Учебное пособие с методическими указаниями и тестами для текущего и промежуточного контроля для студентов заочного отделения

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Методические указания для выполнения контрольной работы № 4 по дисциплине «Английский профессиональный язык» 6 семестр

Контрольная работа составлена в соответствии с Рабочей программой учебной дисциплины «Английский профессиональный язык» по направлению подготовки 43.03.03 Гостиничное дело. Для подготовки к выполнению контрольной работы студентам рекомендуется изучить материал по следующим темам:

  • Гостиничные цепи

  • Особенности обслуживания в гостиницах типа Хайят, Мариотт, Ритц-Карлтон и т.д.

  • Понятие франчайзинга

  • Учет социально-культурных особенностей гостей при обслуживании в гостиницах

  • Понятие «Межкультурная коммуникация»

  • Организация службы питания в гостинице

  • Основные планы питания

  • Обслуживание в номере

  • Заказ столика в ресторане. Заказ еды по меню.

  • Типы питания в гостинице

  • Современное состояние гостиничной индустрии

  • Понятие индустрии гостеприимства, характеристики индустрии гостеприимства, отличие от индустрии туризма и их взаимосвязь

В процессе подготовки студентам рекомендуется выполнить задания для самостоятельной работы из учебного пособия “ProfessionalEnglishforHospitality” (автор Петрашевская Е.Г.) 6 семестр для заочного обучения.

Контрольная работа № 4

Hotel chains

  1. Choose the variant that best completes the statement or answers the question.

  1. One of the most important advantages of the hotel chains is having the resources to …

  1. spend more money on advertising

  2. get more money for salaries

  3. waste money

  4. pay less amounts of money for taxes

  1. The chains can spread the cost for advertising among …

  1. all of their employees

  2. all of their customers

  3. аll of their member units

  4. all of their sponsors

  1. The top staff people are usually experienced hotelmen who can …

  1. effectively control the operations of the individual units

  2. always do whatever they want

  3. come to their work any time they like

  4. spend hotel money on their personal needs

  1. The practice of every-year-changing locations for holding the conventions is very attractive to …

  1. people applying for hotel jobs

  2. many sponsoring groups

  3. hotel staff

  4. citizens of the chosen city





(4 балла)

  1. Give the English equivalents to the following word combinations.

  1. быстрое строительство гостиниц ____________________________

  2. появление сетей отелей ____________________________________

  3. дочерняя компания ________________________________________

  4. конкурентоспособные преимущества _________________________

  5. персонал по развитию связей с общественностью _______________________________________________________

  6. стандартизация оборудования и процессов управления _________________________________________________________

  7. подробное руководство-справочник _________________________

  8. выдача компанией лицензии на производство или продажу товара под ее маркой _____________________________________________

  9. расширение сети отелей ____________________________________

  10. иметь доступ к информации по исследованию рынка ________________________________________________________

  11. централизованная система бухучета и аудита __________________

(11 баллов)

  1. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form.

The Baglioni Hotels Group currently (consist) of 14 luxury boutique hotels in Italy, France and the UK (position) in prime locations (include) Rome’s Via Veneto, Venice’s Piazza San Marco, Milan’s Via Della Spiga, the Champagne and Côte D’Azur regions in France and London’s Kensington. In Italy and in the UK the Group (operate) under the Baglioni name and (include) four hotels that are members of the prestigious “The Leading Hotels of the World” chain, while in France all its hotels are part of the exclusive Relais & Chateaux collection.






(5 баллов)

  1. Translate the text into English.

Hilton Hotels & Resorts является четвёртой по величине международной сетью отелей, принадлежащей корпорации Hilton Hotels Corporation. Компания была основана в 1919 году.


В 1943 году Hilton Hotels стала первой сетью отелей действующей на обеих побережьях США.


В 2010 году компания управляла сетью из 540 отелей в 76 странах мира на шести континентах.


Компания делает акцент на бизнес-поездки, но также владеет и управляет множеством предназначенных для отдыха гостиниц расположенных в курортных зонах по всему миру.

Под управлением компании Hilton Hotels & Resorts имеются гостиницы для разных категорий путешественников: роскошные отели с полным спектром услуг, отели для отдыха в курортных зонах, гостиницы средней ценовой категории.



Interpersonal communication

  1. Complete the texts with the words from the box.

  1. Etiquette and the tourism industry

  1. mutual understanding b. quality service etiquette c. interpersonal contacts d. demand

During a visit, there are always 1_______including contacts between tourists, tourists between tourism staff, and tourists between local residents of the host country. These contacts are diversified in nature, we need “etiquette” to manage our behavior, enhance 2 ________ and friendship.

