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* See the biography of the author in the book: Gordon G. Let the Day Perish. M., 1961.
Part I

Assignment 1

I. Find the following words and phrases, recollect the situations in which they were used by the author:

to point to (p.25), to despise (p.26), to give birth to smb (p.27), to frighten everybody away (p.27), to make money (p.27), you are not cut out to run a pub (p.27), to fetch an armful of smth (p.29), to make out (p.30), fortunately (p.30), to dust the furniture (p.33), the "Cape Coloureds" (p.34), can afford (p.35), I now belong to neither class (p.37), on the other hand (p.37), a respected European (p.37), I am ambitious for my child (p.37), he could even pass for a German child (p.39), time is getting on and he ought to be starting school at the beginning of the year (p 40), the Chairman of the School Committee (p.41),to tear (p.42).
II. Answer the following questions:

  1. Where and when did the action of the novel take place?

  2. Who was the owner of the bar and who was his assistant?

  3. Why wasn't George at work on that day?

  4. Why didn't Hundt love his wife?

  5. What do we come to know about Mary?

  6. In what district did Coloured people live in Stormhoek? Under what conditions did they live?

  7. Why did George make up his mind to go to Kloppies after his talk with Mary?

  8. What did Mary think of Anthony's fate? Why was she worried about him?

  9. How did it happen that Mary became Hundt's mistress.

III. Comment on the phrase:
"In this country a man who marries a Coloured woman marries trouble" (p.28).
IV. Translate into Russian in writing:
a) the description of Mary (p.28), b) the description of George (p.33), c) "Over the vast lakes of dunes... the pepper trees" (p.29), d) "To him the wind was the breath of Africa... he had long ceased to care" (p.31).
V. Paraphrase the italicized parts of the sentences using the phrases from the box:

  1. "How many times have I asked you", said George, "not to bring that up again?" (p.31).

  2. But he had the charm that many self-indulgent men possess(p.33).

  3. And if they even think you have only a drop of Coloured blood in your veins - you're shunned (p.37).

  4. And there I am, between and betwixt (p.37).

  5. Can I go by myself to the hotel, Mummy? (p.39).

  6. He is the dead spit of a European child (p.39).

  7. You are a total loss. An ugly woman, a barren woman,... (p.40).

unable to have children; alone; to mention it; looks like; neither one thing nor the other; people avoid you; people who give themselves everything they want
VI. Correct the wrong statements:

  1. The action of the novel takes place after the Second World War.

  2. Otto Hundt was an Englishman of good family, he had three grown-up sons.

  3. Hundt's wife was a pretty young woman, she went in for sport.

  4. Hundtrs wife said that her husband was just cut out for running a hotel.

  5. George Graham had a restaurant of his own.

  6. George was a coloured man, he came from a very poor family.

  1. Mary was a European woman, she had a lot of friends in the town. But unfortunately she was childless.

  2. Anthony was a coloured child. He always played alone as other children did not wish to be with him.

  3. Anthony was still very small, he wasn't going to start school yet.

  1. George was the Chairman of the School Committee.

  1. The majority of the members of the School Committee were independent of Hundt.

  1. Hundt never tried to blackmail Mary.

  2. Mary wasn't ambitious for Anthony.

VII. Give a summary of pages 25-42.
Assignment 2

I. Find English equivalents of the following words and phrases,recollect the situations in which the author used them:
организовать, устроить (р.43), быть обязанным (р.43), позволить себе (р.44), шпионить за кем-либо (р.45), предрассудок (р.47), осознавать, понимать (р.47), самопожертвование (р.49), винить кого-либо за что-либо (р.49), угрызения совести (р.50), обманывать кого-либо (р.51), облегчить боль (р.54), удрученный (р.57), так ей и надо (р.59), непослушные дети (р.61).
II. Answer the questions:

  1. How did Anthony get to the Stormhoek school for white children?

  2. Who of the School Committee was against Hundt and why?

  3. How did George behave when he came to see Anthony's first teacher?

  4. Why did Hundt ask George to be at the bar some extra hours instead of him?

  1. What did Mary feel spending time with Hundt, practising deception on her husband?

  1. Why did Hundt stop visiting Mary?

  1. What were Mary's thoughts about her second child? Did she love him as dearly as her first child?

  1. Why did George take to drinking again?

9. How did Anthony begin to realize that there was something wrong with his brother?

  1. Who were the Shorts?

  2. Who of the people of Stormhoek was happy knowing about Mary's misery? Why?

  3. Why did the MacGregors make up their minds to move to a new place?

  4. Why was it a relief for Mary when the MacGregors' house was occupied by the Thompsons? How does it characterize Mary?

III. a) Work out from the context an approximate meaning for the italicized phrases:
1. "You are making a mountain from (out of) a molehill,Mr. Thomas," said Hundt. "Do you wish to admit the child?(p43)

