Деловой английский язык

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English for business


Домодедово 2008

81.2 Англ. ББК

802.0(075.8) УДК


Business English. Деловой английский язык: электронная версия учебного пособия по изучению делового английского языка для студентов гуманитарных ВУЗов и тех, кто изучает актуальные аспекты экономики, управления, менеджмента и предпринимательства на современном этапе. – Домодедово, 2008. – 105 с.
Автор - составитель:

к.п.н., доц. Белова Н.М., зав. кафедрой иностранных языков Филиала Российского государственного гуманитарного университета (РГГУ) в г. Домодедово

Рецензенты: к.фил.н., доц. Е.В. Талыбина, доцент филологического факультета Российский университет дружбы народов (РУДН)
доц. И.И. Павловец, акад. Международной академии астронавтики, зав. кафедрой иностранных языков и литературы Московского авиационного института (государственного технического ун-та)
к.и.н., проф. В.П. Ермаков, декан факультета государственной службы и управления Пятигорского государственного лингвистического университета (ПГЛУ)
© Филиал Российского государственного гуманитарного университета

в г. Домодедово

© Н.М. Белова
Пояснительная записка…………………………………….……………4
Unit I. The Nature of Business Activity...................................................5
Unit II. Types of Production……………….………..............................14
Unit III. Wants and Economies…………………….………….............22
Unit IV. The Management of Business and the Types of Business Organisations………………………………………………....................28
Unit V. Enterpreneurship………………………………………...........45
Unit VI. Definitions of Small Business.................................................54
Unit VII. Partnership……………..........................................................68
Supplementary Texts……………………….............................................74
Список рекомендованной литературы…….…...................................104

Пояснительная записка
Данное пособие по английскому языку предназначено для студентов экономических специальностей, изучающих деловой английский язык. Оно может использоваться руководителями фирм и предприятий для самостоятельного изучения делового английского языка, а также всеми, кто интересуется вопросами экономики, управления, менеджмента, предпринимательства.

Цель его – научить студентов чтению, пониманию оригинальных текстов, взятых из английских, американских книг, журналов, газет, адаптированных к российской действительности, умению извлекать из печатных источников информацию, необходимую для их будущей специальности, помочь всем желающим овладеть лексикой и практически использовать ее в деловых ситуациях, в процессе разговора и делового общения в рамках изучаемой дисциплины.

Учебное пособие состоит из разделов (I-VII UNITS) и построено по тематическому принципу. Собранные в разделах (I-VII UNITS) тексты для чтения охватывают все сферы современной деловой жизни и ведения бизнеса, информативны и обладают достаточной объяснительной способностью. Каждый раздел имеет вокабуляр, систему коммуникативных упражнений к текстам, контролирующие грамматические, лексические и языковые навыки и умения, помогающие развивать речевые навыки профессионального общения.

Приложение содержит тексты для дополнительного чтения, которые носят обучающий и познавательный характер, а также способствуют формированию финансового менталитета обучаемых (Financial Intelligence Quotient), что немаловажно в современных рыночных условиях; содержит бизнес глоссарий (разъяснения), аббревеатуры (сокращения), что может оказаться полезным для понимания тестов и заданий и обеспечит высокую степень усвоения и активизации материала, хороший уровень устных навыков и создаст прочную базу для дальнейшего углубленного изучения английского языка.

What is business activity?
Human life is an endless succession of "wants". From the day of our ruin to the day of our death we "want" things. The new-born baby wants to be sashed, fed every few hours, kept warm and sheltered, etc. Everyone needs warmth, food, clothing, shelter and medical care. These are just the basic - requirements to keep us alive and well. There are millions more things we all "want" which, while they are not essential, are part of the way of life we have born into.

How do all these things that we want, both goods and services, become available? The answer is - by business activity. It is business that produces the food, clothing, shelter, furniture, etc., that we all need. It supplies us with all our means of transport, from the simple bicycle to the airliner. It provides all our entertainment, from children's comics to the television programmes.

Business activity may be defined as any activity that creates goods or services to satisfy human "wants".

