Учебное пособие по английскому языку уровень с1

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Ex. 10. Go over pages 279-285 of the book «PR Today» and the texts of exercises 7 and 8 of the present textbook. Get ready to speak on the following issues of the topic “Event Management”:

  • The concept of event management

  • Various types of events

  • Hybrid events

  • Using SWOT Analysis to devise your event strategy

  • Event budgeting

  1. Features of event management in Russia

Chapter 14. Crisis Management

Ex. 1. Answer the following questions:

  1. How do we define a crisis?

  2. What types of crises can you name?

  3. What are the six stages in planning for a crisis?

  4. What is the purpose of scenario mapping?

  5. Why is it helpful to have a response paper?

  6. What types of audiences do you need to address when dealing with a crisis?

  7. What are the duties and responsibilities of a crisis team?

  8. How can you train your staff to handle a crisis situation?

  9. Why is it important to keep a regularly updated crisis manual?

  10. What are the first steps to be taken when a crisis happens?

  11. What three strategies can we follow when dealing with a crisis?

  12. What is the best strategy for handling the press?

  13. What is to be avoided at all costs when dealing with the media during a crisis period?

  14. What are the specific features of an online crisis?

Ex.2. Match the words with definitions.

1. to bring (skills) to bear

a. having practical knowledge and/or ability in a particular sphere

2. (company) viability

b. to behave without control in a wild and/or dangerous manner

3. to run amok

c. to have smth unpleasant as a result, like death, destruction or any bad situation that cannot be avoided

4. (media) savvy

d. out of the area of authority or responsibility of an individual or a group

5. to spell doom for

e. to exert, to apply

6. to shed light on

f. capacity to operate/function

7. hitherto

g. very common and frequent (usually negative)

8. to come under spotlight

h. the amount of confidence felt by personell, esp. in a dangerous and/or difficult situation

9. rife

i. to supply smb with information regularly, to provide information that may not be completely true

10. staff morale

j. to leave a difficult situation for smb else to deal with

11. to hit rock bottom

k. until now or until a particular time

12. to contain speculation

l. to become the centre of attention

13. to feed (information) to

m. to help to explain a situation

14. to liaise (by phone)

n. a person who criticizes smth, often unfairly

15. to cause reputational harm

o. said without the intention of being published or officially noted

16. to pass the buck

p. to reach the lowest possible level, to be in the worst situation

17. detractor

q. a fierce competition between people who all want the same thing

18. off the record

r. to damage one’s reputation/image

19. feeding frenzy

s. to keep acts of guessing within limit

20. beyond one’s remit

t. to experience smth bad as a result of your actions, e.g. to suffer losses

21. to incur (costs/losses)

u. to work with sb to ensure that information is exchanged

Ex.3 Complete the words and translate the following sentences into Russian

  1. One of the learning outcomes of our program is to b_____ s_____ to b_____ on both professional development and civic engagement.

  2. Always follow through on the organization’s mission statement and ensure the c_____ v_____ before embarking on initiatives to help others.

  3. When devising a questionnaire, don’t let your curiosity r_____ a_____. Ask only questions that are relevant to your research topic.

  4. Whether you have a great job, a less than great job, or are among the 12.7 million Americans still unemployed, becoming s_____ m_____ s_____ could help you further your career - or even find a new one.

  5. Failure to take these verbal and nonverbal distinctions into account can s_____ d_____ for international public relations programming.

  6. Communicative and citizenship theories s_____ l_____ on some of the invisible effects of PR in society.

  7. H_____, this political style has also translated into a similar style of public affairs, that is, a top-down and paternalistic approach to communication between the state and its constituencies.

  8. The ex-FIFA lawyer could c_____ u_____ s_____ as cry grows to release the report.

  9. When there is a need to address complex issues and communicate effectively in the Indian scenario, already r_____ with inherent contradictions and complexities, you require a public relations firm with knowledge and practical expertise that is firmly rooted in the multi-layered Indian reality.

  10. An understanding of the Prison Service's work by the public and balanced and fair press coverage has a beneficial effect on s_____ m_____.

  11. We have witnessed how some businesses have h_____ r_____ b_____ after mistakes with their PR strategies.

  12. Police did not deny the use of the moniker, reported by Channel Ten, as they struggled increasingly yesterday to c_____ w_____ s_____ about the ''very unusual'' case.

  13. Public relations practitioners will no longer be able to f_____ i_____ to journalists and expect a regurgitation of information.

  14. You may l_____ by phone, via email or on the web.

  15. Defamation claims contain a built-in requirement that the accused statement is likely to c_____ r_____ h_____.

  16. It looks like Dell wants to p_____ the b_____ and blame Sony for its public relations nightmare.

  17. Marketers have become fond of recruiting friendly trendsetters to promote their products, but modern technology may now force them to pay attention to another kind of agent of influence making the rounds: the determined d_____, a persistent critic of a company or product who mounts their own public relations online offensive.

  18. "O_____ the r_____" is gray area for journalists and public relations professionals alike.

  19. One US PR consultant observed: “There's a virtual f_____ f_____ among corporations about what roles they will play on Earth Day.”

  20. Audio material can be used in a variety of ways that go b_____ the r_____ of radio.

  21. Walmart said it is "probable" that it will i_____ a loss due to ongoing bribery investigations by itself and government agencies, but it says it is too early to speculate on the size of the damage.

