Деловой английский язык

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ТипПояснительная записка
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5.1. Find in the text synonyms to the following words:

1) to venture;

2) to set a goal;

3) profit;

4) crucial;

5) to avoid;

6) reward;

7) fateful;

8) self-confidence;

9) trait;

10) self-expression.

5.2. Find antonyms to the following words:

1) self-confidence;

2) success;

3) frequently;

4) to reach objective;

5) decrease;

6) innovative;

7) to wind up business;

8) accountable.

5.3. Match the words from the column A with the words from the column B:


high risk; pursuit of aim;

dramatic; changes;

stead fast; loan;

self-reliant; business;

viable; takers;

strict; nature;

startup; preparation;

potential for; disciplinarians;

strict; diverse.

profit; responsibilities

Check the meaning of the expressions with the explanations given below:

1)______________________ жизнеспособный, перспективный бизнес;

2)______________________ человек, полагающийся на себя;

3)______________________ разнообразные обязанности;

4)______________________ люди, четко выполняющие поручения;

5)______________________ крупные, важные перемены;

6)______________________ ссуда на формирование начального капитала;

7)______________________ возможность получения прибыли;

8)______________________ люди, умеющие рисковать по-крупному;

9)______________________ заблаговременная подготовка.
5.4. Translate the words given in Russian and them in the gaps:

1. Also, remember that there is no___________________for the owner-manager of a business (оплачиваемый отпуск по болезни).

2. A successful entrepreneur is able to set_____________________that are challenging but attainable (ясные цели).

3. A high level of____________________is important to meet the intense demands of running a business (запас жизненных сил, выносливость).

4. For some,_____________________is tragic; for others, it is an opportunity to begin anew (провал).

5. Launching a new always carries some risk of failure (рискованное начинание или предприятие).

6. Innovation is generally the most entrepreneurial trait (характерный, отличительный).

7. The first job of the entrepreneur is to bring about _____________________(целенаправленные изменения).

8. Rather than being content with reaching goals, successful entrepreneurs continually set new goals to themselves (бросать вызов).

9. Another reason for the dearth of minority entrepreneurs is _____________________(предубеждение, предвзятость).
5.5. Fill the gaps with the verbs given in brackets in the proper grammar forms:

1. The Labour Ministry said Wednesday that the average number of hours worked weekly by Japanese employees fell below 40 last year for the first time since its survey (to begin) nearly two decades ago.

2. When the ministry began the survey in 1975, the average time worked each week (to be) 42 hours and eight minutes.

3. Ten years later, the workweek was down to 41 hours and 45 minutes, and it (to fall) steadily since.

4. As a result, companies have had to try to reduce costs by cutting down the hours (to work) by each employee.

5. Ben Fox (to learn) the hard way since setting up in London last year what he claims is Britain's first hot pasta home delivery service.

6. When he (to be made redundant) in 1989 from Pizza Piazza, the fast food chain where he was development manager. Fox decided to set up his own fast food business.

7. Most of the banks Fox approached (to turn) their noses up at the idea.

8. (To set up) a business, if you are not careful, can suck up money faster than it can be counted.

9. Fox (to install) a fax machine and bought books of pre-printed sheets of his own design on which companies could fax lunchtime orders.

10. Pasta (to be chosen) because there are few, if any, home delivery services of spaghetti, rigatoni and other variations of the Italians favourite dish.
5.6. Fill the gaps in the text with the words given below:

Foresee, exploding, trends, breakthrough, keener, irregularities, retailing,

consumers, opportunities, enterprise.
A Look at the Future

What will tomorrow be like? What products and services will -----1----- want 10 or 20 years from now? Which industries will lend themselves to entrepreneurial adventure?

Looking into the future is high art. Knowledge is now --------2-------- so quickly that

industry leaders must look five, ten, or twenty years ahead just to keep up. In fact, our store of knowledge is doubling every 5 years, or several hundred times faster than in the 1920s. By contrast, in the Stone Age, human knowledge doubled every 100,000 years.

Futurists --------3------ a world far different from today's. For example, the year 2000 is likely to see a ---------4-------- in entrepreneurship education. The federal government is already committed to promoting 'entrepreneurial education in the free --------5------- system in high schools as well as in colleges.