  1. "Yes, but there is no doubt that she is Coloured. If we admit her son, we may be obliged to admit other Coloureds, and the status of the school will fall. I'm afraid it may be the thin edge of the wedge." (pp.43, 44)

  2. "I wonder why Hundt asked me to take over tonight. Said he'd give me off on Friday night instead. Some important business, he says. He's got a lot of irons in the fire these days." (p.46)

  3. "Oh yes, of course, Mary. Well, she is in the family way."(p52)

5. He reflected on his position and felt miserable. This Coloured child - there could hardly be two ways about it, it was Coloured. His wife was eating her heart out in despair. (p.55)

6. "Have I seen it?" she replied. "No, I have not seen it, nor am I likely to. You see, I do not live cheek by jowl with the family, as you do." (p.60)
b) Check with your teacher, or an English-English dictionary, that you have guessed correctly:

  • to be pregnant;

  • very close;

  • to make a fuss about something which is really trivial;

  • the first stage of a change that could become more serious;

  • to suffer silently;

  • to have many activities at one and the same time.

  1. Now write sentences of your own using the six phrases.

IV. Fill in the gaps with prepositions:

  1. The question ... Anthony appeared last ... the long agenda when everybody was tired.

  2. Hundt was aware that Mrs. Ferreira has spied ... his hotel ...Saturday afternoons.

  3. Mary became Hundt's mistress but she did not blame herself... it. It was an act... self-sacrifice.

  4. Of course, Mary was well aware ... the fact that she was practising deception ... George.

  5. When Ruby got to know that Mary was going to have another baby she said: "She must be ... tenterhooks."

  6. Mary's second child was born... a cold sunny day. His skin was... no means as fair as Anthony's. It was a Coloured child, and it would never be taken ... anything else ... South Africa.

V. Translate into Russian in writing:
(p.53) "She grew thin ... more often."
VI. Translate into English in writing:
Грэхемы жили в небольшом городке в Южной Африке. Джордж, англичанин из хорошей семьи, женился на Мери, которая принадлежала к капским цветным. Джордж работал в баре Хундта, он был его помощником.

Хундт хорошо понимал, что в Южной Африке любой белый, который женился на цветной, готовил себе неприятности. Поэтому, хотя Хундт и не любил свою жену, потому что она не могла родить ему ребенка, он предпочитал не разводиться с ней.

Мери родила чудесного мальчика. Он был белокожим и очень смышленым. Мери гордилась своим сыном и была честолюбива ради него. Она была готова на любое самопожертвование. Вот почему она стала любовницей Хундта, когда пришло время устраивать Энтони в школу для белых. Хундт шантажировал Мери, но помог устроить Энтони в эту школу.
VII. Give a summary of pages 42-61.
Assignment 3

I. Find the following words and word combinations, recollect the situations in which they are used:
неразлучная пара (р.62), поднять крышку пианино (р.64), поведение (p.65), находить оправдание (р.65), с легким удивлением (р.66), тем временем (рр.67, 68, 76), отважиться (р.69), подняться (р.73), удаваться, преуспеть (р.74), справиться, смочь (р.75), по направлению к (р.79), близкий (р.80), лежать (р.81), запутаться в водорослях (р.82).
II. Correct the wrong statements:

