were evaporated under vacuum at 30° C. The dry residue was dissolved in sterile olive oil and filtered. The chlorophyll content in the oil solutions was determined by UV–spectroscopy in the range 360 nm - 800 nm, using 90% acetone as the solvent. The amount of chlorophylls was calculated according to Jeffrey S.W. and Humphrey G.F. formulas [2].

To determine minimum inhibitory concentration of chlorophylls, experiments «in vitro» were carried out. In the course of the experiments, dynamics of growth inhibition of Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes and Candida albicans was investigated. The test microorganisms cultures bacterial suspensions in sterile saline (inoculum) were prepared. McFarland standards were used to adjust the turbidity of bacterial suspensions to 0.5. The standard slurries of investigated microorganisms in amount of 1 ml were placed by sterile Pasteur pipette to the test tubes containing the same volume (1 ml) of chlorophylls sum in concentrations from 5 μg / ml to 30 μg / ml in oil solutions. The fresh Nettle juice (1 ml) harvested during the Nettle flowering phase in Summer 2015 and kept at a temperature -18 ° C was also used as a test sample. The resulting mixtures were stirred vigorously, and incubated at 37° C for 18 hours. The inoculation by "lawn" was performed onto Mueller-Hinton agar (S. aureus), onto Mueller Hinton agar with blood (S. pyogenes) and onto Mueller-Hinton agar, modified to determine the antifungal susceptibility (C. albicans). To obtain reliable results, the agar diffusion method was also used. For this purpose the seed of inoculums was carried out by "lawn," the holes with diameter of 6 mm were cut in agar. 0.25 ml of chlorophylls test solutions were added into them. The Petri dishes were placed in a thermostat and were incubated at 37° C for 24 hours. After that growth intensity of the test microorganisms was determined. During the research it was found that the minimum inhibitory concentration of chlorophylls from Laminaria saccharina inhibiting the growth of S. aureus (the diameter of a full inhibition of growth - 24 mm) and S. pyogenes (the diameter of a full inhibition of growth - 22 mm) up to 48 hours is 10 μg / ml (Fig. 1). Antifungal activity of tested solutions from Laminaria saccharina in the indicated range of chlorophylls concentrations against C. albicans was not fixed. The fresh juice and extracts from the air-dried Nettle herb did not inhibit the growth of tested microorganisms in the similar conditions.

As a result during the course of the study it was found that the chlorophylls oil solution from Laminaria saccharina at concentrations of 10 μg / ml inhibits the growth of S. aureus and S. pyogenes up to 48 hours. The antimicrobial activity of extracts from Nettle raw material, containing the sum of chlorophylls in concentration range 5-30 μg / ml was not found.

1. Opredelenie chuvstvitel'nosti mikroorganizmov k antibakterial'nym preparatam [Определение чувствительности микроорганизмов к антибактериальным препаратам]. MUK 4.2.1890–04: utver. i vved. v dejstvie Gl. gos. san. vrachom RF G. G. Onishhenko 4 marta 2004 g. // Klin. mikrobiol. antimikrob. himioter. 2004. T. 6, № 4. pp. 306–359. [in Russian]

2. Strusovskaya O. G. Resursovedcheskie i fitohimicheskie issledovaniya perspektivnyh vidov syr'ya dikorastushchih rastenij ostrovov Soloveckogo arhipelaga [Ресурсоведческие и фитохимические исследования перспективных видов сырья дикорастущих растений островов Соловецкого архипелага] : diss. dokt. farm. nauk. Volgograd, 2014. 314 p. [in Russian]

3. Douady D. Fucoxanthin-chlorophyll a/c light-harvesting complexes of Laminaria saccharina: partial amino acid sequences and arrangement in thylakoid membranes // Biochem. 1994. Vol. 33, N 11. Р. 3165–3170.

4. Naimushina, L. V. Spectrophotometric study of chlorophyll and its derivatives accumulation in Melissa officinalis extracts using two-phase solvent system // J. of Siber. Federal Univ. Chem. 2012. Vol. 5, N 3. Р. 281–288.




Staphylococcus aureus

Streptococcus pyogenes

Candida albicans

Fig. 1

Test microorganisms inhibition by the chlorophylls oil solution from Laminaria saccharina at concentrations of 10 μg / ml

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Безопасность в чрезвычайных ситуациях анализ оказания догоспитальной медицинской помощи пострадавшим в дорожно-транспортных происшествиях с сочетанными травмами в арктической зоне архангельской области iconОрганизация оказания медицинской помощи женщинам
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