Tourism industry must provide tourists with 3 _________ in addition to the provision of tangible products and services such as transportation services, accommodation services and recreational facilities. Quality service etiquette aims to help tourism services staff to understand the different types of protocol, courtesy, manners and ceremony. Therefore, quality customer service etiquette is one of the essential factors for tourism industry in meeting the customers’ 4 _______ for service satisfaction.





  1. Etiquette and Taboos

  1. differences b. a service staff c. taboos d. observe the customs

e. satisfactory services d. consumption patterns

The differences of cultural traditions and values vary in accordance to the differences between countries, regions, nationalities and economic development. In addition, tourists are different in terms of employments, genders, ages and lifestyles, which in turn have differences in their 1 _________. In order to provide tourists with 2 _________, tourism staff should have a good understanding of these 3_______. For example, Westerners treat the number “13” as ominous. Japanese also avoid the number “13”, but their reason is not due to the number itself, instead it is related to the sum of “1” and “3”, which makes “4”. In Japanese, the pronunciation of “4” is similar to that of “death”. If 4 _______ presents 4 pieces of gifts to a Japanese customer, it would be regarded as a curse. Some nationalities have 5 _____ about colors. For example, black is the color used in funerals in Europe and the US; blue is unlucky in the eyes of Belgians; in Brazil purple is sadness. Therefore, it is important to 6 _______ and taboos of a region before going abroad. „







  1. Middle East

  1. tourist area b. closed с. religions d. conservative

The Middle East is a vast region made up of a variety of countries. Some countries such as Lebanon is one of the most Europeanized countries in the Middle East, but some Islamic countries such as Saudi Arabia is quite 1_______. In terms of tourism, the Middle East is not a very popular 2 ______ due to complicated political issues. Nevertheless, Middle East countries always present a mysterious ambience that attracts people. When traveling to these countries, tourists should pay extra attention to the local 3_____. For example, in Saudi Arabia, women would cover their entire body except their eyes. The Jewish Sabbath begins from sunset on Friday to sunset of the next day every week. During this period, all government offices, banks and offices in Jerusalem would be 4______. In Afghanistan, when people greet each other, they shake hands or hug each other twice. Tourists should never wear clothes with star patterns when travelling in the Middle East. It is because star is the symbol of the Israeli flag. It will easily offend local people.





f. Europe

  1. European etiquette b. style dining c. alcoholic drinks

  1. interpersonal communication g. pick up h. juices

The principle of “Lady first” is stressed in 1________. “Sorry” and “Thank you” are the most frequently used expressions in 2 _______ and socialized occasions. There are certain table manners to observe in European 3______. For example, toothpicks are generally not provided on tables. If you bring your own toothpicks, do not use them in front of others. It is better to use them in the washroom if you really need to. Never 4 _____ the plates to eat, however, silverware and glassware are allowed. Europeans seldom drink water during meals, and they are usually served with 5 _______. People who do not want alcoholic drinks are usually served with 6 ______. In Europe, say “Excuse me” when you pass by others at a narrow space. But instead of jostling, you should turn your body to face those who are seated and move along slowly. Similar to the Americans, Europeans address people by names directly once they know each other. It is impolite to address others by “You”. „







(20 баллов)

Food & Beverage Service

  1. Read the text and answer the questions.

The Catering Department

At the head of the catering department is the catering manager.

The catering department is separate from the food and beverage department. It has got different functions.

The caterer provides different services from the restaurant.

The restaurant serves small groups of customers. A caterer arranges and prepares parties, banquets, large group meals.

The caterer has to deal with large quantities of food and beverages.

The caterer must also manage the employees who work at those gatherings.

Conventions always require this kind of service. Conventions are assemblies of professionals, businessmen or government officials. They get together to exchange ideas and information. Conventions use a lot of hotel facilities and catering services.

Experts have come to the conclusion that the success of a convention may strongly depend on a well-run banquet.

The catering business hasn’t yet reached its peak. The number of conventions has grown and volume of catering services has also grown. Conventions will continue to increase. That’s why the need for catering services will increase, too.


