Методические указания по аудиторному и внеаудиторному чтению и переводу, развитию навыков устной и письменной речи для студентов III курса Специальность 38. 02. 01 Экономика и бухгалтерский учет (по отраслям)

НазваниеМетодические указания по аудиторному и внеаудиторному чтению и переводу, развитию навыков устной и письменной речи для студентов III курса Специальность 38. 02. 01 Экономика и бухгалтерский учет (по отраслям)
ТипМетодические указания
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part – расставаться

to introduceпредставить

to introduce smb. to smb. – представить кого-либо кому-либо

introduction – представление

chemicalsхимические продукты

to exchangeобменивать (ся)

to addдобавить

conversation – разговор

to hesitateколебаться, стесняться

Please do not hesitate to phone me. – Пожалуйста, звоните мне.

to shake – трясти

to shake hands – пожать друг другу руки

handshaking – рукопожатие

courtesy – вежливость

social courtesy – правила вежливости

frequently – часто

less frequently – менее часто

more frequentlyболее часто

prevalent - преобладающий, превалирующий

to prevailпреобладать

partyприем гостей, званый вечер

at partiesна приемах

audience – публика, слушатели, зрители

to recognizeпризнавать

recognized authorityпризнанный авторитет


management fieldв области управления

to adviseсоветовать

advice – совет


advisory committee – совещательный комитет

labour – труд

syn. work

topic – тема
The most important rule for a businessman is to keep his word and to be honest. Besides, punctuality is very important, for business and social appointments.

The businessman should observe various rules. There are rules for example for greeting people. The most common greetings are: Good morning, Good afternoon, Good evening. The less formal greetings are: Hello, Hi.

There are also various levels and types of saying Good-bye when parting. The most common ways are: Good-bye, Bye-bye, Bye now and Bye. If the people part after their first meeting they can add something like this:

  • It has been nice seeing you.

  • I hope to see you again soon.

There are different levels of introductions. For example:

  • May I introduce Mr. Brown (the most formal way).

  • I'd like you to meet Mr. Brown (the less formal way).

  • This is Mr. Brown (the least formal way).

If you are introducing a person or yourself you should say a few words about the person, for example:

Mr. Smith, I would like you to meet Mr. Brown. He is doing business in chemicals. He is Vice President of British Chemicals Ltd. His office is not far from yours, in London.
When two persons are introduced they exchange the following:

  • How do you do.

  • How do you do.

They can also add a phrase like this:

  • I'm glad to meet you.

  • I'm pleased to meet-you.

  • It's nice to meet you.

When you are introduced listen carefully to each name and use it later in your conversation. This will help you to remember the name. If you forget a person's name or did not hear the name do not hesitate to say: / am sorry I-have forgotten your name or I am sorry I did not hear your name.

In many English speaking countries handshaking is a social courtesy whenever people meet or are introduced. When men meet or are introduced they generally shake hands. Women shake hands less frequently. Kissing is prevalent at parties when people meet.

Sometimes people are to introduce others to audience on some formal occasions. For example:

Ladies and gentlemen! It is a privilege for me to introduce Mr.Watts. Mr. Watts is a recognized authority in the management field. He is a member of the advisory committee for the labour and management program. Mr. Watts' topic tonight is: How to organize an effective business programme. Mr. Watts.
1.Complete the following sentences as in the text:

1. The most important rule...

2. Besides, punctuality...

3. There are rules, for example, for greeting...

4. There are also various levels and types of...

5. There are different levels of...

6. When you are introduced listen...

7. This will help you to remember...

8. If you forget...

9. In many English speaking countries handshakings …

10. When men meet or are inroduced...

11. Women shake hands...

12. Sometimes people are to introduce others to...


1) Write out the following words with which people:

greet each other

say Good-bye

introduce other people

2).Write out the words which people:

exchange when they are introduced

say if they forget the name of the person to whom they have been just introduced

3).Write out the words with which Mr. Watts was introduced to the audience.
3. Act out a few scenes:

1. You are introduced to Mr. Watts.

2. You are introducing Mr. Watts to somebody.

3. You are meeting Mr. Watts in the afternoon.

4. You are parting with Mr. Watts.
4. Sum up what the text says about handshaking.
5. Say what you know about handshaking here, in our country.

Business is a word that is commonly used in many languages. Traditionally, business simply meant exchange or trade for things people wanted or needed. Nowadays, the concept and activities of business have increased. One definition of business is production, distribution, and sale of goods or services for a profit. To examine this definition, let us look at its different parts.

First, production is the creation of services or processing of materials into products. Example is the conversion of iron ore into metal car parts. Next, these products need to be moved from the plant to the marketplace. This is known as distribution. A car might be moved from a plant in Germany to a car dealership in Poland. Third is the sale of goods and services. Sale is the exchange of a product or service for money. A car is sold to someone in exchange for money.

Goods are products that people either need or want; for example, cars can be classified as goods. Services, on the other hand, are activities that a person or group perform for another person or organization. For example, an auto mechanic performs a service when he repairs a car. A barber renders a service when he cuts your hair.

Business, then, is a combination of all these activities: production, distribution, and sale. However, there is another important factor, i.e., creation of profit or economic surplus. A major goal in the functioning of any business company is making a profit. Profit is the money that remains after all the expenses are paid. Creating an economic surplus or profit is, therefore, a primary goal of business activity.

The three traditional forms of business are the sole proprietorship, the partnership, and the corporation. The sole proprietorship means going into business for oneself. All one needs is some knowledge about the business, start-up capital and knowledge of regulations. ТЫ partnership is an association of two or more people involved in business under a written partnership agreement. The corporation is the legal entity having a right to issue stock certificates. The people who own such stock certificates (or shares) are called stockholders/ shareholders. They in fact own the corporation.
1. Find the answers to the following questions in the text:

1. What is one modern definition of business?

2. What does distribution involve?

3. What differ goods from services?

4. What are the constituents of business?

5. What is profit?

6. Give the three forms of business.

2. Vocabulary


бизнес, дело, коммерческое предприятие




доставка, распределение


продажа, реализация









expenses/ expenditures/ costs

расходы, издержки


1) обмен, 2) биржа


определение, дефиниция



sole proprietorship

индивидуальное предпринимательство





start-up capital

стартовый капитал

legal entity

юридическое лицо

physical entity/ individual

физическое лицо




1) основной капитал, акция (Am. E.), 2) запас


1) доля, квота, 2) акция (Br. E.)

stockholder (Am. E.)/ shareholder (Br. E.)



















основной, первостепенный




вообще, в общем пользовании

3. Приведите в соответствие термины и их перевод.









sole proprietorship







индивидуальное предпринимательство
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Методические указания по аудиторному и внеаудиторному чтению и переводу, развитию навыков устной и письменной речи для студентов III курса Специальность 38. 02. 01 Экономика и бухгалтерский учет (по отраслям) iconМетодические указания и контрольные задания для студентов заочного...
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