There are some --------6-------- in entrepreneurial opportunities. From now until the

year 2000 and beyond, more entrepreneurial opportunities than ever before can be

expected. Competition surely will be ------7-----------, but it will be so healthy as to

stimulate the birth of new ventures.

This optimism must be tempered, however, by the knowledge that some industries are rapidly passing out of the hands of small business into those of big business - as seems to be happening with personal computers. Trends toward bigness are bound to affect many areas of manufacturing, some areas of --------8--------- and wholesaling, and a few areas of services.

But new entrepreneurial opportunities will more than offset such trends. In fact, even

older industries, usually viewed as backward, offer entrepreneurial------9-------.

Two such industries are textiles arid insurance. Both are changing so rapidly that they are now part of the high-technology revolution. For example, in the textile industry, cloth is being cut by laser beams and looms are driven by computers programmed to duplicate the -------10--------of hand weaving. And insurance firms now offer a wide variety of policies that would have been impossible before the arrival of computers.
5.7. Translate from Russian into English:

1. Если люди решают заниматься бизнесом самостоятельно, они делают это по веским причинам.

2. Психологи говорят, что предпринимателями обычно являются люди из семей, где родители предъявляют к детям высокие требования.

3. Предприниматели часто бывают детьми людей, у которых было свое собственное дело.

4. Женщины довольно быстро добиваются успеха в предпринимательстве.

5. Женщины поломали традиции и заняли отрасли, в которых раньше доминировали мужчины.

6. Если предприниматель преуспеет, его доходы могут быть высокими, если нет, возможно, потерять все сбережения.

7. Генри Форд два раза потерпел неудачу, прежде чем основал компанию «Форд».

8. Многие мужчины и женщины становятся предпринимателями в среднем возрасте, когда они сталкиваются с тем, что никогда не займут руководящую должность, не напишут пьесу для Бродвея и не заработают миллион долларов.

5.8. Match the word with its definition:

1) to innovate;

a) working for oneself;

2) performance;

b) the money required to start or to expand a business;

3) capital;

c) to make the necessary arrangements for opening a business;

4) self-employed;

d) a person who starts his or her own business;


e) results obtained over a period of time;

6) property;

f) to make changes and to introduce new ideas;

7) to set up;

g) the building or land owned by an individual or an organization;

8) entrepreneur.

i) an agreement which lets someone use building or land for a specific period of time.

5.9. Agree or disagree with the following statements:

1. Most of men and women who want to become entrepreneurs succeed.

2. Most of the people do not like the satisfaction of being their own bosses

3. The entrepreneur uses given resources to run the business.

4. In order to derive a benefit an entrepreneur must create something new.

5. Entering business entrepreneurs know that success is not guaranteed and they can lose their money.

6. In fact, in a small business the tasks of long range planning, policy making and the relations of the company with the outside world are done by many hired managers.

7. Entrepreneurship most likely to be welcomed in small business.

8. Entrepreneurs tend to be children from families in which parents become an example of owners.
5.10. Translate from Russian into English:

Общая характеристика предпринимателей

Какие люди становятся предпринимателями? Какой характеристикой должен обладать успешный предприниматель? Являются ли предпринимательские качества врожденными или их можно приобрести?

Вот некоторые качества, которые, как считают предприниматели и психологи, нужны, чтобы достигнуть предпринимательского успеха.

1. Непрерывная постановка цели: способность ставить цели, сложные, но достижимые: проверять, действительно ли они (цели) совпадают с вашими интересами и ценностями, так же как и с вашими личными и профессиональными желаниями.

2. Упорство, т.е. огромное желание достигнуть целей, даже ценой самопожертвования, и постоянная настойчивость.

3. Знание своего дела: предприниматель должен понимать основные принципы ведения дела, т. е. знать, что должны делать менеджеры, партнеры и служащие, чтобы сохранять бизнес жизнеспособным. Также требуется знание по маркетингу, бухгалтерскому учету, налогообложению, финансированию и менеджменту.

4. Умение справляться с неудачей: извлекать опыт из неудач так, чтобы подобных проблем можно было избежать в будущем.

Это только несколько качеств предпринимателя. Сюда можно также отнести: инициативу, новаторство, терпение, самоуверенность, энергию, физическое и эмоциональное здоровье, умение справляться со стрессом, ответственность, умение общаться с людьми и многое другое. Так что, прежде чем становиться предпринимателем, хорошо подумайте.