Business activity is sometimes described as "wealth-creating" activity. The "wealth" we are talking about is an abundance of goods and services. When cars led off the production line every thirty seconds, or batches of bread come piping hot and golden brown from the ovens of some huge bakery - that is wealth. All nations have to overcome problems of transport, distribution, warehousing and marketing to bring the goods that have been produced to the consumers who "want" them. When we think of services it is often the other way round. We have to move the people to the services. We need ambulances to take them to hospital, air or road transport to get them to the dentist, or to college or university, etc.

Finally, note that business activity never ceases. We engage in business activity so that we can satisfy human "wants". When we do satisfy these "wants" the very act of satisfaction consumes the useful good or service created and we must start again to supply a further batch.

Economists say that “consumption” destroys production, and we must go back to the beginning again and start another cycle of production. It goes from "wants" through "enterprise", "production", "distribution" and "marketing" to "consumption and satisfaction", and back to "wants" again, as consumption destroys production.

business activity – производственная деятельность

basic requirements – основные требования

essential – основные, основной

to supply with – обеспечивать чем-либо

means of transport – средства передвижения

entertainment – развлечения

goods – товары

services – услуги

to satisfy «wants» - удовлетворять требования

satisfaction – удовлетворение

to create – создавать

wealth – достаток, богатство

abundance – изобилие

production line – конвейер

distribution – распределение

warehouse – хранилище, склад

to consume – потреблять

consumer – потребитель

consumption – потребление

enterprise – предприятие

production – производство
1.1 Find Russian translations of the following words and phrases of the text:

I) endless succession;

2) shelter;

3) food;

4) clothing;

5) to provide;

6) to define;

7) to roll off;

8) bakery;

9) injection;

10) to overcome problems;

11) the other way round.
1.2 Find Russian equivalents to the following words and phrases of the text:

1) удовлетворять потребности;

2) товары;

3) основные требования;

4) создавать;

5) распределение;

6) потребитель;

7) обеспечивать чем-либо;

8) потребление и удовлетворение.

1.3. True or false statements. After reading the text agree or disagree with the following statements:

1. Warmth, food, clothing and shelter are not the basic requirements to keep us active and well.

2. All the things we want become available by business activity.

3. There are no problems of transport in business activity.

4. We engage in business activity so that we can satisfy human "wants".

5. Consumption destroys and creates production.
1.4. Fill the gaps in the text with the words given below:

Business activity, production, activity, consumption, satisfy "wants", creates,


1. Business is a wealth-creating ....

2. Wealth means an ... of goods and services.

3. Business activity ... goods and services to ...

4. ... is the using and enjoying of goods and services.

5. Consumption destroys ..., and we have to start a new circle of... .
1.5.Translate the sentences from Russian into English using the Vocabulary of the text:

1. Богатство не означает только деньги; оно означает изобилие товаров и услуг.

2. Производство - это деятельность, создающая достаток.

3. Производственная деятельность создает товары и услуги, чтобы удовлетворять человеческие потребности.

4. Мы хотим товары и услуги с момента нашего рождения до дня нашей смерти.

5. Всем нациям приходится преодолевать трудности транспортировки, распределения, хранения и маркетинга, чтобы доставить товары, которые были произведены, потребителям, которые хотят их.


Land is anything that has been provided by nature as an endowment of resources, which is available for use. The most obvious type of "land" is geographical land. We use it for farming, forestry, factories and housing estates. We tunnel into it to extract metallic ores, chemicals of various sorts, oil, coal, water, sulphur, salt and countless other products We domesticate wild plants and set up rubber plantations, sugar plantations, etc.

Another kind of'land' is the waters of the sea fend the fruits of the sea. We no longer go whaling, but we still fish; we collect lobsters, we harvest seaweed for fertilisers; we trap sea water in shallow lagoons to make salt; we are beginning to mine the oceans for metallic ores; we trap tides to generate electricity and we are working to use wave power as an inexhaustible power supply.