  1. How do the catering department and the food and beverage department differ?


  1. What does the caterer have to deal with?


  1. What are conventions?


  1. What may the success of a convention depend on?


  1. Why will the need for catering services will increase?


(5 баллов)

  1. Write the sentences in the Passive voice.

  1. We call foodservice for special events catering.


  1. In catering they prepare food in one place and serve it in another.


  1. They prepared food in kitchens operated by the caterer and delivered it to the airline before its departure.


  1. The airplane’s flight service crew is serving the catered food right now.


  1. Many institutions have bought complete frozen meals from a caterer this month.


  1. In addition to the meal itself the caterers sometimes provide drinks, a staff, dishes, cutlery, napery and assistance with all arrangements that the customer require.


  1. Many hotels will offer special foodservices to the guests to attract conventions and banquets.


  1. Guests can order Room service by telephone from a menu in each room.

  2. In large hotels special employees take the telephone orders and a special staff delivers the food.


  1. Some hotels install minibars in the rooms and use vending machines in the hallways.


(10 баллов)

  1. Translate into English.

  1. Служба общественного питания обеспечивает обслуживание гостей в ресторанах, кафе или барах гостиницы, решает вопросы по организации и обслуживанию банкетов, презентаций и других праздничных мероприятий.


  1. При организации питания туристов используются различные методы обслуживания: а ля карт, табльдот, шведский стол. При методе обслуживания а ля карт гости делают предварительный заказ и обслуживаются в установленный промежуток времени.


  1. Метод табльдот предполагает обслуживание гостей в одно и то же время по одному и тому же меню.


  1. Шведский стол представляет собой широкий выбор блюд со
    свободным доступом: можно взять все, что угодно, в желаемом количестве из того, что предложено и выставлено.


  1. Предприятия питания предлагают туристам разнообразные дополнительные услуги: организацию торжеств, питание в номере, сервис на этаже, мини бары в номере и др.

  1. Гостиничный ресторан работает несколько иначе, чем обычный ресторан.


  1. Время работы гостиничного ресторана должно быть таким, чтобы удовлетворять потребности подавляющего большинства постояльцев, даже если для этого в отдельные часы работа ресторана не будет приносить прибыли.


  1. При этом до 70 % гостей отеля не обедают в гостиничном ресторане и до 50 % не ужинают в нем, а 2/3 дохода ресторана поступают от сторонних посетителей.


  1. Формула успеха ресторанного бизнеса – это сочетание хорошей еды, хорошего сервиса и разумной ценовой политики.


  1. Но для достижения этого сочетания требуется отслеживать массу дрyгих параметров (сроки приготовления пищи, санитарные нормы, издержки производства, предпочтения клиентов, конкуренция соседних ресторанов и т.д.).


(10 баллов)

Hospitality Industry

  1. Complete the text with the words derived from the ones given in the right-hand column.

Indian Hospitality Industry

Hospitality industry in India is one of the (1) ______
growing industries of the country. While there are many Indian names like Oberoi, Taj, Leela, ITC that have already (2) ______ a big market share; international brands are also on a spree of expansion. India has seen a huge growth in its hospitality sector in recent years.

Almost all the big brands have (3) _____ hundreds tothousands of new rooms in their room inventory andmost of them have (4) _______ plans for expansion.Hospitality industry has (5) _______ a fourfold growthsince 2000. One of the important (6) _______ of thisgrowth is that India has (7) ______ as one the popularbusiness destinations in South Asia. Growth in IT as wellas India’s potential to become one of the (8) _______tourist destinations in the world (9) _____ all majorglobal hospitality brands towards India. Today, India
(10) ______ more than 30 hotel brands, which are
(11) _______ even in the small towns of the country.


















  1. баллов)

  1. а.Read the text. Match the headlines with the paragraphs.

  1. Europe

  2. Inns for Travelers

  3. Restaurants

  4. Introduction

  5. Modern Hotels

  1. Travelers throughout the world have always sought hospitable places to rest and eat. Although modern hotels feature conveniences such as televisions, en suite showers and minibars, they fulfil the same purpose as ancient inns and boarding houses. The history of hotel and restaurant management goes back many years but has always involved the essential concept of hospitality. The term «hospitality» derives from «hospice», meaning a place of rest for travelers and pilgrims.

  2. From the beginning of the 17th century, enterprising individuals built and developed inns across America to serve the needs of pioneers traveling across the country. These inns initially offered only basic facilities, but then as competition grew, they began providing more extensive services for those prepared to pay more.