Small business denies an easy definition. Typically, we apply the term small business to so-called mom-and-pop stores, such as neighborhood groceries and restaurants, and the term big business to such giants as IBM and General Motors. But nearly all U.S. businesses fall between these two extremes. They are viewed as big or small depending on the yardstick and cutoff point used. And there are a number of common yardsticks:

Total asserts. The total cash, inventory, land, machinery, and other resources a business holds.

Owners' equity - the total investment made by investors, often referred to as capital. In a corporation, investors are generally the shareholders who buy stock; creditors are generally those who either lend money or supply credit.

Yearly sales revenues

Number of employees

Each yardstick has points in its favor, but number of employees has more than any of the others. Among other things, this yardstick is:

Inflation-proof. It is not affected by changes in the dollar's purchasing power.

Transparent. It is easy to see and understand.

Comparable. It allows good comparisons of size among businesses in the same industry.

Available. It is easy to get from businesses.

If we accept number of employees as the yardstick of size, what should the cutoff point be? The U.S. Department of Commerce recommends 500, which is also the figure widely used by chambers of commerce. Accordingly, in this textbook we call a business small if it employs fewer than 500 persons, unless noted otherwise. Almost all definitions require some qualifications, and ours is no exception. To qualify as small, a business should employ fewer than 500 persons and should not be part of another business. In short, it must be independently owned and managed. This second qualification rules out many franchises. For, an investor who buys a franchise must often, live up to numerous contractual obligations, such as keeping certain store hours, paying monthly fees to the franchiser, and preparing monthly performance reports. In these cases, the true boss is the franchiser, not the franchisees.

SBNs definitions of smallness for selected industries:

Manufactures Employing fewer than

Petroleum refining 1,500 persons

Electronic computers 11000

Macaroni and spaghetti 500
Wholesalers Employing fewer than

Sporting goods 500 persons

Furniture 500

Paint and varnishes 500
Retailers Employing fewer than

Groceries 13.5 million a year

Automobile dealerships 11.5

Restaurants 10
Services Employing fewer than

Accounting $12. 5 million a year

Television repair 4.0

Computers 4.5
Small business

A sole proprietorship is a business owned by person. Sole proprietorships are the most numerous kind of business organization, but most are very small. The reason of their popularity its that they are the easiest and least costly to organize.

There are other advantages. Sole proprietors own all the profits of their enterprises, and they are their "own bosses", free to make whatever changes they please. They have minimum legal restrictions and do not have to pay the special taxes placed on corporations. Sole proprietors also have the opportunity to achieve success and recognition through their individual efforts.

There are also some disadvantages. A very seyous one is the unlimited liability that each proprietor faces. All debts and all problems associated with the business belong to the owner. If a business fails, the owner must personally assume the debts. This could mean the boss of personal property such as automobiles, homes and savings. The second disadvantage of the sole proprietorship is that it has limited capital. The money that a proprietor can raise is limited by the amount of his or her savings and ability to borrow.

Small business face many problems. Bad economic times affect small business more than they do big business. In addition, small business profits tend to fall faster, and small businesses are more likely to fail. The larger the firm is, the better the chance it has of surviving. The four top problems facing small business at the time are: taxes, slow sales, the high cost of borrowing money and competition from other business. On the bright side, the innovativeness of entrepreneurs in small business is likely to enable a small business to react quickly and successfully to changing times.

Where is entrepreneurship most likely to be welcomed? The answer is in small business. In fact, the word "entrepreneur" is frequently used to define a small business owner, since the owners of small business usually carry out many of the functions of those businesses themselves. In large business the tasks of organizing and operating are done by many hired managers. 3. There are numerous reasons people think about owning a business of their own. Personal independence, unlimited profit potential; the opportunity to work at something they really love and at hours they choose are some of the reasons people have given for trying entrepreneurship. Many business leaders begin their careers as entrepreneurs after four years of undergraduate college training and even additional graduate school training. Others become successful entrepreneurs without special training. Sole trader or sole proprietor is the simplest way of starting a business. You are self-employed and entirely responsible for all aspects of running your own business. This is especially suitable for small retail business.
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