  1. Time lessened the friendship of Anthony and Bob Short.

  2. Anthony was the worst pupil at the Stormhoek School.

  3. The other mothers liked the friendship of Anthony and Bob.

  4. Mrs. Short hated Anthony.

  5. Mary was against their friendship.

6. Mary wanted both Anthony and Steve to be considered Europeans.

  1. Anthony was fond of music.

  2. Steve was keen on drawing and had a lot of friends.

  3. Anthony was happy beside his mother.

  1. Anthony did not realize that Steve was different from him by the colour of his skin.

  2. George got a lot of money after his father's death and he went to England to get the money.

  3. The Grahams hadn't enough money to buy even a small house.

  4. Mr. Mitchell, the property broker, told George he could buy any house he liked.

  5. George struck Anthony on the face because Anthony had got a bad mark at school.

  6. George didn't tell Mary that Mr. Mitchell had refused to sell him a house.

  7. Anthony, Bob and van der Merwe with a companion were trying to save two sheep and then they had a good time together.

  1. Mary wasn't at all shocked when Anthony told her about what had happened on the river.

  2. George and Mary were quite sure that they should send Steve to the Stormhoek Secondary School for white children.

  1. Mary felt pleased whenever she walked through the township she lived in now.

  2. It so happened that Bob got drowned in the river.

  3. Mrs. Short and Mary became inseparable friends.

  4. Mrs. van der Merwe and Mrs. Ferreira were glad to see their children and the Grahams' boys at the same school.

III. Translate into Russian in writing:
(p.80) "Though Mary ... a streak of colour."
IV. Fill in the gaps with articles where necessary:
1.... Grahams lived in ... small town in ... South Africa.

  1. Ruby Hundt could not give birth to ... child.

  2. Mary wanted Anthony to be ... European boy.

  1. George was ... Englishman of... good family, but he was ... victim of ... circumstances that was why he lived in ... Stormhoek.

  2. To George ... South wind was ... breath of ... Africa – dusty,hot, stifling.

6. Anthony was already five, he was to go to ... school.

  1. Hundt realized that in that country ... man who married ...coloured woman married ... trouble.

  2. Hundt's wife told her husband he was making ... money thanks to George. Hundt was not cut out to ran ... pub.

  3. Hundt told Mr. Thomas not to make ... mountain out of ...molehill.

10. Mary wished George and herself to go to ... England, she thought there was no ... prejudice there. But he reassured her saying there was ... prejudice everywhere.
V. a) Work out from the context an approximate meaning for the italicized phrases.

  1. George worked in the bar till eleven o'clock that evening, to make up for the time he had taken off, ... (p.71)

  2. He could not tell her what she already knew, that she and Steve were the stumbling stones. (p.72)

  3. So they rode hurriedly down through the thickets, parked their bicycles, and made for the little cave which they kept concealed with branches and leaves... (p.73)

  4. Van der Merwe's companion fled early in the struggle. It was only when he had lost one of his front teeth and was bleeding at the mouth that he too made off. (p.75)

  1. The popularity of their elder child moreover served only toaggravate the problem, since it made them all the more anxious thatnothing should stand in his way. (p.77)

  2. "He'll be going to school soon, and if they send him to Stormhoek Secondary I'm going to put my foot down. (p.85)

  3. "Would you like the paper," asked Mrs. Ferreira, "to be full of a story about your son being a playmate of a Coloured woman's child? Rather a comedown for Mrs. Short, I think." (p.84)

b) Check with your teacher, or an English-English dictionary, that you have guessed correctly:

  • to go towards;

  • humiliation;

  • to oppose someone;

  • to make a strong decision;

  • to compensate for smth;

  • to run away;

  • things that prevent you doing something.

c) Now write sentences of your own using the seven phrases.
VI. Translate into English in writing:

  1. Энтони и Боб Шорт были неразлучны. Мери была более чем довольна таким поворотом событий. Она была счастлива, что ее Энтони дружит с белым мальчиком.

  2. Стив отличался от Энтони. Он был спокойным ребенком и мало замечал других детей. Мери понимала, что образование Стива будет проблемой.

3. Поведение Энтони становилось немного странным: он почти не замечал Стива, он начал находить оправдания, чтобы не появляться на публике с матерью.

  1. Джордж Грэхем получил от отца наследство в 250 фунтов, что разозлило Джорджа, потому что было очень маленьким.

  2. Грэхемам не удалось купить дом в том районе, который им нравился, так как там не позволялось жить цветным.

  3. Мери знала, что она и Стив были камнем преткновения, из-за них Джордж не смог купить дом в том районе, и она очень страдала от этого.

  4. В конце концов Грэхемам удалось купить хороший дом недалеко от улицы, где жили Шорты, и Энтони был счастлив.

  1. Однажды Боб купался в реке, а Энтони загорал на берегу. Вдруг Боб запутался в водорослях и начал тонуть. Энтони спас его, хотя до смерти испугался.

  2. После этого случая Джорджа поздравили с тем, что у него такой храбрый сын. Миссис Шорт навестила Мери, чтобы поблагодарить ее. Она старалась обращаться с Мери как с равной, но Мери видела, что она ошеломлена.