  3. Modern hotels, built with the sole purpose of providing hotel accommodation, launched in American cities at the end of the 18th century. New York’s first hotel, the City Hotel, opened in 1792. At the beginning of the 19th century, America’s first five star hotel, the TremontHouse in Boston, began welcoming guests. Single or double rooms,featuring lockable doors, washing bowls and free soap, appealed to wealthy travelers. Many famous hotels, such as the Waldorf Astoria, opened in the 1920s. Over the course of the 20th century, business
    organizations and corporations took over ownership and management
    of most of the large hotels in the country. Hotel management training
    courses were originally broad based, but have evolved over the years to
    offer more specialized courses for students who plan to work in one of
    the many spheres of hospitality management.

  4. Originally, simple taverns for travelers served a limited range of food
    and drinks in basic surroundings. In 1670, the first American coffee
    house opened in Boston, and served nonalcoholic drinks to customers.
    During the 19th century, an increasing number of restaurants opened
    across the United States in both cities and towns. Restaurateurs welcomed the wide availability of commercially frozen food during the
    1950s, and this led to more affordable menus. The 1970s heralded the
    opening of fast food franchises, still popular today. The skills of restaurant managers have changed over the years, and most restaurant chainsand franchises now run their own training programs.

  5. In the Middle Ages, European monasteries and abbeys first opened their
    doors to offer hospitality to travelers. Over time, business people took overthe management of many of these inns. During the 19th century, the Industrial Revolution heralded the opening of hotels in Europe’s major cities. The owners of many of these hotels aimed to attract wealthy travelers by building intricate and ornate buildings. Throughout the 20th century, hotels sprang up across Europe in mountain and resort regions. The European hospitality industry is a growing industry and encourages its managers to develop an international approach to hotel and restaurant management.






(5 баллов)

10 в. Answer the questions.

        1. What’s the origin of the word “hospitality”?


        1. How was the hospitality industry developed in the USA?




        1. Why was there the wide availability of commercially frozen food in American restaurants in the 50s?




        1. In what way did the Industrial Revolution contribute to tourism and hospitality industry development in Europe?




        1. What is European hospitality industry like?




(5 баллов)

  1. Translate into English.

  1. Историческое зарождение массового гостиничного промысла
    берет свое начало в Древнем Риме, где появляется разветвленная сеть постоялых дворов и таверн в городах и вдоль дорог огромной территории Римской империи.


  1. Первые гостиницы (караван сараи), как и сама профессия по обслуживанию путешествующих людей, возникли в далеком прошлом, более чем за 2 тыс. лет до н.э., в древневосточной цивилизации.


  1. Со времен Древней Греции и особенно Древнего Рима получили
    развитие таверны, предназначенные для путешествующих торговцев и артистов, паломников и странников.


  1. Древняя гостиница состояла из ограждения для лошадей и двух
    этажного здания, в котором на первом этаже располагалась та
    верна, а на втором – спальни.


  1. Эпохи Ренессанса и Просвещения ослабили религиозные мотивы путешествий.


  1. Английские гостиницы являлись родоначальниками туристских
    комплексов на соответствующих тем временам качественном и
    количественном уровнях оказания услуг.


  1. Европейские придорожные гостиницы одновременно служили
    центрами развлечения для местных жителей, в которых они
    проводили время, предаваясь различным азартным играм.


  1. Возникновение постоялых дворов в Северной Америке было
    связано с появлением европейских переселенцев.


  1. В конце XIX – начале XX в. в крупных городах Европы и Америки
    появились роскошные гостиницы, рассчитанные на удовлетворение спроса со стороны новых миллионеров и старой знати, для
    которых путешествия стали модным времяпрепровождением.


(9 баллов)

Перечень вопросов для подготовки к экзамену

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Учебное пособие с методическими указаниями и тестами для текущего и промежуточного контроля для студентов заочного отделения iconМетодическое пособие для студентов третьего курса очного и заочного...
Вопросы к экзамену, практические задания, список источников и литературы для студентов третьего курса очного и заочного отделения...

Учебное пособие с методическими указаниями и тестами для текущего и промежуточного контроля для студентов заочного отделения iconЕ. В. Ежова практикум по уголовному праву
Практикум по уголовному праву. Особенная часть: Учебное пособие для студентов заочного отделения. Уфа: риц башГУ, 2013. –81 с

Учебное пособие с методическими указаниями и тестами для текущего и промежуточного контроля для студентов заочного отделения iconЕ. В. Ежова практикум по уголовному праву
Практикум по уголовному праву. Особенная часть: Учебное пособие для студентов заочного отделения. Уфа: риц башГУ, 2013. –81 с

Учебное пособие с методическими указаниями и тестами для текущего и промежуточного контроля для студентов заочного отделения iconМетодические указания и контрольные задания для студентов заочного...
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Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов заочного обучения экономических специальностей

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