Учебное пособие с методическими указаниями и тестами для текущего и промежуточного контроля для студентов заочного отделения

НазваниеУчебное пособие с методическими указаниями и тестами для текущего и промежуточного контроля для студентов заочного отделения
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  1. What aspects does the hospitality industry deal with?

  2. What three branches does the hospitality industry subdivided into?

  3. What criteria are used in hotel classifications?

  4. How are hotels classified by virtue of location/by virtue of prices/virtue of services offered ?

  5. Why do restaurants play an important role in the society?

  6. When was the first restaurant opened?

  7. What does the word “restaurant” mean? Who was “the father of modern restaurants?

  8. How did it happen that the French culinary traditions became world-known?

  9. What factors does the successful operation of the restaurant depend on?

  10. What does the words “positioning” and “concept” mean in the restaurant business?

  11. What criteria are used in the restaurant classification?

  12. What’s the difference between a full-service restaurant and a specialty restaurant?

  13. What types of services are used in luxury and casual restaurants?

  14. What is a French service/ Russian service/ a buffet service/ an American service? English service?

  15. What does the toursim business deal with?

  16. What travel companies are considered to be tourism promoters?

  1. Speak about the hospitality industry using the following chart.

  1. Read the text, find in it the Russian equivalents for the following topical words and phrases:

The front of the house, the back of the house, housekeeping, a food and beverage division, stewarding, to have a corporate counterpart, immediate superior, revenue and cost centers, dedication, quality control, places of glamour, a cast of players.

Главной функцией отеля является предоставление временного жилья людям, оказавшимся вне своего дома. С точки зрения гостя отель можно разделить на две зоны: жилые помещения и служебные. В жилой зоне происходят его контакты со служащими. Это холлы, коридоры, бары и рестораны. Служебные помещения – это невидимый мир администраторов, прачек, уборщиков и т.д. Фактически отель состоит из нескольких предприятий, каждое из которых ведет учет своих доходов и устанавливает свои цены. Ежедневно тысячи товаров и услуг реализуются отелем. Работа каждого специализированного подразделения требует добросовестности со стороны соответствующего отдела, чтобы множество мелких дел выполнялось как надо. Успех этой работы зависит от согласованности действий огромного количества разных людей.

Годфри Блер, управляющий элегантного 800-комнатного отеля «Генерал Эйзенхауэр», называет гостиничное дело «бизнесом, состоящим из мелочей». Другое умное замечание по этому поводу сделал Мэтью Фокс: «Если в гостиничном бизнесе игнорировать мелкие просчеты, они превращаются в крупные».

Журналисты часто называют отели «дворцами». Некоторые из них настолько шикарны, что действительно напоминают дворцы (например такие, как HoteldelCoronadoв Сан-Диего), другие – более функциональные. В любом случае у каждой гостинице есть свое лицо. Оно создается совместными всех членов трудового коллектива. Для избравших гостиничный бизнес своей профессией нет ничего более стимулирующего, чем атмосфера роскошного отеля.

  1. Read the text again, find in it the information about the following questions and answer them.

  1. Into what parts is a hotel divided from the point of view of its guest?

  2. What happens in the front of the house and in its support areas?

  3. What departments are responsible for food preparation and maintenance of the support areas?

  4. What qualities are essential in order to do thousands of little things all the time? What happens if the “little things” are ignored?

  5. Why is glamour an important part of the hotel business?

  6. How is the hotel’s personality created?

  1. Read and translate the text.

The History of the Hospitality Industry

Hotel and restaurant management are bundled together in the industry known as the hospitality industry. Hospitality comes from the French
word hospice, meaning to take care of those travelling and provide food
and shelter for the weary. The history of the hospitality industry dates back
to early 40BC. Hospitality has changed dramatically through the years in
response to influences of wars, economic fluctuations, and social changes.
The earliest record of the hospitality industry lies with the Romans. Roman men traveled on business and were the first to travel for leisure as well. After the disruption of the Roman Empire, much of the hospitality industry fell to religious orders such as monasteries who welcomed travelers. With the increased use of the stagecoach, English travelers stayed in inns, which were actually private homes that provided a room and meal.