10. Миссис Ферейра считала унижением для Миссис Шорт, что ее сын дружит с цветным мальчиком.
VII. Give summary of pages 62-85.
Assignment 4

I. Find English equivalents for these words and phrases, make up and write down your own sentences with them:
довольствоваться чем-либо (р.86), в очень хорошем настроении (р.87), наоборот (р.88), избегать (р.88), злой человек (р.89), вспышка молнии (р.92), сильный дождь (р.92), жаловаться (рр.96, 99), раздражать (р.97), торчать дома (р.97), избавиться от кого-либо, чего-либо (р. 100), предвкушать, с нетерпением ожидать чего-либо (р. 101), презирать самого себя (р. 102), с раздражением (р. 103), легко находить друзей (р. 105), по сравнению с (р. 106), внезапно он устыдился этих мыслей (р. 111).
II. Answer the following why-questions:
1. Why was Hundt far less encouraging about Steve's schooling than he had been with Anthony?

2. Why was Hundt's wife becoming progressively bad-tempered?

  1. Why did Mr. Thomas want more pupils?

  2. Why did George sit down to his midday meal in very goodspirits?

  3. Why did Anthony think of the new term with apprehension?

  4. Why didn't the children at school play with Steve?

  5. Why was Anthony to call at the headmaster's study?

  1. Why did the boys eat their supper in silence?

  2. Why did the Grahams have to move to another house?

  1. Why wasn't Hundt's bar as popular as before?

  2. Why did Hundt make up his mind to cut off George's salary?

  3. Why did the new life at Winnerton appeal to Anthony?

  4. Why wasn't Anthony happy when he came home for his holidays?

  5. Why were Anthony's letters short and hurriedly written?

  6. Why did Anthony stop visiting his native town?

  7. Why was he glad to be on the farm with Piet du Toit?

III. Translate into Russian in writing:
(p.86) "The world-wide depression ... to under a hundred".
IV. Explain the meaning of the italicized words and phrases in English. Use an English-English dictionary if necessary.
1. He had grown not only to loathe her but also to fear her tongue. (p.86)

  1. Anthony thought of the new term with apprehension. (p.87)

  2. "You know you mustn't come here, Steve," he said when they were by themselves. (p.88)

  3. He made for the other end of the grounds where the bigger boys gathered. (p.88)

  4. The schoolchildren soon found that to mock at Steve Graham was a profitable pastime. (p.90)"

  5. "George, dear, you must look after yourself." (p.97)

  6. "Make it three pounds and call it a day," he suggested. (p.99)

  7. "I was afraid all the time he was going to give me the boot".(p. 100)

  8. The new life at Winnerton appealed to Anthony. (p. 101)

V. Insert articles where necessary.

  1. Mary was seldom in ... high spirits. She was worried about Steve's schooling, she understood it would be ... serious problem.

  2. ... world-wide depression of ... thirties did not spare ... South Africa. ... population of Stormhoek grew smaller. As ... result ...number of... pupils also got less.

  3. When ... bell rang ... brothers went to ... classrooms.

  4. Steve told Anthony that ... other boys did not want to play ...marbles with him.

  1. Anthony's mother asked if he had also been caught in ... rain.

  2. At last he heard... door open. His parents were going to ... bed.

7. ... new life at Winnerton appealed to Anthony. He liked living in... boarding house.

  1. ... day after his return Mary asked him to go ... shopping with her, but he said he had ... headache.

  2. He saw... mop of... unruly honey-coloured hair framing... pair of... dark eyes.

10. Ren seemed different from ... rest of... family.
VI. Translate into English in writing:

  1. Хундт велел Джорджу идти к директору школы самому, Джордж был вынужден довольствоваться этим. Однако Стива приняли в Стормхокскую школу для белых детей, поэтому Джордж пришел домой в хорошем настроении и сел обедать.

  2. Дети в школе не хотели дружить со Стивом, поэтому директор был вынужден в конце концов расстаться с обоими мальчиками, хотя и сожалел об этом, так как они были способными учениками. Грэхемы послали своих детей в разные школы в разных городах.

  3. Мери всегда жаловалась на отсутствие Энтони, что раздражало Джорджа.

  4. Мери предвкушала приезд Энтони на каникулы в Стормхок.

  5. Энтони давно не видел мать, но когда он наконец приехал в родной город, он начал ее стыдиться из-за ее цвета кожи.