Yet other kinds of "land" are the gases of the atmosphere. We can obtain them all by refrigeration processes which separate them off, because they turn to liquids at different temperatures. Oxygen is useful, so are carbon dioxide, nitrogen and the inert gases, helium, neon, argon, etc.

All these resources known by the general term 'land' are gifts of nature. They are called primary products (first products) because they have been here from the very beginning of time. If an entrepreneur is a primary producer it means he/she harvests the bounties of nature. Thus fishing, drilling for oil and natural gas, farming, forestry, dairy farming, poultry keeping, rubber planting and similar activities are all primary production.
entrepreneur – предприниматель

to combine – соединять, совмещать

factors of production – факторы производства

to be available for use – быть пригодным к употреблению

farming – фермерство

forestry – лесное хозяйство

to extract – добывать

metallic ores – железная руда

oil – нефть

coal – уголь

to domesticate – культивировать

to go whaling – охотится на китов

to harvest seaweed – собирать урожай морских растений

fertilisers - удобрения

to generate electricity – вырабатывать электроэнергию

inexhaustible power supply – неистощимый источник энергии

to separate something off – отделять чего-либо

to turn to liquids – превращаться в жидкости

gifts of nature – дары природы

primary products – первичные продукты

to harvest the bounties of nature – пожинать дары природы

dairy farming – молочное животноводство

primary production – первичное производство
1.6. Find English equivalents to the following words and phrases of the text:

1) лесное хозяйство;

2) нефть;

3) окультуривать;

4) удобрения;

5) предпринимать;

6) факторы производства;

7) вырабатывать электричество;

8) прилив.
1.7. Find Russian translations of the following words and phrases of the text:

1) to harvest seaweed;

2) shallow lagoons;

3) to mine the ocean;

4) refrigeration;

5) to obtain;

6) to set up;

7) oxygen;

8) poultry keeping;

9) dairy fanning;
1.8. True or false statements. After reading the text agree or disagree with the following statements:

1. The factors of production are two things - land and capital.

2. Land is anything that has been provided by nature.

3. The only type of "land" is geographical land.

4. We harvest seaweed to generate electricity.

5. All the resources known as "land" are gifts of nature.
1.9. Rewrite the following sentences in Passive Voice:

1. We call land, labour and capital the factors of production.

2. We use geographical land for farming, forestry, etc.

3. We harvest seaweed for fertilizers.

4. We can obtain the gases of the atmosphere by refrigeration processes.

5. We know all these resources by the general term "land".
1.10. Fill the gaps in the text with the words given below:

Liquids, domesticate, farming, labour, land, capital, gifts of nature.

1. We use land for....

2. We ... wild plants.

3. ... are called the factors of production..

4. All resources known by the general term 'land' are....

5. The gases of the atmosphere turn to ... at different temperature.

Labour and capital


Labour is the human factor of production. It has been said that we need not worry when a new "mouth" is born into the world, for it brings two hands to work for it. There are 5,000 million people in the world, most of them having some degree of skill and many of them so gifted that there is no work they cannot perform. We have bridged the mightiest rivers, made the waves and the air our servants for transport purposes, set satellites m space and sent probes to distant planets. We also make a lot of clothes, grow a lot of food, build a lot of houses, make innumerable furnishings, etc. We are cleaner than our ancestors, richer than our ancestors, healthier than our ancestors - yet even so there is a lot still to do. When the entrepreneur sets out to create goods and services he/she looks for help from other people.


Capital is the third resource. It is a much-misunderstood word. Many people think of capital as money, but it is nothing of the sort Capital is the stock of tools and equipment that one period of production hands on to the next period, to enable production to take place.

In business, money is called liquid capital. It is liquid because it can flow anywhere. We can give it to a bridge-builder to make a bridge, or a cement manufacturer to build a cement works, or to a local authority to set up a school. As they spend the liquid capital it turns into fixed capital, a bridge, a cement works or a school. Once you've fixed it you can't unfix it again for a hundred years or so when the bridge finally collapses, or the cement works is worn out, or the school is too old and inconvenient for further use. human factor to perform work ancestors
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