Ex.4. Translate the following words and word-combinations from Russian into English using active vocabulary.

применять все навыки и умения; жизнеспособность; выйти из-под контроля; хорошо разбираться в чем-л.; не предвещать ничего хорошего, оказаться роковым для чего-л.; пролить свет на; доселе; оказаться в центре внимания; ходить (о слухах), процветать (о чем-л. негативном); боевой дух сотрудников; упасть до рекордно низких показателей; помешать распространению слухов; постепенно передавать информацию кому-л., как правило незаконно; связаться; нанести вред репутации; сваливать вину на другого; недоброжелатели, критики; в неофициальном порядке, не для записи/обнародования; как оголодавший, с ума сошедший от голода; не входить в круг обязанностей, в сферу деятельности; понести убытки.

Ex.5 Translate the following sentences from English into Russian.

  1. An ideal candidate for this position is easily able to bring skills to bear effectively on unfamiliar problems.

  2. Through a combination of organizational, strategic, and management responsibilities, Mr. Rosenblatt helps maintain the company’s viability in an ever-changing media landscape.

  3. Massive amounts of tax dollars are being wasted on programs of questionable effectiveness and the public interest has been compromised. The security-industrial complex has clearly run amok and it must stop now.

  4. The decision to become media savvy has altered the course of his professional life in exciting and new ways.

  5. Does the demise of traditional media spell doom for the PR industry?

  6. In the context of managing conflict with high emotional intelligence, Jin's study also sheds light on some indicators of public relations leadership in a number of areas.

  7. Public relations textbook authors have hitherto borrowed theories from the adjacent disciplines of communication, psychology, sociology, and organisation studies.

  8. Unethical advertising practices in region have come under spotlight.

  9. Much has been written about the company, rife with examples of doing it wrong or doing it right.

  10. Team building activities promote positive employee relations including fostering high staff morale.

  11. The economic situation during this period appeared to improved, mainly because the Thai economy prior to the revolution had hit rock bottom.

  12. The way Southampton Football Club is run - dealings with the media are kept to a minimum - will not contain speculation.

  13. Most companies and institutions have public relations departments whose sole job is to establish themselves as experts and feed information to journalists.

  14. It is possible to liaise by phone with council staff and other officials.

  15. I’m afraid your strategy will lead to adverse administrative decisions that can in turn cause reputational harm.

  16. The temptation to pass the buck on decisions of all types, including moral decisions, increases as the organizational hierarchy becomes more complex.

  17. Dealing with detractors is perhaps one of the biggest pain points for companies just starting and even well entrenched in social media marketing.

  18. In our social-media age it’s surprising that a quaint term like "off the record" still carries weight.

  19. Sony’s massive system breach has turned into the kind of complex PR crisis that every company dreads. It leaked private emails from Sony executives that fueled a tabloid feeding frenzy.

  20. Their input has been invaluable and goes far beyond the remit of PR, sales and marketing.

  21. If credit card details are lost, the company may incur costs to offer complimentary credit monitoring services to customers.

Ex.6. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English using active vocabulary.

  1. Мне нужна работа, которая позволила бы мне применять все свои навыки и умения, а вы предлагаете мне подавать кофе!

  2. Боюсь, ничего нельзя сделать: эта компания потеряла жизнеспособность.

  3. Казалось, он не мог держать свой гнев под контролем, когда стал перечислять грехи своего противника.

  4. Нельзя публиковать такие вещи в твиттере! Чтобы понимать это, не надо даже хорошо разбираться в социальных медиа.

  5. Наш предварительный финансовый отчет не предвещает ничего хорошего по поводу бонусов в конце года.

  6. Остается лишь надеяться, что тщательное расследование прольет свет на его таинственное исчезновение.

  7. Он продемонстрировал доселе не виданную выдержку и волю к победе.

  8. Он оказался в центре внимания в результате допингового скандала, после которого половина сборной была дисквалифицирована.

  9. Ходили слухи, что свой первый миллион он заработал на продаже наркотиков, но это так и не смогли доказать.

  10. Это простое но непреложное правило: ничто так не поднимает боевой дух сотрудников, как повышение зарплаты.

  11. Их прибыль упала до рекордно низких показателей в прошлом году, но они постепенно начинают восстанавливаться.

  12. Нам необходимо срочно выпустить официальное заявление, иначе будет поздно, и мы не сможем помешать распространению слухов.

  13. Государственному чиновнику были предъявлены обвинения в измене за передачу прессе конфиденциальной информации.

  14. Вы можете связаться с нами по телефону или по электронной почте.

  15. Он немедленно подал на них в суд за нанесение вреда его репутации, но ущерб был уже нанесен.

  16. Пока каждый норовил свалить вину на другого, никаких мер по остановке утечки не было принято.

  17. Чтобы ни говорили недоброжелатели, мы создали лучший прототип!

  18. Откуда мне было знать, что они это опубликуют? Я-то говорил это в неофициальном порядке.

  19. Когда он появился на ступенях зала суда, репортеры набросились на него, как оголодавшие волки.

  20. Сэр, вы наняли меня, чтобы я разобрался с вашими налогами, но спасение вашей компании от банкротства не входит в круг моих обязанностей.

  21. Вследствие утечки нефти в Мексиканском заливе BP понесла астрономические убытки.
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