  6. Когда Энтони притворился, что Мери – служанка его матери, он все-таки презирал себя за эту ложь.

  1. Жена Хундта посоветовала ему избавиться от Джорджа, но он ответил, что предпочтет избавиться от нее.

  2. Энтони находил оправдания, чтобы не быть со Стивом на улице.

  3. Новая жизнь в Виннертоне нравилась Энтони, он никогда прежде не жил в школе-интернате.

10. Теперь Энтони предпочитал проводить каникулы на ферме своего друга. Он не хотел видеть ни мать, ни своего цветного брата.
VII. Give a summary of pages 85-112.
Assignment 5

I. Find Russian equivalents for these words and phrases, make up your own sentences with them:
to afford (p.114), it would serve the boy right (p.114), to be ashamed of smb (p. 114), to get on top of smb (p. 116), to burst out laughing (p. 116), to lie awake (p. 117), to shudder (p. 118), to get smb on the raw (p. 119), to frighten (p. 122), to waste time (p. 124), to address smb (p. 125), to give up (pp.126, 129).
II. Answer the questions:

  1. Why did Ren hardly speak at breakfast?

  2. How did Anthony make it up with Ren?

  3. Why did Mrs. Hundt decide to visit Mary?

  4. What happened at supper on the farm?

  5. What was Anthony thinking about while wandering throughthe veld?

  6. Why did Anthony have new zest for life back at Winnerton?

  7. Why was Anthony called to the headmaster's study one Friday afternoon?

  8. Why did Mary die?

  9. What were Anthony's thoughts after his mother's death?

  10. What happened to Anthony and Steve after they had left Stormhoek for ever?

  1. Translate the three letters (two from Steve to Anthony and one from Anthony to Steve) in writing.

  1. Explain the meaning of the italicized words and phrases in English, use an English-English dictionary if necessary.

  1. "There's so much cruelty in the world. I hate the slaughter of innocent things." (p.l 13)

  2. Mrs. Hundt stared at an area of the wall where water from a leak in the roof had made ugly black patches of mildew. (p. 114)

  3. "Your boy is doing very well at Winnerton, is he not?" (p. 114)

  4. "By the way, you have filled out a bit. You're not pregnant again, are you?" (pp.114, 115)

  5. Mr. du Toi reached for his Bible, opened it at random and boomed out the first words that struck his eyes ... (p.l 17)

  1. Anthony glanced at Ren... (p.l 17)

  2. "You got to admit he's a little Coloured bastard. That's why Mary tried to do away with this one." (p. 125)

8. Outside, the dusty streets are deserted and dark. (p. 129)

9. I only wish I could join up too... (p.129)
V. Fill in prepositions or adverbs where necessary:

  1. Ren's father did not want his daughter to be married ... a Coloured man.

  2. When Anthony returned ... shooting spring hares he began looking ... Ren but she was already ... bed.

  3. Ren was angry ... Anthony because she hated the slaughter ...innocent things.

  4. Ren and Anthony were ... quarrel, but Anthony did his utmost to make it her - he wrote a poem and devoted it... her.

  5. Anthony fell... love ... Ren ... first sight but he was aware ... the fact that they wouldn't be able to get married.

  6. Anthony shuddered... the thought that Ren might give birth ...another Steve.

  7. Anthony stood ... the side ... his mother's grave thinking ... her lonely life ... self-sacrifice.

  8. Steve wrote that he had given ... the hope ... ever hearing ...Anthony.

  9. Anthony hoped that... the war there would be no place ... prejudice ... the world.

10. Both Anthony and Steve were ... the army. Anthony was already a lieutenant but Steve was not much ... a soldier because he had joined ... later than his brother.
VI. Translate into English in writing:
Действие первой части романа "Да сгинет день" происходит после Первой мировой войны. Грэхемы жили в Стормхоке, небольшом городке в Южной Африке. Джордж был англичанин из хорошей семьи. Он очутился в Африке, будучи жертвой обстоятельств. Там он встретил Мери, цветную девушку. Он влюбился в нее и они поженились. Вскоре у них родился первый сын, его назвали Энтони. Энтони был похож на европейского мальчика. Мери обожала сына и хотела, чтобы его всегда принимали за европейца. Она отдалась Хундту, владельцу бара, где работал ее муж Джордж, ради Энтони. Хундт помог устроить Энтони в школу для белых детей.