The Renaissance Period marked a new era of the hospitality industry
with the opening of Hotel de Henry IV in 1788. This was the first actual
hotel offering 60 beds to weary travelers. During this period, coffee houses also became a popular gathering place for communities. As settlers from all different parts of the world made their way to the New World (the United States), places to eat, drink and sleep began appearing throughout the colonies. The French Revolution also motivated many French to leave their home country and head to the United States. That time changed and shaped the culinary world, as we know it today. Escoffier, a world famous chef, created the hierarchy of chefs, known as the Brigade system that restaurant kitchens still follow today.

During the 19th century, the explosion of the luxury hotel era began. Hotels like the Savoy built in London in 1898 and Delmonico’s in New York City catered to the rich and elite. The early 1900s is known as the Grand Period of hotels since a great number of large and luxurious hotels were built during that time. It was also the time when hotels introduced modern conveniences. In 1880 the Sagamore Hotel on Lake George in New York was the first to have electricity in all its rooms.

The Victoria Hotel in Kansas City offered private bathrooms in each room while the Netherland Hotel in New York City was the first to provide a telephone in each room.

With the increase and ease of travel, the 20th century brought many changes and advances to the hospitality industry. Casual dining became popular and the introduction of franchising allowed such chains as White Castle, TGI Fridays and Chilis to dominate the restaurant scene. No longer were restaurants considered a place for only the rich and elite. Hotels also experienced growth due to mass
tourism, higher salaries and more people living longer and being able to enjoy their retirement years.

Although the hospitality industry experienced some periods of downturn its position remains considerably strong.

Vocabulary list

hospitality гостеприимство

to be bundled together бытьвзаимосвязанным

to provide обеспечивать

weary уставший

increased возросший

response ответ

to influence влиять

leisure отдых, досуг

inn таверна

to appear появляться

to create создавать

hierarchy иерархия

culinary кулинарный

chef шефповар

explosion взрыв, быстрыйрост

luxury роскошь

to cater to обслуживать

to introduce представлять

convenience удобство

private bathroom ваннаякомнатавномере

advanceуспех, прогресс


to dominate доминировать

to consider рассматривать

to experience испытывать

due to благодаря, изза

salary зарплата

retirement пенсия

to remain оставаться

  1. Are the following statements true or false?

  1. Hospitality comes from the French word hospice, meaning to take care of those travelling and provide for the wealthy.

  2. The history of this industry began at the beginning of 40BC.

  3. The Renaissance Period marked a new era for the hospitality industry
    with the opening of Hotel de Henry VI in 1788.

  4. As settlers from all different parts of the world made their way to America, places to eat, drink and sleep began appearing throughout the colonies.

  5. In the 19th century, the outburst of the luxury hotel era began.

  6. In 1880, the Sagamore Hotel on Lake George in New York was the last to have electricity in all its rooms.

  7. The increase and ease of travel in the 20th century led to many changes in the hospitality industry.

  1. Answer the questions:

  1. What is the hospitality industry?

  2. What does the French word “hospice” mean?

  3. What factors lead to the changes of the industry?

  4. When did it all start?

  5. Who were the first travelers?

  6. What is the importance of the Renaissance Period?

  7. Where did first travelers stay?

  8. When did the era of luxury hotels begin?

  9. What modern conveniences appeared in the 19 century?

  10. What makes the industry remain strong?

10. Give the Russian equivalents.

date back to; change dramatically through the years; in response to; travel on business; travel for leisure; welcome travelers; provide a room and meal; cater to the rich and elite; introduce modern conveniences; bring many changes

