Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины

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ТипУчебно-методический комплекс
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Тематическая лексика:

1. a father, Dad

отец, папа

2. a mother, Mum

(Am. Mom)

мать, мама

3. parents


4. a grandfather,

Granny, Grandpa



5. a grandmother

Granny, Grandma


6. grandparents

бабушка и дедушка

7. a son


8. a daughter


9. a child


kids (разг.)




10. the only child

единственный ребёнок

11. younger


12. elder


13. a grandson


14. a granddaughter


15. grandchildren


16. a stepfather


17. a stepmother


18. a husband


19. a wife




20. an aunt


21. an uncle


22. a cousin

двоюродный брат, сестра

23. a niece


24. a nephew


25. a father-in-law

отец мужа, отец жены, свёкор, тесть

26. a mother-in-law

мать мужа, мать жены, свекровь, тёща

27. a brother-in-law

брат жены, брат мужа, муж сестры

28. a sister-in-law

сестра жены, сестра мужа, жена брата

29. a family man

семейный человек

30. to be single

быть не замужем, неженатым

31. a (distant) relative

(дальний) родственник

32. a date

to date smb


встречаться с кем-либо

33. to fall (fell, fallen) in love with smb

влюбиться в кого-либо

34. to marry

to get married

to be married


выйти замуж

быть замужем, женатым

35. marriage


36. wedding


37. to be born

I was born in 1988.


Я родился в 1988.

38. birth

to give (gave, given) birth to smb


родить кого-либо

39. divorce

to divorce = to separate

развод, расторжение брака


40. to die = to pass away


41. to live a long and happy life

прожить долгую и счастливую жизнь

Тексты для чтения:

№ 1

My name is George. I am a businessman. I would like to say a few words about my family. Our family is large. I have got a lot of relatives. My father’s name is Fred. He is an engineer. My mother’s name is Jane. She is a doctor. My parents are not old, but they are not very young. They are hardworking people. My mother keeps the house, and my father helps her with housework. My mother is good at cooking. She is interested in painting. My father is fond of fishing. My grandfather and grandmother are rather old. They are pensioners. They like to travel. I have got a brother and a sister. My sister is a student. She will be an economist. Her name is Ann. She is not married. My brother is an interpreter. His name is John. He is married. His wife’s name is Kate. She is a manager. John and his wife are very friendly.

№ 2

My name is Tanya. I am Russian. I am twenty. I am a computer programmer. I work at the bank. I like my job. It is a very interesting and highly-paid job. I am not married I live with my mother and my sister. We live in the center of Tomsk. I also have a brother, who lives in Novosibirsk but I have not seen him for ages . My mother is a doctor. My sister is a teacher of English. Last year she worked at Glasgow University.

I usually get up at 7 o’clock, do my morning gymnastics. After this I go to the bank. Our manager gives me lots of work to do. I want to learn English because I need it in my work. But my English is poor because I do not work hard enough.

I have a boy-friend. His name is Philip. He is a musician. We met last year. Philip and I are fond of swimming and skating. We have much in common. We want to get married.

№ 3
Let me introduce my friend to you. His name is Peter. Peter is 25 years old. He is married. He has a wife. His wife’s name is Marry. She is 25 too. Peter and his wife are of the same age (одного возраста). My friend is a judge (судья) at a people’s court (в народном суде). Marry is a teacher of English at the University. My friend’s family is not large. They are three. Peter and Marry have a son, Nick by name. He is only 3. Nick is a nice baby.

My name is Mike. I am 20. I am a student. I study at Moscow Law Institute. I am not from Moscow, I was born in Kiev. All my relatives live there. After graduation from the Institute I shall come back home.

Образец контрольного задания по грамматике:
№ 1

Вставьте подходящую по смыслу форму глагола to be: am, is, are.

  1. Pete … busy.

  2. We …happy.

  3. Tom and Ann …married.

  4. Their names… Ann and Mike.

  5. You … interested in computers.

  6. I …eighteen years old.

  7. Her parents … in London.

  8. My mother …an economist.

  9. That… all right.

10. My father and I …fond of fishing.

№ 2

Переведите предложения на английский язык.
1. У нас есть дом.

2. У Кати есть красная машина.

3. У нас есть много друзей.

4. У них есть черный кот.

5. У моих друзей есть картина.

6. У тебя три лекции сегодня.

№ 3

Замените выделенные существительные личными местоимениями.

  1. Mr. Bell is the company manager.

  2. Lavrov is in London.

  3. Is Nancy a nice woman?

  4. Stepanov and Ivanov are economists.

  5. The telephones are on the desks.

  6. The book is on the table.


Замените личные местоимения, данные в скобках, местоимениями в объектном падеже.
1. Give the book to (I).

2. Let (we) think.

3. I saw (he) there.

4. Please, tell (she) the truth.

5. Give (they) a book.

6. I can help (you).

№ 5

Вставьте притяжательные местоимения.
1. We have … English courses in the room 104.