В школе дела у Энтони шли хорошо. Его любили и учителя, и его друзья. Он был одним из лучших учеников в школе. Но в семье Грэхемов родился еще один ребенок. К несчастью, Стив был цветным. Кроме того, по характеру он был совсем другим – спокойным мальчиком, он любил проводить время с игрушками и очень любил музыку. Стива приняли в ту же школу, где учился Энтони. После этого некоторые родители приняли решение забрать своих детей из школы, они не хотели, чтобы их дети учились вместе с цветными детьми. Тогда Грэхемам пришлось отправить своих мальчиков в разные школы: Энтони, поехал в Виннертон, а Стив – в Порт Элизабет. Энтони был счастлив, новая жизнь в Виннертоне нравилась ему. Иногда он приезжал в Стормхок на каникулы, но он стыдился матери и младшего брата, поэтому перестал посещать родной город. Мери очень страдала, потому что ее сын был далеко от нее. Она часто писала ему, но он отвечал на ее письма реже, чем она ожидала. Мери умерла, пытаясь избавиться еще от одного ребенка; она боялась родить еще одного цветного, который мог помешать Энтони. Когда Энтони узнал о смерти матери, он понял, как сильно любил ее и испытал угрызения совести, но было поздно. Ее похоронили на кладбище для цветных. Джордж был слабовольным человеком. После смерти Мери он запил и однажды замерз на улице. Похоронив отца, Энтони и Стив навсегда покинули Стормхок. Энтони стал юристом. Потом началась Вторая Мировая война, и он служил в армии. В одном из своих писем к Стиву он писал, что часто спрашивает себя, станет ли мир лучше после войны. Энтони сомневался в этом, он уже знал, как жесток мир.

  1. Give a summary of pages 112-133.

Part II

Assignment 1

(pp. 137-159)
I. Find the following words and phrases, remember the contexts in which they are used:
эгоист (р.138), оппортунист (р.138), карьерист (р.138), убеждать себя (р.138), первоклассный (p.139), намекать на брак (p. 139), закрывалась как моллюск в своей раковине (р. 139), решительный человек (р. 140), в нашем штате (р. 142), расслабляться (р.145), выиграть дело (р.145), поднять трубку (р. 148) (положить трубку (р. 149), винить кого-либо в чем-либо (р. 149), раздражать (р. 151), он переигрывает (р. 154), совесть у него была неспокойна (р. 155), вводить (меры) (р. 155), покойный (р. 157), запретить смешанные браки (р. 159).
II. Answer the questions:

  1. What new characters do we meet in the second part of the book?

  2. Who was Henry Bosman?

  3. Who was Jean?

  4. Why did Bosman intend to marry Jean?

  5. What was Jean's attitude towards Bosman?

6.Why did Anthony find himself in Mr. Hartley's house?

  1. What did Anthony do in Cape Town?

  2. Why didn't Jean want to go to the sea with Bosman?

  3. How did Bosman explain to Arthur the meaning of the word 'apartheid' ?

  1. What was Arthur's objection to Bosnian's interpretation of the word?

  2. Explain what 'apartheid' really means.

  3. How did the family treat Arthur's political views?

  4. What did Anthony and Jean speak about when they went to the cinema?

  5. What were Anthony's thoughts when he was walking to the station after parting with Jean?

  6. What question did Anthony and Bosman discuss?

  7. What was the next apartheid step Anthony read about in the newspaper?

  1. Make up and write down 10 false statements about pages 137–159.

  1. Get ready to speak about the new characters of the book.

  1. Translate into Russian in writing:

(p.139) "He stood up ... (p.140) a penetrating quality."

(p. 142) "Mr. Hartley's short stature ... (p. 143) was the legacy of a Coloured mother."

  1. Explain the meaning of these words and word combinations in English, use an English-English dictionary if necessary:

  • in one's shirt sleeves (p. 137);

  • sparse moustache (p. 137);

  • sophisticated (p. 137);

  • spacious gardens (p. 141);

  • lounge (p. 142);

  • monstrosity (p. 149);

  • deceased (p. 157);

- fastliving (p. 157).

  1. Translate into English in writing.

  1. Генри Босмен был одним из юристов, работающих на фирме мистера Хартли. Ему было двадцать девять лет. Он был довольно высокого роста, но с легкой склонностью к полноте. Однако он был хорошо сложен, с широкими плечами.

  2. Мистер Хартли представил Босмену Энтони как их нового штатного юриста.