  1. Give the English equivalents.

неразрывно связаны; экономическая нестабильность; религиозное общество; ознаменовали новую эру; появляться во всех колониях; заставили покинуть родину; создал иерархию поваров; рост и удобство передвижения; доминировать в ресторанном бизнесе; переживала упадок

12. Match the words with their definitions.

  1. management

  1. religious

  1. increase

  1. chain

  1. settler

  1. experience

  1. someone who goes to live in a place where not
    many people live, and starts to make it into a

  2. knowledge and skill that is gained through time spent doing a job or activity

  3. a number of shops, hotels, cinemas etc. owned or managed by the same company or person

  4. the role of conducting and supervising a business

  5. believing strongly in your religion and carefully obeying its rules

  6. to become greater or more in size, quantity,
    number, degree, value, intensity, power,
    authority, reputation, wealth; to grow

  1. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

management religious increase chains settlers experience

  1. We’re looking for someone with (1) ______ as a hotel manager.

  2. Some hotels cater to small and large (2) ______ groups and gatherings.

  3. The first hotel (3)______appeared in the late 30s of the 20th century in the USA.

  4. A small hotel normally consists of a small core (4) _______ team consisting of the General Manager and a few key department managers who
    directly handle day to day operations.

  5. They are going to (5) _______ the number of suites for the potential
    guests of the hotel.

  6. The early (6) ________ would have walked into Britain across an ancient land bridge that once divided the North Sea from the Atlantic and
    connected the country to what is now mainland Europe.

14. Complete the sentences using the information from the text.

  1. Settlers from all different parts of the world made their way to the New
    World (the United States), places to eat, drink and sleep began appearing _______the colonies.

  2. Hotels also experienced growth _______ mass tourism, higher salaries
    and more people living longer and being able to enjoy their retirement

  3. With the increased use of the stagecoach, English travelers stayed in
    inns, which were actually private homes that _______ a room and

  4. Much of the hospitality industry fell to religious orders such as monasteries who _______ travelers.

  5. Hotel and restaurant management are _______ together in the industry known as the hospitality industry.

  6. Casual dining became popular and the introduction of franchising allowed such chains as White Castle, TGI Fridays and Chilis to ______
    the restaurant scene.

  7. It was also the time when hotels introduced modern _______.

  1. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English:

  1. Гостиничный сервис является важной частью индустрии туризма.

  2. Туризм и гостеприимство тесно связаны между собой, поскольку путешественникам всегда нужно место для размещения и питания.

  3. Размещение зависит от времени года, поскольку экономическая деятельность гостеприимства носит сезонный характер, и размещение всегда подразумевает большую изменчивость своих структур.

  4. Успех туризма во многом зависит от качества гостеприимства и потребительских услуг, а также от эффективности деятельности служащих отеля.

  5. Структура гостиничного продукта представлена следующими составными частями: здания гостиниц, центров отдыха или лагеря, круизные суда, дачные дома или дачные поселки, на приносящие прибыли общежития и детские лагеря отдыха.


  1. What aspects does the hospitality industry deal with?

  2. What three branches does the hospitality industry subdivided into?

  3. What criteria are used in hotel classifications?

  4. How are hotels classified by virtue of location/by virtue of prices/virtue of services offered ?

  5. Why do restaurants play an important role in the society?

  6. When was the first restaurant opened?

  7. What does the word “restaurant” mean? Who was “the father of modern restaurants?

  8. How did it happen that the French culinary traditions became world-known?

  9. What factors does the successful operation of the restaurant depend on?

  10. What does the words “positioning” and “concept” mean in the restaurant business?

  11. What criteria are used in the restaurant classification?

  12. What’s the difference between a full-service restaurant and a specialty restaurant?

  13. What types of services are used in luxury and casual restaurants?

  14. What is a French service/ Russian service/ a buffet service/ an American service? English service?

  15. What does the toursim business deal with?

  16. What travel companies are considered to be tourism promoters?

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