2. Andrea likes … new job very much.

3. Paul keeps… files in the safe.

4. I usually go to see … friends in the evening.

5. They often take … children to the Internet cafe.

6. Do you always write … course paper in time?

7. Mary does … work well.

8. Mr. Wilson is not in… office now.

9. Peter and Ann teach … children music.
ДЕ 2

Тематическая лексика

1. appearance

good looks


приятная внешность

2. good-looking

красивый, интересный

3. handsome

красивый (о мужчине)

4. pretty

симпатичная, хорошенькая (только о девушке и женщине)

5. cute

хорошенький, миленький (о ребёнке)

6. slim

стройный, изящный

7. solid


8. sturdy

крепкого телосложения

9. a build


10. tall


11. short


12. middle-sized = of medium height

среднего роста

13. stooping


14. upright

прямой (о фигуре)

15. fair


16. dark


17. chestnut


18. blonde


19. to look


20. to seem


21. to look like

быть похожим на кого-либо

22. to look younger / older

выглядеть моложе / старше

23. a hair-cut


24. a beard


25. moustache


26. bald


27. curly hair

кудрявые волосы

28. forehead


29. eyebrows


30. thin

тонкий (о губах, бровях), редкий (о волосах)

31. thick

толстый (о губах, пальцах), густой (о волосах, бровях)

32. eyelashes


33. ears


34. a chin


35. lips


36. cheeks


37. freckled


38. a fringe


Тексты для чтения
№ 1

When I come up to the mirror, I always expect to see an athletic figure with a thoughtful forehead, steel-grey eyes, square chin, broad shoulders and bulky muscles, like those of Jean Claude van Damm’s. And what do I really see? Someone younger my real age, long-faced, stooping and bony. My friends say, I am tall and slim, but I am sure they just flatter (льстят) me. The worst thing is the blonde silky curly hair. I’d prefer being bald!
№ 2

A short plump noisy man “rolled” into the office. His round blue eyes looked kind and helpless, though he was very angry. In his thick fingers he held some papers and wanted the director to sign (подписать) them. When he asked questions, he raised his thick eyebrows, and they looked like black brushes. The double chin and round cheeks were clean-shaven. One could see his large but white and regular teeth.

He was not handsome, that man, but he was impressive and lively.
№ 3

What a really cute little daughter those Browns have! Sue is only 5, but her appearance is very promising. Just look at that thick long red hair! She does not want any hair-cut, though it takes long to brush and wash and dry it.

Her green eyes do not know any problems yet. Mrs.Brown makes (заставляет) her wear a hat, because the skin of red-haired people is usually very sensitive. And still, the sun has already painted her turned up nose with funny freckles. Her step (походка) is light. Another dozen of years – and she will be a real beauty.
Образцы контрольных заданий по грамматике:

№ 1

Перефразируйте следующие словосочетания и предложения, употребляя притяжательный падеж.
1. The room of my friend. 2. The questions of my son. 3. The wife of my brother. 4. The table of our teacher. 5. The poems of Pushkin. 6. The voice of this girl. 7. The new club of the workers. 8. The letter of Pete. 9. The car of my parents. 10. The life of this woman. 11. The handbags of these women. 12. The flat of my sister is large. 13. The children of my brother are at home. 14. The room of the boys is large. 15. The name of this girl is Jane. 16. The work of these students is interesting.
№ 2

Выберите правильную форму прилагательного из скобок:

  1. My house is (big) than yours.

  2. This flower is (beautiful) than that one.

  3. This is the (interesting) book I have ever read.

  4. Non-smokers usually live (long) than smokers.

  5. Which is the (dangerous) animal in the world?

  6. A holiday by the sea is (good) than a holiday in the mountains.

  7. It is strange but often a coke is (expensive) than a beer.

  8. Who is the (rich) woman on earth?

  9. The weather this summer is even (bad) than last summer.

  10. He was the (clever) thief of all.

№ 3

Закончите предложение правильным прилагательным из скобок:

1. No other boy is as ……………………. as James. (tall / taller / tallest)

2. Milk is ………………….. than any other food. (nourishing / more nourishing / most nourishing)

3. Radium is one of the ……………………… metals. (valuable / more valuable / most valuable)

4. Few English poets were as ……………………. as Wordsworth. (great / greater / greatest)

5. Shimla is ………………….. than most other hill stations in India. (famous / more famous / most famous)

6. Gold is one of the ……………………. metals. (precious / more precious / most precious)

7. Solomon was …………………… than any other king. (wise / wiser / wisest)

8. Few historians write as ………………….. as Macaulay. (well / better /best)

9. Very few books are as ……………………. as David Copperfield. (popular / more popular / most popular)

10. A train is …………………. than a car. (fast / faster / fastest)

ДЕ 3

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