  3. Энтони понравился Джин с первого взгляда, потому что он был необычайно красив.

  4. Энтони чувствовал, что мистер Хартли доволен его работой, так как он уже выиграл несколько дел.

  5. Все принимали Энтони за европейца, теперь он был гораздо более уверен в себе, чем прежде. Но иногда его все же мучила совесть.

  6. Правительство грозило введением новых мер апартеида, оно собиралось запретить смешанные браки.

  7. Энтони иногда думал, что ему следует жениться на Джин, чтобы решить все свои проблемы.

  8. Когда Энтони и Босмен обсуждали дело Эриксена, Энтони повел себя неправильно. Он привлек внимание Босмена к тому факту, что покойный был цветным. Генри сейчас же насторожился и начал задавать Энтони разные вопросы о его жизни в Кейптауне.

Assignment 2


I. Find the following words and word combinations, remember the situations in which they are used:
быть в хорошем настроении (р.160), пока, до сих пор (р.160), быть не в настроении (pp. 163, 179), рассказывать (р. 170), недоставать, не хватать (р. 177), выиграть на бис (р. 177), аплодировать (р. 177), провожать домой (р. 178).
II. Make up and write down 10 special questions about pages 159-182.
III. Correct the wrong statements:

  1. One day Anthony bought a motor-cycle which he didn't like very much.

  2. When Jean saw Anthony's purchase she said that it was an awful thing.

  3. Jean told Anthony she was going to marry Henry Bosman.

  4. Bosman suggested that Jean should marry Anthony.

  5. During their drive to Cape Point Anthony was in a good mood and talked all the time, but Jean kept silent.

  6. Eriksen was found guilty, Anthony lost the case.

  7. Anthony and Henry were inseparable friends.

  8. Anthony grew to love Jean and declared his love for her.

  9. Anthony was glad to see his client and give advice.

10. Once Anthony came across Steve in the street and they were both delighted to see each other.
IV. Find these words and word combinations on pages 159-182,make up and write down your own sentences with them:
покупка; ревновать; вздернутый носик; загадочная улыбка; непримиримый враг; раненое тщеславие; искренняя любовь; приспособиться к; те социальные круги, к которым он никогда не мог по-настоящему принадлежать; лежать; дебаты в парламенте о законе, запрещающем браки европейцев с неевропейцами; пограничные случаи; чувство облегчения; вечность; семья распалась; безумно ревнивый; хозяйка положения; придираться; унижение.

  1. Translate into Russian in writing:

(p.162) "They picnicked ... the eastern-facing crags."
VI. Explain the meaning of these words and word combinations in English, use an English-English dictionary if necessary:

  • to try smth out (p. 159);

  • to keep smb on the string (p. 160);

  • the din of the engine (p. 161);

  • that girl is the limit (p. 163);

  • an impostor (p. 165);

  • to take the plunge (p. 170);

- calf love (p. 173);

- o find fault (p. 178).

  1. Translate into English in writing:

  1. Энтони купил подержанную машину. Когда Джин увидела покупку, она сказала, что это великолепная машина.

  2. У Джин был маленький вздернутый носик, она была довольно хорошенькой. Когда Босмен видел ее с Энтони, он ревновал.

  3. Когда Джин спросила Энтони, есть ли у него прошлое, он через силу улыбнулся загадочной улыбкой.

  4. Эриксена судили судом присяжных. Его оправдали. Энтони и Босмен выиграли дело. Этот процесс возбудил большой интерес в Кейптауне.

  5. Энтони понимал, что Босмен будет непримиримым врагом. Джин любила Энтони, и раненого тщеславия Босмена было достаточно, чтобы сделать его непримиримым.

  6. Энтони задумал жениться на Джин. Это был бы удобный брак, он мог бы приспособиться к Джин. Но иногда он чувствовал себя обманщиком.

  7. Однажды Энтони случайно встретил Рен. Он много лет не видел ее, но тотчас же узнал и побежал за ней.

  8. Рен была замужем, но брак ее был неудачен. Она подумывала о разводе. Когда Энтони напомнил ей об их любви, она сказала, что это была детская любовь.

  9. На вечере Джин открыто призналась Энтони в любви, но он отверг ее чувство. Она обиделась и чувствовала себя униженной.

VIII. Say what you think of Anthony's words: "A man should never marry the girl he loves." (p. 172) Do you agree with it? Give your reasons.
IX. Give a summary of pages 159-182.

1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   ...   15


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